#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
X4XX Built-In Self Test (BIST)

Will work on all derivatives of the X4xx series.

import sys
import time
import subprocess
from usrp_mpm.sys_utils.udev import dt_symbol_get_spidev
from usrp_mpm import bist

# Timeout values are in seconds:
GPS_WARMUP_TIMEOUT = 70 # Data sheet says "about a minute"
GPS_LOCKOK_TIMEOUT = 2 # Data sheet says about 15 minutes. Because our test
                       # does not necessarily require GPS lock to pass, we
                       # reduce this value in order for the BIST to pass faster
                       # by default.

# We will import stuff as late as possible, intentionally, so let's calm down
# PyLint
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

def get_rfdc_config(log):
    Return resampling, halfband settings of current FPGA image.
    from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import x4xx_rfdc_regs
    from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import x4xx_rfdc_ctrl
    rdfc_regs_control = x4xx_rfdc_regs.RfdcRegsControl(
        x4xx_rfdc_ctrl.X4xxRfdcCtrl.rfdc_regs_label, log)
    return rdfc_regs_control.get_rfdc_resampling_factor(0)

def db_bist(test_fn):
    def inner(self):
        db_ids = [0, 1]

        db_id = self.args.option.get('db_id')
        if db_id is not None:
            db_id = int(db_id)
            assert db_id in [0, 1]
            db_ids = [db_id]

        test_status = True
        test_result = {}
        for db_id in db_ids:
            status, result = test_fn(self, db_id)
            test_status &= status
            test_result[f"db{db_id}"] = result
            if 'error_msg' in result:
                msg = f"db{db_id}: " + result['error_msg'] + "\n"
                test_result['error_msg'] = test_result.get('error_msg', '') + msg
        return test_status, test_result
    return inner

# Bist class
class X4XXBIST(bist.UsrpBIST):
    BIST Tool for the USRP X4xx series
    usrp_type = "X4XX"
    # This defines special tests that are really collections of other tests.
    collections = {
        'standard': ["gpsdo", "rtc", "temp", "fan"],
        'extended': "*",
    # Default FPGA image type
    DEFAULT_FPGA_TYPE = 'X4_200'
    lv_compat_format = {
        'dram': {
            'throughput': -1,
        'gpsdo': {
            "class": "",
            "time": "",
            "ept": -1,
            "lat": -1,
            "lon": -1,
            "alt": -1,
            "epx": -1,
            "epy": -1,
            "epv": -1,
            "track": -1,
            "speed": -1,
            "climb": -1,
            "eps": -1,
            "mode": -1,
        'gpio': {
            'write_patterns': [],
            'read_patterns': [],
        'temp': {
            "DRAM PCB":         40000,
            "EC Internal":      41000,
            "PMBUS-0":          42000,
            "PMBUS-1":          43000,
            "Power Supply PCB": 44000,
            "RFSoC":            45000,
            "Sample Clock PCB": 46000,
            "TMP464 Internal":  47000,
        'fan': {
            'fan0': -1,
            'fan1': -1,
    device_args = "type=x4xx,mgmt_addr="

    def __init__(self):

    def get_mb_periph_mgr(self):
        """Return reference to an x4xx periph manager"""
        from usrp_mpm.periph_manager.x4xx import x4xx
        return x4xx

    def get_product_id(self):
        """Return the mboard product ID:"""
        # TODO: use correct product ID, this is just a hack
        # TODO: the path to the eeprom is not self-speaking like e.g. mb_eeprom
        # return bist.get_product_id_from_eeprom(valid_ids=['x410'], eeprom='mb_eeprom')
        return self.get_product_id_from_eeprom(

    def get_product_id_from_eeprom(self, valid_ids, eeprom):
        """Return the mboard product ID
        Returns something like x410...
        # it is just here as override because eeprom-id installed on the
        # x410 now needs a parameter while on n310 it runs without
        # also the path to the eeprom is not self-speaking like e.g. mb_eeprom
        # last problem is that the returned id is not 'x410' but '0410'
        cmd = ['eeprom-id']
        cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
        output = subprocess.check_output(
        sys.stderr.write("product_id_from_eeprom: {}".format(str(output)))
        for valid_id in valid_ids:
            if valid_id in output:
                return 'x410'
        raise AssertionError("Cannot determine product ID.: `{}'".format(output))

