// // Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // `timescale 1ns / 10ps // // CY7C1356 // Simulatiom of Verilog model // // // // test bench for US vector input // // // define speed 166MHz `define tx10 #6 `define tx08 #4.8 `define tx05 #3 `define tx04 #2.4 `define tx02 #1.2 /* `define tx10 #4.0 // period `define tx08 #3.2 //0.8 period `define tx05 #2.0 //0.5 period 250MHZ `define tx04 #1.6 //0.4 period `define tx02 #0.8 //0.2 period `define tx10 #4.4 // period `define tx08 #3.52 //0.8 period `define tx05 #2.2 //0.5 period 225MHZ `define tx04 #1.76 //0.4 period `define tx02 #0.88 //0.2 period `define tx10 #5 // period `define tx08 #4 //0.8 period `define tx05 #2.5 //0.5 period 200MHZ `define tx04 #2.0 //0.4 period `define tx02 #1.0 //0.2 period */ module rw_test; `define num_vectors 126 `define impi {a[15:0],io[15:0],tsti[15:0],cenb,ce1b,ce2,ce3b,bweb,bwb,adv_lb} reg [57:1] lsim_vectors [1:`num_vectors]; reg clk; reg adv_lb; reg ce1b; //cs1b reg ce2; //cs2 reg ce3b; //cs3b reg [1:0] bwb; reg bweb; reg oeb; reg ftb; reg mode; //lbob reg cenb; //zz reg tp42; //sclk reg tp39; //se reg tp38; //tm reg [19:0] a; reg [17:0] io; reg [17:0] tsti; reg vddq; reg vssqr; reg iosel; wire [17:0] d = iosel ? io[17:0] : 18'bz; reg noti3; reg strb,j; integer vector,i; cy1356 testram ( d, clk, a, bwb, bweb, adv_lb, ce1b, ce2, ce3b, oeb, cenb, mode); initial begin $dumpfile("dumpfile.dump"); $dumpvars(0,rw_test); end initial begin io = 18'bz; ftb = 1; oeb = 0; a[19:16] = 4'h0; mode = 0; strb = 0; tp38 = 0; tp39 = 0; tp42 = 0; `tx02; forever `tx05 strb = ~strb; end initial begin clk = 0; forever `tx05 clk =~clk; end initial begin $readmemb("cy1356.inp", lsim_vectors); //load input vector file `impi = lsim_vectors[1]; //apply 1st test vector for (vector = 2; vector <= `num_vectors; vector = vector + 1) @(posedge strb) begin `impi = lsim_vectors[vector]; io[16:13] = io[07:04]; io[12:09] = io[07:04]; io[07:04] = io[03:00]; io[03:00] = io[03:00]; io[17] = io[16] ^^ io[15] ^^ io[14] ^^ io[13] ^^ io[11] ^^ io[11] ^^ io[10] ^^ io[9]; io[8] = io[7] ^^ io[6] ^^ io[5] ^^ io[4] ^^ io[3] ^^ io[2] ^^ io[1] ^^ io[0]; tsti[16:13] = tsti[07:04]; tsti[12:09] = tsti[07:04]; tsti[07:04] = tsti[03:00]; tsti[03:00] = tsti[03:00]; tsti[17] = tsti[16] ^^ tsti[15] ^^ tsti[14] ^^ tsti[13] ^^ tsti[11] ^^ tsti[11] ^^ tsti[10] ^^ tsti[9]; tsti[8] = tsti[7] ^^ tsti[6] ^^ tsti[5] ^^ tsti[4] ^^ tsti[3] ^^ tsti[2] ^^ tsti[1] ^^ tsti[0]; if (io === 18'hxxxxx) iosel = `tx05 0; else iosel = `tx05 1; end #15 $finish; // This prevents simulation beyond end of test patterns end always@(posedge clk) begin if (io !== 18'hxxxxx) //input cycle begin $display("NOTICE : 001 : line = %d OK",vector -1); end else //do the test begin if (d == tsti) begin $display("NOTICE : 002 : line = %d OK",vector -1); end else begin j =0; for (i =0;i< 18; i=i+1) begin if(tsti[i] !== 1'bx) begin if (d[i] !== tsti[i]) j = 1; end else j = 0; end if (j) $display("ERROR *** : 003 : line = %d data = %b test = %b",vector -1,d,tsti); else $display("NOTICE : 003 : line = %d OK",vector -1); end end end endmodule