// Copyright 2010-2013 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "Responder.hpp"
#include <uhd/property_tree.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <csignal>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

const std::string _eth_file("eths_info.txt");

// Redirect output to stderr
struct cerr_redirect
    cerr_redirect(std::streambuf* new_buffer) : old(std::cerr.rdbuf(new_buffer)) {}


    std::streambuf* old;

// Catch keyboard interrupts for clean manual abort
static bool s_stop_signal_called = false;
static int s_signal              = 0;
static void sig_int_handler(int signal)
    s_stop_signal_called = true;
    s_signal             = signal;

// member of Responder to register sig int handler
void Responder::register_stop_signal_handler()
    std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler);

// For ncurses. Print everything in stream to screen
void Responder::FLUSH_SCREEN()

// Like FLUSH_SCREEN but with new line
void Responder::FLUSH_SCREEN_NL()
    do {
        int y, x;
        getyx(_window, y, x);
        if (x > 0) {
    } while (0);

// Constructor
Responder::Responder(Options& opt)
    : _opt(opt)
    , _stats_filename(opt.stats_filename)
    , _delay(opt.delay)
    , _samps_per_packet(opt.samps_per_packet)
    , _delay_step(opt.delay_step)
    , _simulate_frequency(opt.simulate_frequency)
    , _allow_late_bursts(opt.allow_late_bursts)
    , _no_delay(opt.no_delay)
    // Initialize atributes not given by Options
    , // printed on exit
    , // printed on exit
    , // < 0 --> write results to file
    , _stream_cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS)
    , _timeout_burst_count(0)
    , _timeout_eob_count(0)
    , _y_delay_pos(-1)
    , _x_delay_pos(-1)
    , // Remember the cursor position of delay line.
    time(&_dbginfo.start_time); // for debugging

    // Disable logging to console

    if (uhd::set_thread_priority_safe(_opt.rt_priority, _opt.realtime)
        == false) // try to set realtime scheduling
        cerr << "Failed to set real-time" << endl;

    _return_code = calculate_dependent_values();

    // From this point on, everything is written to a ncurses window!

    try {
        _usrp = create_usrp_device();
    } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
        _return_code = RETCODE_RUNTIME_ERROR;
    } catch (...) {
        print_msg("unhandled ERROR");
        _return_code = RETCODE_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION;
        print_msg_and_wait("create USRP device failed!\nPress key to abort test...");

    // Prepare array with response burst data.
    _pResponse = alloc_response_buffer_with_data(_response_length);

    // ensure that filename is set
    string test_id = _usrp->get_mboard_name();
    if (set_stats_filename(test_id)) {
        _return_code = RETCODE_BAD_ARGS; // make sure run() does return!
        if (_opt.batch_mode == false) {
            print_msg_and_wait("Press any key to end...");


int Responder::calculate_dependent_values()
    _response_length             = _opt.response_length();
    _init_delay_count            = (int64_t)(_opt.sample_rate * _opt.init_delay);
    _dc_offset_countdown         = (int64_t)(_opt.sample_rate * _opt.dc_offset_delay);
    _level_calibration_countdown = (int64_t)_opt.level_calibration_count();
    _original_simulate_duration  = _simulate_duration =

    if (_simulate_duration > 0) {
        // Skip settling period and calibration
        _init_delay_count            = 0;
        _dc_offset_countdown         = 0;
        _level_calibration_countdown = 0;

        double highest_delay = 0.0;
        if (_opt.test_iterations > 0)
            highest_delay = max(_opt.delay_max, _opt.delay_min);
        else if (_no_delay == false)
            highest_delay = _delay;

        uint64_t highest_delay_samples = _opt.highest_delay_samples(highest_delay);
        if ((highest_delay_samples + _response_length + _opt.flush_count)
            > _simulate_duration) {
            if (_opt.adjust_simulation_rate) // This is now done DURING the simulation
                                             // based on active delay
                //_simulate_frequency = max_possible_rate;
                //_simulate_duration = (uint64_t)((double)sample_rate /
            } else {
                cerr << boost::format(
                            "Highest delay and response duration will exceed the pulse "
                            "simulation rate (%ld + %ld > %ld samples)")
                            % highest_delay_samples % _response_length
                            % _simulate_duration
                     << endl;
                int max_possible_rate = (int)get_max_possible_frequency(
                    highest_delay_samples, _response_length);
                double max_possible_delay =
                    (double)(_simulate_duration - (_response_length + _opt.flush_count))
                    / (double)_opt.sample_rate;
                cerr << boost::format("Simulation rate must be less than %i Hz, or "
                                      "maximum delay must be less than %f s")
                            % max_possible_rate % max_possible_delay
                     << endl;

