// // Copyright 2011-2012 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // module vita_tx_deframer #(parameter BASE=0, parameter MAXCHAN=1, parameter USE_TRANS_HEADER=0) (input clk, input reset, input clear, input clear_seqnum, input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data, // To FIFO interface of Buffer Pool input [35:0] data_i, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o, output [5+64+16+(32*MAXCHAN)-1:0] sample_fifo_o, output sample_fifo_src_rdy_o, input sample_fifo_dst_rdy_i, output [31:0] current_seqnum, // FIFO Levels output [15:0] fifo_occupied, output fifo_full, output fifo_empty, output [31:0] debug ); localparam FIFOWIDTH = 5+64+16+(32*MAXCHAN); wire [1:0] numchan; setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE), .at_reset(0), .width(2)) sr_numchan (.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),.out(numchan),.changed()); reg [3:0] vita_state; wire has_streamid, has_classid, has_secs, has_tics, has_trailer; assign has_streamid = (data_i[31:28]==4'b0001); assign has_classid = data_i[27]; assign has_secs = ~(data_i[23:22]==2'b00); assign has_tics = ~(data_i[21:20]==2'b00); assign has_trailer = data_i[26]; wire is_sob = data_i[25]; wire is_eob = data_i[24]; wire eof = data_i[33]; reg has_streamid_reg, has_classid_reg, has_secs_reg, has_tics_reg; reg has_trailer_reg, is_sob_reg, is_eob_reg; reg [15:0] pkt_len; reg [1:0] vector_phase; wire line_done; wire [31:0] seqnum = data_i; reg [31:0] seqnum_reg; wire [31:0] next_seqnum = seqnum_reg + 32'd1; wire [3:0] vita_seqnum = data_i[19:16]; reg [3:0] vita_seqnum_reg; wire [3:0] next_vita_seqnum = vita_seqnum_reg[3:0] + 4'd1; reg seqnum_err; assign current_seqnum = seqnum_reg; // Output FIFO for packetized data localparam VITA_TRANS_HEADER = 0; localparam VITA_HEADER = 1; localparam VITA_STREAMID = 2; localparam VITA_CLASSID = 3; localparam VITA_CLASSID2 = 4; localparam VITA_SECS = 5; localparam VITA_TICS = 6; localparam VITA_TICS2 = 7; localparam VITA_PAYLOAD = 8; localparam VITA_STORE = 9; localparam VITA_TRAILER = 10; localparam VITA_DUMP = 11; wire [15:0] hdr_len = 2 + has_streamid_reg + has_classid_reg + has_classid_reg + has_secs_reg + has_tics_reg + has_tics_reg + has_trailer_reg; wire vita_eof = (pkt_len==hdr_len); wire eop = eof | vita_eof; // FIXME would ignoring eof allow larger VITA packets? wire fifo_space; always @(posedge clk) if(reset | clear | clear_seqnum) begin seqnum_reg <= 32'hFFFF_FFFF; vita_seqnum_reg <= 4'hF; end else begin if((vita_state==VITA_TRANS_HEADER) & src_rdy_i) seqnum_reg <= seqnum; if((vita_state==VITA_HEADER) & src_rdy_i) vita_seqnum_reg <= vita_seqnum; end // else: !if(reset | clear_seqnum) always @(posedge clk) if(reset | clear) begin vita_state <= (USE_TRANS_HEADER==1) ? VITA_TRANS_HEADER : VITA_HEADER; {has_streamid_reg, has_classid_reg, has_secs_reg, has_tics_reg, has_trailer_reg, is_sob_reg, is_eob_reg} <= 0; seqnum_err <= 0; end else if(src_rdy_i & dst_rdy_o) begin //valid read case(vita_state) VITA_TRANS_HEADER : begin seqnum_err <= ~(seqnum == next_seqnum); vita_state <= VITA_HEADER; end VITA_HEADER : begin {has_streamid_reg, has_classid_reg, has_secs_reg, has_tics_reg, has_trailer_reg, is_sob_reg, is_eob_reg} <= {has_streamid, has_classid, has_secs, has_tics, has_trailer, is_sob, is_eob}; pkt_len <= data_i[15:0]; vector_phase <= 