module packet_router #(parameter BUF_SIZE = 9) ( //wishbone interface for memory mapped CPU frames input wb_clk_i, input wb_rst_i, input wb_we_i, input wb_stb_i, input [15:0] wb_adr_i, input [31:0] wb_dat_i, output [31:0] wb_dat_o, output reg wb_ack_o, output wb_err_o, output wb_rty_o, input stream_clk, input stream_rst, //input control register input [31:0] control, //output status register output [31:0] status, output sys_int_o, //want an interrupt? // Input Interfaces (in to router) input [35:0] ser_inp_data, input ser_inp_valid, output ser_inp_ready, input [35:0] dsp_inp_data, input dsp_inp_valid, output dsp_inp_ready, input [35:0] eth_inp_data, input eth_inp_valid, output eth_inp_ready, // Output Interfaces (out of router) output [35:0] ser_out_data, output ser_out_valid, input ser_out_ready, output [35:0] dsp_out_data, output dsp_out_valid, input dsp_out_ready, output [35:0] eth_out_data, output eth_out_valid, input eth_out_ready ); assign wb_err_o = 1'b0; // Unused for now assign wb_rty_o = 1'b0; // Unused for now always @(posedge wb_clk_i) wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & ~wb_ack_o; //which buffer: 0 = CPU read buffer, 1 = CPU write buffer wire which_buf = wb_adr_i[BUF_SIZE+2]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPU interface to this packet router //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire [35:0] cpu_inp_data; wire cpu_inp_valid; wire cpu_inp_ready; wire [35:0] cpu_out_data; wire cpu_out_valid; wire cpu_out_ready; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communication interfaces //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire [35:0] com_inp_data; wire com_inp_valid; wire com_inp_ready; wire [35:0] com_out_data; wire com_out_valid; wire com_out_ready; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // status and control handshakes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire cpu_out_hs_ctrl = control[0]; wire cpu_inp_hs_ctrl = control[1]; wire master_mode_flag = control[2]; wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_inp_line_count = control[BUF_SIZE-1+16:0+16]; wire cpu_out_hs_stat; assign status[0] = cpu_out_hs_stat; wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_out_line_count; assign status[BUF_SIZE-1+16:0+16] = cpu_out_line_count; wire cpu_inp_hs_stat; assign status[1] = cpu_inp_hs_stat; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communication input source crossbar // When in master mode: // - serdes input -> comm output combiner // - ethernet input -> comm input inspector // When in slave mode: // - serdes input -> comm input inspector // - ethernet input -> null sink //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //streaming signals from the crossbar to the combiner wire [35:0] crs_inp_data; wire crs_inp_valid; wire crs_inp_ready; //connect the com input signals assign com_inp_data = (master_mode_flag)? eth_inp_data : ser_inp_data; assign com_inp_valid = (master_mode_flag)? eth_inp_valid : ser_inp_valid; //connect the crossbar input signals assign crs_inp_data = ser_inp_data; assign crs_inp_valid = (master_mode_flag)? ser_inp_valid : 1'b0; //connect the crossbar ready signals assign eth_inp_ready = (master_mode_flag)? com_inp_ready : 1'b1/*null sink*/; assign ser_inp_ready = (master_mode_flag)? crs_inp_ready : com_inp_ready; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communication output sink crossbar // When in master mode: // - comm output -> ethernet output // - insp output -> serdes output // When in slave mode: // - com output -> serdes output // - insp output -> null sink //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //streaming signals from the inspector to the crossbar wire [35:0] crs_out_data; wire crs_out_valid; wire crs_out_ready; //connect the ethernet output signals assign eth_out_data = com_out_data; assign eth_out_valid = (master_mode_flag)? com_out_valid : 1'b0; //connect the serdes output signals assign ser_out_data = (master_mode_flag)? crs_out_data : com_out_data; assign ser_out_valid = (master_mode_flag)? crs_out_valid : com_out_valid; //connect the crossbar ready signals assign com_out_ready = (master_mode_flag)? eth_out_ready : ser_out_ready; assign crs_out_ready = (master_mode_flag)? ser_out_ready : 1'b1/*null