                if (_opt.ignore_simulation_check == 0)
                    return RETCODE_BAD_ARGS;
    } else {
        boost::format fmt(
            "Simulation frequency too high (%f Hz with sample_rate %f Msps)");
        fmt % _simulate_frequency % (_opt.sample_rate / 1e6);
        cerr << fmt << endl;
        return RETCODE_BAD_ARGS;

    if (_opt.test_iterations > 0) // Force certain settings during test mode
        _no_delay          = false;
        _allow_late_bursts = false;
        _delay             = _opt.delay_min;
    return RETCODE_OK; // default return code

// print test title to ncurses window
void Responder::print_test_title()
    if (_opt.test_title.empty() == false) {
        std::string title(_opt.test_title);
        boost::replace_all(title, "%", "%%");
        print_msg(title + "\n");

void Responder::print_usrp_status()
    std::string msg;
    msg += (boost::format("Using device:\n%s\n") % _usrp->get_pp_string()).str();
    msg += (boost::format("Setting RX rate: %f Msps\n") % (_opt.sample_rate / 1e6)).str();
    msg += (boost::format("Actual RX rate:  %f Msps\n") % (_usrp->get_rx_rate() / 1e6))
    msg += (boost::format("Setting TX rate: %f Msps\n") % (_opt.sample_rate / 1e6)).str();
    msg +=
        (boost::format("Actual TX rate:  %f Msps") % (_usrp->get_tx_rate() / 1e6)).str();

void Responder::print_test_parameters()
    // Some status output shoud be printed here!
    size_t rx_max_num_samps = _rx_stream->get_max_num_samps();
    size_t tx_max_num_samps = _tx_stream->get_max_num_samps();
    std::string msg;

    msg += (boost::format("Samples per buffer: %d\n") % _opt.samps_per_buff).str();
    msg += (boost::format("Maximum number of samples: RX = %d, TX = %d\n")
            % rx_max_num_samps % tx_max_num_samps)
    msg += (boost::format("Response length: %ld samples (%f us)") % _response_length
            % (_opt.response_duration * 1e6))

    if (_simulate_duration > 0)
        msg += (boost::format("\nSimulating pulses at %f Hz (every %ld samples)")
                % _simulate_frequency % _simulate_duration)

    if (_opt.test_iterations > 0) {
        msg += (boost::format("\nTest coverage: %f -> %f (%f steps)") % _opt.delay_min
                % _opt.delay_max % _opt.delay_step)

        if (_opt.end_test_after_success_count > 0)
            msg += (boost::format("\nTesting will end after %d successful delays")
                    % _opt.end_test_after_success_count)

    if ((_dc_offset_countdown == 0) && (_simulate_frequency == 0.0)) {
        msg += "\nDC offset disabled";

// e.g. B200 doesn't support this command. Check if possible and only set rx_dc_offset if
// available
void Responder::set_usrp_rx_dc_offset(uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp, bool ena)
    uhd::property_tree::sptr tree = usrp->get_tree();
    // FIXME: Path needs to be build in a programmatic way.
    bool dc_offset_exists =
    if (dc_offset_exists) {

void Responder::print_create_usrp_msg()
    std::string msg("Creating the USRP device");
    if (_opt.device_args.empty() == false)
        msg.append((boost::format(" with args \"%s\"") % _opt.device_args).str());

uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr Responder::create_usrp_device()
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(_opt.device_args);
    usrp->set_rx_rate(_opt.sample_rate); // set the rx sample rate
    usrp->set_tx_rate(_opt.sample_rate); // set the tx sample rate
    _tx_stream = create_tx_streamer(usrp);
    _rx_stream = create_rx_streamer(usrp);
    if ((_dc_offset_countdown == 0) && (_simulate_frequency == 0.0))
        set_usrp_rx_dc_offset(usrp, false);
    return usrp;

uhd::rx_streamer::sptr Responder::create_rx_streamer(uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp)
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32"); // complex floats
    if (_samps_per_packet > 0) {
        stream_args.args["spp"] = str(boost::format("%d") % _samps_per_packet);
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);
    _samps_per_packet                = rx_stream->get_max_num_samps();

    return rx_stream;

