# # Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # """ Utilities to write BIST executables for USRPs """ import os import re import sys import time import json import select import socket from datetime import datetime import argparse import subprocess from six import iteritems ############################################################################## # Aurora/SFP BIST code ############################################################################## def get_sfp_bist_defaults(): " Default dictionary for SFP/Aurora BIST dry-runs " return { 'elapsed_time': 1.0, 'max_roundtrip_latency': 0.8e-6, 'throughput': 1000e6, 'max_ber': 8.5e-11, 'errors': 0, 'bits': 12012486656, } def assert_aurora_image(master, slave, device_args, product_id, aurora_image_type='AA'): """ Make sure we have an FPGA image with which we can run the requested tests. Will load an AA image if not, which always satisfies all conditions for running Aurora tests. """ from usrp_mpm.sys_utils import uio if not uio.find_uio_device(master)[0] or \ (slave is not None and not uio.find_uio_device(slave)[0]): load_fpga_image( fpga_type=aurora_image_type, device_args=device_args, product_id=product_id, ) def aurora_results_to_status(bist_results): """ Convert a dictionary coming from AuroraControl BIST to one that we can use for this BIST """ return bist_results['mst_errors'] == 0, { 'elapsed_time': bist_results['time_elapsed'], 'max_roundtrip_latency': bist_results['mst_latency_us'], 'throughput': bist_results['approx_throughput'], 'max_ber': bist_results['max_ber'], 'errors': bist_results['mst_errors'], 'bits': bist_results['mst_samps'], } def run_aurora_bist( device_args, product_id, master, slave=None, requested_rate=1300*8e6, aurora_image_type='AA'): """ Spawn a BER test """ from usrp_mpm import aurora_control from usrp_mpm.sys_utils.uio import open_uio class DummyContext(object): """Dummy class for context managers""" def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): return exc_type is None # Go, go, go! try: assert_aurora_image(master, slave, device_args, product_id, aurora_image_type) with open_uio(label=master, read_only=False) as master_au_uio: master_au_ctrl = aurora_control.AuroraControl(master_au_uio) with open_uio(label=slave, read_only=False)\ if slave is not None else DummyContext() as slave_au_uio: slave_au_ctrl = aurora_control.AuroraControl(slave_au_uio)\ if slave is not None else None return master_au_ctrl.run_ber_loopback_bist( duration=10, requested_rate=requested_rate, slave=slave_au_ctrl, ) except Exception as ex: print("Unexpected exception: {}".format(str(ex))) exit(1) ############################################################################## # Helpers ############################################################################## def post_results(results): """ Given a dictionary, post the results. This will print the results as JSON to stdout. """ print(json.dumps( results, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') )) def sock_read_line(my_sock, timeout=60, interval=0.1): """ Read from a socket until newline. If there was no newline until the timeout occurs, raise an error. Otherwise, return the line. """ line = b'' end_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < end_time: socket_ready = select.select([my_sock], [], [], 0)[0] if socket_ready: next_char = my_sock.recv(1) if next_char == b'\n': return line.decode('ascii') line += next_char else: time.sleep(interval) raise RuntimeError("sock_read_line() exceeded read timeout!") def poll_with_timeout(state_check, timeout_ms, interval_ms): """ Calls state_check() every interval_ms until it returns a positive value, or until a timeout is exceeded. Returns True if state_check() returned True within the timeout. """ max_time = time.time() + (float(timeout_ms) / 1000) interval_s = float(interval_ms) / 1000 while time.time() < max_time: if state_check(): return True time.sleep(interval_s) return False def expand_options(option_list): """ Turn a list ['foo=bar', 'spam=eggs'] into a dictionary {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'eggs'}. """ return dict(x.split('=') for x in option_list) def load_fpga_image( fpga_type, device_args, product_id, images_folder='/usr/share/uhd/images/'): """Load