# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, National Instruments Company
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#macro(ETTUS_PYTHON_GEN_SOURCE pyfile outfile)
    ##ensure that the directory exists for outfile
    #get_filename_component(outfile_dir ${outfile} PATH)
    #file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${outfile_dir})
        #message( FATAL_ERROR "No python executable found to generate ic_regmaps!" )
    ##make the outfile depend on the python script
        #OUTPUT ${outfile} DEPENDS ${pyfile} ${ETTUS_PYTHON_GEN_SOURCE_DEPS}
        #COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -B ${pyfile} ${outfile}
        #COMMENT "Generating ${outfile}"

    ##make lmk04828 depend on the outfile
    #list(APPEND lmk04828_srcs ${ARGV})

# LMK04828

# Register definitions need to be generated
#message("uhd host root: ${UHD_HOST_ROOT}")
#set(UHD_IC_REG_MAP_PATH ${UHD_HOST_ROOT}/lib/ic_reg_maps)


# Define the object