void Responder::print_rx_stream_status()
    std::string msg;
    msg += (boost::format("Samples per packet set to: %d\n") % _samps_per_packet).str();
    msg += (boost::format("Flushing burst with %d samples") % _opt.flush_count).str();
    if (_opt.skip_eob)
        msg += "\nSkipping End-Of-Burst";

uhd::tx_streamer::sptr Responder::create_tx_streamer(uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp)
    uhd::stream_args_t tx_stream_args("fc32"); // complex floats
    if (_allow_late_bursts == false) {
        tx_stream_args.args["underflow_policy"] = "next_burst";
    uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(tx_stream_args);
    return tx_stream;

void Responder::print_tx_stream_status()
    std::string msg;
    if (_allow_late_bursts == false) {
        msg += "Underflow policy set to drop late bursts";
    } else
        msg += "Underflow policy set to allow late bursts";
    if (_opt.skip_send)
        msg += "\nNOT sending bursts";
    else if (_opt.combine_eob)
        msg += "\nCombining EOB into first send";

// handle transmit timeouts properly
void Responder::handle_tx_timeout(int burst, int eob)
    if (_timeout_burst_count == 0 && _timeout_eob_count == 0)
    _timeout_burst_count += burst;
    _timeout_eob_count += eob;

void Responder::print_timeout_msg()
    move(_y_delay_pos + 3, _x_delay_pos);
    print_msg((boost::format("Send timeout, burst_count = %ld\teob_count = %ld\n")
               % _timeout_burst_count % _timeout_eob_count)

uhd::tx_metadata_t Responder::get_tx_metadata(uhd::time_spec_t rx_time, size_t n)
    uhd::tx_metadata_t tx_md;
    tx_md.start_of_burst = true;
    tx_md.end_of_burst   = false;
    if ((_opt.skip_eob == false) && (_opt.combine_eob)) {
        tx_md.end_of_burst = true;

    if (_no_delay == false) {
        tx_md.has_time_spec = true;
        tx_md.time_spec =
            rx_time + uhd::time_spec_t(0, n, _opt.sample_rate) + uhd::time_spec_t(_delay);
    } else {
        tx_md.has_time_spec = false;
    return tx_md;

bool Responder::send_tx_burst(uhd::time_spec_t rx_time, size_t n)
    if (_opt.skip_send == true) {
        return false;
    // send a single packet
    uhd::tx_metadata_t tx_md = get_tx_metadata(rx_time, n);
    const size_t length_to_send =
        _response_length + (_opt.flush_count - (tx_md.end_of_burst ? 0 : 1));

    size_t num_tx_samps =
        _tx_stream->send(_pResponse, length_to_send, tx_md, _opt.timeout); // send pulse!
    if (num_tx_samps < length_to_send) {
        handle_tx_timeout(1, 0);
    if (_opt.skip_eob == false && _opt.combine_eob == false) {
        tx_md.start_of_burst = false;
        tx_md.end_of_burst   = true;
        tx_md.has_time_spec  = false;

        const size_t eob_length_to_send = 1;

        size_t eob_num_tx_samps = _tx_stream->send(
            &_pResponse[length_to_send], eob_length_to_send, tx_md); // send EOB
        if (eob_num_tx_samps < eob_length_to_send) {
            handle_tx_timeout(0, 1);

    return true;

// ensure that stats_filename is not empty.
bool Responder::set_stats_filename(string test_id)
    if (_stats_filename.empty()) {
        string file_friendly_test_id(test_id);
        boost::replace_all(file_friendly_test_id, " ", "_");
        boost::format fmt = boost::format("%slatency-stats.id_%s-rate_%i-spb_%i-spp_%i%s")
                            % _opt.stats_filename_prefix % file_friendly_test_id
                            % (int)_opt.sample_rate % _opt.samps_per_buff
                            % _samps_per_packet % _opt.stats_filename_suffix;
        _stats_filename     = str(fmt) + ".txt";
        _stats_log_filename = str(fmt) + ".log";
    return check_for_existing_results();

// Check if results file can be overwritten
bool Responder::check_for_existing_results()
    bool ex = false;
    if ((_opt.skip_if_results_exist) && (boost::filesystem::exists(_stats_filename))) {
        print_msg((boost::format("Skipping invocation as results file already exists: %s")
                   % _stats_filename)
        ex = true;
    return ex;

