VERSION=1.15 HEADER FILE="sendCmd.asf" FID=4788d213 LANGUAGE=VERILOG ENTITY="sendCmd" FRAMES=ON FREEOID=426 "LIBRARIES=//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//// ////\n//// sendCmd.v ////\n//// ////\n//// This file is part of the spiMaster opencores effort.\n//// <> ////\n//// ////\n//// Module Description: ////\n//// parameterized dual clock domain fifo. \n//// fifo depth is restricted to 2^ADDR_WIDTH\n//// No protection against over runs and under runs.\n//// \n//// ////\n//// To Do: ////\n//// \n//// ////\n//// Author(s): ////\n//// - Steve Fielding, ////\n//// ////\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//// ////\n//// Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Fielding and OPENCORES.ORG ////\n//// ////\n//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////\n//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////\n//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////\n//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////\n//// ////\n//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////\n//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////\n//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////\n//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////\n//// later version. ////\n//// ////\n//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////\n//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////\n//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ////\n//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////\n//// details. ////\n//// ////\n//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////\n//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////\n//// from <> ////\n//// ////\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//\n`include \"timescale.v\"\n\n" END BUNDLES B T "Declarations" 0,0,255 0 0 1 255,255,255 0 3125 0 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B T "Conditions" 0,0,0 0 0 0 255,255,255 0 3125 0 0110 1 "Arial" 0 B F "States" 0,0,0 0 0 1 0,255,0 1 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B T "Actions" 0,0,0 0 0 1 255,255,255 0 3125 0 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B T "Labels" 0,0,0 0 0 0 255,255,255 0 3125 0 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B L "Transitions" 0,0,0 0 0 1 0,0,0 1 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B F "Ports" 0,0,0 0 0 1 0,255,255 1 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B L "Errors" 255,0,0 0 3 1 255,255,255 1 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B T "State Labels" 0,0,0 0 0 0 255,255,255 0 3125 0 0000 1 "Arial" 4 B F "Current State" 255,255,0 0 0 1 255,255,0 1 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B T "Comments" 157,157,157 0 0 1 255,255,255 0 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 B L "Info" 0,255,0 0 3 1 255,255,255 1 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 END INSTHEADER 1 PAGE 25400,25400 215900,279400 UPPERLEFT 0,0 GRID=OFF GRIDSIZE 5000,5000 10000,10000 END INSTHEADER 168 PAGE 25400,25400 215900,279400 UPPERLEFT 0,0 GRID=OFF GRIDSIZE 0,0 10000,10000 END OBJECTS S 287 169 36864 ELLIPSE "States" | 58145,42664 6500 6500 C 286 284 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 58455,63310 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" A 285 284 16 TEXT "Actions" | 58389,58640 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= dataByte3;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;" W 284 169 0 289 287 BEZIER "Transitions" | 55994,62919 56515,59615 56972,52449 57396,49118 G 1 0 0 TEXT 0,0,0 0 0 0 255,255,255 0 3527 1480 0000 1 "Arial" 0 | 110650,276400 1 0 0 "Module: sendCmd" A 5 0 1 TEXT "Actions" | 30400,270465 1 0 0 "-- diagram ACTION\nalways @(sendCmdReq1 or sendCmdReq2 ) begin\n sendCmdReq <= sendCmdReq1 | sendCmdReq2;\nend\n\nalways @(posedge clk) begin\n cmdByte <= cmdByte_1 | cmdByte_2;\n dataByte1 <= dataByte1_1 | dataByte1_2;\n dataByte2 <= dataByte2_1 | dataByte2_2;\n dataByte3 <= dataByte3_1 | dataByte3_2;\n dataByte4 <= dataByte4_1 | dataByte4_2;\n checkSumByte <= checkSumByte_1 | checkSumByte_2;\nend" F 6 0 512 72 0 RECT 0,0,0 0 0 1 255,255,255 0 | 28400,28400 212900,208764 L 7 6 0 TEXT "Labels" | 33841,199139 1 0 0 "sndCmdSt" L 298 297 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 119183,117704 1 0 0 "D_BYTE4_ST\n/12/" S 297 169 49152 ELLIPSE "States" | 119183,117704 6500 6500 L 296 295 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 121962,90985 1 0 0 "D_BYTE4_FIN\n/11/" S 295 169 45056 ELLIPSE "States" | 121962,90985 6500 6500 C 294 292 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 122272,111631 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" A 293 292 16 TEXT "Actions" | 122206,106961 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= dataByte4;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;" W 292 169 0 297 295 BEZIER "Transitions" | 119811,111240 120332,107936 120789,100770 121213,97439 L 290 289 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 55366,69383 1 0 0 "D_BYTE3_ST\n/10/" S 289 169 40960 ELLIPSE "States" | 55366,69383 6500 6500 L 288 287 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 58145,42664 1 0 0 "D_BYTE3_FIN\n/9/" W 319 169 0 205 247 BEZIER "Transitions" | 63983,140499 60844,135517 56583,126997 53444,122015 A 318 295 4 TEXT "Actions" | 139150,86599 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;" A 317 287 4 TEXT "Actions" | 76633,44284 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;" A 316 225 4 TEXT "Actions" | 71992,91513 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;" A 315 311 4 TEXT "Actions" | 134912,45978 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;\ntimeOutCnt <= 10'h000;" L 314 313 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 122732,70475 1 0 0 "CS_ST\n/14/" S 313 169 57344 ELLIPSE "States" | 122732,70475 6500 6500 L 312 311 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 125511,43756 1 0 0 "CS_FIN\n/13/" S 311 169 53248 ELLIPSE "States" | 125511,43756 6500 6500 C 310 308 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 125821,64402 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" A 309 308 16 TEXT "Actions" | 125755,59732 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= checkSumByte;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;" W 308 169 0 313 311 BEZIER "Transitions" | 123360,64011 123881,60707 124338,53541 124762,50210 W 335 169 0 332 182 BEZIER "Transitions" | 45364,251903 47642,252271 81651,254936 85013,246121 W 334 169 0 185 332 BEZIER "Transitions" | 41073,269282 40336,265731 39290,259500 38553,255949 S 332 169 61440 ELLIPSE "States" | 39325,249500 6500 6500 L 331 332 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 39325,251108 1 0 0 "SEND_FF_ST\n/15/" I 329 0 2 Builtin Signal | 178213,215725 "" "" L 328 329 0 TEXT "Labels" | 181213,215725 1 0 0 "sendCmdReq" L 327 326 0 TEXT "Labels" | 157273,263636 1 0 0 "sendCmdReq2" I 326 0 2 Builtin InPort | 151273,263636 "" "" I 325 0 2 Builtin InPort | 151961,268514 "" "" L 324 325 0 TEXT "Labels" | 157961,268514 1 0 0 "sendCmdReq1" W 322 169 0 295 313 BEZIER "Transitions" | 122244,84497 122585,81836 122598,79603 122939,76942 W 321 169 0 287 297 BEZIER "Transitions" | 63804,39468 72608,38035 85574,34251 91921,34114\ 98268,33978 106049,36299 107653,41212 109257,46126\ 107891,63463 106287,73597 104684,83732 99633,106938\ 99837,114069 100042,121201 105913,126526 108335,126867\ 110758,127208 113121,124683 115032,122704 W 320 169 0 225 289 BEZIER "Transitions" | 