# # Copyright 2010 Ettus Research LLC # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # all: @echo "Pick a specific target" ######################################################################## # Common Variables ######################################################################## TOP_DIR = $(shell pwd) TOP_FW_DIR = $(TOP_DIR)/../firmware TOP_FPGA_DIR = $(TOP_DIR)/../fpga BUILT_IMAGES_DIR = $(TOP_DIR)/images CMAKE_BUILD_DIR = $(TOP_DIR)/build ##filled in below IMAGES_LIST = ######################################################################## # Utility Checks ######################################################################## ifeq ($(shell sdcc --help > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo $$?),0) HAS_SDCC=1 endif ifeq ($(shell mb-gcc --help > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo $$?),0) HAS_MB_GCC=1 endif ifeq ($(shell xtclsh -h > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo $$?),0) HAS_XTCLSH=1 endif ######################################################################## # USRP1 firmware ######################################################################## ifdef HAS_SDCC _usrp1_fw_dir = $(TOP_FW_DIR)/fx2 _usrp1_fw_ihx = $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR)/usrp1_fw.ihx IMAGES_LIST += $(_usrp1_fw_ihx) $(_usrp1_fw_ihx): cd $(_usrp1_fw_dir) && ./bootstrap cd $(_usrp1_fw_dir) && ./configure make -C $(_usrp1_fw_dir) clean make -C $(_usrp1_fw_dir) all cp $(_usrp1_fw_dir)/src/usrp1/std.ihx $@ endif ######################################################################## # USRP1 fpga ######################################################################## _usrp1_fpga_dir = $(TOP_FPGA_DIR)/usrp1/rbf/rev4 _usrp1_fpga_rbf = $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR)/usrp1_fpga.rbf IMAGES_LIST += $(_usrp1_fpga_rbf) $(_usrp1_fpga_rbf): cp $(_usrp1_fpga_dir)/std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf $@ ######################################################################## # USRP2 firmware ######################################################################## ifdef HAS_MB_GCC _usrp2_fw_dir = $(TOP_FW_DIR)/microblaze _usrp2_fw_bin = $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR)/usrp2_fw.bin IMAGES_LIST += $(_usrp2_fw_bin) $(_usrp2_fw_bin): cd $(_usrp2_fw_dir) && ./bootstrap cd $(_usrp2_fw_dir) && ./configure --host=mb make -C $(_usrp2_fw_dir) clean make -C $(_usrp2_fw_dir) all cp $(_usrp2_fw_dir)/usrp2/usrp2_txrx_uhd.bin $@ endif ######################################################################## # USRP2 fpga ######################################################################## ifdef HAS_XTCLSH _usrp2_fpga_dir = $(TOP_FPGA_DIR)/usrp2/top/u2_rev3 _usrp2_fpga_bin = $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR)/usrp2_fpga.bin IMAGES_LIST += $(_usrp2_fpga_bin) $(_usrp2_fpga_bin): cd $(_usrp2_fpga_dir) && make -f Makefile.udp clean cd $(_usrp2_fpga_dir) && make -f Makefile.udp bin cp $(_usrp2_fpga_dir)/build-udp/u2_rev3.bin $@ endif ######################################################################## # Build rules ######################################################################## ##little rule to make the images directory $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR): mkdir $@ images: $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR) $(IMAGES_LIST) clean: $(RM) -rf $(BUILT_IMAGES_DIR) $(RM) -rf $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) #packages that a linux machine can build linux-packages: mkdir -p $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) cd $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) && cmake -DCPACK_GENERATOR=TGZ $(TOP_DIR) make -C $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) package cd $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) && cmake -DCPACK_GENERATOR=ZIP $(TOP_DIR) make -C $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) package cd $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) && cmake -DCPACK_GENERATOR=DEB $(TOP_DIR) make -C $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) package cd $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) && cmake -DCPACK_GENERATOR=RPM $(TOP_DIR) make -C $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR) package