/* $Id: aeMB_edk32.v,v 1.14 2008/01/19 16:01:22 sybreon Exp $ ** ** AEMB EDK 3.2 Compatible Core ** Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Shawn Tan Ser Ngiap <shawn.tan@aeste.net> ** ** This file is part of AEMB. ** ** AEMB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ** published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ** License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** AEMB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ** or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ** Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with AEMB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ module aeMB_edk32 (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs iwb_stb_o, iwb_adr_o, fsl_wre_o, fsl_tag_o, fsl_stb_o, fsl_dat_o, fsl_adr_o, dwb_wre_o, dwb_stb_o, dwb_sel_o, dwb_dat_o, dwb_adr_o, // Inputs sys_int_i, iwb_dat_i, iwb_ack_i, fsl_dat_i, fsl_ack_i, dwb_dat_i, dwb_ack_i, sys_clk_i, sys_rst_i ); // Bus widths parameter IW = 32; /// Instruction bus address width parameter DW = 32; /// Data bus address width // Optional functions parameter MUL = 0; // Multiplier parameter BSF = 1; // Barrel Shifter /*AUTOOUTPUT*/ // Beginning of automatic outputs (from unused autoinst outputs) output [DW-1:2] dwb_adr_o; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v output [31:0] dwb_dat_o; // From regf of aeMB_regf.v output [3:0] dwb_sel_o; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v output dwb_stb_o; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v output dwb_wre_o; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v output [6:2] fsl_adr_o; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v output [31:0] fsl_dat_o; // From regf of aeMB_regf.v output fsl_stb_o; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v output [1:0] fsl_tag_o; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v output fsl_wre_o; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v output [IW-1:2] iwb_adr_o; // From bpcu of aeMB_bpcu.v output iwb_stb_o; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v // End of automatics /*AUTOINPUT*/ // Beginning of automatic inputs (from unused autoinst inputs) input dwb_ack_i; // To ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v input [31:0] dwb_dat_i; // To regf of aeMB_regf.v input fsl_ack_i; // To ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v input [31:0] fsl_dat_i; // To regf of aeMB_regf.v input iwb_ack_i; // To ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v, ... input [31:0] iwb_dat_i; // To ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v input sys_int_i; // To ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v // End of automatics /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [10:0] rALT; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire rBRA; // From bpcu of aeMB_bpcu.v wire rDLY; // From bpcu of aeMB_bpcu.v wire [31:0] rDWBDI; // From regf of aeMB_regf.v wire [3:0] rDWBSEL; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v wire [15:0] rIMM; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire rMSR_BIP; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v wire rMSR_IE; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v wire [1:0] rMXALT; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v wire [2:0] rMXALU; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v wire [1:0] rMXDST; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v wire [1:0] rMXSRC; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v wire [1:0] rMXTGT; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v wire [5:0] rOPC; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire [31:2] rPC; // From bpcu of aeMB_bpcu.v wire [31:2] rPCLNK; // From bpcu of aeMB_bpcu.v wire [4:0] rRA; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire [4:0] rRB; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire [4:0] rRD; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire [31:0] rREGA; // From regf of aeMB_regf.v wire [31:0] rREGB; // From regf of aeMB_regf.v wire [31:0] rRESULT; // From xecu of aeMB_xecu.v wire [4:0] rRW; // From ctrl of aeMB_ctrl.v wire [31:0] rSIMM; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire rSTALL; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v wire [31:0] xIREG; // From ibuf of aeMB_ibuf.v // End of automatics input sys_clk_i; input sys_rst_i; wire grst = sys_rst_i; wire gclk = sys_clk_i; wire gena = !