/* $Id: aemb2.v,v 1.3 2007/12/28 21:44:50 sybreon Exp $ ** ** AEMB2 TEST BENCH ** Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Shawn Tan Ser Ngiap <shawn.tan@aeste.net> ** ** This file is part of AEMB. ** ** AEMB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ** published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ** License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** AEMB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ** or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ** Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with AEMB. If not, see <http:**www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ module aemb2 (); parameter IWB=16; parameter DWB=16; parameter TXE = 0; ///< thread execution enable parameter MUL = 1; ///< enable hardware multiplier parameter BSF = 1; ///< enable barrel shifter parameter FSL = 1; ///< enable FSL bus parameter DIV = 0; ///< enable hardware divider `include "random.v" /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [6:2] cwb_adr_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [31:0] cwb_dat_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [3:0] cwb_sel_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire cwb_stb_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [1:0] cwb_tga_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire cwb_wre_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [DWB-1:2] dwb_adr_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire dwb_cyc_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [31:0] dwb_dat_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [3:0] dwb_sel_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire dwb_stb_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire dwb_tga_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire dwb_wre_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire [IWB-1:2] iwb_adr_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire iwb_stb_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire iwb_tga_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v wire iwb_wre_o; // From dut of aeMB2_sim.v // End of automatics /*AUTOREGINPUT*/ // Beginning of automatic reg inputs (for undeclared instantiated-module inputs) reg cwb_ack_i; // To dut of aeMB2_sim.v reg dwb_ack_i; // To dut of aeMB2_sim.v reg iwb_ack_i; // To dut of aeMB2_sim.v reg sys_clk_i; // To dut of aeMB2_sim.v reg sys_int_i; // To dut of aeMB2_sim.v reg sys_rst_i; // To dut of aeMB2_sim.v // End of automatics // INITIAL SETUP ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //reg sys_clk_i, sys_rst_i, sys_int_i, sys_exc_i; reg svc; integer inttime; integer seed; integer theend; always #5 sys_clk_i = ~sys_clk_i; initial begin //$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); //$dumpvars(1,dut, dut.bpcu); end initial begin seed = randseed; theend = 0; svc = 0; sys_clk_i = $random(seed); sys_rst_i = 1; sys_int_i = 0; #50 sys_rst_i = 0; #3500000 $finish; end // FAKE MEMORY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg [31:0] rom [0:65535]; reg [31:0] ram[0:65535]; reg [31:0] dwblat; reg [15:2] dadr, iadr; wire [31:0] dwb_dat_t = ram[dwb_adr_o]; wire [31:0] iwb_dat_i = rom[iadr]; wire [31:0] dwb_dat_i = ram[dadr]; wire [31:0] cwb_dat_i = cwb_adr_o; `ifdef POSEDGE `else // !`ifdef POSEDGE always @(negedge sys_clk_i) if (sys_rst_i) begin /*AUTORESET*/ // Beginning of autoreset for uninitialized flops cwb_ack_i <= 1'h0; dwb_ack_i <= 1'h0; iwb_ack_i <= 1'h0; // End of automatics end else begin iwb_ack_i <= #1 iwb_stb_o; dwb_ack_i <= #1 dwb_stb_o; cwb_ack_i <= #1 cwb_stb_o; end // else: !if(sys_rst_i) always @(negedge sys_clk_i) begin iadr <= #1 iwb_adr_o; dadr <= #1 dwb_adr_o; if (dwb_wre_o & dwb_stb_o) begin case (dwb_sel_o) 4'h1: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_t[31:8], dwb_dat_o[7:0]}; 4'h2: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_t[31:16], dwb_dat_o[15:8], dwb_dat_t[7:0]}; 4'h4: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_t[31:24], dwb_dat_o[23:16], dwb_dat_t[15:0]}; 4'h8: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_o[31:24], dwb_dat_t[23:0]}; 4'h3: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_t[31:16], dwb_dat_o[15:0]}; 4'hC: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_o[31:16], dwb_dat_t[15:0]}; 4'hF: ram[dwb_adr_o] <= {dwb_dat_o}; endcase // case (dwb_sel_o) end // if (dwb_we_o & dwb_stb_o) end // always @ (negedge sys_clk_i) `endif // !`ifdef POSEDGE integer i; initial begin for (i=0;i<65535;i=i+1) begin ram[i] <= $random; end #1 $readmemh("dump.vmem",rom); #1 $readmemh("dump.vmem",ram); end // DISPLAY OUTPUTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////// integer rnd; always @(posedge sys_clk_i) begin // Interrupt Monitors if (!dut.sim.rMSR_IE) begin rnd = $random % 30; inttime = $stime + 1000 + (rnd*rnd * 10); end if ($stime > inttime) begin sys_int_i = 1; svc = 0; end if (($stime > inttime + 500) && !svc) begin $display("\n\t*** INTERRUPT TIMEOUT ***", inttime); $finish; end if (dwb_wre_o & (dwb_dat_o == "RTNI")) sys_int_i = 0; /* if (dut.regf.fRDWE && (dut.rRD == 5'h0e) && !svc && dut.gena) begin svc = 1; //$display("\nLATENCY: ", ($stime - inttime)/10); end */ // Pass/Fail Monitors if (dwb_wre_o & (dwb_dat_o == "FAIL")) begin $display("\n\tFAIL"); $finish; end if (iwb_dat_i == 32'hb8000000) begin theend = theend + 1; end if (theend == 5) begin $display("\n\t*** PASSED ALL TESTS ***"); $finish; end end // always @ (posedge sys_clk_i) // INTERNAL WIRING //////////////////////////////////////////////////// aeMB2_sim #(/*AUTOINSTPARAM*/ // Parameters .IWB (IWB), .DWB (DWB), .TXE (TXE), .MUL (MUL), .BSF (BSF), .FSL (FSL), .DIV (DIV)) dut (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .cwb_adr_o (cwb_adr_o[6:2]), .cwb_dat_o (cwb_dat_o[31:0]), .cwb_sel_o (cwb_sel_o[3:0]), .cwb_stb_o (cwb_stb_o), .cwb_tga_o (cwb_tga_o[1:0]), .cwb_wre_o (cwb_wre_o), .dwb_adr_o (dwb_adr_o[DWB-1:2]), .dwb_cyc_o (dwb_cyc_o), .dwb_dat_o (dwb_dat_o[31:0]), .dwb_sel_o (dwb_sel_o[3:0]), .dwb_stb_o (dwb_stb_o), .dwb_tga_o (dwb_tga_o), .dwb_wre_o (dwb_wre_o), .iwb_adr_o (iwb_adr_o[IWB-1:2]), .iwb_stb_o (iwb_stb_o), .iwb_tga_o (iwb_tga_o), .iwb_wre_o (iwb_wre_o), // Inputs .cwb_ack_i (cwb_ack_i), .cwb_dat_i (cwb_dat_i[31:0]), .dwb_ack_i (dwb_ack_i), .dwb_dat_i (dwb_dat_i[31:0]), .iwb_ack_i (iwb_ack_i), .iwb_dat_i (iwb_dat_i[31:0]), .sys_clk_i (sys_clk_i), .sys_int_i (sys_int_i), .sys_rst_i (sys_rst_i)); endmodule // edk32 /* $Log $ */ // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../../rtl/verilog/") // verilog-library-files:("") // End: