variable MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN variable MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN variable MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN variable MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH variable MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH variable header_data source sim/rtl_sim/ncsim_sim/script/run_proc.tcl frame .f1 frame .f2 text .f1.t1 -width 60 -height 20 button .f2.b1 -text "Quit" -width 5 -command {exit} button .f2.b2 -text "Next" -width 5 -command {module_conf} pack .f1 .f2 pack .f1.t1 pack .f2.b1 .f2.b2 -side left set strings \ {Hi guys, Thanks for your interest about this tri-speed ethernet MAC controller. Since this project was created at 25-Nov-2005,I put almost all my free time on this project.I am exhausted for this two month's extra work.If you think this project is useful,let me know that and i will feel much better. To increase the flexibility, some optional modules can be removed from the design to reduce area. Any problem or bug report please contact me by email: jon 18-Jan-2006 } .f1.t1 insert end $strings proc module_conf {} { global MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN global MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN global MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN global MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH global MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH global header_data if {[catch {open ./rtl/verilog/header.v r} fileid]} { puts "Failed open ./rtl/verilog/header.v file\n" } else { gets $fileid line if {[lindex $line 0]=="//"} { set line [lreplace $line 0 0] set MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN 0 } else { set MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN 1 } lappend header_data $line gets $fileid line if {[lindex $line 0]=="//"} { set line [lreplace $line 0 0] set MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN 0 } else { set MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN 1 } lappend header_data $line gets $fileid line if {[lindex $line 0]=="//"} { set line [lreplace $line 0 0] set MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN 0 } else { set MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN 1 } lappend header_data $line gets $fileid line set MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH [lindex $line 2] lappend header_data $line gets $fileid line set MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH [lindex $line 2] lappend header_data $line close $fileid } destroy .f1 .f2 frame .f1 frame .f2 frame .f1.f1 frame .f1.f2 frame .f1.f3 frame .f1.f4 frame .f1.f5 frame .f1.f6 pack .f1 .f2 pack .f1.f1 .f1.f2 .f1.f3 .f1.f4 .f1.f5 .f1.f6 label -text "enable source MAC replace module" -width 30 checkbutton .f1.f1.cb -variable MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN label -text "enable target MAC check module " -width 30 checkbutton .f1.f2.cb -variable MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN label -text "enable broadcast packet filter module" -width 30 checkbutton .f1.f3.cb -variable MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN label -text "MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH" -width 30 entry .f1.f4.en -textvariable MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH -width 5 label -text "MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH" -width 30 entry .f1.f5.en -textvariable MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH -width 5 button .f2.b1 -width 10 -text "Save" -command {save_header} button .f2.b2 -width 10 -text "Verify" -command {run_sim} button .f2.b4 -width 10 -text "Exit" -command {exit} pack .f1.f1.cb -side right pack .f1.f2.cb -side right pack .f1.f3.cb -side right pack .f1.f4.en -side right pack .f1.f5.en -side right pack .f2.b1 .f2.b2 .f2.b4 -side left } proc save_header {} { global MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN global MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN global MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN global MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH global MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH global header_data if {[catch {open ./rtl/verilog/header.v w} fileid]} { puts "Failed open ./rtl/verilog/header.v file\n" } else { set line [lindex $header_data 0] if {$MAC_SOURCE_REPLACE_EN==0} { set line [linsert $line 0 "//"] } puts $fileid $line set line [lindex $header_data 1] if {$MAC_TARGET_CHECK_EN==0} { set line [linsert $line 0 "//"] } puts $fileid $line set line [lindex $header_data 2] if {$MAC_BROADCAST_FILTER_EN==0} { set line [linsert $line 0 "//"] } puts $fileid $line set line [lindex $header_data 3] set line [lreplace $line 2 2 $MAC_TX_FF_DEPTH] puts $fileid $line set line [lindex $header_data 4] set line [lreplace $line 2 2 $MAC_RX_FF_DEPTH] puts $fileid $line close $fileid } } proc start_verify {} { cd sim/rtl_sim/ncsim_sim/script vish run.tcl } proc start_syn {} { cd syn synplify_pro syn.prj } proc run_sim {} { cd sim/rtl_sim/ncsim_sim/script/ run_proc }