// Allocate an array with a burst response
float* Responder::alloc_response_buffer_with_data(
    uint64_t response_length) // flush_count, output_value, output_scale are const
    float* pResponse = new float[(response_length + _opt.flush_count) * 2];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (response_length * 2); ++i)
        pResponse[i] = _opt.output_value * _opt.output_scale;
    for (unsigned int i = (response_length * 2);
         i < ((response_length + _opt.flush_count) * 2);
        pResponse[i] = 0.0f;
    return pResponse;

// print test parameters for current delay time
void Responder::print_formatted_delay_line(const uint64_t simulate_duration,
    const uint64_t old_simulate_duration,
    const STATS& statsPrev,
    const double delay,
    const double simulate_frequency)
    if (_y_delay_pos < 0
        || _x_delay_pos < 0) { // make sure it gets printed to the same position everytime
        getyx(_window, _y_delay_pos, _x_delay_pos);
    double score = 0.0;
    if (statsPrev.detected > 0)
        score = 100.0 * (double)(statsPrev.detected - statsPrev.missed)
                / (double)statsPrev.detected;
    std::string form;
    boost::format fmt0("Delay now: %.6f (previous delay %.6f scored %.1f%% [%ld / %ld])");
    fmt0 % delay % statsPrev.delay % score % (statsPrev.detected - statsPrev.missed)
        % statsPrev.detected;
    form += fmt0.str();
    if (old_simulate_duration != simulate_duration) {
        boost::format fmt1(" [Simulation rate now: %.1f Hz (%ld samples)]");
        fmt1 % simulate_frequency % simulate_duration;
        form = form + fmt1.str();
    move(_y_delay_pos, _x_delay_pos);

// print message and wait for user interaction
void Responder::print_msg_and_wait(std::string msg)
    msg = "\n" + msg;

// print message to ncurses window
void Responder::print_msg(std::string msg)
    _ss << msg << endl;

// Check if error occured during call to receive
bool Responder::handle_rx_errors(
    uhd::rx_metadata_t::error_code_t err, size_t num_rx_samps)
    // handle errors
    if (err == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT) {
        std::string msg = (boost::format("Timeout while streaming (received %ld samples)")
                           % _num_total_samps)
        _return_code = RETCODE_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT;
        return true;
    } else if (err == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_BAD_PACKET) {
        std::string msg =
            (boost::format("Bad packet (received %ld samples)") % _num_total_samps).str();
        _return_code = RETCODE_BAD_PACKET;
        return true;
    } else if ((num_rx_samps == 0) && (err == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_NONE)) {
        print_error_msg("Received no samples");
        _return_code = RETCODE_RECEIVE_FAILED;
        return true;
    } else if (err == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW) {
        print_overrun_msg(); // update overrun info on console.
    } else if (err != uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_NONE) {
        throw std::runtime_error(str(boost::format("Unexpected error code 0x%x") % err));
    return false;

// print overrun status message.
void Responder::print_overrun_msg()
    if (_num_total_samps > (_last_overrun_count + (uint64_t)(_opt.sample_rate * 1.0))) {
        int y, x, y_max, x_max;
        getyx(_window, y, x);
        getmaxyx(_window, y_max, x_max);
        move(y_max - 1, 0);
        print_msg((boost::format("Overruns: %d") % _overruns).str());
        move(y, x);
        _last_overrun_count = _num_total_samps;

// print error message on last line of ncurses window
void Responder::print_error_msg(std::string msg)
    int y, x, y_max, x_max;
    getyx(_window, y, x);
    getmaxyx(_window, y_max, x_max);
    move(y_max - 2, 0);
    move(y, x);

// calculate simulate frequency
double Responder::get_simulate_frequency(
    double delay, uint64_t response_length, uint64_t original_simulate_duration)
    double simulate_frequency      = _simulate_frequency;
    uint64_t highest_delay_samples = _opt.highest_delay_samples(delay);
    if ((_opt.optimize_simulation_rate)
        || ((highest_delay_samples + response_length + _opt.flush_count)
               > original_simulate_duration)) {
        simulate_frequency =
            get_max_possible_frequency(highest_delay_samples, response_length);
    return simulate_frequency;

// calculate max possible simulate frequency
double Responder::get_max_possible_frequency(uint64_t highest_delay_samples,
    uint64_t response_length) // only 2 args, others are all const!
    return std::floor((double)_opt.sample_rate
                      / (double)(highest_delay_samples + response_length
                                 + _opt.flush_count + _opt.optimize_padding));

