# # Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # """ X400 RFDC Control Module """ import ast from collections import OrderedDict from usrp_mpm import lib # Pulls in everything from C++-land from usrp_mpm.periph_manager.x4xx_rfdc_regs import RfdcRegsControl from usrp_mpm.rpc_server import no_rpc # Map the interpolation/decimation factor to fabric words. # Keys: is_dac (False -> ADC, True -> DAC) and factor FABRIC_WORDS_ARRAY = { # [is_dac][factor] False: {0: 16, 1: 16, 2: 8, 4: 4, 8: 2}, # ADC True: {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 16, 4: 8, 8: 4} # DAC } RFDC_DEVICE_ID = 0 class X4xxRfdcCtrl: """ Control class for the X4xx's RFDC """ # Label for RFDC UIO rfdc_regs_label = "rfdc-regs" # Describes the mapping of ADC/DAC Tiles and Blocks to DB Slot IDs # Follows the below structure: # # 'adc': [ (, ), ... ] # 'dac': [ (, ), ... ] RFDC_DB_MAP = [ { 'adc': [(0, 1), (0, 0)], 'dac': [(0, 0), (0, 1)], }, { 'adc': [(2, 1), (2, 0)], 'dac': [(1, 0), (1, 1)], }, ] # Maps all possible master_clock_rate (data clk rate * data SPC) values to the # corresponding sample rate, expected FPGA decimation, whether to configure # the SPLL in legacy mode (which uses a different divider), and whether half-band # resampling is used. # Using an OrderedDict to use the first rates as a preference for the default # rate for its corresponding decimation. master_to_sample_clk = OrderedDict({ # MCR: (SPLL, decimation, legacy mode, half-band resampling) 122.88e6*4: (2.94912e9, 2, False, False), # RF (1M-8G) 122.88e6*2: (2.94912e9, 2, False, True), # RF (1M-8G) 122.88e6*1: (2.94912e9, 8, False, False), # RF (1M-8G) 125e6*4: (3.00000e9, 2, False, False), # RF (1M-8G) 200e6: (3.00000e9, 4, True, False), # RF (Legacy Mode) }) def __init__(self, get_spll_freq, log): self.log = log.getChild('RFDC') self._get_spll_freq = get_spll_freq self._rfdc_regs = RfdcRegsControl(self.rfdc_regs_label, self.log) self._rfdc_ctrl = lib.rfdc.rfdc_ctrl() self._rfdc_ctrl.init(RFDC_DEVICE_ID) self.set_cal_frozen(1, 0, "both") self.set_cal_frozen(1, 1, "both") # Stores the last set value of the nco freq for each channel # Follows the below structure: # # 'rx': [chan0_freq, chan1_freq] # 'tx': [chan0_freq, chan1_freq] self._rfdc_freq_cache = [ { 'rx': [0, 0], 'tx': [0, 0], }, { 'rx': [0, 0], 'tx': [0, 0], }, ] @no_rpc def unset_cbs(self): """ Removes any stored references to our owning X4xx class instance """ self._get_spll_freq = None ########################################################################### # Public APIs (not available as MPM RPC calls) ########################################################################### @no_rpc def set_reset(self, reset=True): """ Resets the RFDC FPGA components or takes them out of reset. """ if reset: # Assert RFDC AXI-S, filters and associated gearbox reset. self._rfdc_regs.set_reset_adc_dac_chains(reset=True) self._rfdc_regs.log_status() # Assert Radio clock PLL reset self._rfdc_regs.set_reset_mmcm(reset=True) # Resetting the MMCM will automatically disable clock buffers return # Take upstream MMCM out of reset self._rfdc_regs.set_reset_mmcm(reset=False) # Once the MMCM has locked, enable driving the clocks # to the rest of the design. Poll lock status for up # to 1 ms self._rfdc_regs.wait_for_mmcm_locked(timeout=0.001) self._rfdc_regs.set_gated_clock_enables(value=True) # De-assert RF signal chain reset self._rfdc_regs.set_reset_adc_dac_chains(reset=False) # Restart tiles in XRFdc # All ADC Tiles if not self._rfdc_ctrl.reset_tile(-1, False): self.log.warning('Error starting up ADC tiles') # All DAC Tiles if not self._rfdc_ctrl.reset_tile(-1, True): self.log.warning('Error starting up DAC tiles') # Set sample rate for all active tiles active_converters = set() for db_idx, db_info in enumerate(self.RFDC_DB_MAP): db_rfdc_resamp, _ = self._rfdc_regs.get_rfdc_resampling_factor(db_idx) for converter_type, tile_block_set in db_info.items(): for tile, block in tile_block_set: is_dac = converter_type != 'adc' active_converter_tuple = (tile, block, db_rfdc_resamp, is_dac) active_converters.add(active_converter_tuple) for tile, block, resampling_factor, is_dac in active_converters: self._rfdc_ctrl.reset_mixer_settings(tile, block, is_dac) self._rfdc_ctrl.set_sample_rate(tile, is_dac, self._get_spll_freq()) self._set_interpolation_decimation(tile, block, is_dac, resampling_factor) self._rfdc_regs.log_status() # Set RFDC NCO reset event source to analog SYSREF for tile, block, _, is_dac in active_converters: self._rfdc_ctrl.set_nco_event_src(tile, block, is_dac) @no_rpc def sync(self): """ Multi-tile Synchronization on both ADC and DAC """ # These numbers are determined from the procedure mentioned in # PG269 section "Advanced Multi-Tile Synchronization API use". adc_latency = 1228 # ADC delay in sample clocks dac_latency = 800 # DAC delay in sample clocks # Ideally, this would be a set to avoiding duplicate indices, # but we need to use a list for compatibility with the rfdc_ctrl # C++ interface (std::vector) adc_tiles_to_sync = [] dac_tiles_to_sync = [] rfdc_map = self.RFDC_DB_MAP for db_id in rfdc_map: for converter_type, tile_block_set in db_id.items(): for tile, _ in tile_block_set: if converter_type == 'adc': if tile not in adc_tiles_to_sync: adc_tiles_to_sync.append(tile) else: # dac if tile not in dac_tiles_to_sync: dac_tiles_to_sync.append(tile) self._rfdc_ctrl.sync_tiles(adc_tiles_to_sync, False, adc_latency) self._rfdc_ctrl.sync_tiles(dac_tiles_to_sync, True, dac_latency) # We expect all sync'd tiles to have equal latencies # Sets don't add duplicates, so we can use that to look # for erroneous tiles adc_tile_latency_set = set() for tile in adc_tiles_to_sync: adc_tile_latency_set.add( self._rfdc_ctrl.get_tile_latency(tile, False)) if len(adc_tile_latency_set) != 1: raise RuntimeError("ADC tiles failed to sync properly") dac_tile_latency_set = set() for tile in dac_tiles_to_sync: dac_tile_latency_set.add( self._rfdc_ctrl.get_tile_latency(tile, True)) if len(dac_tile_latency_set) != 1: raise RuntimeError("DAC tiles failed to sync properly") @no_rpc def get_default_mcr(self): """ Gets the default master clock rate based on FPGA decimation """ fpga_decimation, fpga_halfband = self._rfdc_regs.get_rfdc_resampling_factor(0) for master_clock_rate in self.master_to_sample_clk: _, decimation, _, halfband = self.master_to_sample_clk[master_clock_rate] if decimation == fpga_decimation and fpga_halfband == halfband: return master_clock_rate raise RuntimeError('No master clock rate acceptable for current fpga ' 'with decimation of {}'.format(fpga_decimation)) @no_rpc def get_dsp_bw(self): """ Return the bandwidth encoded in the RFdc registers. Note: This is X4xx-specific, not RFdc-specific. But this class owns the access to RfdcRegsControl, and the bandwidth is strongly related to the RFdc settings. """ return self._rfdc_regs.get_fabric_dsp_info(0)[0] @no_rpc def get_rfdc_resampling_factor(self, db_idx): """ Returns a tuple resampling_factor, halfbands. See RfdcRegsControl.get_rfdc_resampling_factor(). """ return self._rfdc_regs.get_rfdc_resampling_factor(db_idx) @no_rpc def rfdc_restore_nco_freq(self): """ Restores previously set RFDC NCO Frequencies """ for slot_id, slot_info in enumerate(self._rfdc_freq_cache): for direction, channel_frequencies in slot_info.items(): self.rfdc_set_nco_freq(direction, slot_id, 0, channel_frequencies[0]) self.rfdc_set_nco_freq(direction, slot_id, 1, channel_frequencies[1]) ########################################################################### # Public APIs that get exposed as MPM RPC calls ########################################################################### def rfdc_set_nco_freq(self, direction, slot_id, channel, freq): """ Sets the RFDC NCO Frequency for the specified channel """ converters = self._find_converters(slot_id, direction, channel) assert len(converters) == 1 (tile_id, block_id, is_dac) = converters[0] if not self._rfdc_ctrl.set_if(tile_id, block_id, is_dac, freq): raise RuntimeError("Error setting RFDC IF Frequency") self._rfdc_freq_cache[slot_id][direction][channel] = freq return