54252,82625 54525,80100 54595,78388 54868,75863 A 351 260 16 TEXT "Actions" | 146029,190376 1 0 0 "respTout <= 1'b1;" A 338 335 16 TEXT "Actions" | 57237,258852 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= 8'hff;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1" C 337 335 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 46128,249292 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" I 74 0 2 Builtin InPort | 195700,267632 "" "" L 73 74 0 TEXT "Labels" | 201700,267632 1 0 0 "rst" I 72 0 3 Builtin InPort | 195700,272800 "" "" L 71 72 0 TEXT "Labels" | 201700,272800 1 0 0 "clk" L 367 366 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118445,251448 1 0 0 "dataByte2_2[7:0]" I 366 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112445,251448 "" "" L 365 364 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118188,256588 1 0 0 "dataByte2_1[7:0]" I 364 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112188,256588 "" "" L 363 362 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118445,261214 1 0 0 "dataByte1_2[7:0]" I 362 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112445,261214 "" "" I 361 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112448,265583 "" "" L 360 361 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118448,265583 1 0 0 "dataByte1_1[7:0]" A 358 253 16 TEXT "Actions" | 138128,223118 1 0 0 "respByte <= rxDataIn;" C 357 356 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 73122,198009 1 0 0 "rst == 1'b1" W 356 6 0 355 100 BEZIER "Transitions" | 60594,200141 72339,199739 94500,197787 106245,197385 I 355 6 0 Builtin Reset | 60594,200141 W 354 6 0 168 102 BEZIER "Transitions" | 105630,145031 98556,147323 85638,151108 82264,155037\ 78891,158967 79547,170103 83247,173083 86948,176063\ 98835,174994 105909,175387 L 95 96 0 TEXT "Labels" | 155940,273023 1 0 0 "sendCmdRdy" I 383 0 130 Builtin Signal | 177941,226776 "" "" L 382 383 0 TEXT "Labels" | 180941,226776 1 0 0 "dataByte4[7:0]" I 381 0 130 Builtin Signal | 178198,220865 "" "" L 380 381 0 TEXT "Labels" | 181198,220865 1 0 0 "checkSumByte[7:0]" L 379 378 0 TEXT "Labels" | 117931,223949 1 0 0 "checkSumByte_2[7:0]" I 378 0 130 Builtin InPort | 111931,223949 "" "" L 377 376 0 TEXT "Labels" | 117931,228318 1 0 0 "checkSumByte_1[7:0]" I 376 0 130 Builtin InPort | 111931,228318 "" "" L 375 374 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118188,232687 1 0 0 "dataByte4_2[7:0]" I 374 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112188,232687 "" "" L 373 372 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118188,237313 1 0 0 "dataByte4_1[7:0]" I 372 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112188,237313 "" "" L 371 370 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118188,241939 1 0 0 "dataByte3_2[7:0]" I 370 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112188,241939 "" "" L 369 368 0 TEXT "Labels" | 118188,246822 1 0 0 "dataByte3_1[7:0]" I 368 0 130 Builtin InPort | 112188,246822 "" "" I 111 0 2 Builtin OutPort | 150520,249425 "" "" L 110 109 0 TEXT "Labels" | 158977,244784 1 0 0 "txDataFull" I 109 0 2 Builtin InPort | 152977,244784 "" "" L 108 107 0 TEXT "Labels" | 192010,249698 1 0 0 "rxDataRdy" I 107 0 2 Builtin InPort | 186010,249698 "" "" W 106 6 0 102 168 BEZIER "Transitions" | 112025,167024 112028,164120 111877,156052 111880,149910 W 105 6 0 100 102 BEZIER "Transitions" | 112303,189956 112099,186817 112066,183113 111862,179974 S 102 6 65536 ELLIPSE "States" | 112128,173499 6500 6500 L 101 102 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 112128,173499 1 0 0 "WT_CMD\n/17/" S 100 6 69632 ELLIPSE "States" | 112674,196431 6500 6500 L 99 100 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 112674,196431 1 0 0 "ST_S_CMD\n/18/" I 96 0 2 Builtin