    def reload_fpga(self, fpga_type, sfp0_addrs):
        Loads the specified fpga and checks for sfp0 address, if the sfp0 address
        existed, restores the original sfp0 address
        from usrp_mpm.sys_utils import net
        from pyroute2 import IPRoute
        import errno
        if sfp0_addrs:
            ipr = IPRoute()
            dev = ipr.link_lookup(ifname='sfp0')[0]
            ipr.link('set', index=dev, state='down')
                ipr.addr('add', index=dev, address=sfp0_addrs[0], mask=24, label='sfp0')
            except Exception as ex:
                # If the addr already exists then ignore the error
                if ex.code == errno.EEXIST:
            ipr.link('set', index=dev, state='up')

    def check_fpga_type_clkaux(self):
        clkaux BISTs require a OSS bitfile, check type and reimage if needed
        If we have an OSS bitfile, we need to return a mcr that the clkaux
        lmk can lock to. (Data clock rate of 122.88MHz)
        from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import x4xx, x4xx_periphs

        mboard_regs_control = x4xx_periphs.MboardRegsControl(
            x4xx.x4xx.mboard_regs_label, self.log)
        fpga_str = mboard_regs_control.get_fpga_type()
        if not fpga_str or fpga_str == 'LV':

        rfdc_resamp, halfband = get_rfdc_config(self.log)
        mcr = 122880000 * (8 / rfdc_resamp)
        if halfband:
            mcr = mcr / 2
        return mcr

# All bist_* methods must return True/False success values!
    def bist_dram(self):
        BIST for PL DDR4 DRAM
        Description: Calls a test to examine the speed of the DRAM. To be
        precise, it fires up a UHD session, which runs a DRAM BiST internally.
        If that works, it'll return estimated throughput that was gathered
        during the DRAM BiST.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        - throughput: The estimated throughput in bytes/s

        Return status:
        True if the DRAM bist passed
        assert 'dram' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'throughput': 1700e6}
        result = bist.test_ddr3_with_usrp_probe()
        return result.get('throughput', 0) > 1500e6, result

    def bist_gpsdo(self):
        BIST for GPSDO
        Description: Returns GPS information
        External Equipment: None; Recommend attaching an antenna or providing
                           fake GPS information

        Return dictionary: A TPV dictionary as returned by gpsd.
        See also: http://www.catb.org/gpsd/gpsd_json.html

        Check for mode 2 or 3 to see if it's locked.
        assert 'gpsdo' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {
                "class": "TPV",
                "time": "2017-04-30T11:48:20.10Z",
                "ept": 0.005,
                "lat": 30.407899,
                "lon": -97.726634,
                "alt": 1327.689,
                "epx": 15.319,
                "epy": 17.054,
                "epv": 124.484,
                "track": 10.3797,
                "speed": 0.091,
                "climb": -0.085,
                "eps": 34.11,
                "mode": 3
        from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import x4xx
        # Turn on GPS, give some time to acclimatize
        clk_aux_brd = x4xx.ClockingAuxBrdControl(default_source="gpsdo")
        gps_warmup_timeout = float(
            self.args.option.get('gps_warmup_timeout', GPS_WARMUP_TIMEOUT))
        gps_lockok_timeout = float(
            self.args.option.get('gps_lockok_timeout', GPS_LOCKOK_TIMEOUT))
        # Wait for WARMUP to go low
            "Waiting for WARMUP to go low for up to {} seconds...\n".format(
        if not bist.poll_with_timeout(
                lambda: not clk_aux_brd.get_gps_warmup(),
                gps_warmup_timeout*1000, 1000
            raise RuntimeError(
                "GPS-WARMUP did not go low within {} seconds!".format(
        sys.stderr.write("Chip is warmed up.\n")
        # Wait for LOCKOK. Data sheet says wait up to 15 minutes for GPS lock.
            "Waiting for LOCKOK to go high for up to {} seconds...\n".format(
        if not bist.poll_with_timeout(
            sys.stderr.write("No GPS-LOCKOK!\n")
        sys.stderr.write("GPS-SURVEY status: {}\n".format(
        sys.stderr.write("GPS-PHASELOCK status: {}\n".format(
        sys.stderr.write("GPS-ALARM status: {}\n".format(
        # Now the chip is on, read back the TPV result
        result = bist.get_gpsd_tpv_result()
        # If we reach this line, we have a valid result and the chip responded.
        # However, it doesn't necessarily mean we had a GPS lock.
        return True, result

    def bist_ref_clock_mboard(self):
        BIST for clock lock from mboard clock source (local to the motherboard)

        Description: Checks to see if the motherboard can lock to its internal
        clock source.