an FPGA image (1G, XG, AA, ...)""" # cmd = ['uhd_image_loader', '--args', 'type=e3xx,addr=', '--fpga-path'] fpga_file_name = \ 'usrp_' + product_id + '_fpga_' + fpga_type.upper() + '.bit' fpga_image = images_folder + fpga_file_name cmd = [ 'uhd_image_loader', '--args', device_args, '--fpga-path', fpga_image ] cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) subprocess.check_output( cmd_str, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True ) def filter_results_for_lv(results, lv_compat_format): """ The LabView JSON parser does not support a variety of things, such as nested dicts, and some downstream LV applications freak out if certain keys are not what they expect. This is a long hard-coded list of how results should look like for those cases. Note: This list needs manual supervision and attention for the case where either subsystems get renamed, or other architectural changes should occur. """ def fixup_dict(result_dict, ref_dict): """ Touches up result_dict according to ref_dict by the following rules: - If a key is in result_dict that is not in ref_dict, delete that - If a key is in ref_dict that is not in result_dict, use the value from ref_dict """ ref_dict['error_msg'] = "" ref_dict['status'] = False result_dict = { k: v for k, v in iteritems(result_dict) if k in ref_dict or k in ('error_msg', 'status') } result_dict = { k: result_dict.get(k, ref_dict[k]) for k in ref_dict } return result_dict # GoGoGo results = { testname: fixup_dict(testresults, lv_compat_format[testname]) \ if testname in lv_compat_format else testresults for testname, testresults in iteritems(results) } return results def get_product_id_from_eeprom(valid_ids): """Return the mboard product ID Returns something like n300, n310, e320... """ cmd = ['eeprom-id'] output = subprocess.check_output( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ).decode('utf-8') for valid_id in valid_ids: if valid_id in output: return valid_id raise AssertionError("Cannot determine product ID.: `{}'".format(output)) def get_tpm_caps_info(): """Read 'caps' info from TPM subsystem""" result = {} props_to_read = ('caps',) base_path = '/sys/class/tpm' for tpm_device in os.listdir(base_path): if tpm_device.startswith('tpm'): for key in props_to_read: result['{}_{}'.format(tpm_device, key)] = open( os.path.join(base_path, tpm_device, key), 'r' ).read().strip() return result def gpio_set_all(gpio_bank, value, gpio_size, ddr_mask): """ Helper function to set GPIOs What this function do is take decimal value and convert to a binary string then try to set those individual bits to the gpio_bank. Arguments: gpio_bank -- gpio bank type. value -- value to set onto gpio bank. gpio_size -- size of the gpio bank ddr_mask -- data direction register bit mask. 0 is input; 1 is output. """ ddr_size = bin(ddr_mask).count("1") value_bitstring = \ ('{0:0' + str(ddr_size) + 'b}').format(value)[-(gpio_size):] ddr_bitstring = \ ('{0:0' + str(gpio_size) + 'b}').format(ddr_mask)[-(gpio_size):] for i in range(gpio_size): if ddr_bitstring[gpio_size - 1 - i] == "1": gpio_bank.set(i, value_bitstring[i % ddr_size]) ############################################################################## # Common tests ############################################################################## def test_ddr3_with_usrp_probe(): """ Run uhd_usrp_probe and scrape the output to see if the DRAM FIFO block is reporting a good throughput. This is a bit of a roundabout way of testing the DDR3, but it uses existing software and also tests the RFNoC pathways. """ ddr3_bist_executor = 'uhd_usrp_probe --args addr=,rfnoc_num_blocks=1' try: output = subprocess.check_output( ddr3_bist_executor, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: # Don't throw errors from uhd_usrp_probe output = ex.output output = output.decode("utf-8") if re.search(r"DmaFIFO", output) is None: return { 'error_msg': "DmaFIFO block not enabled. Cannot execute DDR3 BIST!", 'throughput': 0, } mobj = re.search(r"Throughput: (?P<thrup>[0-9.]