// // Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "ad937x_config_t.hpp" #include "ad937x_default_config.hpp" const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_TX_FIR[DEFAULT_TX_FIR_SIZE] = {-94, -26, 282, 177, -438, -368, 756, 732, -1170, -1337, 1758, 2479, -2648, -5088, 4064, 16760, 16759, 4110, -4881, -2247, 2888, 1917, -1440, -1296, 745, 828, -358, -474, 164, 298, -16, -94}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_TX_FIR_15366[DEFAULT_TX_FIR_SIZE] = {4, -16, -5, 75, -13, -229, 85, 547, -293, -1158, 738, 2290, -1640, -4805, 3687, 17108, 17108, 3687, -4805, -1640, 2290, 738, -1158, -293, 547, 85, -229, -13, 75, -5, -16, 4}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_RX_FIR[DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE] = {-20, 6, 66, 22, -128, -54, 240, 126, -402, -248, 634, 444, -956, -756, 1400, 1244, -2028, -2050, 2978, 3538, -4646, -7046, 9536, 30880, 30880, 9536, -7046, -4646, 3538, 2978, -2050, -2028, 1244, 1400, -756, -956, 444, 634, -248, -402, 126, 240, -54, -128, 22, 66, 6, -20}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_RX_FIR_15366[DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE] = {-16, -22, 18, 74, 24, -132, -152, 132, 372, 38, -598, -474, 638, 1178, -206, -1952, -984, 2362, 3152, -1612, -6544, -2164, 12806, 26836, 26836, 12806, -2164, -6544, -1612, 3152, 2362, -984, -1952, -206, 1178, 638, -474, -598, 38, 372, 132, -152, -132, 24, 74, 18, -22, -16}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_OBSRX_FIR[DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE] = {-14, -19, 44, 41, -89, -95, 175, 178, -303, -317, 499, 527, -779, -843, 1184, 1317, -1781, -2059, 2760, 3350, -4962, -7433, 9822, 32154, 32154, 9822, -7433, -4962, 3350, 2760, -2059, -1781, 1317, 1184, -843, -779, 527, 499, -317, -303, 178, 175, -95, -89, 41, 44, -19, -14}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_OBSRX_FIR_15366[DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE] = {-2, 3, 12, -19, -28, 44, 74, -92, -169, 150, 353, -203, -671, 203, 1179, -66, -1952, -347, 3153, 1307, -5595, -4820, 11323, 29525, 29525, 11323, -4820, -5595, 1307, 3153, -347, -1952, -66, 1179, 203, -671, -203, 353, 150, -169, -92, 74, 44, -28, -19, 12, 3, -2}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_SNIFFER_FIR[DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE] = {-1, -5, -14, -23, -16, 24, 92, 137, 80, -120, -378, -471, -174, 507, 1174, 1183, 98, -1771, -3216, -2641, 942, 7027, 13533, 17738, 17738, 13533, 7027, 942, -2641, -3216, -1771, 98, 1183, 1174, 507, -174, -471, -378, -120, 80, 137, 92, 24, -16, -23, -14, -5, -1}; const int16_t ad937x_config_t::DEFAULT_SNIFFER_FIR_15366[DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE] = {10, 31, 59, 71, 30, -92, -283, -456, -466, -175, 440, 1192, 1683, 1444, 198, -1871, -3988, -4942, -3512, 958, 8118, 16519, 23993, 28395, 28395, 23993, 16519, 8118, 958, -3512, -4942, -3988, -1871, 198, 1444, 1683, 1192, 440, -175, -466, -456, -283, -92, 30, 71, 59, 31, 10}; ad937x_config_t::ad937x_config_t(spiSettings_t* sps, const size_t