0; if(has_streamid) vita_state <= VITA_STREAMID; else if(has_classid) vita_state <= VITA_CLASSID; else if(has_secs) vita_state <= VITA_SECS; else if(has_tics) vita_state <= VITA_TICS; else vita_state <= VITA_PAYLOAD; seqnum_err <= seqnum_err | ~(vita_seqnum == next_vita_seqnum); end // case: VITA_HEADER VITA_STREAMID : if(has_classid_reg) vita_state <= VITA_CLASSID; else if(has_secs_reg) vita_state <= VITA_SECS; else if(has_tics_reg) vita_state <= VITA_TICS; else vita_state <= VITA_PAYLOAD; VITA_CLASSID : vita_state <= VITA_CLASSID2; VITA_CLASSID2 : if(has_secs_reg) vita_state <= VITA_SECS; else if(has_tics_reg) vita_state <= VITA_TICS; else vita_state <= VITA_PAYLOAD; VITA_SECS : if(has_tics_reg) vita_state <= VITA_TICS; else vita_state <= VITA_PAYLOAD; VITA_TICS : vita_state <= VITA_TICS2; VITA_TICS2 : vita_state <= VITA_PAYLOAD; VITA_PAYLOAD : begin //step through each element until line done, then reset vector_phase <= (line_done)? 0: vector_phase + 1; //decrement the packet count after each line pkt_len <= (line_done)? pkt_len - 1 : pkt_len; //end of frame reached, determine next state //otherwise, keep processing through the payload if (line_done && vita_eof) begin if (eof) begin vita_state <= (USE_TRANS_HEADER==1) ? VITA_TRANS_HEADER : VITA_HEADER; end else if (has_trailer_reg) begin vita_state <= VITA_TRAILER; end else begin vita_state <= VITA_DUMP; end end //line_done && vita_eof end //end VITA_PAYLOAD VITA_TRAILER : if(eof) vita_state <= (USE_TRANS_HEADER==1) ? VITA_TRANS_HEADER : VITA_HEADER; else vita_state <= VITA_DUMP; VITA_DUMP : if(eof) vita_state <= (USE_TRANS_HEADER==1) ? VITA_TRANS_HEADER : VITA_HEADER; VITA_STORE : ; default : vita_state <= (USE_TRANS_HEADER==1) ? VITA_TRANS_HEADER : VITA_HEADER; endcase // case (vita_state) end //valid read assign line_done = (vector_phase == numchan); wire [FIFOWIDTH-1:0] fifo_i; reg [63:0] send_time; always @(posedge clk) case(vita_state) VITA_TICS : send_time[63:32] <= data_i[31:0]; VITA_TICS2 : send_time[31:0] <= data_i[31:0]; endcase // case (vita_state) //sample registers for de-framing a vector input reg [31:0] sample_reg [1:0]; always @(posedge clk) if(src_rdy_i && dst_rdy_o) sample_reg[vector_phase] <= data_i[31:0]; wire store = (vita_state == VITA_PAYLOAD)? (src_rdy_i && line_done) : 0; assign dst_rdy_o = (vita_state == VITA_PAYLOAD)? fifo_space : 1; fifo_short #(.WIDTH(FIFOWIDTH)) short_tx_q (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .datain(fifo_i), .src_rdy_i(store), .dst_rdy_o(fifo_space), .dataout(sample_fifo_o), .src_rdy_o(sample_fifo_src_rdy_o), .dst_rdy_i(sample_fifo_dst_rdy_i) ); //assign registered/live data to the samples vector //the numchan'th sample vector is muxed to live data wire [(32*MAXCHAN)-1:0] samples; generate genvar i; for (i=0; i < MAXCHAN; i = i +1) begin : assign_samples wire live_data = (i == (MAXCHAN-1))? 1 : numchan == i; assign samples[32*i + 31:32*i] = (live_data)? data_i[31:0] : sample_reg[i]; end endgenerate // sob, eob, has_tics (send_at) ignored on all lines except first assign fifo_i = {samples,seqnum_err,has_tics_reg,is_sob_reg,is_eob_reg,eop, 12'd0,seqnum_reg[3:0],send_time}; assign debug = { { 8'b0 }, { 8'b0 }, { eof, line_done, store, fifo_space, src_rdy_i, dst_rdy_o, vector_phase[1:0] }, { has_secs_reg, is_sob_reg, is_eob_reg, eop, vita_state[3:0] } }; endmodule // vita_tx_deframer