////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// sendCmd.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the spiMaster opencores effort. //// //// //// //// //// Module Description: //// //// parameterized dual clock domain fifo. //// fifo depth is restricted to 2^ADDR_WIDTH //// No protection against over runs and under runs. //// //// //// //// To Do: //// //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Steve Fielding, sfielding@base2designs.com //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Fielding and OPENCORES.ORG //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // `include "timescale.v" module sendCmd (checkSumByte_1, checkSumByte_2, clk, cmdByte_1, cmdByte_2, dataByte1_1, dataByte1_2, dataByte2_1, dataByte2_2, dataByte3_1, dataByte3_2, dataByte4_1, dataByte4_2, respByte, respTout, rst, rxDataIn, rxDataRdy, rxDataRdyClr, sendCmdRdy, sendCmdReq1, sendCmdReq2, txDataEmpty, txDataFull, txDataOut, txDataWen); input [7:0]checkSumByte_1; input [7:0]checkSumByte_2; input clk; input [7:0]cmdByte_1; input [7:0]cmdByte_2; input [7:0]dataByte1_1; input [7:0]dataByte1_2; input [7:0]dataByte2_1; input [7:0]dataByte2_2; input [7:0]dataByte3_1; input [7:0]dataByte3_2; input [7:0]dataByte4_1; input [7:0]dataByte4_2; input rst; input [7:0]rxDataIn; input rxDataRdy; input sendCmdReq1; input sendCmdReq2; input txDataEmpty; input txDataFull; output [7:0]respByte; output respTout; output rxDataRdyClr; output sendCmdRdy; output [7:0]txDataOut; output txDataWen; wire [7:0]checkSumByte_1; wire [7:0]checkSumByte_2; wire clk; wire [7:0]cmdByte_1; wire [7:0]cmdByte_2; wire [7:0]dataByte1_1; wire [7:0]dataByte1_2; wire [7:0]dataByte2_1; wire [7:0]dataByte2_2; wire [7:0]dataByte3_1; wire [7:0]dataByte3_2; wire [7:0]dataByte4_1; wire [7:0]dataByte4_2; reg [7:0]respByte, next_respByte; reg respTout, next_respTout; wire rst; wire [7:0]rxDataIn; wire rxDataRdy; reg rxDataRdyClr, next_rxDataRdyClr; reg sendCmdRdy, next_sendCmdRdy; wire sendCmdReq1; wire sendCmdReq2; wire txDataEmpty; wire txDataFull; reg [7:0]txDataOut, next_txDataOut; reg txDataWen, next_txDataWen; // diagram signals declarations reg [7:0]checkSumByte, next_checkSumByte; reg [7:0]cmdByte, next_cmdByte; reg [7:0]dataByte1, next_dataByte1; reg [7:0]dataByte2, next_dataByte2; reg [7:0]dataByte3, next_dataByte3; reg [7:0]dataByte4, next_dataByte4; reg sendCmdReq, next_sendCmdReq; reg [9:0]timeOutCnt, next_timeOutCnt; // BINARY ENCODED state machine: sndCmdSt // State codes definitions: `define CMD_D_BYTE2_FIN 5'b00000 `define CMD_D_BYTE2_ST 5'b00001 `define CMD_SEND_FF_FIN 5'b00010 `define CMD_CMD_BYTE_FIN 5'b00011 `define CMD_D_BYTE1_FIN 5'b00100 `define CMD_REQ_RESP_ST 5'b00101 `define CMD_REQ_RESP_FIN 5'b00110 `define CMD_CHK_RESP 5'b00111 `define CMD_D_BYTE1_ST 5'b01000 `define CMD_D_BYTE3_FIN 5'b01001 `define CMD_D_BYTE3_ST 5'b01010 `define CMD_D_BYTE4_FIN 5'b01011 `define CMD_D_BYTE4_ST 5'b01100 `define CMD_CS_FIN 5'b01101 `define CMD_CS_ST 5'b01110 `define CMD_SEND_FF_ST 5'b01111 `define CMD_CMD_BYTE_ST 5'b10000 `define WT_CMD 5'b10001 `define ST_S_CMD 5'b10010 `define CMD_DEL 5'b10011 reg [4:0]CurrState_sndCmdSt, NextState_sndCmdSt; // Diagram actions (continuous assignments allowed only: assign ...) // diagram ACTION always @(sendCmdReq1 or sendCmdReq2 ) begin sendCmdReq <= sendCmdReq1 | sendCmdReq2; end always @(posedge clk) begin cmdByte <= cmdByte_1 | cmdByte_2; dataByte1 <= dataByte1_1 | dataByte1_2; dataByte2 <= dataByte2_1 | dataByte2_2; dataByte3 <= dataByte3_1 | dataByte3_2; dataByte4 <= dataByte4_1 | dataByte4_2; checkSumByte <= checkSumByte_1 | checkSumByte_2; end // Machine: sndCmdSt // NextState logic (combinatorial) always @ (txDataFull or dataByte2 or timeOutCnt or rxDataRdy or rxDataIn or respByte or dataByte1 or dataByte3 or dataByte4 or txDataEmpty or checkSumByte or cmdByte or sendCmdReq or txDataWen or txDataOut or rxDataRdyClr or respTout or sendCmdRdy or CurrState_sndCmdSt) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= CurrState_sndCmdSt; // Set default values for outputs and signals next_txDataWen <= txDataWen; next_txDataOut <= txDataOut; next_timeOutCnt <= timeOutCnt; next_rxDataRdyClr <= rxDataRdyClr; next_respByte <= respByte; next_respTout <= respTout; next_sendCmdRdy <= sendCmdRdy; case (CurrState_sndCmdSt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case `WT_CMD: begin next_sendCmdRdy <= 1'b1; if (sendCmdReq == 1'b1) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_SEND_FF_ST; next_sendCmdRdy <= 1'b0; next_respTout <= 1'b0; end end `ST_S_CMD: begin next_sendCmdRdy <= 1'b0; next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; next_txDataOut <= 8'h00; next_rxDataRdyClr <= 1'b0; next_respByte <= 8'h00; next_respTout <= 1'b0; next_timeOutCnt <= 10'h000; NextState_sndCmdSt <= `WT_CMD; end `CMD_D_BYTE2_FIN: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE3_ST; end `CMD_D_BYTE2_ST: begin if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE2_FIN; next_txDataOut <= dataByte2; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_SEND_FF_FIN: begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_CMD_BYTE_ST; end `CMD_CMD_BYTE_FIN: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE1_ST; end `CMD_D_BYTE1_FIN: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE2_ST; end `CMD_REQ_RESP_ST: begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_DEL; next_txDataOut <= 8'hff; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; next_timeOutCnt <= timeOutCnt + 1'b1; next_rxDataRdyClr <= 1'b1; end `CMD_REQ_RESP_FIN: begin if (rxDataRdy == 1'b1) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_CHK_RESP; next_respByte <= rxDataIn; end end `CMD_CHK_RESP: begin if (timeOutCnt == 10'h200) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `WT_CMD; next_respTout <= 1'b1; end else if (respByte[7] == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `WT_CMD; end else begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_REQ_RESP_ST; end end `CMD_D_BYTE1_ST: begin if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE1_FIN; next_txDataOut <= dataByte1; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_D_BYTE3_FIN: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE4_ST; end `CMD_D_BYTE3_ST: begin if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE3_FIN; next_txDataOut <= dataByte3; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_D_BYTE4_FIN: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_CS_ST; end `CMD_D_BYTE4_ST: begin if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_D_BYTE4_FIN; next_txDataOut <= dataByte4; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_CS_FIN: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; next_timeOutCnt <= 10'h000; if (txDataEmpty == 1'b1) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_REQ_RESP_ST; end end `CMD_CS_ST: begin if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_CS_FIN; next_txDataOut <= checkSumByte; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_SEND_FF_ST: begin if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_SEND_FF_FIN; next_txDataOut <= 8'hff; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_CMD_BYTE_ST: begin next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; if (txDataFull == 1'b0) begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_CMD_BYTE_FIN; next_txDataOut <= cmdByte; next_txDataWen <= 1'b1; end end `CMD_DEL: begin NextState_sndCmdSt <= `CMD_REQ_RESP_FIN; next_txDataWen <= 1'b0; next_rxDataRdyClr <= 1'b0; end endcase end // Current State Logic (sequential) always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b1) CurrState_sndCmdSt <= `ST_S_CMD; else CurrState_sndCmdSt <= NextState_sndCmdSt; end // Registered outputs logic always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b1) begin txDataWen <= 1'b0; txDataOut <= 8'h00; rxDataRdyClr <= 1'b0; respByte <= 8'h00; respTout <= 1'b0; sendCmdRdy <= 1'b0; timeOutCnt <= 10'h000; end else begin txDataWen <= next_txDataWen; txDataOut <= next_txDataOut; rxDataRdyClr <= next_rxDataRdyClr; respByte <= next_respByte; respTout <= next_respTout; sendCmdRdy <= next_sendCmdRdy; timeOutCnt <= next_timeOutCnt; end end endmodule