OutPort | 149940,273023 "" "" I 391 0 130 Builtin OutPort | 109748,219216 "" "" L 390 391 0 TEXT "Labels" | 115748,219216 1 0 0 "respByte[7:0]" L 389 388 0 TEXT "Labels" | 181327,240140 1 0 0 "dataByte1[7:0]" I 388 0 130 Builtin Signal | 178327,240140 "" "" L 387 386 0 TEXT "Labels" | 181327,235771 1 0 0 "dataByte2[7:0]" I 386 0 130 Builtin Signal | 178327,235771 "" "" L 385 384 0 TEXT "Labels" | 181070,231402 1 0 0 "dataByte3[7:0]" I 384 0 130 Builtin Signal | 178070,231402 "" "" C 123 106 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 113758,166364 1 0 0 "sendCmdReq == 1'b1" L 122 121 0 TEXT "Labels" | 189826,245330 1 0 0 "rxDataRdyClr" I 121 0 2 Builtin OutPort | 183826,245330 "" "" L 118 117 0 TEXT "Labels" | 156520,254066 1 0 0 "txDataOut[7:0]" I 117 0 130 Builtin OutPort | 150520,254066 "" "" L 116 115 0 TEXT "Labels" | 191737,253793 1 0 0 "rxDataIn[7:0]" I 115 0 130 Builtin InPort | 185737,253793 "" "" L 112 111 0 TEXT "Labels" | 156520,249425 1 0 0 "txDataWen" L 392 393 0 TEXT "Labels" | 155040,236450 1 0 0 "cmdByte_1[7:0]" I 393 0 130 Builtin InPort | 149040,236450 "" "" L 394 395 0 TEXT "Labels" | 155040,232130 1 0 0 "cmdByte_2[7:0]" I 395 0 130 Builtin InPort | 149040,232130 "" "" L 396 397 0 TEXT "Labels" | 115350,214850 1 0 0 "respTout" I 397 0 2 Builtin OutPort | 109350,214850 "" "" L 398 399 0 TEXT "Labels" | 156083,221028 1 0 0 "cmdByte[7:0]" I 399 0 130 Builtin Signal | 153083,221028 "" "" A 137 100 4 TEXT "Actions" | 132312,205914 1 0 0 "sendCmdRdy <= 1'b0;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b0;\ntxDataOut <= 8'h00;\nrxDataRdyClr <= 1'b0;\nrespByte <= 8'h00;\nrespTout <= 1'b0;\ntimeOutCnt <= 10'h000;" A 138 102 4 TEXT "Actions" | 124218,176348 1 0 0 "sendCmdRdy <= 1'b1;" A 139 106 16 TEXT "Actions" | 108893,161005 1 0 0 "sendCmdRdy <= 1'b0;\nrespTout <= 1'b0;" L 400 401 0 TEXT "Labels" | 156156,216020 1 0 0 "timeOutCnt[9:0]" I 401 0 130 Builtin Signal | 153156,216020 "" "" L 407 408 0 TEXT "Labels" | 158650,240900 1 0 0 "txDataEmpty" I 408 0 2 Builtin InPort | 152650,240900 "" "" A 412 410 16 TEXT "Actions" | 187604,127904 1 0 0 "" C 411 410 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 176525,34775 1 0 0 "txDataEmpty == 1'b1" W 410 169 0 311 234 BEZIER "Transitions" | 129680,38771 133617,37459 138963,34462 145962,34024\ 152962,33587 173088,34463 180556,35962 188025,37462\ 197775,42588 199431,55306 201088,68025 197962,113775\ 186681,128962 175400,144150 133400,159150 122119,165962\ 110838,172775 107712,185025 107774,191306 107837,197587\ 111213,210463 112150,219431 113087,228400 113463,251400\ 114962,258243 116462,265087 122088,269463 125056,270025\ 128025,270588 133111,267776 136236,266714 L 420 421 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 197224,232320 1 0 0 "DEL\n/19/" S 421 169 77824 ELLIPSE "States" | 197224,232320 6500 6500 W 422 169 0 234 421 BEZIER "Transitions" | 147223,260243 159499,254229 180037,242591 192313,236577 A 423 422 16 TEXT "Actions" | 153948,265428 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= 8'hff;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;\ntimeOutCnt <= timeOutCnt + 1'b1;\nrxDataRdyClr <= 1'b1;" W 424 169 0 421 237 BEZIER "Transitions" | 190754,232933 178974,233801 160757,232683 148977,233551 A 425 424 16 TEXT "Actions" | 157420,238644 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;\nrxDataRdyClr <= 1'b0;" L 167 168 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 111928,143426 1 0 0 "CMD" S 168 6 73732 ELLIPSE 0,0,0 0 0 1 0,255,255 1 | 111928,143426 6500 6500 H 169 168 0 RECT 0,0,0 0 0 1 255,255,255 0 | 28668,29070 213168,277070 S 176 169 65536 ELLIPSE "States" | 60614,226551 6500 6500 A 177 176 4 TEXT "Actions" | 78632,227097 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;" W 178 169 