sink*/; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communication output source combiner // - DSP framer // - CPU input // - Crossbar input //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //streaming signals from the dsp framer to the combiner wire [35:0] dsp_frm_data; wire dsp_frm_valid; wire dsp_frm_ready; //dummy signals to join the the muxes below wire [35:0] _combiner_data; wire _combiner_valid; wire _combiner_ready; fifo36_mux _com_output_source( .clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(1'b0), .data0_i(dsp_frm_data), .src0_rdy_i(dsp_frm_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(dsp_frm_ready), .data1_i(cpu_inp_data), .src1_rdy_i(cpu_inp_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(cpu_inp_ready), .data_o(_combiner_data), .src_rdy_o(_combiner_valid), .dst_rdy_i(_combiner_ready) ); fifo36_mux com_output_source( .clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(1'b0), .data0_i(_combiner_data), .src0_rdy_i(_combiner_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(_combiner_ready), .data1_i(crs_inp_data), .src1_rdy_i(crs_inp_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(crs_inp_ready), .data_o(com_out_data), .src_rdy_o(com_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(com_out_ready) ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface CPU output to memory mapped wishbone //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_SOF = 0; localparam CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_EOF = 1; localparam CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI = 2; localparam CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_LO = 3; reg [1:0] cpu_out_state; reg [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_out_addr; assign cpu_out_line_count = cpu_out_addr; wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_out_addr_next = cpu_out_addr + 1'b1; wire cpu_out_reading = ( cpu_out_state == CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_SOF || cpu_out_state == CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_EOF )? 1'b1 : 1'b0; wire cpu_out_we = cpu_out_reading; assign cpu_out_ready = cpu_out_reading; assign cpu_out_hs_stat = (cpu_out_state == CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; RAMB16_S36_S36 cpu_out_buff( //port A = wishbone memory mapped address space (output only) .DOA(wb_dat_o),.ADDRA(wb_adr_i[BUF_SIZE+1:2]),.CLKA(wb_clk_i),.DIA(36'b0),.DIPA(4'h0), .ENA(wb_stb_i & (which_buf == 1'b0)),.SSRA(0),.WEA(wb_we_i), //port B = packet router interface to CPU (input only) .DOB(),.ADDRB(cpu_out_addr),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(cpu_out_data),.DIPB(4'h0), .ENB(cpu_out_we),.SSRB(0),.WEB(cpu_out_we) ); always @(posedge stream_clk) if(stream_rst) begin cpu_out_state <= CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_SOF; cpu_out_addr <= 0; end else begin case(cpu_out_state) CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_SOF: begin if (cpu_out_ready & cpu_out_valid & (cpu_out_data[32] == 1'b1)) begin cpu_out_state <= CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_EOF; cpu_out_addr <= cpu_out_addr_next; end end CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_EOF: begin if (cpu_out_ready & cpu_out_valid & (cpu_out_data[33] == 1'b1)) begin cpu_out_state <= CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI; end if (cpu_out_ready & cpu_out_valid) begin cpu_out_addr <= cpu_out_addr_next; end end CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI: begin if (cpu_out_hs_ctrl == 1'b1) begin cpu_out_state <= CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_LO; end end CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_LO: begin if (cpu_out_hs_ctrl == 1'b0) begin cpu_out_state <= CPU_OUT_STATE_WAIT_SOF; end cpu_out_addr <= 0; //reset the address counter end endcase //cpu_out_state end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface CPU input to memory mapped wishbone //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI = 0; localparam CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_LO = 1; localparam CPU_INP_STATE_UNLOAD = 2; reg [1:0] cpu_inp_state; reg [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_inp_addr; wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_inp_addr_next = cpu_inp_addr + 1'b1; reg [BUF_SIZE-1:0] cpu_inp_line_count_reg; assign cpu_inp_data[35:32] = (cpu_inp_addr == 0 )? 