*************************** Cypress Semiconductor MPD Applications Verilog model for NoBL SRAM CY7C1356 Created: August 04, 2004 Rev: 1.0 *************************** This is the verilog model for the CY7C1356 along with the testbench and test vectors. Contact support@cypress.com if you have any questions. This directory has 4 files. including this readme. 1)cy7c1356c.v -> Verilog model for CY7C1356c 2)cy1356.inp -> Test Vector File used for testing the verilog model 3)testbench.v -> Test bench used for testing the verilog model COMPILING METHOD : ------------------ verilog +define+<speed_bin> <Main File> <Test bench File> Ex: verilog +define+sb133 CY7C1356c.v testbench.v VERIFIED WITH: -------------- VERILOG-XL 2.2