// Check if conditions to finish test are met.
bool Responder::test_finished(size_t success_count)
    if (success_count == _opt.end_test_after_success_count) {
            (boost::format("\nTest complete after %d successes.") % success_count).str());
        return true;
    if (((_opt.delay_min <= _opt.delay_max) && (_delay >= _opt.delay_max))
        || ((_opt.delay_min > _opt.delay_max) && (_delay <= _opt.delay_max))) {
        print_msg("\nTest complete.");
        return true;
    return false;

// handle keyboard input in interactive mode
bool Responder::handle_interactive_control()
    std::string msg = "";
    int c           = wgetch(_window);
    if (c > -1) {
        // UP/DOWN Keys control delay step width
        if ((c == KEY_DOWN) || (c == KEY_UP)) {
            double dMag = log10(_delay_step);
            int iMag    = (int)floor(dMag);
            iMag += ((c == KEY_UP) ? 1 : -1);
            _delay_step = pow(10.0, iMag);
            msg += (boost::format("Step: %f") % _delay_step).str();
        // LEFT/RIGHT Keys control absolute delay length
        if ((c == KEY_LEFT) || (c == KEY_RIGHT)) {
            double step = _delay_step * ((c == KEY_RIGHT) ? 1 : -1);
            if ((_delay + step) >= 0.0)
                _delay += step;
            msg += (boost::format("Delay: %f") % _delay).str();
        // Enable/disable fixed delay <--> best effort mode
        if (c == 'd') {
            _no_delay = !_no_delay;

            if (_no_delay)
                msg += "Delay disabled (best effort)";
                msg += (boost::format("Delay: %f") % _delay).str();
        } else if (c == 'q') // exit test
            return true; // signal test to stop
        } else if (c == 'l') // change late burst policy
            _allow_late_bursts = !_allow_late_bursts;

            if (_allow_late_bursts)
                msg += "Allowing late bursts";
                msg += "Dropping late bursts";
    return false; // signal test to continue with updated values

// print updated interactive control value
void Responder::print_interactive_msg(std::string msg)
    if (msg != "") {
        // move cursor back to beginning of line
        int y, x;
        getyx(_window, y, x);
        if (x > 0) {
            move(y, 0);
        move(y, 0);

// check if transmit burst is late
bool Responder::tx_burst_is_late()
    uhd::async_metadata_t async_md;
    if (_usrp->get_device()->recv_async_msg(async_md, 0)) {
        if (async_md.event_code == uhd::async_metadata_t::EVENT_CODE_TIME_ERROR) {
            return true;
    return false;

void Responder::create_ncurses_window()
    _window = initscr();
    cbreak(); // Unbuffered key input, except for signals (cf. 'raw')
    intrflush(_window, FALSE);
    keypad(_window, TRUE); // Enable function keys, arrow keys, ...
    nodelay(_window, 0);

// print all fixed test parameters
void Responder::print_init_test_status()
    // Clear the window and write new data.

    std::string msg("");
    if (_opt.test_iterations > 0)
        msg.append("Press Ctrl + C to abort test");
        msg.append("Press Q stop streaming");

    _y_delay_pos = -1; // reset delay display line pos.
    _x_delay_pos = -1;

// in interactive mode with second usrp sending bursts. calibrate trigger level
float Responder::calibrate_usrp_for_test_run()
    bool calibration_finished = false;
    float threshold           = 0.0f;
    double ave_high = 0, ave_low = 0;
    int ave_high_count = 0, ave_low_count = 0;
    bool level_calibration_stage_2 =
        false; // 1. stage = rough calibration ; 2. stage = fine calibration

    std::vector<std::complex<float>> buff(_opt.samps_per_buff);
    while (
        not s_stop_signal_called && !calibration_finished && _return_code == RETCODE_OK) {
        uhd::rx_metadata_t rx_md;
        size_t num_rx_samps =
            _rx_stream->recv(&buff.front(), buff.size(), rx_md, _opt.timeout);

        // handle errors
        if (handle_rx_errors(rx_md.error_code, num_rx_samps)) {

        // Wait for USRP for DC offset calibration
        if (_dc_offset_countdown > 0) {
            _dc_offset_countdown -= (int64_t)num_rx_samps;
            if (_dc_offset_countdown > 0)
            set_usrp_rx_dc_offset(_usrp, false);
            print_msg("DC offset calibration complete");

        // Wait for certain time to minimize POWER UP effects
        if (_init_delay_count > 0) {
            _init_delay_count -= (int64_t)num_rx_samps;
            if (_init_delay_count > 0)
            print_msg("Initial settling period elapsed");