        External Equipment: None
        Return dictionary:
        - <sensor-name>:
          - locked: Boolean lock status

        There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all
        need to be asserted.
        assert 'ref_clock_mboard' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'ref_locked': True}
        from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import x4xx_rfdc_ctrl
        rfdc_resamp, fpga_halfband = get_rfdc_config(self.log)
        mcrs_to_test = []
        for master_clock_rate, (_, decimation, _, halfband) in \
            if decimation == rfdc_resamp and fpga_halfband == halfband:

        for master_clock_rate in mcrs_to_test:
            sys.stderr.write("Testing master_clock_rate {}".format(master_clock_rate))
            result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop(
                    'addr': '',
                    'mgmt_addr': '',
                    'master_clock_rate': master_clock_rate,
            if 'error_msg' in result:
                return False, result
        return True, result

    def bist_ref_clock_ext(self):
        BIST for clock lock from external source.

        Description: Checks to see if the motherboard can lock to the external
        reference clock.

        External Equipment: 10 MHz reference source connected to "ref in".

        Return dictionary:
        - <sensor-name>:
          - locked: Boolean lock status

        There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all
        need to be asserted.
        assert 'ref_clock_ext' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'ref_locked': True}
        result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop(
            extra_args={'addr': '', 'mgmt_addr': ''}
        return 'error_msg' not in result, result

    def bist_ref_clock_gpsdo(self):
        BIST for clock lock from gpsdo source.

        Description: Checks to see if the motherboard can lock to the gpsdo
        reference clock.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        - <sensor-name>:
          - locked: Boolean lock status

        There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all
        need to be asserted.
        assert 'ref_clock_gpsdo' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'ref_locked': True}
        result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop(
        return 'error_msg' not in result, result

    def bist_ref_clock_int(self):
        BIST for clock lock from internal source.

        Description: Checks to see if the motherboard can lock to the
        clocking aux board's internal reference clock.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        - <sensor-name>:
          - locked: Boolean lock status

        There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all
        need to be asserted.
        assert 'ref_clock_int' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'ref_locked': True}
        result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop(
            extra_args={'addr': '', 'mgmt_addr': ''}
        return 'error_msg' not in result, result

    def bist_ref_clock_nsync(self):
        BIST for clock lock from nsync source.

        Description: Checks to see if the motherboard can lock to the nsync
        reference clock.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        - <sensor-name>:
          - locked: Boolean lock status

        There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all
        need to be asserted.
        assert 'ref_clock_nsync' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'ref_locked': True}
        result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop(
            extra_args={'addr': '', 'mgmt_addr': ''}
        return 'error_msg' not in result, result

    def bist_nsync_fabric(self):
        BIST for testing the fabric_clk signal from the motherboard

        Description: Checks to see if the LMK on the clocking auxiliary board
        can lock to the fabric clock signal output by the motherboard. We check
        this by verifying that the pri_ref signal is being used, the dpll is locked,
        the apll1 is locked, and apll2 is unlocked.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        - fabric_clk pll lock: Did the clkaux lmk lock to the fabric_clk signal
        assert 'nsync_fabric' in self.tests_to_run
        import uhd
        from uhd.usrp import multi_usrp

            mcr = self.check_fpga_type_clkaux()
            usrp_dev = multi_usrp.MultiUSRP("type=x4xx,addr=localhost,clock_source=nsync,"
        except Exception as ex:
            return False, {
                'error_msg': "Failed to create usrp device: {}".format(str(ex))

        mpm_c = usrp_dev.get_mpm_client()

        # The lock should happen fast, but give it half a second
        # Status 1 checks that the lmk is configured to use the priref signal
        # True = secref, False = priref
        using_pri_ref = not mpm_c.clkaux_get_nsync_status1()
        # Status 0 checks dpll loss of lock
        dpll_lock = not mpm_c.clkaux_get_nsync_status0()
        # Reg 0xD checks several APLL statuses, we need to make sure APLL1 is
        # locked and APLL2 is unlocked
        apll_lock = mpm_c.peek_clkaux(0xD) == '0x8'

        result = using_pri_ref and dpll_lock and apll_lock


        return result, {"pri_ref_selected": using_pri_ref,
                        "dpll_locked": dpll_lock,
                        "apll1_locked_apll2_unlocked": apll_lock}

    def bist_nsync_gty(self):
        BIST for testing the gty_rcv_clk signal from the motherboard

        Description: Checks to see if the LMK on the clocking auxiliary board
        can lock to the gty_rcv clock signal output by the motherboard. We check
        this by verifying that the pri_ref signal is being used, the dpll is locked,
        the apll1 is locked, and apll2 is unlocked.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        - gty_rcv_clk pll lock: Did the clkaux lmk lock to the gty_rcv_clk signal
        assert 'nsync_gty' in self.tests_to_run
        import uhd
        from uhd.usrp import multi_usrp

            mcr = self.check_fpga_type_clkaux()
            usrp_dev = multi_usrp.MultiUSRP("type=x4xx,addr=localhost,clock_source=nsync,"
        except Exception as ex:
            return False, {
                'error_msg': "Failed to create usrp device: {}".format(str(ex))

        mpm_c = usrp_dev.get_mpm_client()

        # The lock should happen fast, but give it half a second
        # Status 1 checks that the lmk is configured to use the priref signal
        # True = secref, False = priref
        using_pri_ref = not mpm_c.clkaux_get_nsync_status1()
        # Status 0 checks dpll loss of lock
        dpll_lock = not mpm_c.clkaux_get_nsync_status0()
        # Reg 0xD checks several APLL statuses, we need to make sure APLL1 is
        # locked and APLL2 is unlocked
        apll_lock = mpm_c.peek_clkaux(0xD) == '0x8'

        result = using_pri_ref and dpll_lock and apll_lock

        # Set the clock source back to internal, as the register values
        # for locking to the gty_rcv_clk cause the mboard to lose ref_lock
        # to the nsync lmk.

        return result, {"pri_ref_selected": using_pri_ref,
                        "dpll_locked": dpll_lock,
                        "apll1_locked_apll2_unlocked": apll_lock}

    def bist_clkaux_fpga_aux_ref(self):
        BIST for testing the fpga_aux_ref pps source

        Description: Checks to see if the fpga_aux_ref can output a valid pps signal

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        assert 'clkaux_fpga_aux_ref' in self.tests_to_run
        import uhd
        from uhd.usrp import multi_usrp

            mcr = self.check_fpga_type_clkaux()
            usrp_dev = multi_usrp.MultiUSRP("type=x4xx,addr=localhost,clock_source=nsync,"
        except Exception as ex:
            return False, {
                'error_msg': "Failed to create usrp device: {}".format(str(ex))

        mpm_c = usrp_dev.get_mpm_client()

        count = mpm_c.get_fpga_aux_ref_freq()

        # We expect a pps signal, pulse is reported in 40 MHz clock ticks, so
        # 1 PPS is expected to return 40 million ticks, this gives 1% tolerance
        return 39600000 < count < 40400000, {}

    def bist_nsync_rpll_config(self):
        BIST for testing that the LMK28PRIRefClk can be used as a source for the
        motherboard RPLL

        Description: Enable the LMK on the clocking auxiliary board to output a signal
        on the LMK28PRIRefClk line to the motherboard RPLL. Configure the RPLL to use
        this source, and check to see if the RPLL can lock to the source.

        External Equipment: None

        Return dictionary:
        assert 'nsync_rpll_config' in self.tests_to_run
        import uhd
        from uhd.usrp import multi_usrp
        from usrp_mpm.sys_utils import net

            mcr = self.check_fpga_type_clkaux()
            usrp_dev = multi_usrp.MultiUSRP("type=x4xx,addr=localhost,clock_source=nsync,"
        except Exception as ex:
            return False, {
                'error_msg': "Failed to create usrp device: {}".format(str(ex))

        sfp0_addrs = net.get_iface_info('sfp0')['ip_addrs']

        mpm_c = usrp_dev.get_mpm_client()


        ref_locked = mpm_c.get_ref_lock_sensor()

        result = ref_locked.get('value') == 'true'

        fpga_type = mpm_c.get_device_info()['fpga']

        del usrp_dev

        # This is a brute-force way of making sure the device gets back into a clean state after
        # we touched the rpll configuration
        self.reload_fpga(fpga_type, sfp0_addrs)

        return result, ref_locked

    def bist_gpio(self):
        BIST for GPIO
        Description: Writes and reads the values to the GPIO

