# Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
""" Utility classes to facilitate unit testing """

import queue
import platform
import os

def on_linux():
    Returns True if this is being executed on a Linux system
    return 'linux' in platform.system().lower()

def on_usrp():
    Returns True if this is being executed on an USRP
    # Check device tree standard property for manufacturer info
    path = '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/compatible'

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return False
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            s = f.read()
            # String returned is actually a list of null-terminated strings,
            # replace the null-terminations with a separator
            s.replace('\x00', ';')
            return 'ettus' in s

def _mock_gpiod_pkg():
    Replace the gpiod python package with a mock version if import
    of the gpiod package fails. This package is not available on all
    OS versions that we would like to test in.
        import gpiod
    except Exception as ex:
        # The gpiod package should be available if testing on a USRP
        if on_usrp():
            raise ex
        import sys
        sys.modules["gpiod"] = MockGpiod

class MockGpiod(object):
    Mocks a portion of the gpiod python package without actually
    accessing GPIO hardware.


    class MockLine(object):
        def __init__(self, val):
            self.val = val

        def request(self):

        def release(self):

        def get_value(self):
            return self.val

        def set_value(self, val):
            self.val = val

    def __init__(self):
        self.lines = dict()

    def find_line(self, name):
        if name not in self.lines.keys():
            self.lines[name] = self.MockLine(self._DEFAULT_LINE_VAL)
        return self.lines[name]

class MockRegsIface(object):
    Mocks the interaction with a register interface by returning
    values from an ic_reg_map
    def __init__(self, register_map):
        self.map = register_map
        self.recent_vals = {}
        self.next_vals = {}
        self.recent_addrs = []

    def peek32(self, addr):
        Reads either
        a. the default value (if no values were queued)
        b. the next value queued for this register
        if (addr in self.next_vals) and (not self.next_vals[addr].empty()):
            return self.next_vals[addr].get_nowait()
            return self.map.get_reg(addr)

    def poke32(self, addr, value):
        Saves a new value to the given register and stores a history
        of all values previously set for that register.
        self.map.set_reg(addr, value)


        # Store written value in a list
        if addr in self.recent_vals:
            self.recent_vals[addr] = [value]

    def peek16(self, addr):
        Pass the request to the 32 bit version
        return self.peek32(addr) & 0xFFFF

    def poke16(self, addr, value):
        Pass the request to the 32 bit version
        self.poke32(addr, value)

    def get_recent_addrs(self):
        return self.recent_addrs

    def clear_recent_addrs(self):
        self.recent_addrs = []

    def get_recent_vals(self, addr):
        Returns the past values written to a given address.
        Useful for validating HW interaction
        return self.recent_vals.get(addr, [])

    def clear_recent_vals(self, addr):
        Clears the past values written to a given address.
        Useful for validating HW interaction
        self.recent_vals[addr] = []

    def set_next_vals(self, addr, vals):
        Sets a list of the next values to be read from the
        corresponding register address.
        Useful for mocking HW interaction.
        if addr not in self.next_vals:
            self.next_vals[addr] = queue.Queue()
        for val in vals:

class MockLog(object):
    Mocks logging functionality for testing purposes by putting log
    messages in a queue.
    # The MockLog class is not currently implemented to be thread safe
    def __init__(self):
        self.error_log = queue.Queue()
        self.warning_log = queue.Queue()
        self.info_log = queue.Queue()
        self.trace_log = queue.Queue()
        self.debug_log = queue.Queue()

    def error(self, msg):

    def warning(self, msg):

    def info(self, msg):

    def trace(self, msg):

    def debug(self, msg):

    def clear_all(self):
        """ Clears all log queues """

    def get_last_msg(self, log_level):
        Gets the last message logged to a given queue. Will return an
        empty string if the queue is empty or throw an error if a queue
        of that log_level does not exist.
        queue_name = log_level + '_log'
        if not hasattr(self, queue_name):
            raise RuntimeError("Log level {} does not exist in " \
                               "mock log".format(log_level))
        log_messages = getattr(self, queue_name)
        if log_messages.empty():
            return ''
            return log_messages.get_nowait()

# importing this utilities package should mock out the gpiod package
# if necessary so that usrp_mpm can be imported on devices without
# gpiod support for the OS.