// Modified by M. Ettus, 2008 for 32 bit width ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// OpenCores Simple Programmable Interrupt Controller //// //// //// //// Author: Richard Herveille //// //// richard@asics.ws //// //// www.asics.ws //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Herveille //// //// richard@asics.ws //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// //// //// //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// //// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// //// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// //// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// //// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// //// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// //// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// //// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// //// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// //// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// //// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// //// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// //// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This is a simple Programmable Interrupt Controller. // The number of interrupts is depending on the databus size. // There's one interrupt input per databit (i.e. 16 interrupts for a 16 // bit databus). // All attached devices share the same CPU priority level. // // // // Registers: // // 0x00: EdgeEnable Register // bits 7:0 R/W Edge Enable '1' = edge triggered interrupt source // '0' = level triggered interrupt source // 0x01: PolarityRegister // bits 7:0 R/W Polarity '1' = high level / rising edge // '0' = low level / falling edge // 0x02: MaskRegister // bits 7:0 R/W Mask '1' = interrupt masked (disabled) // '0' = interrupt not masked (enabled) // 0x03: PendingRegister // bits 7:0 R/W Pending '1' = interrupt pending // '0' = no interrupt pending // // A CPU interrupt is generated when an interrupt is pending and its // MASK bit is cleared. // // // // HOWTO: // // Clearing pending interrupts: // Writing a '1' to a bit in the interrupt pending register clears the // interrupt. Make sure to clear the interrupt at the source before // writing to the interrupt pending register. Otherwise the interrupt // will be set again. // // Priority based interrupts: // Upon reception of an interrupt, check the interrupt register and // determine the highest priority interrupt. Mask all interrupts from the // current level to the lowest level. This negates the interrupt line, and // makes sure only interrupts with a higher level are triggered. After // completion of the interrupt service routine, clear the interrupt source, // the interrupt bit in the pending register, and restore the MASK register // to it's previous state. // // Addapt the core for fewer interrupt sources: // If less than 8 interrupt sources are required, than the 'is' parameter // can be set to the amount of required interrupts. Interrupts are mapped // starting at the LSBs. So only the 'is' LSBs per register are valid. All // other bits (i.e. the 8-'is' MSBs) are set to zero '0'. // Codesize is approximately linear to the amount of interrupts. I.e. using // 4 instead of 8 interrupt sources reduces the size by approx. half. // module simple_pic( clk_i, rst_i, cyc_i, stb_i, adr_i, we_i, dat_i, dat_o, ack_o, int_o, irq ); parameter is = 8; // Number of interrupt sources parameter dwidth = 32; // // Inputs & outputs // // 8bit WISHBONE bus slave interface input clk_i; // clock input rst_i; // reset (asynchronous active low) input cyc_i; // cycle input stb_i; // strobe (cycle and strobe are the same signal) input [ 2:1] adr_i; // address input we_i; // write enable input [ dwidth-1:0] dat_i; // data output output [ dwidth-1:0] dat_o; // data input output ack_o; // normal bus termination output int_o; // interrupt output // // Interrupt sources // input [is:1] irq; // interrupt request inputs // // Module body // reg [is:1] pol, edgen, pending, mask; // register bank reg [is:1] lirq, dirq; // latched irqs, delayed latched irqs // // perform parameter checks // // synopsys translate_off initial begin if(is > dwidth) $display("simple_pic: max number of interrupts = data bus width."); end // synopsys translate_on // // latch interrupt inputs always @(posedge clk_i) lirq <= #1 irq; // // generate delayed latched irqs always @(posedge clk_i) dirq <= #1 lirq; // // generate actual triggers function trigger; input edgen, pol, lirq, dirq; reg edge_irq, level_irq; begin edge_irq = pol ? (lirq & ~dirq) : (dirq & ~lirq); level_irq = pol ? lirq : ~lirq; trigger = edgen ? edge_irq : level_irq; end endfunction reg [is:1] irq_event; integer n; always @(posedge clk_i) for(n=1; n<=is; n=n+1) irq_event[n] <= #1 trigger(edgen[n], pol[n], lirq[n], dirq[n]); // // generate wishbone register bank writes wire wb_acc = cyc_i & stb_i; // WISHBONE access wire wb_wr = wb_acc & we_i; // WISHBONE write access always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) begin pol <= #1 {is{1'b0}}; // clear polarity register edgen <= #1 {is{1'b0}}; // clear edge enable register mask <= #1 {is{1'b1}}; // mask all interrupts end else if(wb_wr) // wishbone write cycle?? case (adr_i) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 2'b00: edgen <= #1 dat_i[is-1:0]; // EDGE-ENABLE register 2'b01: pol <= #1 dat_i[is-1:0]; // POLARITY register 2'b10: mask <= #1 dat_i[is-1:0]; // MASK register 2'b11: ; // PENDING register is a special case (see below) endcase // pending register is a special case always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) pending <= #1 {is{1'b0}}; // clear all pending interrupts else if ( wb_wr & (&adr_i) ) pending <= #1 (pending & ~dat_i[is-1:0]) | irq_event; else pending <= #1 pending | irq_event; // // generate dat_o reg [dwidth-1:0] dat_o; always @(posedge clk_i) case (adr_i) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 2'b00: dat_o <= #1 { {(dwidth-is){1'b0}}, edgen}; 2'b01: dat_o <= #1 { {(dwidth-is){1'b0}}, pol}; 2'b10: dat_o <= #1 { {(dwidth-is){1'b0}}, mask}; 2'b11: dat_o <= #1 { {(dwidth-is){1'b0}}, pending}; endcase // // generate ack_o reg ack_o; always @(posedge clk_i) ack_o <= #1 wb_acc & !ack_o; // // generate CPU interrupt signal reg int_o; always @(posedge clk_i) if(rst_i) int_o <= #1 0; else int_o <= #1 |(pending & ~mask); endmodule