// // Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // module dcache #(parameter AWIDTH=14, parameter CWIDTH=6) (input wb_clk_i, input wb_rst_i, input [AWIDTH-1:0] dwb_adr_i, input dwb_stb_i, input dwb_we_i, input [3:0] dwb_sel_i, input [31:0] dwb_dat_i, output [31:0] dwb_dat_o, output dwb_ack_o, input [31:0] dram_dat_i, output [31:0] dram_dat_o, output [AWIDTH-1:0] dram_adr_o, output dram_we_o, output dram_en_o, output [3:0] dram_sel_o ); localparam TAGWIDTH = AWIDTH-CWIDTH-2; reg stb_d1, ack_d1, miss_d1; reg [AWIDTH-1:0] held_addr; reg [31:0] ddata [0:(1<<CWIDTH)-1]; reg [TAGWIDTH-1:0] dtags [0:(1<<CWIDTH)-1]; reg dvalid [0:(1<<CWIDTH)-1]; wire [CWIDTH-1:0] rd_line, wr_line; wire [TAGWIDTH-1:0] wr_tags; wire cache_write, invalidate; wire [31:0] wr_data; // ///////////////////////////////////// // Write into cache integer i; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) if(wb_rst_i) for(i=0;i<(1<<CWIDTH);i=i+1) dvalid[i] <= 0; else if(invalidate) dvalid[wr_line] <= 1'b0; else if(cache_write) dvalid[wr_line] <= 1'b1; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) if(cache_write) begin ddata[wr_line] <= wr_data; dtags[wr_line] <= wr_tags; end // ////////////////////////////////////// // Read from Cache wire [TAGWIDTH-1:0] tag_out = dtags[rd_line]; wire valid_out = dvalid[rd_line]; wire [31:0] data_out = ddata[rd_line]; wire cache_hit = valid_out & (tag_out == dwb_adr_i[AWIDTH-1:CWIDTH+2]); wire cache_miss = ~cache_hit; // ////////////////////////////////////// // Handle 1-cycle delay of Block-RAM always @(posedge wb_clk_i) if(wb_rst_i) stb_d1 <= 0; else stb_d1 <= dwb_stb_i; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) if(wb_rst_i) held_addr <= 0; else held_addr <= dwb_adr_i; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) if(wb_rst_i) ack_d1 <= 1'b0; else ack_d1 <= dwb_ack_o; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) if(wb_rst_i) miss_d1 <= 0; else miss_d1 <= cache_miss; `define DC_NOCACHE //`define DC_BASIC //`define DC_FORWARDING_DP //`define DC_FORWARDING_SP //`define DC_PREFETCH `ifdef DC_NOCACHE assign dwb_dat_o = dram_dat_i; assign dwb_ack_o = dwb_stb_i & (dwb_we_i | (stb_d1 & ~ack_d1)); assign dram_adr_o = dwb_adr_i; assign dram_en_o = dwb_stb_i; assign dram_dat_o = dwb_dat_i; assign dram_we_o = dwb_we_i; assign dram_sel_o = dwb_sel_i; assign rd_line = 0; assign wr_line = 0; assign wr_tags = 0; assign wr_data = 0; assign cache_write = 0; assign invalidate = 0; `endif `ifdef DC_BASIC // Very basic, no forwarding, 2 wait states on miss assign dwb_dat_o = data_out; assign dwb_ack_o = dwb_stb_i & cache_hit; assign dram_adr_o = dwb_adr_i; assign dram_en_o = dwb_stb_i; assign dram_dat_o = dwb_dat_i; assign dram_we_o = dwb_we_i; assign dram_sel_o = dwb_sel_i; assign rd_line = dwb_adr_i[CWIDTH+1:2]; assign wr_line = rd_line; assign wr_tags = dwb_adr_i[AWIDTH-1:CWIDTH+2]; assign wr_data = dwb_we_i ? dwb_dat_i : dram_dat_i; assign cache_write = dwb_stb_i & (dwb_we_i | (stb_d1 & miss_d1)); assign invalidate = dwb_we_i & ~(&dwb_sel_i); `endif `ifdef DC_FORWARDING_DP // Simple forwarding, 1 wait state on miss, dual-port ram assign dwb_dat_o = cache_hit ? data_out : dram_dat_i; assign dwb_ack_o = dwb_stb_i & (cache_hit | (stb_d1 & ~ack_d1)); assign dram_adr_o = dwb_adr_i; assign dram_en_o = 1'b1; assign dram_dat_o = dwb_dat_i; assign dram_we_o = dwb_we_i; assign dram_sel_o = dwb_sel_i; assign rd_line = dwb_adr_i[CWIDTH+1:2]; assign wr_line = held_addr[CWIDTH+1:2]; assign wr_tags = held_addr[AWIDTH-1:CWIDTH+2]; assign wr_data = dram_dat_i; assign cache_write = dwb_stb_i & stb_d1 & miss_d1 & ~ack_d1; assign invalidate = 0; `endif `ifdef DC_FORWARDING_SP // Simple forwarding, 1 wait state on miss, single-port ram assign dwb_dat_o = cache_hit ? data_out : dram_dat_i; assign dwb_ack_o = dwb_stb_i & (cache_hit | (stb_d1 & ~ack_d1)); assign dram_adr_o = dwb_adr_i; assign dram_en_o = 1'b1; assign dram_dat_o = dwb_dat_i; assign dram_we_o = dwb_we_i; assign dram_sel_o = dwb_sel_i; assign rd_line = dwb_adr_i[CWIDTH+1:2]; assign wr_line = rd_line; assign wr_tags = dwb_adr_i[AWIDTH-1:CWIDTH+2]; assign wr_data = dram_dat_i; assign cache_write = dwb_stb_i & stb_d1 & miss_d1 & ~ack_d1; assign invalidate = 0; `endif `ifdef DC_PREFETCH // Forwarding plus prefetch `endif endmodule // dcache