        Needed Equipment: External loopback cable between port 0 and port 1

        - X410 has two FP-GPIO connectors (HDMI connectors) with 12 programmable
          pins each

        Return dictionary:
        - write_patterns: A list of patterns that were written
        - read_patterns: A list of patterns that were read back
        assert 'gpio' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            patterns = range(64)
            return True, {
                'write_patterns': list(patterns),
                'read_patterns': list(patterns),
        from uhd.usrp import multi_usrp
            usrp_dev = multi_usrp.MultiUSRP("type=x4xx,addr=localhost")
        except Exception as ex:
            return False, {
                'error_msg': "Failed to create usrp device: {}".format(str(ex))
        mpm_c = usrp_dev.get_mpm_client()
        def _run_sub_test(inport, outport, pin_mode, voltage, pattern):
            Closure to run an actual test. The GPIO control object is enclosed.

            inport: "port" argument for DioControl, input port
            outport: "port" argument for DioControl, input port
            pin_mode: HDMI or DIO (see DioControl)
            voltage: Valid arg for DioControl.set_voltage_level()
            pattern: Bits to write to the inport, should be read back at outport
            # We set all pins to be driven by the PS
            # in HDMI mode not all pins can be accessed by the user
            if pin_mode == "HDMI":
                mask = 0xDB6D
                mask = 0xFFF
            bank_convert = {
                "PORTA": "GPIO0",
                "PORTB": "GPIO1",
            ps_control_args = ["MPM"] * 12
            mpm_c.dio_set_gpio_src(bank_convert[inport], ps_control_args)
            mpm_c.dio_set_gpio_src(bank_convert[outport], ps_control_args)
            mpm_c.dio_set_voltage_level(inport, voltage)
            mpm_c.dio_set_voltage_level(outport, voltage)
            mpm_c.dio_set_pin_directions(inport, 0x00000)
            mpm_c.dio_set_pin_directions(outport, 0xFFFFF)
            mpm_c.dio_set_pin_outputs(outport, pattern)
            read_values = mpm_c.dio_get_pin_inputs(inport)
            if (pattern & mask) != read_values:
                return False, {'write_patterns': ["0x{:04X}".format(pattern)],
                               'read_patterns': ["0x{:04X}".format(read_values)]}
            return True, {'write_patterns': ["0x{:04X}".format(pattern)],
                          'read_patterns': ["0x{:04X}".format(read_values)]}
        # Now run tests:
        for voltage in ["1V8", "2V5", "3V3"]:
            for mode in ["DIO", "HDMI"]:
                for pattern in [0xFFFF, 0xA5A5, 0x5A5A, 0x0000]:
                    sys.stderr.write("test: PortA -> PortB, {}, {}, 0x{:04X}\n"
                                     .format(voltage, mode, pattern))
                    status, data = _run_sub_test(
                        "PORTB", "PORTA", mode, voltage, pattern)
                    if not status:
                        return status, data
                    sys.stderr.write("test: PortB -> PortA, {}, {}, 0x{:04X}\n"
                                     .format(voltage, mode, pattern))
                    status, data = _run_sub_test(
                        "PORTA", "PORTB", mode, voltage, pattern)
                    if not status:
                        return status, data
        return status, data

    def bist_qsfp(self):
        BiST for QSFP status and property read out.

        Description: Tests MODSEL (write) and MODPRS (read) pin at QSFP port
                     and I2C communication with QSFP module. By default all
                     ports are tested. The user can add module to the option
                     argument when calling the test to select a specific
                     port out of [0,1]. A negative number will test all
                     ports (the default)

        Example: The following example will run the test on port 0:
        > x4xx_bist qsfp --option module=0

        Needed Equipment: None, for exhaustive test results the test should
                          be run with loopback test modules.