4'b0001 : ( (cpu_inp_addr == cpu_inp_line_count_reg)? 4'b0010 : ( 4'b0000)); assign cpu_inp_valid = (cpu_inp_state == CPU_INP_STATE_UNLOAD)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign cpu_inp_hs_stat = (cpu_inp_state == CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; RAMB16_S36_S36 cpu_inp_buff( //port A = wishbone memory mapped address space (input only) .DOA(),.ADDRA(wb_adr_i[BUF_SIZE+1:2]),.CLKA(wb_clk_i),.DIA(wb_dat_i),.DIPA(4'h0), .ENA(wb_stb_i & (which_buf == 1'b1)),.SSRA(0),.WEA(wb_we_i), //port B = packet router interface from CPU (output only) .DOB(cpu_inp_data[31:0]),.ADDRB(cpu_inp_addr),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(36'b0),.DIPB(4'h0), .ENB(cpu_inp_ready & cpu_inp_valid),.SSRB(0),.WEB(1'b0) ); always @(posedge stream_clk) if(stream_rst) begin cpu_inp_state <= CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI; cpu_inp_addr <= 0; end else begin case(cpu_inp_state) CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI: begin if (cpu_inp_hs_ctrl == 1'b1) begin cpu_inp_state <= CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_LO; end cpu_inp_line_count_reg <= cpu_inp_line_count; end CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_LO: begin if (cpu_inp_hs_ctrl == 1'b0) begin cpu_inp_state <= CPU_INP_STATE_UNLOAD; cpu_inp_addr <= cpu_inp_addr_next; end end CPU_INP_STATE_UNLOAD: begin if (cpu_inp_ready & cpu_inp_valid) begin if (cpu_inp_data[33]) begin cpu_inp_addr <= 0; cpu_inp_state <= CPU_INP_STATE_WAIT_CTRL_HI; end else begin cpu_inp_addr <= cpu_inp_addr_next; end end end endcase //cpu_inp_state end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communication input inspector // - inspect com input and send it to CPU, DSP, or COM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM_PRE = 0; localparam COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM = 1; localparam COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS = 2; localparam COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_LIVE = 3; localparam COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS = 0; localparam COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER = 1; localparam COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH = 2; localparam COM_INSP_MAX_NUM_DREGS = 12; //padded_eth + ip + udp + vrt_hdr localparam COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET = 11; //offset to start dsp at //output inspector interfaces wire [35:0] com_insp_out_fp_this_data; wire com_insp_out_fp_this_valid; wire com_insp_out_fp_this_ready; wire [35:0] com_insp_out_fp_other_data; wire com_insp_out_fp_other_valid; wire com_insp_out_fp_other_ready; wire [35:0] com_insp_out_sp_both_data; wire com_insp_out_sp_both_valid; wire com_insp_out_sp_both_ready; //connect this fast-path signals directly to the DSP out assign dsp_out_data = com_insp_out_fp_this_data; assign dsp_out_valid = com_insp_out_fp_this_valid; assign com_insp_out_fp_this_ready = dsp_out_ready; reg [1:0] com_insp_state; reg [1:0] com_insp_dest; reg [3:0] com_insp_dreg_count; //data registers to buffer headers wire [3:0] com_insp_dreg_count_next = com_insp_dreg_count + 1'b1; wire com_insp_dreg_counter_done = (com_insp_dreg_count_next == COM_INSP_MAX_NUM_DREGS)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; reg [35:0] com_insp_dregs [COM_INSP_MAX_NUM_DREGS-1:0]; //Inspection logic: wire com_inp_dregs_is_data = 1'b1 & (com_insp_dregs[3][15:0] == 16'h800) //ethertype IPv4 & (com_insp_dregs[6][23:16] == 8'h11) //protocol UDP & (com_insp_dregs[9][15:0] == 16'd49153) //UDP data port & (com_inp_data[31:0] != 32'h0) //VRT hdr non-zero ; wire com_inp_dregs_is_data_here = com_inp_dregs_is_data & 1'b1; //TODO check for ip match wire com_inp_dregs_is_data_there = com_inp_dregs_is_data & 1'b0; //TODO check for ip mismatch //Inspector output flags special case: //Inject SOF into flags at first DSP line. wire [3:0] com_insp_out_flags = ( (com_insp_dreg_count == COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET) & (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS) )? 4'b0001 : com_insp_dregs[com_insp_dreg_count][35:32]; //The communication inspector ouput data and valid signals: //Mux between com input and data registers based on the state. wire [35:0] com_insp_out_data = (com_insp_state == COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS)? {com_insp_out_flags, com_insp_dregs[com_insp_dreg_count][31:0]} : com_inp_data ; wire com_insp_out_valid = (com_insp_state == COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS)? 1'b1 : ( (com_insp_state == COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_LIVE)? com_inp_valid : ( 1'b0)); //The communication inspector ouput ready signal: //Mux between the various destination ready signals. wire com_insp_out_ready = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS) ? com_insp_out_fp_this_ready : ( (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER)? com_insp_out_fp_other_ready : ( (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH) ? com_insp_out_sp_both_ready : ( 1'b0))); //Always connected output data lines. assign com_insp_out_fp_this_data = com_insp_out_data; assign com_insp_out_fp_other_data = com_insp_out_data; assign com_insp_out_sp_both_data = com_insp_out_data; //Destination output valid signals: //Comes from inspector valid when destination is selected, and otherwise low. assign com_insp_out_fp_this_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS) ? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0; assign com_insp_out_fp_other_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER)? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0; assign com_insp_out_sp_both_valid = (com_insp_dest == COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH) ? com_insp_out_valid : 1'b0; //The communication inspector ouput ready signal: //Always ready when storing to data registers, //comes from inspector ready output when live, //and otherwise low. assign com_inp_ready = (com_insp_state == COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM_PRE) ? 1'b1 : ( (com_insp_state == COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM) ? 1'b1 : ( (com_insp_state == COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_LIVE) ? com_insp_out_ready : ( 1'b0))); always @(posedge stream_clk) if(stream_rst) begin com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM_PRE; com_insp_dreg_count <= 0; end else begin case(com_insp_state) COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM_PRE: begin if (com_inp_ready & com_inp_valid & com_inp_data[32]) begin com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM; com_insp_dreg_count <= com_insp_dreg_count_next; com_insp_dregs[com_insp_dreg_count] <= com_inp_data; end end COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM: begin if (com_inp_ready & com_inp_valid) begin com_insp_dregs[com_insp_dreg_count] <= com_inp_data; if (com_inp_dregs_is_data_here & com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_FP_THIS; com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS; com_insp_dreg_count <= COM_INSP_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET; end else if (com_inp_dregs_is_data_there & com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_FP_OTHER; com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS; com_insp_dreg_count <= 0; end else if (com_inp_data[33] | com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin com_insp_dest <= COM_INSP_DEST_SP_BOTH; com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS; com_insp_dreg_count <= 0; end else begin com_insp_dreg_count <= com_insp_dreg_count_next; end end end COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_REGS: begin if (com_insp_out_ready & com_insp_out_valid) begin if (com_insp_out_data[33]) begin com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM_PRE; com_insp_dreg_count <= 0; end else if (com_insp_dreg_counter_done) begin com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_LIVE; com_insp_dreg_count <= 0; end else begin com_insp_dreg_count <= com_insp_dreg_count_next; end end end COM_INSP_STATE_WRITE_LIVE: begin if (com_insp_out_ready & com_insp_out_valid & com_insp_out_data[33]) begin com_insp_state <= COM_INSP_STATE_READ_COM_PRE; end end endcase //com_insp_state end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Serdes crossbar output source // - combine slow-path data with