# # Copyright 2017 Ettus Research (National Instruments) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # """ MPM Logging """ from __future__ import print_function import copy import logging from logging import CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG from builtins import str # Colors BOLD = str('\033[1m') RED = str('\x1b[31m') YELLOW = str('\x1b[33m') GREEN = str('\x1b[32m') PINK = str('\x1b[35m') GREY = str('\x1b[90m') RESET = str('\x1b[0m') # Additional log level TRACE = 1 DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = TRACE class ColorStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """ StreamHandler that prints colored output """ def emit(self, record): """ Prints record with colors. record is not modified. """ record_ = copy.copy(record) levelno = record_.levelno if levelno >= CRITICAL: color = RED elif levelno >= ERROR: color = RED elif levelno >= WARNING: color = YELLOW elif levelno >= INFO: color = GREEN elif levelno >= DEBUG: color = PINK elif levelno >= TRACE: color = '' else: # NOTSET and anything else color = RESET record_.msg = BOLD + color + str(record_.msg) + RESET logging.StreamHandler.emit(self, record_) class MPMLogger(logging.getLoggerClass()): """ Extends the regular Python logging with level 'trace' (like UHD) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.Logger.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.cpp_log_buf = None try: import usrp_mpm.libpyusrp_periphs as lib self.cpp_log_buf = lib.types.log_buf.make_singleton() except ImportError: pass def trace(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Extends logging for super-high verbosity """ self.log(TRACE, *args, **kwargs) LOGGER = None # Logger singleton def get_main_logger( use_console=True, use_journal=False, console_color=True, log_default_delta=0 ): """ Returns the top-level logger object. This is the only API call from this file that should be used outside. """ global LOGGER if LOGGER is not None: return LOGGER logging.addLevelName(TRACE, 'TRACE') logging.setLoggerClass(MPMLogger) LOGGER = logging.getLogger('MPM') if use_console: console_handler = ColorStreamHandler() if console_color else logging.StreamHandler() console_formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s") console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) LOGGER.addHandler(console_handler) if use_journal: from systemd.journal import JournalHandler journal_handler = JournalHandler(SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER='usrp_hwd') journal_formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] [%(module)s] %(message)s') journal_handler.setFormatter(journal_formatter) LOGGER.addHandler(journal_handler) # Set default level: default_log_level = int(min( DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL - log_default_delta * 10, CRITICAL )) default_log_level = max(1, default_log_level - (default_log_level % 10)) LOGGER.setLevel(default_log_level) # Connect to C++ logging: if LOGGER.cpp_log_buf is not None: lib_logger = LOGGER.getChild('lib') def log_from_cpp(): " Callback for logging from C++ " log_level, component, message = LOGGER.cpp_log_buf.pop() if log_level: lib_logger.log(log_level, "[%s] %s", component, message.strip()) LOGGER.cpp_log_buf.set_notify_callback(log_from_cpp) return LOGGER def get_logger(child_name): """ Returns a child logger. Prior to calling this, get_main_logger() needs to have been called. """ assert LOGGER is not None return get_main_logger().getChild(child_name) if __name__ == "__main__": print("Testing logger: ") LOG = get_main_logger().getChild('test') LOG.setLevel(TRACE) LOG.trace("trace message") LOG.debug("debug message") LOG.info("info message") LOG.warning("warning message") LOG.error("error message") LOG.critical("critical message") LOG2 = get_main_logger() LOG3 = get_main_logger() assert LOG2 is LOG3