        Notes: The test ensures consistency of I2C communication and the
               MODSEL and MODPRS pins. If MODPRS pin is active low
               (module present) I2C communication must return valid values for
               all QSFP properties. On the other hand when MODPRS pin is high
               QSFP properties should report None as the only valid value.
               The test also disables the I2C communication (unsetting MODSEL
               pin) and checks that the low level I2C communication with the
               module fails. The communication is reenabled after 3sec. This
               window allows a tester to check whether a loopback adapter
               signals the state of MODSEL correctly.

        assert 'qsfp' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {}

        from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import x4xx
        from usrp_mpm.periph_manager.x4xx_periphs import QSFPModule

        def add_error_msg(msg):
            # add error message to result map
            if "error_msg" not in infos:
                infos["error_msg"] = []

        def modules_to_test():
            module = self.args.option.get("module", -1)
                module = int(module)
            except ValueError:
                add_error_msg("Module '{}' is not an int".format(module))
                return None
            if module < 0:
                return x4xx.X400_QSFP_I2C_CONFIGS
            if module not in [0, 1]:
                add_error_msg("Module to test must be 0 or 1")
                return None
            return [x4xx.X400_QSFP_I2C_CONFIGS[module]]

        infos = {}
        modules_to_test = modules_to_test()
        if not modules_to_test:
            return False, infos

        result = True

        for config in modules_to_test:
            qsfp = QSFPModule(
                    config.modprs, config.modsel, config.devsymbol, self.log)
            info = {}
            info["available"] = qsfp.is_available()
            if info["available"]:
                # if adapter is available, read out prop via I2C and
                # verify they are all valid (not None)
                props = [qsfp.decoded_status,
                for prop in props:
                    info[prop.__name__] = prop()
                if not all(info.values()):
                    result = False
                    add_error_msg("QSFP adapter at {} is present but has "
                                  "None property.".format(config.devsymbol))
                # if adapter is not available
                # reading a property *must* return None
                if qsfp.connector_type() is not None:
                    result = False
                    add_error_msg("QSFP adapter at {} reports valid property "
                                  "but is not present.".format(config.devsymbol))

            infos[config.devsymbol] = info

            # disable i2c communication and check for failure on low level read
                result = False
                add_error_msg("Reading I2C when disabled should fail with "
                              "RuntimeError at {}\n".format(config.devsymbol))
            except RuntimeError:
            sys.stderr.write("A loopback QSFP adapter at {} should report MODSEL "
                             "inactive for 3 sec.".format(config.devsymbol))

        return result, infos

    def bist_temp(self):
        BIST for temperature sensors
        Description: Reads the temperature sensors on the motherboards and
        returns their values in mC

        Return dictionary:
        - <thermal-zone-name>: temp in mC
        assert 'temp' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {"DRAM PCB":         40000,
                          "EC Internal":      41000,
                          "PMBUS-0":          42000,
                          "PMBUS-1":          43000,
                          "Power Supply PCB": 44000,
                          "RFSoC":            45000,
                          "Sample Clock PCB": 46000,
                          "TMP464 Internal":  47000,

        result = bist.get_iio_temp_sensor_values()

        if len(result) < 1:
            result['error_msg'] = "No temperature sensors found!"

        return 'error_msg' not in result, result

    def bist_fan(self):
        BIST for fans
        Description: Reads the RPM values of the fans on the motherboard

        Return dictionary:
        - <fan-name>: Fan speed in RPM

        External Equipment: None
        assert 'fan' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {'fan0': 10000, 'fan1': 10000}
        result = bist.get_ectool_fan_values()
        return len(result) == 2, result

    def _db_flash_init(self, db_flash):
        Initialize the specified DB Flash and verify
        its state
        if not db_flash.initialized:
            raise RuntimeError()

    def _db_flash_deinit(self, db_flash):
        De-initialize the specified DB Flash and verify
        its state
        if db_flash.initialized:
            raise RuntimeError()

    def bist_spi_flash_integrity(self, db_id):
        BIST for SPI flash on DB
        Description: Performs data integrity test on a section of
        the flash memory. Stop the MPM service before running this
        test using "systemctl stop usrp-hwd" command.

        External Equipment: None, but at least one daughterboard
        should be installed in the X410 unit.