        // detect falling edges and calibrate detection values
        if (_level_calibration_countdown > 0) {
            if (level_calibration_stage_2 == false) {
                float average = 0.0f;
                for (size_t n = 0; n < num_rx_samps; n++)
                    average += buff[n].real() * _opt.invert;
                average /= (float)num_rx_samps;

                if (ave_low_count == 0) {
                    ave_low = average;
                } else if (average < ave_low) {
                    ave_low = average;

                if (ave_high_count == 0) {
                    ave_high = average;
                } else if (average > ave_high) {
                    ave_high = average;
            } else {
                for (size_t n = 0; n < num_rx_samps; n++) {
                    float f = buff[n].real() * _opt.invert;
                    if (f >= threshold) {
                        ave_high += f;
                    } else {
                        ave_low += f;

            _level_calibration_countdown -= (int64_t)num_rx_samps;

            if (_level_calibration_countdown <= 0) {
                if (level_calibration_stage_2 == false) {
                    level_calibration_stage_2    = true;
                    _level_calibration_countdown = _opt.level_calibration_count();
                    threshold                    = ave_low + ((ave_high - ave_low) / 2.0);
                    print_msg((boost::format("Phase #1: Ave low: %.3f (#%d), ave high: "
                                             "%.3f (#%d), threshold: %.3f")
                               % ave_low % ave_low_count % ave_high % ave_high_count
                               % threshold)
                    ave_low_count = ave_high_count = 0;
                    ave_low = ave_high = 0.0f;
                } else {
                    ave_low /= (double)ave_low_count;
                    ave_high /= (double)ave_high_count;
                    threshold = ave_low + ((ave_high - ave_low) * _opt.trigger_level);
                    print_msg((boost::format("Phase #2: Ave low: %.3f (#%d), ave high: "
                                             "%.3f (#%d), threshold: %.3f\n")
                               % ave_low % ave_low_count % ave_high % ave_high_count
                               % threshold)

                    _stream_cmd.stream_mode =
                    _stream_cmd.stream_now = true;

                    double diff = std::abs(ave_high - ave_low);
                    if (diff < _opt.pulse_detection_threshold) {
                        _return_code = RETCODE_BAD_ARGS;
                            (boost::format("Did not detect any pulses (difference %.6f < "
                                           "detection threshold %.6f)")
                                % diff % _opt.pulse_detection_threshold)

                    _stream_cmd.stream_mode =
                    _stream_cmd.stream_now = true;
            } else
        } // calibration finished
        calibration_finished = true;
    return threshold;

// try to stop USRP properly after tests
void Responder::stop_usrp_stream()
    try {
        if (_usrp) {
            _stream_cmd.stream_mode = uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS;
            _stream_cmd.stream_now  = true;
    } catch (...) {

// after each delay length update test parameters and print them
void Responder::update_and_print_parameters(const STATS& statsPrev, const double delay)
    uint64_t old_simulate_duration = _simulate_duration;
    _simulate_frequency =
        get_simulate_frequency(delay, _response_length, _original_simulate_duration);
    _simulate_duration = _opt.simulate_duration(_simulate_frequency);
        _simulate_duration, old_simulate_duration, statsPrev, delay, _simulate_frequency);
    _timeout_burst_count = 0;
    _timeout_eob_count   = 0;

// detect or simulate burst level.
bool Responder::get_new_state(
    uint64_t total_samps, uint64_t simulate_duration, float val, float threshold)
    bool new_state = false;
    if (simulate_duration > 0) // only simulated input bursts!
        new_state = (((total_samps) % simulate_duration) == 0);
        new_state = (val >= threshold); // TODO: Just measure difference in fall
    return new_state;

// detect a pulse, respond to it and count number of pulses.
// statsCurrent holds parameters.
uint64_t Responder::detect_respond_pulse_count(STATS& statsCurrent,
    std::vector<std::complex<float>>& buff,
    uint64_t trigger_count,
    size_t num_rx_samps,
    float threshold,
    uhd::time_spec_t rx_time)
    // buff, threshold
    bool input_state = false;
    for (size_t n = 0; n < num_rx_samps; n++) {
        float f = buff[n].real() * _opt.invert;

        bool new_state =
            get_new_state(_num_total_samps + n, _simulate_duration, f, threshold);

        if ((new_state == false) && (input_state)) // == falling_edge

            if ((_opt.test_iterations > 0) && (_opt.skip_iterations > 0)
                && (statsCurrent.skipped == 0)
                && (_opt.skip_iterations == statsCurrent.detected)) {
                memset(&statsCurrent, 0x00, sizeof(STATS));
                statsCurrent.delay    = _delay;
                statsCurrent.detected = 1;
                statsCurrent.skipped  = _opt.skip_iterations;

                trigger_count = 1;

            if (!send_tx_burst(rx_time, n)) {

            if (tx_burst_is_late()) {

        input_state = new_state;
    return trigger_count;

