// -*- verilog -*- // // USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral // // Copyright (C) 2003 Matt Ettus // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // Interface to Cypress FX2 bus // A packet is 512 Bytes, the fifo has 4096 lines of 18 bits each `include "../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_common.v" `include "../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_standard.v" module rx_buffer ( // Read/USB side input usbclk, input bus_reset, output [15:0] usbdata, input RD, output reg have_pkt_rdy, output reg rx_overrun, input clear_status, // Write/DSP side input rxclk, input reset, // DSP side reset (used here), do not reset registers input rxstrobe, input wire [3:0] channels, input wire [15:0] ch_0, input wire [15:0] ch_1, input wire [15:0] ch_2, input wire [15:0] ch_3, input wire [15:0] ch_4, input wire [15:0] ch_5, input wire [15:0] ch_6, input wire [15:0] ch_7, // Settings, on rxclk also input [6:0] serial_addr, input [31:0] serial_data, input serial_strobe, input reset_regs, //Only reset registers output [31:0] debugbus ); wire [15:0] fifodata, fifodata_8; reg [15:0] fifodata_16; wire [11:0] rxfifolevel; wire rx_full; wire bypass_hb, want_q; wire [4:0] bitwidth; wire [3:0] bitshift; setting_reg #(`FR_RX_FORMAT) sr_rxformat(.clock(rxclk),.reset(reset_regs), .strobe(serial_strobe),.addr(serial_addr),.in(serial_data), .out({bypass_hb,want_q,bitwidth,bitshift})); // USB Read Side of FIFO always @(negedge usbclk) have_pkt_rdy <= (rxfifolevel >= 256); // 257 Bug Fix reg [8:0] read_count; always @(negedge usbclk) if(bus_reset) read_count <= 0; else if(RD) read_count <= read_count + 1; else read_count <= 0; // FIFO wire ch0_in, ch0_out, iq_out; assign ch0_in = (phase == 1); fifo_4k_18 rxfifo ( // DSP Write Side .data ( {ch0_in, phase[0], fifodata} ), .wrreq (~rx_full & (phase != 0)), .wrclk ( rxclk ), .wrfull ( rx_full ), .wrempty ( ), .wrusedw ( ), // USB Read Side .q ( {ch0_out,iq_out,usbdata} ), .rdreq ( RD & ~read_count[8] ), .rdclk ( ~usbclk ), .rdfull ( ), .rdempty ( ), .rdusedw ( rxfifolevel ), // Async, shared .aclr ( reset ) ); // DSP Write Side of FIFO reg [15:0] ch_0_reg; reg [15:0] ch_1_reg; reg [15:0] ch_2_reg; reg [15:0] ch_3_reg; reg [15:0] ch_4_reg; reg [15:0] ch_5_reg; reg [15:0] ch_6_reg; reg [15:0] ch_7_reg; always @(posedge rxclk) if (rxstrobe) begin ch_0_reg <= ch_0; ch_1_reg <= ch_1; ch_2_reg <= ch_2; ch_3_reg <= ch_3; ch_4_reg <= ch_4; ch_5_reg <= ch_5; ch_6_reg <= ch_6; ch_7_reg <= ch_7; end reg [3:0] phase; always @(posedge rxclk) if(reset) phase <= 4'd0; else if(phase == 0) begin if(rxstrobe) phase <= 4'd1; end else if(~rx_full) if(phase == channels) phase <= 4'd0; else phase <= phase + 4'd1; assign fifodata = (bitwidth == 5'd8) ? fifodata_8 : fifodata_16; assign fifodata_8 = {round_8(top),round_8(bottom)}; reg [15:0] top,bottom; function [7:0] round_8; input [15:0] in_val; round_8 = in_val[15:8] + (in_val[15] & |in_val[7:0]); endfunction // round_8 always @* case(phase) 4'd1 : begin bottom = ch_0_reg; top = ch_1_reg; end 4'd2 : begin bottom = ch_2_reg; top = ch_3_reg; end 4'd3 : begin bottom = ch_4_reg; top = ch_5_reg; end 4'd4 : begin bottom = ch_6_reg; top = ch_7_reg; end default : begin top = 16'hFFFF; bottom = 16'hFFFF; end endcase // case(phase) always @* case(phase) 4'd1 : fifodata_16 = ch_0_reg; 4'd2 : fifodata_16 = ch_1_reg; 4'd3 : fifodata_16 = ch_2_reg; 4'd4 : fifodata_16 = ch_3_reg; 4'd5 : fifodata_16 = ch_4_reg; 4'd6 : fifodata_16 = ch_5_reg; 4'd7 : fifodata_16 = ch_6_reg; 4'd8 : fifodata_16 = ch_7_reg; default : fifodata_16 = 16'hFFFF; endcase // case(phase) // Detect overrun reg clear_status_dsp, rx_overrun_dsp; always @(posedge rxclk) clear_status_dsp <= clear_status; always @(negedge usbclk) rx_overrun <= rx_overrun_dsp; always @(posedge rxclk) if(reset) rx_overrun_dsp <= 1'b0; else if(rxstrobe & (phase != 0)) rx_overrun_dsp <= 1'b1; else if(clear_status_dsp) rx_overrun_dsp <= 1'b0; // Debug bus // // 15:0 rxclk domain => TXA 15:0 // 31:16 usbclk domain => RXA 15:0 assign debugbus[0] = reset; assign debugbus[1] = reset_regs; assign debugbus[2] = rxstrobe; assign debugbus[6:3] = channels; assign debugbus[7] = rx_full; assign debugbus[11:8] = phase; assign debugbus[12] = ch0_in; assign debugbus[13] = clear_status_dsp; assign debugbus[14] = rx_overrun_dsp; assign debugbus[15] = rxclk; assign debugbus[16] = bus_reset; assign debugbus[17] = RD; assign debugbus[18] = have_pkt_rdy; assign debugbus[19] = rx_overrun; assign debugbus[20] = read_count[0]; assign debugbus[21] = read_count[8]; assign debugbus[22] = ch0_out; assign debugbus[23] = iq_out; assign debugbus[24] = clear_status; assign debugbus[30:25] = 0; assign debugbus[31] = usbclk; endmodule // rx_buffer