# # Copyright 2008 Ettus Research LLC # ################################################## # xtclsh Shell and tcl Script Path ################################################## #XTCLSH := /opt/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/bin/lin/xtclsh XTCLSH := xtclsh ISE_HELPER := ../tcl/ise_helper.tcl ################################################## # Project Setup ################################################## BUILD_DIR := build/ export TOP_MODULE := passthru export PROJ_FILE := $(BUILD_DIR)$(TOP_MODULE).ise ################################################## # Project Properties ################################################## export PROJECT_PROPERTIES := \ family "Spartan-3A DSP" \ device xc3sd1800a \ package cs484 \ speed -4 \ top_level_module_type "HDL" \ synthesis_tool "XST (VHDL/Verilog)" \ simulator "ISE Simulator (VHDL/Verilog)" \ "Preferred Language" "Verilog" \ "Enable Message Filtering" FALSE \ "Display Incremental Messages" FALSE ################################################## # Sources ################################################## export SOURCE_ROOT := ../../../ export SOURCES := \ top/u1e_passthru/passthru.ucf \ top/u1e_passthru/passthru.v ################################################## # Process Properties ################################################## export SYNTHESIZE_PROPERTIES := \ "Number of Clock Buffers" 6 \ "Pack I/O Registers into IOBs" Yes \ "Optimization Effort" High \ "Optimize Instantiated Primitives" TRUE \ "Register Balancing" Yes \ "Use Clock Enable" Auto \ "Use Synchronous Reset" Auto \ "Use Synchronous Set" Auto export TRANSLATE_PROPERTIES := \ "Macro Search Path" "$(shell pwd)/../../coregen/" export MAP_PROPERTIES := \ "Allow Logic Optimization Across Hierarchy" TRUE \ "Map to Input Functions" 4 \ "Optimization Strategy (Cover Mode)" Speed \ "Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs" "For Inputs and Outputs" \ "Perform Timing-Driven Packing and Placement" TRUE \ "Map Effort Level" High \ "Extra Effort" Normal \ "Combinatorial Logic Optimization" TRUE \ "Register Duplication" TRUE export PLACE_ROUTE_PROPERTIES := \ "Place & Route Effort Level (Overall)" High export STATIC_TIMING_PROPERTIES := \ "Number of Paths in Error/Verbose Report" 10 \ "Report Type" "Error Report" export GEN_PROG_FILE_PROPERTIES := \ "Configuration Rate" 6 \ "Create Binary Configuration File" TRUE \ "Done (Output Events)" 5 \ "Enable Bitstream Compression" TRUE \ "Enable Outputs (Output Events)" 6 \ "Unused IOB Pins" "Pull Up" export SIM_MODEL_PROPERTIES := "" ################################################## # Make Options ################################################## all: @echo make proj, check, synth, bin, or clean proj: PROCESS_RUN="" $(XTCLSH) $(ISE_HELPER) check: PROCESS_RUN="Check Syntax" $(XTCLSH) $(ISE_HELPER) synth: PROCESS_RUN="Synthesize - XST" $(XTCLSH) $(ISE_HELPER) bin: PROCESS_RUN="Generate Programming File" $(XTCLSH) $(ISE_HELPER) clean: rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)