// this is the actual "work" function. All the fun happens here
void Responder::run_test(float threshold)
    STATS statsCurrent; //, statsPrev;
    memset(&statsCurrent, 0x00, sizeof(STATS));
    if (_opt.test_iterations > 0) {
        update_and_print_parameters(statsCurrent, _delay);
        statsCurrent.delay = _opt.delay_min;
    uint64_t trigger_count        = 0;
    size_t success_count          = 0;
    uint64_t num_total_samps_test = 0;

    std::vector<std::complex<float>> buff(_opt.samps_per_buff);
    while (not s_stop_signal_called && _return_code == RETCODE_OK) {
        // get samples from rx stream.
        uhd::rx_metadata_t rx_md;
        size_t num_rx_samps =
            _rx_stream->recv(&buff.front(), buff.size(), rx_md, _opt.timeout);
        // handle errors
        if (handle_rx_errors(rx_md.error_code, num_rx_samps)) {
        // detect falling edges, send respond pulse and check if response could be sent in
        // time
        trigger_count = detect_respond_pulse_count(
            statsCurrent, buff, trigger_count, num_rx_samps, threshold, rx_md.time_spec);

        // increase counters for single test and overall test samples count.
        _num_total_samps += num_rx_samps;
        num_total_samps_test += num_rx_samps;

        // control section for interactive mode
        if (_opt.test_iterations == 0) // == "interactive'
            if (handle_interactive_control())

        // control section for test mode
        if (_opt.test_iterations > 0) // == test mode / batch-mode
            int step_return = test_step_finished(
                trigger_count, num_total_samps_test, statsCurrent, success_count);
            if (step_return == -2) // == test is finished with all desired delay steps
            else if (step_return == -1) // just continue test
            else // test with one delay is finished
                success_count        = (size_t)step_return;
                trigger_count        = 0;
                num_total_samps_test = 0;
                    sizeof(STATS)); // reset current stats for next test iteration
                statsCurrent.delay = _delay;
        } // end test mode control section
    } // exit outer loop after stop signal is called, test is finished or other break
      // condition is met

    if (s_stop_signal_called)
        _return_code = RETCODE_MANUAL_ABORT;

// check if test with one specific delay is finished
int Responder::test_step_finished(uint64_t trigger_count,
    uint64_t num_total_samps_test,
    STATS statsCurrent,
    size_t success_count)
    if (((_opt.test_iterations_is_sample_count == false)
            && (trigger_count >= _opt.test_iterations))
        || ((_opt.test_iterations_is_sample_count)
               && (num_total_samps_test > _opt.test_iterations))) {
        add_stats_to_results(statsCurrent, _delay);

        if (statsCurrent.missed == 0) // == NO late bursts
            success_count = 0;

        if (test_finished(success_count))
            return -2; // test is completely finished

        _delay += _delay_step; // increase delay by one step

        update_and_print_parameters(statsCurrent, _delay);
        return success_count; // test is finished for one delay step
    return -1; // == continue test

// save test results
void Responder::add_stats_to_results(STATS statsCurrent, double delay)
    _max_success   = max(_max_success,
        (statsCurrent.detected - statsCurrent.missed)); // > 0 --> save results
    uint64_t key   = (uint64_t)(delay * 1e6);
    _mapStats[key] = statsCurrent;

// run tests and handle errors
int Responder::run()
    if (_return_code != RETCODE_OK)
        return _return_code;
    if (_opt.pause)
        print_msg_and_wait("Press any key to begin...");

    // Put some info about the test on the console
    try {
        // setup streaming
        _stream_cmd.stream_mode = uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS;
        _stream_cmd.stream_now  = true;

        if (!_opt.batch_mode) {
            float threshold = calibrate_usrp_for_test_run();
            if (_return_code != RETCODE_OK) {
                return _return_code;
        } else {
    } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
        _return_code = RETCODE_RUNTIME_ERROR;
    } catch (...) {
        print_msg("Unhandled exception");
        _return_code = RETCODE_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION;

    return (_return_code < 0 ? _return_code : _overruns);

 *  Following functions are intended to be used by destructor only!

