# gr-usrptest OOT-Module ## Usage This OOT is used to run GNU Radio based tests on various USRPs and daughterboards catch regressions. ## Structure gr-usrptest follows the structure of a regular OOT-Module with some additions. The python directory contains a couple additional submodules. - flowgraphs - Contains dynamically configured GNU Radio flowgraphs. - rts_tests - Contains tests which can be run unsupervised and store results - labview_control - Contains classes and functions to control a remote LabVIEW instance with python_labview_automation ## Applications - usrp_phasealignment.py - calculates phase differences between an arbitrary number of USRP devices. Runs phase difference measurement a speficied number of times and retunes the USRP daugtherboards to a random frequency between measurements. Prints average phase difference and standard deviation for every measurement in human readable format.