+)\s?MB", output) if mobj is not None: return {'throughput': float(mobj.group('thrup')) * 1000} else: return { 'throughput': 0, 'error_msg': "Failed match throughput regex!", } def get_gpsd_tpv_result(): """ Query gpsd via a socket and return the corresponding JSON result as a dictionary. """ my_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) my_sock.connect(('localhost', 2947)) sys.stderr.write("Connected to GPSDO socket.\n") query_cmd = b'?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true}' my_sock.sendall(query_cmd) sys.stderr.write("Sent query: {}\n".format(query_cmd)) sock_read_line(my_sock, timeout=10) sys.stderr.write("Received initial newline.\n") result = {} while result.get('class', None) != 'TPV': json_result = sock_read_line(my_sock, timeout=60) sys.stderr.write( "Received JSON response: {}\n\n".format(json_result) ) result = json.loads(json_result) my_sock.sendall(b'?WATCH={"enable":false}') my_sock.close() return result def get_ref_clock_prop(clock_source, time_source, extra_args=None): """ Helper function to determine reference clock lock Description: Checks to see if we can lock to a clock source. The actual value is yanked from the property tree. External Equipment: None Return dictionary: - <sensor-name>: - locked: Boolean lock status """ extra_args = extra_args or {} result = {} extra_args_str = ",".join( ['{k}={v}'.format(k=k, v=v) for k, v in iteritems(extra_args)]) cmd = [ 'uhd_usrp_probe', '--args', 'addr=,clock_source={c},time_source={t},{e}'.format( c=clock_source, t=time_source, e=extra_args_str), '--sensor' ] sensor_path = '/mboards/0/sensors/ref_locked' cmd.append(sensor_path) ref_lock_executor = ' '.join(cmd) try: output = subprocess.check_output( ref_lock_executor, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: # Don't throw errors from uhd_usrp_probe output = ex.output output = output.decode("utf-8").strip() mobj = re.search(r"true$", output) if mobj is not None: result['ref_locked'] = True else: result['ref_locked'] = False result['error_msg'] = "Reference Clock not locked: " + output return result def get_temp_sensor_value(temp_sensor_map): """ Read a temp sensor value from the system and return a dictionary of the form {temp_sensor_lookup(device): $temp} """ import pyudev context = pyudev.Context() return { temp_sensor_map(device): \ int(device.attributes.get('temp').decode('ascii')) for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='thermal') if 'temp' in device.attributes.available_attributes \ and device.attributes.get('temp') is not None } def get_fan_values(): """ Return a dict of fan name -> fan speed key/values. """ import pyudev context = pyudev.Context() return { device.sys_name: int(device.attributes.get('cur_state')) for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='thermal') if 'cur_state' in device.attributes.available_attributes \ and device.attributes.get('cur_state') is not None } def get_link_up(if_name): """ Return a dictionary {if_name: IFLA_OPERSTATE} """ from pyroute2 import IPRoute result = {} with IPRoute() as ipr: links = ipr.link_lookup(ifname=if_name) if not links: return {'error_msg': "No interface found"} link_info = next(iter(ipr.get_links(links)), None) if link_info is None: return {'error_msg': "Error on get_links for sfp0"} result['sfp0'] = link_info.get_attr('IFLA_OPERSTATE') if result['sfp0'] != 'UP': result['error_msg'] = "Link not up for interface" return result ############################################################################## # BIST class ############################################################################## class UsrpBIST(object): """ BIST parent class """ usrp_type = None default_rev = 3 # Because why not # This defines special tests that are really collections of other tests. collections = { 'standard': ["rtc",], 'extended': "*", } # Default FPGA image type DEFAULT_FPGA_TYPE = None lv_compat_format = None device_args = 'addr=' def make_arg_parser(self): """ Return arg parser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="{} BIST Tool".format(self.usrp_type), ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help="Fake out the tests. All tests will return a valid" \ " response, but will not actually interact with hardware.", ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Crank up verbosity level", ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', help="For debugging this