#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # """ Utility to run power calibrations with USRPs """ import sys import math import pickle import argparse import uhd def parse_args(): """ Parse args and return args object """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run power level calibration for supported USRPs", ) parser.add_argument( '--args', default="", help="USRP Device Args", ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--dir', default='tx', help="Direction: Must be either rx or tx. From the perspective of the " "device: rx == receive power levels, tx == transmit power levels.", choices=['tx', 'rx']) parser.add_argument( '--start', help='Start Frequency. Defaults to lowest available frequency on device. ' 'Note that this is only a hint for the device object, which can choose ' 'to override this value.', type=float) parser.add_argument( '--stop', help='Stop Frequency. Defaults to highest available frequency on device. ' 'Note that this is only a hint for the device object, which can choose ' 'to override this value.', type=float) parser.add_argument( '--step', help='Frequency Step. Defaults are device-specific. ' 'Note that this is only a hint for the device object, which can choose ' 'to override this value. Devices can also measure at non-regular ' 'frequencies, e.g., to more accurately cover differences between bands.', type=float) parser.add_argument( '--gain-step', type=float, default=1, help='Gain Step (dB). Defaults to 1 dB. ' 'Note that this is only a hint for the device object, which can choose ' 'to override this value. Devices can also measure at non-regular ' 'gain intervals.') parser.add_argument( '--lo-offset', type=float, help='LO Offset. This gets applied to every tune request. Note that for ' 'TX measurements, there is also an offset applied by --tone-freq. ' 'The default value is device-dependent.') parser.add_argument( '--amplitude', type=float, default=1./math.sqrt(2), help='Amplitude of the tone that is generated for tx measurements. ' 'Default is 1/sqrt(2), or -3 dBFS.') parser.add_argument( '--attenuation', type=float, default=0.0, help='Amount of attenuation between measurement device and DUT. This will ' 'be accounted for by simple addition, it is treated like a measurement error. ' 'The argument is generally positive, e.g. 30 means 30 dB of attenuation.') parser.add_argument( '--tone-freq', type=float, default=1e6, help='Frequency of the tone that is generated for Tx measurements. This ' 'has the same effect as setting an LO offset, except in software.') parser.add_argument( '--antenna', default="*", help="Select antenna port. A value of '*' means that the calibration " "will be repeated on all appropriate antenna ports.") parser.add_argument( '--channels', default="*", help="Select channel. A value of '*' means that the calibration " "will be repeated on all appropriate channels.") parser.add_argument( '--meas-dev', default='manual', help='Type of measurement device that is used') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--meas-option', default=[], action='append', help='Options that are passed to the measurement device') parser.add_argument( '--switch', default='manual', help='Type of switch to be used to connect antennas') parser.add_argument( '--switch-option', default=[], action='append', help='Options that are passed to the switch') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--rate', type=float, help='Sampling rate at which the calibration is performed') parser.add_argument( '--store', metavar='filename.pickle', help='If provided, will store intermediate cal data. This can be analyzed ' 'separately, or loaded into the tool with --load.') parser.add_argument( '--load', metavar='filename.pickle', help='If provided, will load intermediate cal data instead of running a ' 'measurement.') return parser.parse_args() def sanitize_args(usrp, args, default_rate): """ Check the args against the USRP object. """ assert usrp.get_num_mboards() == 1, \ "Power calibration tools are designed for a single motherboard!" available_chans = getattr(usrp, 'get_{}_num_channels'.format(args.dir))() if args.channels == '*': # * means all channels channels = list(range(available_chans)) else: try: channels = [int(c) for c in args.channels.split(',')] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid channel list: {}".format(args.channels)) for chan in channels: assert chan in range(available_chans), \ "ERROR: Invalid channel: {}. Should be in 0..