#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # """ E320 Built-In Self Test (BIST) """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import time from usrp_mpm import bist # Timeout values are in seconds: GPS_WARMUP_TIMEOUT = 70 # Data sheet says "about a minute" GPS_LOCKOK_TIMEOUT = 2 # Data sheet says about 15 minutes. Because our test # does not necessarily require GPS lock to pass, we # reduce this value in order for the BIST to pass faster # by default. # Temperature Sensor Mapping based on location TEMP_SENSOR_MAP = { "thermal_zone0" : "internal", "thermal_zone1" : "rf_channelA", "thermal_zone2" : "fpga", "thermal_zone3" : "rf_channelB", "thermal_zone4" : "main_power" } ############################################################################## # Bist class ############################################################################## class E320BIST(bist.UsrpBIST): """ BIST Tool for the USRP E320 """ usrp_type = "E320" # This defines special tests that are really collections of other tests. collections = { 'standard': ["ddr3", "gpsdo", "rtc", "temp", "fan", "tpm", "gyro", "ref_clock_int"], 'extended': "*", } # Default FPGA image type DEFAULT_FPGA_TYPE = '1G' lv_compat_format = { 'ddr3': { 'throughput': -1, }, 'gpsdo': { "class": "", "time": "", "ept": -1, "lat": -1, "lon": -1, "alt": -1, "epx": -1, "epy": -1, "epv": -1, "track": -1, "speed": -1, "climb": -1, "eps": -1, "mode": -1, }, 'tpm': { 'tpm0_caps': "", }, 'sfp_loopback': { 'elapsed_time': -1, 'max_roundtrip_latency': -1, 'throughput': -1, 'max_ber': -1, 'errors': -1, 'bits': -1, }, 'gpio': { 'write_patterns': [], 'read_patterns': [], }, 'temp': { TEMP_SENSOR_MAP['thermal_zone0']: -1, TEMP_SENSOR_MAP['thermal_zone1']: -1, TEMP_SENSOR_MAP['thermal_zone2']: -1, TEMP_SENSOR_MAP['thermal_zone3']: -1, TEMP_SENSOR_MAP['thermal_zone4']: -1, }, 'fan': { 'cooling_device0': -1, }, } device_args = "type=e3xx,addr=" def __init__(self): super(E320BIST, self).__init__() def get_mb_periph_mgr(self): """Return reference to an e320 periph manager""" from usrp_mpm.periph_manager.e320 import e320 return e320 def get_product_id(self): """Return the mboard product ID (e320):""" return bist.get_product_id_from_eeprom(valid_ids=['e320']) ############################################################################# # BISTS # All bist_* methods must return True/False success values! ############################################################################# def bist_gyro(self): """ BIST for GYRO (MPU9250) Return dictionary: Return status: True if MPU9250 is detected. """ assert 'gyro' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'device_name': 'dry_run mpu9250'} import pyudev context = pyudev.Context() result = { 'device_name': device.get('OF_NAME') for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='iio', DEVTYPE='iio_device') if 'mpu9250' in device.get('OF_NAME') is not None } if len(result) < 1: result['error_msg'] = "No GYRO detected!" return 'error_msg' not in result, result def bist_ddr3(self): """ BIST for PL DDR3 DRAM Description: Calls a test to examine the speed of the DDR3. To be precise, it fires up a UHD session, which runs a DDR3 BiST internally. If that works, it'll return estimated throughput that was gathered during the DDR3 BiST. External Equipment: None Return dictionary: - throughput: The estimated throughput in bytes/s Return status: True if the DDR3 bist passed """ assert 'ddr3' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'throughput': 1250e6} result = bist.test_ddr3_with_usrp_probe() return result.get('throughput', 0) > 1000e6, result def bist_gpsdo(self): """ BIST for GPSDO Description: Returns GPS information External Equipment: None; Recommend attaching an antenna or providing fake GPS information Return dictionary: A TPV dictionary as returned by gpsd. See also: http://www.catb.org/gpsd/gpsd_json.html Check for mode 2 or 3 to see if it's locked. """ assert 'gpsdo' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, { "class": "TPV", "time": "2014-30T11:48:20.10Z", "ept": 0.005, "lat": 30.407899, "lon": -97.726634, "alt": 1327.689, "epx": 15.319, "epy": 17.054, "epv": 124.484, "track": 10.3797, "speed": 0.091, "climb": -0.085, "eps": 34.11, "mode": 3 } from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import e320 # Turn on GPS, give some time to acclimatize mb_regs = e320.MboardRegsControl(e320.e320.mboard_regs_label, self.log) mb_regs.enable_gps(True) time.sleep(5) gps_warmup_timeout = float( self.args.option.get('gps_warmup_timeout', GPS_WARMUP_TIMEOUT)) gps_lockok_timeout = float( self.args.option.get('gps_lockok_timeout', GPS_LOCKOK_TIMEOUT)) # Wait for WARMUP to go low sys.stderr.write( "Waiting for WARMUP to go low for up to {} seconds...\n".format( gps_warmup_timeout)) if not bist.poll_with_timeout( lambda: not bool((mb_regs.get_gps_status() >> 4) & 0x1), gps_warmup_timeout*1000, 1000 ): raise RuntimeError( "GPS-WARMUP did not go low within {} seconds!".format( gps_warmup_timeout)) sys.stderr.write("Chip is warmed up.\n") # Wait for LOCKOK. Data sheet says wait up to 15 minutes for GPS lock. sys.stderr.write( "Waiting for LOCKOK to go high for up to {} seconds...\n".format( gps_lockok_timeout)) if not bist.poll_with_timeout( mb_regs.get_gps_locked_val, gps_lockok_timeout*1000, 1000 ): sys.stderr.write("No GPS-LOCKOK!