USRP™ Tools

This folder contains tools that are useful for working with and/or debugging
your USRP™ device. Tools in this directory do **not** link against UHD. They are
either stand-alone programs or software to be used in third-party applications.

For UHD™ software tools, look in `uhd/host/utils`.

## List of Tools


This is a packet dissector for [Wireshark]( It allows
you to view the details of a Compressed HeaDeR (CHDR) formatted-packet in
Wireshark. The USRP™ B2xx and X3xx use the CHDR format.


This tool can be used with `tcpdump` to make sense of packet dumps from your
network-connected USRP™ device.


This tool is to be used with the USRP™ X300 and X310 devices. It allows you to
program the X3x0 FPGA via JTAG. Note that loading the FPGA image via JTAG does
**not** store the FPGA in the on-device flash storage. Thus, as soon as you
cycle power, the image will be lost. To permanently burn an FPGA image, please
refer to `uhd/host/utils/usrp_x3xx_fpga_burner`.

This tool requires that Xilinx iMPACT has been installed on your system.