deserializer_lane_xbar) : _rx(DEFAULT_RX_SETTINGS) , _rxProfile(DEFAULT_RX_PROFILE) , _framer(DEFAULT_FRAMER) , _rxGainCtrl(DEFAULT_RX_GAIN) , _rxPeakAgc(DEFAULT_RX_PEAK_AGC) , _rxPowerAgc(DEFAULT_RX_POWER_AGC) , _rxAgcCtrl(DEFAULT_RX_AGC_CTRL) , _tx(DEFAULT_TX_SETTINGS) , _txProfile(DEFAULT_TX_PROFILE) , _deframer(DEFAULT_DEFRAMER) , // TODO: Remove if ADI ever fixes this // The TX bring up requires a valid ORX profile // https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhddev/blob/f0f8f58471c3fed94279c32f00e9f8da7db40efd/mpm/lib/mykonos/adi/mykonos.c#L16590 _obsRx(DEFAULT_ORX_SETTINGS) , _orxFramer(DEFAULT_ORX_FRAMER) , _orxProfile(DEFAULT_ORX_PROFILE) , _orxGainCtrl(DEFAULT_ORX_GAIN) , _orxPeakAgc(DEFAULT_ORX_PEAK_AGC) , _orxPowerAgc(DEFAULT_ORX_POWER_AGC) , _orxAgcCtrl(DEFAULT_ORX_AGC_CTRL) , // TODO: Remove if ADI ever fixes this // ORX bring up requires a valid sniffer gain control struct // https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhddev/blob/f0f8f58471c3fed94279c32f00e9f8da7db40efd/mpm/lib/mykonos/adi/mykonos.c#L5752 _snifferGainCtrl(DEFAULT_SNIFFER_GAIN) , _armGpio(DEFAULT_ARM_GPIO) , _gpio3v3(DEFAULT_GPIO_3V3) , _gpio(DEFAULT_GPIO) , _auxIo(DEFAULT_AUX_IO) , _clocks(DEFAULT_CLOCKS) , tx_fir_config(DEFAULT_TX_FIR_GAIN, std::vector<int16_t>(DEFAULT_TX_FIR, DEFAULT_TX_FIR + DEFAULT_TX_FIR_SIZE)) , rx_fir_config(DEFAULT_RX_FIR_GAIN, std::vector<int16_t>(DEFAULT_RX_FIR, DEFAULT_RX_FIR + DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE)) , _orx_fir_config(DEFAULT_RX_FIR_GAIN, std::vector<int16_t>( DEFAULT_OBSRX_FIR, DEFAULT_OBSRX_FIR + DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE)) , _sniffer_rx_fir_config(DEFAULT_RX_FIR_GAIN, std::vector<int16_t>( DEFAULT_SNIFFER_FIR, DEFAULT_SNIFFER_FIR + DEFAULT_RX_FIR_SIZE)) { _device.spiSettings = sps; _deframer.deserializerLaneCrossbar = deserializer_lane_xbar; _init_pointers(); device = &_device; } // This function sets up all the pointers in all of our local members that represent the // device struct This function should only be called during construction. void ad937x_config_t::_init_pointers() { _device.rx = &_rx; _device.tx = &_tx; _device.obsRx = &_obsRx; _device.auxIo = &_auxIo; _device.clocks = &_clocks; _rx.rxProfile = &_rxProfile; _rx.framer = &_framer; _rx.rxGainCtrl = &_rxGainCtrl; _rx.rxAgcCtrl = &_rxAgcCtrl; _rxProfile.rxFir = rx_fir_config.fir; _rxProfile.customAdcProfile = nullptr; _rxAgcCtrl.peakAgc = &_rxPeakAgc; _rxAgcCtrl.powerAgc = &_rxPowerAgc; _tx.txProfile = &_txProfile; _txProfile.txFir = tx_fir_config.fir; _tx.deframer = &_deframer; // AD9373 _tx.dpdConfig = nullptr; _tx.clgcConfig = nullptr; _tx.vswrConfig = nullptr; // TODO: ideally we set none of this information and leave the profile as nullptr // Check that the API supports this _obsRx.orxProfile = &_orxProfile; _obsRx.orxGainCtrl = &_orxGainCtrl; _obsRx.orxAgcCtrl = &_orxAgcCtrl; _orxProfile.rxFir = _orx_fir_config.fir; _orxProfile.customAdcProfile = nullptr; _orxAgcCtrl.peakAgc = &_orxPeakAgc; _orxAgcCtrl.powerAgc = &_orxPowerAgc; _obsRx.snifferProfile = &_snifferProfile; _snifferProfile.rxFir = _sniffer_rx_fir_config.fir; _obsRx.snifferGainCtrl = &_snifferGainCtrl; // sniffer has no AGC ctrl, so leave as null _obsRx.framer = &_orxFramer; _auxIo.gpio3v3 = &_gpio3v3; _auxIo.gpio = &_gpio; _auxIo.armGpio = &_armGpio; }