self._rfdc_ctrl.get_nco_freq(tile_id, block_id, is_dac) def rfdc_get_nco_freq(self, direction, slot_id, channel): """ Gets the RFDC NCO Frequency for the specified channel """ converters = self._find_converters(slot_id, direction, channel) assert len(converters) == 1 (tile_id, block_id, is_dac) = converters[0] return self._rfdc_ctrl.get_nco_freq(tile_id, block_id, is_dac) ### ADC cal ############################################################### def set_cal_frozen(self, frozen, slot_id, channel): """ Set the freeze state for the ADC cal blocks Usage: > set_cal_frozen should be 0 to unfreeze the calibration blocks or 1 to freeze them. """ for tile_id, block_id, _ in self._find_converters(slot_id, "rx", channel): self._rfdc_ctrl.set_cal_frozen(tile_id, block_id, frozen) def get_cal_frozen(self, slot_id, channel): """ Get the freeze states for each ADC cal block in the channel Usage: > get_cal_frozen """ return [ 1 if self._rfdc_ctrl.get_cal_frozen(tile_id, block_id) else 0 for tile_id, block_id, is_dac in self._find_converters(slot_id, "rx", channel) ] def set_cal_coefs(self, channel, slot_id, cal_block, coefs): """ Manually override calibration block coefficients. You probably don't need to use this. """ self.log.trace( "Setting ADC cal coefficients for channel={} slot_id={} cal_block={}".format( channel, slot_id, cal_block)) for tile_id, block_id, _ in self._find_converters(slot_id, "rx", channel): self._rfdc_ctrl.set_adc_cal_coefficients( tile_id, block_id, cal_block, ast.literal_eval(coefs)) def get_cal_coefs(self, channel, slot_id, cal_block): """ Manually retrieve raw coefficients for the ADC calibration blocks. Usage: > get_cal_coefs e.g. > get_cal_coefs 0 1 3 Retrieves the coefficients for the TSCB block on channel 0 of DB 1. Valid values for cal_block are: 0 - OCB1 (Unaffected by cal freeze) 1 - OCB2 (Unaffected by cal freeze) 2 - GCB 3 - TSCB """ self.log.trace( "Getting ADC cal coefficients for channel={} slot_id={} cal_block={}".format( channel, slot_id, cal_block)) result = [] for tile_id, block_id, _ in self._find_converters(slot_id, "rx", channel): result.append(self._rfdc_ctrl.get_adc_cal_coefficients(tile_id, block_id, cal_block)) return result ### DAC mux def set_dac_mux_data(self, i_val, q_val): """ Sets the data which is muxed into the DACs when the DAC mux is enabled Usage: > set_dac_mux_data e.g. > set_dac_mux_data 123 456 """ self._rfdc_regs.set_cal_data(i_val, q_val) def set_dac_mux_enable(self, channel, enable): """ Sets whether the DAC mux is enabled for a given channel Usage: > set_dac_mux_enable e.g. > set_dac_mux_enable 1 0 """ self._rfdc_regs.set_cal_enable(channel, bool(enable)) ### ADC thresholds def setup_threshold(self, slot_id, channel, threshold_idx, mode, delay, under, over): """ Configure the given ADC threshold block. Usage: > setup_threshold slot_id: Slot ID to configure, 0 or 1 channel: Channel on the slot to configure, 0 or 1 threshold_idx: Threshold block index, 0 or 1 mode: Mode to configure, one of ["sticky_over", "sticky_under", "hysteresis"] delay: In hysteresis mode, number of samples before clearing flag. under: 0-16384, ADC codes to set the "under" threshold to over: 0-16384, ADC codes to set the "over" threshold to """ for tile_id, block_id, _ in self._find_converters(slot_id, "rx", channel): THRESHOLDS = { 0: lib.rfdc.threshold_id_options.THRESHOLD_0, 1: lib.rfdc.threshold_id_options.THRESHOLD_1, } MODES = { "sticky_over": lib.rfdc.threshold_mode_options.TRSHD_STICKY_OVER, "sticky_under": lib.rfdc.threshold_mode_options.TRSHD_STICKY_UNDER, "hysteresis": lib.rfdc.threshold_mode_options.TRSHD_HYSTERESIS, } if mode not in MODES: raise RuntimeError( f"Mode {mode} is not one of the allowable modes {list(MODES.keys())}") if threshold_idx not in THRESHOLDS: raise RuntimeError("threshold_idx must be 0 or 1") delay = int(delay) under = int(under) over = int(over) assert 0 <= under <= 16383 assert 0 <= over <= 16383 self._rfdc_ctrl.set_threshold_settings( tile_id, block_id, lib.rfdc.threshold_id_options.THRESHOLD_0, MODES[mode], delay, under, over) def