tool.", ) parser.add_argument( '--option', '-o', action='append', default=[], help="Option for individual test.", ) parser.add_argument( '--lv-compat', action='store_true', help="Provides compatibility with the LV JSON parser. Don't run " "this mode unless you know what you're doing. The JSON " "output does not necessarily reflect the actual system " "status when using this mode.", ) parser.add_argument( '--skip-fpga-reload', action='store_true', help="Skip reloading the default FPGA image post-test. Note: by" "specifying this argument, the FPGA image loaded could be " "anything post-test.", ) parser.add_argument( 'tests', help="List the tests that should be run", nargs='+', # There has to be at least one ) return parser def get_mb_periph_mgr(self): """Needs to be implemented by child class""" raise NotImplementedError def get_product_id(self): """Needs to be implemented by child class""" raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self): assert self.DEFAULT_FPGA_TYPE is not None assert self.device_args is not None assert self.usrp_type is not None assert self.lv_compat_format is not None self.args = self.make_arg_parser().parse_args() self.args.option = expand_options(self.args.option) # If this is true, trigger a reload of the default FPGA image self.reload_fpga_image = False try: default_rev = self.get_mb_periph_mgr().mboard_max_rev except ImportError: # This means we're in dry run mode or something like that, so just # pick something default_rev = self.default_rev self.mb_rev = int(self.args.option.get('mb_rev', default_rev)) self.tests_to_run = set() for test in self.args.tests: if test in self.collections: for this_test in self.expand_collection(test): self.tests_to_run.add(this_test) else: self.tests_to_run.add(test) try: # Keep this import here so we can do dry-runs without any MPM code from usrp_mpm import get_main_logger if not self.args.verbose: from usrp_mpm.mpmlog import WARNING get_main_logger().setLevel(WARNING) self.log = get_main_logger().getChild('main') except ImportError: print("No logging capability available.") def expand_collection(self, coll): """ Return names of tests in a collection """ tests = self.collections[coll] if tests == "*": tests = {x.replace('bist_', '') for x in dir(self) if x.find('bist_') == 0 } else: tests = set(tests) return tests def run(self): """ Execute tests. Returns True on Success. """ def execute_test(testname): """ Actually run a test. """ testmethod_name = "bist_{0}".format(testname) sys.stderr.write( "Executing test method: {0}\n\n".format(testmethod_name) ) if not hasattr(self, testmethod_name): sys.stderr.write("Test not defined: `{}`\n".format(testname)) return False, {} try: status, data = getattr(self, testmethod_name)() data['status'] = status data['error_msg'] = data.get('error_msg', '') return status, data except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write( "Test {} failed to execute: {}\n".format(testname, str(ex)) ) if self.args.debug: raise return False, {'error_msg': str(ex)} tests_successful = True result = {} for test in self.tests_to_run: status, result_data = execute_test(test) tests_successful = tests_successful and status result[test] = result_data if self.args.lv_compat: result = filter_results_for_lv(result, self.lv_compat_format) post_results(result) if self.reload_fpga_image and not self.args.skip_fpga_reload: load_fpga_image( self.DEFAULT_FPGA_TYPE, self.device_args, self.get_product_id(), ) return tests_successful ############################################################################# # BISTS # All bist_* methods must return True/False success values! ############################################################################# def bist_rtc(self): """ BIST for RTC (real time clock) Return dictionary: - date: Returns the current UTC time, with seconds-accuracy, in ISO 8601 format, as a string. As if running 'date -Iseconds -u'. - time: Same time, but in seconds since epoch. Return status: Unless datetime throws an exception, returns True. """ assert 'rtc' in self.tests_to_run utc_now = datetime.utcnow() return True, { 'time': time.mktime(utc_now.timetuple()), 'date': utc_now.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + "+00:00", }