# # Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, National Instruments Company # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 # """ UDP Transport manager """ from builtins import object from six import iteritems, itervalues from usrp_mpm.ethtable import EthDispatcherTable from usrp_mpm import net from usrp_mpm.mpmtypes import SID from usrp_mpm import libpyusrp_periphs as lib class XportMgrUDP(object): """ Transport manager for UDP connections """ # The interface configuration describes how the Ethernet interfaces are # hooked up to the crossbar and the FPGA. It could look like this: # iface_config = { # 'eth1': { # Add key for every Ethernet iface connected to the FPGA # 'label': 'misc-enet-regs0', # UIO label for the Eth table # 'xbar': 0, # Which crossbar? 0 -> /dev/crossbar0 # 'xbar_port': 0, # Which port on the crossbar it is connected to # }, # } iface_config = {} def __init__(self, log): assert len(self.iface_config) assert all(( all((key in x for key in ('label', 'xbar', 'xbar_port'))) for x in itervalues(self.iface_config) )) self.log = log self.log.trace("Initializing UDP xport manager...") self._possible_chdr_ifaces = self.iface_config.keys() self.log.trace("Identifying available network interfaces...") self._chdr_ifaces = \ self._init_interfaces(self._possible_chdr_ifaces) self._eth_dispatchers = { x: EthDispatcherTable(self.iface_config[x]['label']) for x in self._chdr_ifaces } for ifname, table in iteritems(self._eth_dispatchers): table.set_ipv4_addr(self._chdr_ifaces[ifname]['ip_addr']) self.chdr_port = EthDispatcherTable.DEFAULT_VITA_PORT[0] def _init_interfaces(self, possible_ifaces): """ Initialize the list of network interfaces """ self.log.trace("Testing available interfaces out of `{}'".format( possible_ifaces )) valid_ifaces = net.get_valid_interfaces(possible_ifaces) if len(valid_ifaces): self.log.debug("Found CHDR interfaces: `{}'".format(valid_ifaces)) else: self.log.warning("No CHDR interfaces found!") return { x: net.get_iface_info(x) for x in valid_ifaces } def init(self, args): """ Call this when the user calls 'init' on the periph manager """ # TODO re-run _init_interfaces, IP addresses could have changed since # bootup for _, table in iteritems(self._eth_dispatchers): if 'forward_eth' in args or 'forward_bcast' in args: table.set_forward_policy( args.get('forward_eth', False), args.get('forward_bcast', False) ) if 'preload_ethtables' in args: self._preload_ethtables( self._eth_dispatchers, args['preload_ethtables'] ) def deinit(self): " Clean up after a session terminates " pass def _preload_ethtables(self, eth_dispatchers, table_file): """ Populates the ethernet tables from a JSON file """ import json try: eth_table_data = json.load(open(table_file)) except ValueError as ex: self.log.warning( "Bad values in preloading table file: %s", str(ex) ) return self.log.info( "Preloading Ethernet dispatch tables from JSON file `%s'.", table_file ) for eth_iface, data in iteritems(eth_table_data): if eth_iface not in eth_dispatchers: self.log.warning( "Request to preload eth dispatcher table for " "iface `{}', but no such interface is " "registered. Known interfaces: {}".format( str(eth_iface), ",".join(eth_dispatchers.keys()) ) ) continue eth_dispatcher = eth_dispatchers[eth_iface] self.log.debug("Preloading {} dispatch table".format(eth_iface)) try: for dst_ep, udp_data in iteritems(data): sid = SID() sid.set_dst_ep(int(dst_ep)) eth_dispatcher.set_route( sid, udp_data['ip_addr'], udp_data['port'], udp_data.get('mac_addr', None) ) except ValueError as ex: self.log.warning( "Bad values in preloading table file: %s", str(ex) ) def get_xbar_dev(self, iface): """ Given an Ethernet interface (e.g., 'eth1') returns the crossbar device it is connected to. """ xbar_idx = self.iface_config[iface]['xbar'] return "/dev/crossbar{}".format(xbar_idx) def request_xport( self, sid, xport_type, ): """ Return UDP xport info """ assert xport_type in ('CTRL', 'ASYNC_MSG', 'TX_DATA', 'RX_DATA') # for iface_name, iface_info in iteritems(self._chdr_ifaces): xport_info = [ { 'type': 'UDP', 'ipv4': str(iface_info['ip_addr']), 'port': str(self.chdr_port), 'send_sid': str(sid) } for _, iface_info in iteritems(self._chdr_ifaces) ] return xport_info def commit_xport(self, sid, xport_info): """ fuu """ self.log.trace("Sanity checking xport_info %s...", str(xport_info)) assert xport_info['type'] == 'UDP' assert any([xport_info['ipv4'] == x['ip_addr'] for x in itervalues(self._chdr_ifaces)]) assert xport_info['port'] == str(self.chdr_port) assert len(xport_info.get('src_ipv4')) > 5 assert int(xport_info.get('src_port')) > 0 sender_addr = xport_info['src_ipv4'] sender_port = int(xport_info['src_port']) self.log.trace("Incoming connection is coming from %s:%d", sender_addr, sender_port) mac_addr = net.get_mac_addr(sender_addr) if mac_addr is None: raise RuntimeError( "Could not find MAC address for IP address {}".format( sender_addr)) self.log.trace("Incoming connection is coming from %s", mac_addr) eth_iface = net.ip_addr_to_iface(xport_info['ipv4'], self._chdr_ifaces) xbar_port = self.iface_config[eth_iface]['xbar_port'] self.log.trace("Using Ethernet interface %s, crossbar port %d", eth_iface, xbar_port) xbar_iface = lib.xbar.xbar.make(self.get_xbar_dev(eth_iface)) xbar_iface.set_route(sid.src_addr, xbar_port) self._eth_dispatchers[eth_iface].set_route( sid.reversed(), sender_addr, sender_port) self.log.trace("UDP transport successfully committed!") return True