get_threshold_status(self, slot_id, channel, threshold_idx): """ Read the threshold status bit for the given threshold block from the device. Usage: > get_threshold_status e.g. > get_threshold_status 0 1 0 """ return self._rfdc_regs.get_threshold_status(slot_id, channel, threshold_idx) != 0 ########################################################################### # Private helpers (note: x4xx_db_iface calls into those) ########################################################################### def _set_interpolation_decimation(self, tile, block, is_dac, factor): """ Set the provided interpolation/decimation factor to the specified ADC/DAC tile, block Only gets called from set_reset_rfdc(). """ # Map the interpolation/decimation factor to fabric words. # Keys: is_dac (False -> ADC, True -> DAC) and factor # Disable FIFO self._rfdc_ctrl.set_data_fifo_state(tile, is_dac, False) # Define fabric rate based on given factor. fab_words = FABRIC_WORDS_ARRAY[is_dac].get(int(factor)) if fab_words == -1: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported dec/int factor in RFDC') # Define dec/int constant based on integer factor if factor == 0: int_dec = lib.rfdc.interp_decim_options.INTERP_DECIM_OFF elif factor == 1: int_dec = lib.rfdc.interp_decim_options.INTERP_DECIM_1X elif factor == 2: int_dec = lib.rfdc.interp_decim_options.INTERP_DECIM_2X elif factor == 4: int_dec = lib.rfdc.interp_decim_options.INTERP_DECIM_4X elif factor == 8: int_dec = lib.rfdc.interp_decim_options.INTERP_DECIM_8X else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported dec/int factor in RFDC') # Update tile, block settings... self.log.debug( "Setting %s for %s tile %d, block %d to %dx", ('interpolation' if is_dac else 'decimation'), 'DAC' if is_dac else 'ADC', tile, block, factor) if is_dac: # Set interpolation self._rfdc_ctrl.set_interpolation_factor(tile, block, int_dec) self.log.trace( " interpolation: %s", self._rfdc_ctrl.get_interpolation_factor(tile, block).name) # Set fabric write rate self._rfdc_ctrl.set_data_write_rate(tile, block, fab_words) self.log.trace( " Read words: %d", self._rfdc_ctrl.get_data_write_rate(tile, block, True)) else: # ADC # Set decimation self._rfdc_ctrl.set_decimation_factor(tile, block, int_dec) self.log.trace( " Decimation: %s", self._rfdc_ctrl.get_decimation_factor(tile, block).name) # Set fabric read rate self._rfdc_ctrl.set_data_read_rate(tile, block, fab_words) self.log.trace( " Read words: %d", self._rfdc_ctrl.get_data_read_rate(tile, block, False)) # Clear interrupts self._rfdc_ctrl.clear_data_fifo_interrupts(tile, block, is_dac) # Enable FIFO self._rfdc_ctrl.set_data_fifo_state(tile, is_dac, True) def _find_converters(self, slot, direction, channel): """ Returns a list of (tile_id, block_id, is_dac) tuples describing the data converters associated with a given channel and direction. """ if direction not in ('rx', 'tx', 'both'): self.log.error('Invalid direction "{}". Cannot find ' 'associated data converters'.format(direction)) raise RuntimeError('Invalid direction "{}". Cannot find ' 'associated data converters'.format(direction)) if str(channel) not in ('0', '1', 'both'): self.log.error('Invalid channel "{}". Cannot find ' 'associated data converters'.format(channel)) raise RuntimeError('Invalid channel "{}". Cannot find ' 'associated data converters'.format(channel)) data_converters = [] rfdc_map = self.RFDC_DB_MAP[slot] if direction in ('rx', 'both'): if str(channel) == '0' or str(channel) == 'both': (tile_id, block_id) = rfdc_map['adc'][0] data_converters.append((tile_id, block_id, False)) if str(channel) == '1' or str(channel) == 'both': (tile_id, block_id) = rfdc_map['adc'][1] data_converters.append((tile_id, block_id, False)) if direction in ('tx', 'both'): if str(channel) == '0' or str(channel) == 'both': (tile_id, block_id) = rfdc_map['dac'][0] data_converters.append((tile_id, block_id, True)) if str(channel) == '1' or str(channel) == 'both': (tile_id, block_id) = rfdc_map['dac'][1] data_converters.append((tile_id, block_id, True)) return data_converters