# Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
E310 dboard (RF and control) implementation module

import threading
import time
from six import iterkeys, iteritems
from usrp_mpm import lib # Pulls in everything from C++-land
from usrp_mpm.bfrfs import BufferFS
from usrp_mpm.dboard_manager import DboardManagerBase
from usrp_mpm.mpmlog import get_logger
from usrp_mpm.sys_utils.udev import get_eeprom_paths
from usrp_mpm.sys_utils.uio import UIO
from usrp_mpm.periph_manager.e31x_periphs import MboardRegsControl
from usrp_mpm.mpmutils import async_exec

# Main dboard control class
class E31x_db(DboardManagerBase):
    Holds all dboard specific information and methods of the E31x_db dboard
    # Overridables
    # See DboardManagerBase for documentation on these fields
    pids = [0x0110]
    rx_sensor_callback_map = {
        'ad9361_temperature': 'get_catalina_temp_sensor',
        'rssi' : 'get_rssi_sensor',
        'lo_lock' : 'get_lo_lock_sensor',
    tx_sensor_callback_map = {
        'ad9361_temperature': 'get_catalina_temp_sensor',
    # Maps the chipselects to the corresponding devices:
    spi_chipselect = {"catalina": 0,

    default_master_clock_rate = 16e6
    MAX_MASTER_CLK_RATE = 61.44e6

    def __init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs):
        super(E31x_db, self).__init__(slot_idx, **kwargs)
        self.log = get_logger("E31x_db-{}".format(slot_idx))
        self.log.trace("Initializing e31x daughterboard, slot index %d",
        self.rev = int(self.device_info['rev'])
        self.log.trace("This is a rev: {}".format(chr(65 + self.rev)))
        # These will get updated during init()
        self.master_clock_rate = None
        # Predeclare some attributes to make linter happy:
        self.catalina = None
        self.eeprom_fs = None
        self.eeprom_path = None
        # Now initialize all peripherals. If that doesn't work, put this class
        # into a non-functional state (but don't crash, or we can't talk to it
        # any more):
            self._periphs_initialized = True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log.error("Failed to initialize peripherals: %s",
            self._periphs_initialized = False

    def _init_periphs(self):
        Initialize power and peripherals that don't need user-settings
        self.log.debug("Loading C++ drivers...")
        # Setup Catalina / the E31x_db Manager
        self._device = lib.dboards.e31x_db_manager(
        self.catalina = self._device.get_radio_ctrl()
        self.log.trace("Loaded C++ drivers.")

    def _init_cat_api(self, cat):
        Propagate the C++ Catalina API into Python land.
        def export_method(obj, method):
            " Export a method object, including docstring "
            meth_obj = getattr(obj, method)
            def func(*args):
                " Functor for storing docstring too "
                return meth_obj(*args)
            func.__doc__ = meth_obj.__doc__
            return func
        self.log.trace("Forwarding AD9361 methods to E31x_db class...")
        for method in [
                x for x in dir(self.catalina)
                if not x.startswith("_") and \
                        callable(getattr(self.catalina, x))]:
            self.log.trace("adding {}".format(method))
            setattr(self, method, export_method(cat, method))

    def init(self, args):
        if not self._periphs_initialized:
            error_msg = "Cannot run init(), peripherals are not initialized!"
            raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
        master_clock_rate = \
        assert self.MIN_MASTER_CLK_RATE <= master_clock_rate <= self.MAX_MASTER_CLK_RATE, \
            "Invalid master clock rate: {:.02f} MHz".format(
                master_clock_rate / 1e6)
        master_clock_rate_changed = master_clock_rate != self.master_clock_rate
        if master_clock_rate_changed:
            self.master_clock_rate = master_clock_rate
            self.log.debug("Updating master clock rate to {:.02f} MHz!".format(
                self.master_clock_rate / 1e6
        # Some default chains on -- needed for setup purposes
        self.catalina.set_active_chains(True, False, True, False)

        return True

    def get_master_clock_rate(self):
        " Return master clock rate (== sampling rate) "
        return self.master_clock_rate

    # Sensors
    def get_ad9361_lo_lock(self, which):
        Return LO lock status (Boolean!) of AD9361. 'which' must be
        either 'tx' or 'rx'
        self.mboard_regs_label = "mboard-regs"
        self.mboard_regs_control = MboardRegsControl(
            self.mboard_regs_label, self.log)
        if which == "tx":
            locked = self. mboard_regs_control.get_ad9361_tx_lo_lock()
        elif which == "rx":
            locked = self. mboard_regs_control.get_ad9361_rx_lo_lock()
            locked = False
        return locked

    def get_lo_lock_sensor(self, which):
        Get sensor dict with LO lock status
        self.log.trace("Reading LO Lock.")
        lo_locked = self.get_ad9361_lo_lock(which)
        return {
            'name': 'ad9361_lock',
            'type': 'BOOLEAN',
           'unit': 'locked' if lo_locked else 'unlocked',
           'value': str(lo_locked).lower(),

    def get_catalina_temp_sensor(self, _):
        Get temperature sensor reading of Catalina.
        # Note: the unused argument is channel
        self.log.trace("Reading Catalina temperature.")
        return {
            'name': 'ad9361_temperature',
            'type': 'REALNUM',
            'unit': 'C',
            'value': str(self.catalina.get_temperature())

    def get_rssi_val(self, which):
        Return the current RSSI of `which` chain in Catalina
        return self.catalina.get_rssi(which)

    def get_rssi_sensor(self, chan):
        Return a sensor dictionary containing the current RSSI of `which` chain in Catalina
        which = 'RX' + str(chan+1)
        return {
            'name': 'rssi',
            'type': 'REALNUM',
            'unit': 'dB',
            'value': str(self.get_rssi_val(which)),

    def set_catalina_clock_rate(self, rate):
        Async call to catalina set_clock_rate
        self.log.trace("Setting Clock rate to {}".format(rate))
        async_exec(lib.ad9361, "set_clock_rate", self.catalina, rate)
        return rate

    def catalina_tune(self, which, freq):
        Async call to catalina tune
        self.log.trace("Tuning {} {}".format(which, freq))
        async_exec(lib.ad9361, "tune", self.catalina, which, freq)
        return self.catalina.get_freq(which)