0 182 176 BEZIER "Transitions" | 85317,242783 68957,244509 60312,236489 60462,233017 L 181 176 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 60614,226551 1 0 0 "CMD_BYTE_ST\n/16/" S 182 169 8192 ELLIPSE "States" | 91419,245022 6500 6500 L 183 182 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 91419,245558 1 0 0 "SEND_FF_FIN\n/2/" I 184 169 0 Builtin Exit | 133914,177514 I 185 169 0 Builtin Entry | 41073,271359 L 193 194 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 61318,198350 1 0 0 "CMD_BYTE_FIN\n/3/" S 194 169 12288 ELLIPSE "States" | 61318,198350 6500 6500 W 197 169 0 176 194 BEZIER "Transitions" | 60038,220079 60241,216895 60646,208095 60689,204810 C 200 197 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 62427,219576 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" A 201 197 16 TEXT "Actions" | 62131,214610 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= cmdByte;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;" W 202 169 0 242 205 BEZIER "Transitions" | 65275,171028 65478,167844 67531,155583 67557,152187 A 203 202 16 TEXT "Actions" | 55728,165182 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= dataByte1;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;" C 204 202 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 67553,171135 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" S 205 169 16384 ELLIPSE "States" | 67858,145716 6500 6500 L 206 205 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 67858,145716 1 0 0 "D_BYTE1_FIN\n/4/" W 222 169 0 247 225 BEZIER "Transitions" | 52145,109346 52666,106042 53123,98876 53547,95545 A 223 222 16 TEXT "Actions" | 54540,105067 1 0 0 "txDataOut <= dataByte2;\ntxDataWen <= 1'b1;" C 224 222 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 54606,109737 1 0 0 "txDataFull == 1'b0" S 225 169 0 ELLIPSE "States" | 54296,89091 6500 6500 L 226 225 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 54296,89091 1 0 0 "D_BYTE2_FIN\n/0/" L 233 234 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 141088,262390 1 0 0 "REQ_RESP_ST\n/5/" S 234 169 20480 ELLIPSE "States" | 141088,262390 6500 6500 L 236 237 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 142710,231828 1 0 0 "REQ_RESP_FIN\n/6/" S 237 169 24576 ELLIPSE "States" | 142710,231828 6500 6500 L 238 239 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 145411,207811 1 0 0 "CHK_RESP\n/7/" S 239 169 28672 ELLIPSE "States" | 145411,207811 6500 6500 C 255 253 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 150412,229033 1 0 0 "rxDataRdy == 1'b1" W 253 169 0 237 239 BEZIER "Transitions" | 143448,225372 143908,221460 144298,218142 144670,214266 S 247 169 4096 ELLIPSE "States" | 51517,115810 6500 6500 L 246 247 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 51517,115810 1 0 0 "D_BYTE2_ST\n/1/" W 245 169 0 194 242 BEZIER "Transitions" | 62217,191914 62763,188911 63074,186881 63620,183878 A 243 205 4 TEXT "Actions" | 77303,148032 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;" S 242 169 32768 ELLIPSE "States" | 64894,177508 6500 6500 L 241 242 0 TEXT "State Labels" | 64894,177508 1 0 0 "D_BYTE1_ST\n/8/" A 240 194 4 TEXT "Actions" | 71835,200982 1 0 0 "txDataWen <= 1'b0;" W 264 169 3 239 234 BEZIER "Transitions" | 140148,211623 134593,217246 123512,226873 120971,232699\ 118431,238525 119380,250586 121717,254311 124054,258037\ 130485,259851 134685,261273 C 263 262 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 112592,197061 1 0 0 "respByte[7] == 1'b0" W 262 169 2 239 184 BEZIER "Transitions" | 143473,201609 142051,196460 135404,184680 133914,179562 C 261 260 0 TEXT "Conditions" | 158534,204974 1 0 0 "timeOutCnt == 10'h200" W 260 169 1 239 184 BEZIER "Transitions" | 151546,205667 157905,203655 172683,180675 136858,177514 END