        Return dictionary:

        assert 'spi_flash_integrity' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {}

        import os
        from usrp_mpm.sys_utils.db_flash import DBFlash
        FIXED_MEMORY_PATTERN = 'fixed'
        RANDOM_MEMORY_PATTERN = 'random'

        db_flash = DBFlash(db_id, log=None)

        buf_size = 100
        memory_pattern = str(self.args.option.get('memory_pattern', RANDOM_MEMORY_PATTERN))
        assert memory_pattern in (FIXED_MEMORY_PATTERN, RANDOM_MEMORY_PATTERN)
        if memory_pattern == RANDOM_MEMORY_PATTERN:
            buff = os.urandom(buf_size)
            buff = [0xA5] * buf_size

        data_valid = False

        except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as ex:
            return False, {"error_msg": "Error while initializing flash storage: " + str(ex)}

        file_path = f'/mnt/db{db_id}_flash/test.bin'

        sys.stderr.write("Testing DB{} with {} memory pattern..".format(db_id, memory_pattern))
        with open(file_path, "wb") as f:

        except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as ex:
            return False, {"error_msg": "Error while init(deinit)ializing flash storage: " + str(ex)}

        with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
            read_data = f.read()
            data_valid = read_data == bytearray(buff)

        return data_valid, {}

    def bist_spi_flash_speed(self, db_id):
        BIST for SPI flash on DB
        Description: Performs read and write speed test on the SPI flash
        memory on DB. Stop the MPM service before running this test
        using "systemctl stop usrp-hwd" command.

        External Equipment: None, but at least one daughterboard
        should be installed in the X410 unit.

        Return dictionary:

        assert 'spi_flash_speed' in self.tests_to_run
        if self.args.dry_run:
            return True, {}

        import os
        import re
        from usrp_mpm.sys_utils.db_flash import DBFlash

        MIN_WRITE_SPEED = 5000 #B/s
        MIN_READ_SPEED = 5000 #B/s
        def parse_speed(cmd_output):
            mobj = re.search(
                r"(.*records in\n)(.*records out\n)(.* (?P<speed>[0-9.]+) (?P<order>\S?)B\/s)",
            if mobj is None:
                return 0
            scale = {'': 1, 'k': 1024, 'M': 1024*1024, 'G': 1024*1024*1024}
            order = mobj.group('order')
            if order not in scale:
                raise ValueError(f"unsupported unit '{order}B/s'")
            return float(mobj.group('speed')) * scale[order]

        db_flash = DBFlash(db_id, log=None)
        file_path = f'/mnt/db{db_id}_flash/test.bin'

        except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as ex:
            return False, {
                "error_msg": "Error while initializing flash storage: {}".format(str(ex))

        sys.stderr.write("Testing DB{}..".format(db_id))
        write_error_msg = None
        sys.stderr.write("Write Speed Test:")
        cmd = [
            'of=' + file_path,

            output = subprocess.check_output(
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
            output = ex.output
            write_error_msg = "Error during Write Test: {}".format(output)
        write_test_output = output.decode("utf-8")

        # De-init and init flash here to mitigate any effects
        # caching may have on the read speed.
        except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as ex:
            return False, {
                "error_msg": "Error while init(deinit)ializing flash storage: {}".format(str(ex))}

        sys.stderr.write("Read Speed Test:")
        read_error_msg = None
        cmd = [
            'if=' + file_path,

            output = subprocess.check_output(
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
            output = ex.output
            read_error_msg = "Error during Read Test: {}".format(output)
        read_test_output = output.decode("utf-8")

        # Clean up.

        test_status = bool(write_error_msg is None and read_error_msg is None)

        if test_status:
            write_speed = parse_speed(write_test_output)
            read_speed = parse_speed(read_test_output)

            if write_speed == 0:
                test_status = False
                write_error_msg = "Write speed parse error"
            elif write_speed < MIN_WRITE_SPEED:
                test_status = False
                write_error_msg = \
                    "Write speed {} B/s is below minimum requirement of {} B/s".format(
                        write_speed, MIN_WRITE_SPEED)

            if read_speed == 0:
                test_status = False
                read_error_msg = "Read speed parse error"
            elif read_speed < MIN_READ_SPEED:
                test_status = False
                read_error_msg = \
                    "Read speed {} B/s is below minimum requirement of {} B/s".format(
                        read_speed, MIN_READ_SPEED)

        return test_status, {
            "Write Test": write_test_output if write_error_msg is None else write_error_msg,
            "Read Test": read_test_output if read_error_msg is None else read_error_msg

# main
def main():
    " Go, go, go! "
    return X4XXBIST().run()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.exit(not main())