{}.".format( chan, available_chans) print("=== Calibrating for channels:", ", ".join([str(x) for x in channels])) available_ants = getattr(usrp, 'get_{}_antennas'.format(args.dir))() if args.antenna == '*': invalid_antennas = ('CAL', 'LOCAL') antennas = [x for x in available_ants if x not in invalid_antennas] else: try: antennas = args.antenna.split(',') except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid antenna list: {}".format(args.antenna)) for ant in antennas: assert ant in available_ants, \ "Invalid antenna: {}. Should be in {}.".format( ant, available_ants) print("=== Calibrating for antennas:", ", ".join([str(x) for x in antennas])) rate = args.rate or default_rate getattr(usrp, 'set_{}_rate'.format(args.dir))(rate) actual_rate = getattr(usrp, 'get_{}_rate'.format(args.dir))() print("=== Requested sampling rate: {} Msps, actual rate: {} Msps" .format(rate/1e6, actual_rate/1e6)) if args.dir == 'tx' and abs(args.tone_freq) > actual_rate: raise ValueError( "The TX tone frequency offset of {} kHz is greater than the sampling rate." .format(args.tone_freq / 1e3)) return channels, antennas, actual_rate def init_results(pickle_file): """ Initialize results from pickle file, or empty dict """ if pickle_file is None: return {} with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as results_file: return pickle.load(results_file) class CalRunner: """ Executor of the calibration routines. """ def __init__(self, usrp, usrp_cal, meas_dev, args): self.usrp = usrp self.usrp_cal = usrp_cal self.meas_dev = meas_dev self.dir = args.dir self.tone_offset = args.tone_freq if args.dir == 'tx' else 0.0 self.lo_offset = args.lo_offset if args.lo_offset else usrp_cal.lo_offset if self.lo_offset: print("=== Using USRP LO offset: {:.2f} MHz" .format(self.lo_offset / 1e6)) def run(self, chan, freq): """ Run all cal steps for a single frequency """ print("=== Running calibration at frequency {:.3f} MHz...".format(freq / 1e6)) tune_req = uhd.types.TuneRequest(freq, self.lo_offset) getattr(self.usrp, 'set_{}_freq'.format(self.dir))(tune_req, chan) actual_freq = getattr(self.usrp, 'get_{}_freq'.format(self.dir))(chan) if abs(actual_freq - freq) > 1.0: print("WARNING: Frequency was coerced from {:.2f} MHz to {:.2f} MHz!" .format(freq / 1e6, actual_freq / 1e6)) self.meas_dev.set_frequency(actual_freq + self.tone_offset) getattr(self.usrp_cal, 'run_{}_cal'.format(self.dir))(freq) def main(): """Go, go, go!""" args = parse_args() print("=== Detecting USRP...") usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP(args.args) print("=== Measurement direction:", args.dir) print("=== Initializing measurement device...") meas_dev = uhd.usrp.cal.get_meas_device(args.dir, args.meas_dev, args.meas_option) meas_dev.power_offset = args.attenuation # If we're transmitting, then we need to factor in the "attenuation" from us # not transmitting at full scale if args.dir == 'tx': meas_dev.power_offset -= 20 * math.log10(args.amplitude) print("=== Initializing port connector...") switch = uhd.usrp.cal.get_switch(args.dir, args.switch, args.switch_option) print("=== Initializing USRP calibration object...") usrp_cal = uhd.usrp.cal.get_usrp_calibrator( usrp, meas_dev, args.dir, gain_step=args.gain_step, ) channels, antennas, rate = sanitize_args(usrp, args, usrp_cal.default_rate) results = init_results(args.load) usrp_cal.init( rate=rate, tone_freq=args.tone_freq, amplitude=args.amplitude, ) print("=== Launching calibration...") cal_runner = CalRunner(usrp, usrp_cal, meas_dev, args) for chan in channels: if chan not in results: results[chan] = {} for ant in antennas: if ant in results[chan]: print("=== Using pickled data for channel {}, antenna {}." .format(chan, ant)) continue print("=== Running calibration for channel {}, antenna {}." .format(chan, ant)) # Set up all the objects getattr(usrp, 'set_{}_antenna'.format(args.dir))(ant, chan) switch.connect(chan, ant) usrp_cal.update_port(chan, ant) freqs = usrp_cal.init_frequencies(args.start, args.stop, args.step) usrp_cal.start() # This will activate siggen # Now calibrate for freq in freqs: try: cal_runner.run(chan, freq) except RuntimeError as ex: print("ERROR: Stopping calibration due to exception: {}" .format(str(ex))) usrp_cal.stop() return 1 # Store results for pickling and shut down for next antenna port results[chan][ant] = usrp_cal.results usrp_cal.stop() # This will deactivate siggen and store the data if args.store: print("=== Storing pickled calibration data to {}...".format(args.store)) with open(args.store, 'wb') as results_file: pickle.dump(results, results_file) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": try: sys.exit(main()) except (RuntimeError, ValueError) as ex: print("ERROR:", str(ex)) sys.exit(1)