((dwb_stb_o ^ dwb_ack_i) | (fsl_stb_o ^ fsl_ack_i) | !iwb_ack_i) & !rSTALL; wire oena = ((dwb_stb_o ^ dwb_ack_i) | (fsl_stb_o ^ fsl_ack_i) | !iwb_ack_i); // --- INSTANTIATIONS ------------------------------------- aeMB_ibuf ibuf (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .rIMM (rIMM[15:0]), .rRA (rRA[4:0]), .rRD (rRD[4:0]), .rRB (rRB[4:0]), .rALT (rALT[10:0]), .rOPC (rOPC[5:0]), .rSIMM (rSIMM[31:0]), .xIREG (xIREG[31:0]), .rSTALL (rSTALL), .iwb_stb_o (iwb_stb_o), // Inputs .rBRA (rBRA), .rMSR_IE (rMSR_IE), .rMSR_BIP (rMSR_BIP), .iwb_dat_i (iwb_dat_i[31:0]), .iwb_ack_i (iwb_ack_i), .sys_int_i (sys_int_i), .gclk (gclk), .grst (grst), .gena (gena), .oena (oena)); aeMB_ctrl ctrl (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .rMXDST (rMXDST[1:0]), .rMXSRC (rMXSRC[1:0]), .rMXTGT (rMXTGT[1:0]), .rMXALT (rMXALT[1:0]), .rMXALU (rMXALU[2:0]), .rRW (rRW[4:0]), .dwb_stb_o (dwb_stb_o), .dwb_wre_o (dwb_wre_o), .fsl_stb_o (fsl_stb_o), .fsl_wre_o (fsl_wre_o), // Inputs .rDLY (rDLY), .rIMM (rIMM[15:0]), .rALT (rALT[10:0]), .rOPC (rOPC[5:0]), .rRD (rRD[4:0]), .rRA (rRA[4:0]), .rRB (rRB[4:0]), .rPC (rPC[31:2]), .rBRA (rBRA), .rMSR_IE (rMSR_IE), .xIREG (xIREG[31:0]), .dwb_ack_i (dwb_ack_i), .iwb_ack_i (iwb_ack_i), .fsl_ack_i (fsl_ack_i), .gclk (gclk), .grst (grst), .gena (gena)); aeMB_bpcu #(IW) bpcu (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .iwb_adr_o (iwb_adr_o[IW-1:2]), .rPC (rPC[31:2]), .rPCLNK (rPCLNK[31:2]), .rBRA (rBRA), .rDLY (rDLY), // Inputs .rMXALT (rMXALT[1:0]), .rOPC (rOPC[5:0]), .rRD (rRD[4:0]), .rRA (rRA[4:0]), .rRESULT (rRESULT[31:0]), .rDWBDI (rDWBDI[31:0]), .rREGA (rREGA[31:0]), .gclk (gclk), .grst (grst), .gena (gena)); aeMB_regf regf (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .rREGA (rREGA[31:0]), .rREGB (rREGB[31:0]), .rDWBDI (rDWBDI[31:0]), .dwb_dat_o (dwb_dat_o[31:0]), .fsl_dat_o (fsl_dat_o[31:0]), // Inputs .rOPC (rOPC[5:0]), .rRA (rRA[4:0]), .rRB (rRB[4:0]), .rRW (rRW[4:0]), .rRD (rRD[4:0]), .rMXDST (rMXDST[1:0]), .rPCLNK (rPCLNK[31:2]), .rRESULT (rRESULT[31:0]), .rDWBSEL (rDWBSEL[3:0]), .rBRA (rBRA), .rDLY (rDLY), .dwb_dat_i (dwb_dat_i[31:0]), .fsl_dat_i (fsl_dat_i[31:0]), .gclk (gclk), .grst (grst), .gena (gena)); aeMB_xecu #(DW, MUL, BSF) xecu (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .dwb_adr_o (dwb_adr_o[DW-1:2]), .dwb_sel_o (dwb_sel_o[3:0]), .fsl_adr_o (fsl_adr_o[6:2]), .fsl_tag_o (fsl_tag_o[1:0]), .rRESULT (rRESULT[31:0]), .rDWBSEL (rDWBSEL[3:0]), .rMSR_IE (rMSR_IE), .rMSR_BIP (rMSR_BIP), // Inputs .rREGA (rREGA[31:0]), .rREGB (rREGB[31:0]), .rMXSRC (rMXSRC[1:0]), .rMXTGT (rMXTGT[1:0]), .rRA (rRA[4:0]), .rRB (rRB[4:0]), .rMXALU (rMXALU[2:0]), .rBRA (rBRA), .rDLY (rDLY), .rALT (rALT[10:0]), .rSTALL (rSTALL), .rSIMM (rSIMM[31:0]), .rIMM (rIMM[15:0]), .rOPC (rOPC[5:0]), .rRD (rRD[4:0]), .rDWBDI (rDWBDI[31:0]), .rPC (rPC[31:2]), .gclk (gclk), .grst (grst), .gena (gena)); endmodule // aeMB_edk32 /* $Log: aeMB_edk32.v,v $ Revision 1.14 2008/01/19 16:01:22 sybreon Patched problem where memory access followed by dual cycle instructions were not stalling correctly (submitted by M. Ettus) Revision 1.13 2007/12/25 22:15:09 sybreon Stalls pipeline on MUL/BSF instructions results in minor speed improvements. Revision 1.12 2007/12/23 20:40:44 sybreon Abstracted simulation kernel (aeMB_sim) to split simulation models from synthesis models. Revision 1.11 2007/11/30 17:08:29 sybreon Moved simulation kernel into code. Revision 1.10 2007/11/16 21:52:03 sybreon Added fsl_tag_o to FSL bus (tag either address or data). Revision 1.9 2007/11/14 23:19:24 sybreon Fixed minor typo. Revision 1.8 2007/11/14 22:14:34 sybreon Changed interrupt handling system (reported by M. Ettus). Revision 1.7 2007/11/10 16:39:38 sybreon Upgraded license to LGPLv3. Significant performance optimisations. Revision 1.6 2007/11/09 20:51:52 sybreon Added GET/PUT support through a FSL bus. Revision 1.5 2007/11/08 17:48:14 sybreon Fixed data WISHBONE arbitration problem (reported by J Lee). Revision 1.4 2007/11/08 14:17:47 sybreon Parameterised optional components. Revision 1.3 2007/11/03 08:34:55 sybreon Minor code cleanup. Revision 1.2 2007/11/02 19:20:58 sybreon Added better (beta) interrupt support. Changed MSR_IE to disabled at reset as per MB docs. Revision 1.1 2007/11/02 03:25:40 sybreon New EDK 3.2 compatible design with optional barrel-shifter and multiplier. Fixed various minor data hazard bugs. Code compatible with -O0/1/2/3/s generated code. */