fast-path other data // - slow-path data is duplicated to this and CPU out //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //dummy signals to join the the splitter and mux below wire [35:0] _sp_split_to_mux_data; wire _sp_split_to_mux_valid; wire _sp_split_to_mux_ready; fifo36_splitter crs_out_src0( .clk(stream_clk), .rst(stream_rst), .inp_data(com_insp_out_sp_both_data), .inp_valid(com_insp_out_sp_both_valid), .inp_ready(com_insp_out_sp_both_ready), .out0_data(_sp_split_to_mux_data), .out0_valid(_sp_split_to_mux_valid), .out0_ready(_sp_split_to_mux_ready), .out1_data(cpu_out_data), .out1_valid(cpu_out_valid), .out1_ready(cpu_out_ready) ); fifo36_mux crs_out_src1( .clk(stream_clk), .reset(stream_rst), .clear(1'b0), .data0_i(com_insp_out_fp_other_data), .src0_rdy_i(com_insp_out_fp_other_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(com_insp_out_fp_other_ready), .data1_i(_sp_split_to_mux_data), .src1_rdy_i(_sp_split_to_mux_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_sp_split_to_mux_ready), .data_o(crs_out_data), .src_rdy_o(crs_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(crs_out_ready) ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DSP input framer // - add a 1-line frame header to each DSP input packet // - each header is composed of a byte count and flags //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF = 0; localparam DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_EOF = 1; localparam DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE_HDR = 2; localparam DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE = 3; reg [1:0] dsp_frm_state; reg [BUF_SIZE-1:0] dsp_frm_addr; reg [BUF_SIZE-1:0] dsp_frm_count; wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] dsp_frm_addr_next = dsp_frm_addr + 1'b1; //DSP input stream ready in the following states assign dsp_inp_ready = (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF)? 1'b1 : ( (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_EOF)? 1'b1 : ( 1'b0)); //DSP framer output data mux (header or BRAM): //The header is generated here from the count. wire [31:0] dsp_frm_data_bram; wire [15:0] dsp_frm_bytes = {dsp_frm_count, 2'b00}; assign dsp_frm_data = (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE_HDR)? {4'b0001, 16'b1, dsp_frm_bytes} : ( (dsp_frm_addr == dsp_frm_count) ? {4'b0010, dsp_frm_data_bram} : ( {4'b0000, dsp_frm_data_bram})); assign dsp_frm_valid = ( (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE_HDR) | (dsp_frm_state == DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE) )? 1'b1 : 1'b0; RAMB16_S36_S36 dsp_frm_buff( //port A = DSP input interface (writes to BRAM) .DOA(),.ADDRA(dsp_frm_addr),.CLKA(stream_clk),.DIA(dsp_inp_data[31:0]),.DIPA(4'h0), .ENA(dsp_inp_ready),.SSRA(0),.WEA(dsp_inp_ready), //port B = DSP framer interface (reads from BRAM) .DOB(dsp_frm_data_bram),.ADDRB(dsp_frm_addr),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(36'b0),.DIPB(4'h0), .ENB(dsp_frm_ready & dsp_frm_valid),.SSRB(0),.WEB(1'b0) ); always @(posedge stream_clk) if(stream_rst) begin dsp_frm_state <= DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF; dsp_frm_addr <= 0; end else begin case(dsp_frm_state) DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF: begin if (dsp_inp_ready & dsp_inp_valid & dsp_inp_data[32]) begin dsp_frm_addr <= dsp_frm_addr_next; dsp_frm_state <= DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_EOF; end end DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_EOF: begin if (dsp_inp_ready & dsp_inp_valid) begin if (dsp_inp_data[33]) begin dsp_frm_count <= dsp_frm_addr_next; dsp_frm_addr <= 0; dsp_frm_state <= DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE_HDR; end else begin dsp_frm_addr <= dsp_frm_addr_next; end end end DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE_HDR: begin if (dsp_frm_ready & dsp_frm_valid) begin dsp_frm_addr <= dsp_frm_addr_next; dsp_frm_state <= DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE; end end DSP_FRM_STATE_WRITE: begin if (dsp_frm_ready & dsp_frm_valid) begin if (dsp_frm_data[33]) begin dsp_frm_addr <= 0; dsp_frm_state <= DSP_FRM_STATE_WAIT_SOF; end else begin dsp_frm_addr <= dsp_frm_addr_next; end end end endcase //dsp_frm_state end endmodule // packet_router