# # Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # """ This module contains the interface for providing data to a simulator stream and receiving data from a simulator stream. """ import importlib.util sources = {} sinks = {} def cli_source(cls): """This decorator adds a class to the global list of SampleSources""" sources[cls.__name__] = cls return cls def cli_sink(cls): """This decorator adds a class to the global list of SampleSinks""" sinks[cls.__name__] = cls return cls name_index = 0 module_lookup = {} def from_import_path(class_name, import_path): global name_index global module_lookup module = None if import_path in module_lookup: module = module_lookup[import_path] else: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("simsample." + str(name_index), import_path) name_index =+ 1 module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) module_lookup[import_path] = module return getattr(module, class_name) class SampleSource: """This class defines the interface of a SampleSource. It provides samples to the simulator which are then sent over the network to a UHD client. """ def fill_packet(self, packet, payload_size): """This method should fill the packet with enough samples to make its payload payload_size bytes long. Returning None signals that this source is exhausted. """ raise NotImplementedError() def close(self): """Use this to clean up any resources held by the object""" raise NotImplementedError() class SampleSink: """This class provides the interface of a SampleSink. It serves as a destination for smaples received over the network from a UHD client. """ def accept_packet(self, packet): """Called whenever a new packet is received""" raise NotImplementedError() def close(self): """Use this to clean up any resources held by the object""" raise NotImplementedError() @cli_source @cli_sink class NullSamples(SampleSource, SampleSink): """This combination source/sink simply provides an infinite number of samples with a value of zero. You may optionally provide a log object which will enable debug output. """ def __init__(self, log=None): self.log = log def fill_packet(self, packet, payload_size): if self.log is not None: self.log.debug("Null Source called, providing {} bytes of zeroes".format(payload_size)) payload = bytes(payload_size) packet.set_payload_bytes(payload) return packet def accept_packet(self, packet): if self.log is not None: self.log.debug("Null Source called, accepting {} bytes of payload" .format(len(packet.get_payload_bytes()))) def close(self): pass class IOSource(SampleSource): """This adaptor class creates a sample source using a read object that provides a read(# of bytes) function. (e.g. the result of an open("<filename>", "rb") call) """ def __init__(self, read): self.read_obj = read def fill_packet(self, packet, payload_size): payload = self.read_obj.read(payload_size) if len(payload) == 0: return None packet.set_payload_bytes(payload) return packet def close(self): self.read_obj.close() class IOSink(SampleSink): """This adaptor class creates a sample sink using a write object that provides a write(bytes) function. (e.g. the result of an open("<filename>", "wb") call) """ def __init__(self, write): self.write_obj = write def accept_packet(self, packet): payload = packet.get_payload_bytes() written = self.write_obj.write(bytes(payload)) assert written == len(payload) def close(self): self.write_obj.close() @cli_source class FileSource(IOSource): """This class creates a SampleSource using a file path""" def __init__(self, read_file, repeat=False): self.open = lambda: open(read_file, "rb") if isinstance(repeat, bool): self.repeat = repeat else: self.repeat = repeat == "True" read = self.open() super().__init__(read) def fill_packet(self, packet, payload_size): payload = self.read_obj.read(payload_size) if len(payload) == 0: if self.repeat: self.read_obj.close() self.read_obj = self.open() payload = self.read_obj.read(payload_size) else: return None packet.set_payload_bytes(payload) return packet @cli_sink class FileSink(IOSink): """This class creates a SampleSink using a file path""" def __init__(self, write_file): write = open(write_file, "wb") super().__init__(write)