\n") gps_status = mb_regs.get_gps_status() sys.stderr.write("GPS-SURVEY status: {}\n".format( (gps_status >> 3) & 0x1 )) sys.stderr.write("GPS-PHASELOCK status: {}\n".format( (gps_status >> 2) & 0x1 )) sys.stderr.write("GPS-ALARM status: {}\n".format( (gps_status >> 1) & 0x1 )) # Now the chip is on, read back the TPV result result = bist.get_gpsd_tpv_result() # If we reach this line, we have a valid result and the chip responded. # However, it doesn't necessarily mean we had a GPS lock. return True, result def bist_tpm(self): """ BIST for TPM (Trusted Platform Module) This reads the caps value for all detected TPM devices. Return dictionary: - tpm<N>_caps: TPM manufacturer and version info. Is a multi-line string. Return status: True if exactly one TPM device is detected. """ assert 'tpm' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, { 'tpm0_caps': "Fake caps value\n\nVersion 0.0.0", } result = bist.get_tpm_caps_info() return len(result) == 1, result def bist_ref_clock_int(self): """ BIST for clock lock from internal (20MHz). Description: Checks to see if we can lock to an internal clock source. External Equipment: None Return dictionary: - <sensor-name>: - locked: Boolean lock status There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all need to be asserted. """ assert 'ref_clock_int' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'ref_locked': True} result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop('internal', 'internal') return 'error_msg' not in result, result def bist_ref_clock_ext(self): """ BIST for clock lock from external (10MHz) source. Description: Checks to see if we can lock to an external clock source. External Equipment: External 10 MHz reference clock needed (from Octoclock) Return dictionary: - <sensor-name>: - locked: Boolean lock status There can be multiple ref lock sensors; for a pass condition they all need to be asserted. """ assert 'ref_clock_ext' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'ref_locked': True} result = bist.get_ref_clock_prop('external', 'external') return 'error_msg' not in result, result def bist_sfp_loopback(self): """ BIST for SFP+ ports: Description: Uses one SFP+ port in loopback mode. External Equipment: Loopback module in SFP required required. Return dictionary: - elapsed_time: Float value, test time in seconds - max_roundtrip_latency: Float value, max roundtrip latency in seconds - throughput: Approximate data throughput in bytes/s - max_ber: Estimated maximum BER, float value. - errors: Number of errors - bits: Number of bits that were transferred """ if self.args.dry_run: return True, bist.get_sfp_bist_defaults() sfp_bist_results = bist.run_aurora_bist( device_args=self.device_args, product_id=self.get_product_id(), master='misc-auro-regs', ) self.reload_fpga_image = True return bist.aurora_results_to_status(sfp_bist_results) def bist_gpio(self): """ BIST for GPIO Description: Writes and reads the values to the GPIO Needed Equipment: External loopback as follows GPIO 0<->4 1<->5 2<->6 3<->7 Return dictionary: - write_patterns: A list of patterns that were written - read_patterns: A list of patterns that were read back """ assert 'gpio' in self.tests_to_run gpio_width = 8 patterns = range(16) if self.args.dry_run: return True, { 'write_patterns': list(patterns), 'read_patterns': list(patterns), } from usrp_mpm.periph_manager import e320, e320_periphs mb_regs = e320_periphs.MboardRegsControl(e320.e320.mboard_regs_label, self.log) mb_regs.enable_fp_gpio(True) mb_regs.set_fp_gpio_master(0xFF) # Allow some time for the front-panel GPIOs to become usable time.sleep(1) ddr1 = 0xf0 ddr2 = 0x0f def _run_gpio(ddr, patterns): " Run a GPIO test for a given set of patterns " gpio_ctrl = e320_periphs.FrontpanelGPIO(ddr) for pattern in patterns: bist.gpio_set_all(gpio_ctrl, pattern, gpio_width, ddr) time.sleep(0.1) gpio_rb = gpio_ctrl.get_all() if pattern != gpio_rb: return False, {'write_patterns': [pattern], 'read_patterns': [gpio_rb]} return True, {'write_patterns': list(patterns), 'read_patterns': list(patterns)} status, data = _run_gpio(ddr1, patterns) if not status: return status, data status, data = _run_gpio(ddr2, patterns) return status, data def bist_temp(self): """ BIST for temperature sensors Description: Reads the temperature sensors on the motherboards and returns their values in mC Return dictionary: - <thermal-zone-name>: temp in mC """ assert 'temp' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'internal': 30000} result = bist.get_temp_sensor_value( lambda device: TEMP_SENSOR_MAP[device.sys_name]) if len(result) < 1: result['error_msg'] = "No temperature sensors found!" return 'error_msg' not in result, result def bist_fan(self): """ BIST for fan Description: Reads the RPM values of the fans on the motherboard External Equipment: Fan with connector Return dictionary: - <fan-name>: Fan speed in RPM """ assert 'fan' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'cooling_device0': 10000} result = bist.get_fan_values() return len(result) == 1, result def bist_link_up(self): """ BIST test for SFP link Description: Checks if SFP link is up External Equipment: 1G/10G cable connected to SFP port Return dictionary: - sfp0: status of link Return status: True if link is UP """ assert 'link_up' in self.tests_to_run if self.args.dry_run: return True, {'sfp0': 'UP'} result = bist.get_link_up('sfp0') return 'error_msg' not in result, result ############################################################################## # main ############################################################################## def main(): " Go, go, go! " return E320BIST().run() if __name__ == '__main__': exit(not main())