// Modified from code originally by Richard Herveille, his copyright is below ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// OpenCores Simple General Purpose IO core //// //// //// //// Author: Richard Herveille //// //// richard@asics.ws //// //// www.asics.ws //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Herveille //// //// richard@asics.ws //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// //// //// //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// //// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// //// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// //// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// //// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// //// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// //// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// //// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// //// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// //// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// //// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// //// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// //// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module nsgpio (input clk_i, input rst_i, input cyc_i, input stb_i, input [4:0] adr_i, input we_i, input [31:0] dat_i, output reg [31:0] dat_o, output reg ack_o, input tx, input rx, inout [31:0] gpio ); integer n; reg [31:0] ddr; reg [31:0] idle_out, rx_out, tx_out, fdx_out; reg [31:0] rgpio, igpio; wire wb_acc = cyc_i & stb_i; // WISHBONE access wire wb_wr = wb_acc & we_i; // WISHBONE write access always @(posedge clk_i or posedge rst_i) if (rst_i) ddr <= 0; else if (wb_wr) case( adr_i[4:2] ) 3'b000 : idle_out <= dat_i; 3'b001 : rx_out <= dat_i; 3'b010 : tx_out <= dat_i; 3'b011 : fdx_out <= dat_i; 3'b100 : ddr <= dat_i; endcase // case ( adr_i[4:2] ) always @(posedge clk_i) dat_o <= gpio; always @(posedge clk_i or posedge rst_i) if (rst_i) ack_o <= 1'b0; else ack_o <= wb_acc & !ack_o; always @(posedge clk_i) case({tx,rx}) 2'b00 : rgpio <= idle_out; 2'b01 : rgpio <= rx_out; 2'b10 : rgpio <= tx_out; 2'b11 : rgpio <= fdx_out; endcase // case ({tx,rx}) always @* for(n=0;n<32;n=n+1) igpio[n] <= ddr[n] ? rgpio[n] : 1'bz; assign gpio = igpio; endmodule