// This method should print statistics after ncurses endwin.
void Responder::print_final_statistics()
    cout << boost::format("Received %ld samples during test run") % _num_total_samps;
    if (_overruns > 0)
        cout << boost::format(" (%d overruns)") % _overruns;
    cout << endl;

// safe test results to a log file if enabled
void Responder::write_log_file()
    try {
        if (_opt.log_file) {
            std::map<std::string, std::string> hw_info = get_hw_info();
            ofstream logs(_stats_log_filename.c_str());

            logs << boost::format("title=%s") % _opt.test_title << endl;
            logs << boost::format("device=%s") % _usrp->get_mboard_name() << endl;
            logs << boost::format("device_args=%s") % _opt.device_args << endl;
            logs << boost::format("type=%s") % hw_info["type"] << endl;
            if (hw_info.size() > 0) {
                logs << boost::format("usrp_addr=%s") % hw_info["usrp_addr"] << endl;
                logs << boost::format("usrp_name=%s") % hw_info["name"] << endl;
                logs << boost::format("serial=%s") % hw_info["serial"] << endl;
                logs << boost::format("host_interface=%s") % hw_info["interface"] << endl;
                logs << boost::format("host_addr=%s") % hw_info["host_addr"] << endl;
                logs << boost::format("host_mac=%s") % hw_info["mac"] << endl;
                logs << boost::format("host_vendor=%s (id=%s)") % hw_info["vendor"]
                            % hw_info["vendor_id"]
                     << endl;
                logs << boost::format("host_device=%s (id=%s)") % hw_info["device"]
                            % hw_info["device_id"]
                     << endl;
            logs << boost::format("sample_rate=%f") % _opt.sample_rate << endl;
            logs << boost::format("samps_per_buff=%i") % _opt.samps_per_buff << endl;
            logs << boost::format("samps_per_packet=%i") % _samps_per_packet << endl;
            logs << boost::format("delay_min=%f") % _opt.delay_min << endl;
            logs << boost::format("delay_max=%f") % _opt.delay_max << endl;
            logs << boost::format("delay_step=%f") % _delay_step << endl;
            logs << boost::format("delay=%f") % _delay << endl;
            logs << boost::format("init_delay=%f") % _opt.init_delay << endl;
            logs << boost::format("response_duration=%f") % _opt.response_duration
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("response_length=%ld") % _response_length << endl;
            logs << boost::format("timeout=%f") % _opt.timeout << endl;
            logs << boost::format("timeout_burst_count=%ld") % _timeout_burst_count
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("timeout_eob_count=%f") % _timeout_eob_count << endl;
            logs << boost::format("allow_late_bursts=%s")
                        % (_allow_late_bursts ? "yes" : "no")
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("skip_eob=%s") % (_opt.skip_eob ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
            logs << boost::format("combine_eob=%s") % (_opt.combine_eob ? "yes" : "no")
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("skip_send=%s") % (_opt.skip_send ? "yes" : "no")
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("no_delay=%s") % (_no_delay ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
            logs << boost::format("simulate_frequency=%f") % _simulate_frequency << endl;
            logs << boost::format("simulate_duration=%ld") % _simulate_duration << endl;
            logs << boost::format("original_simulate_duration=%ld")
                        % _original_simulate_duration
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("realtime=%s") % (_opt.realtime ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
            logs << boost::format("rt_priority=%f") % _opt.rt_priority << endl;
            logs << boost::format("test_iterations=%ld") % _opt.test_iterations << endl;
            logs << boost::format("end_test_after_success_count=%i")
                        % _opt.end_test_after_success_count
                 << endl;
            logs << boost::format("skip_iterations=%i") % _opt.skip_iterations << endl;
            logs << boost::format("overruns=%i") % _overruns << endl;
            logs << boost::format("num_total_samps=%ld") % _num_total_samps << endl;
            logs << boost::format("return_code=%i\t(%s)") % _return_code
                        % enum2str(_return_code)
                 << endl;
            logs << endl;

    } catch (...) {
        cerr << "Failed to write log file to: " << _stats_log_filename << endl;

// write debug info to log file
void Responder::write_debug_info(ofstream& logs)
    logs << endl << "%% DEBUG INFO %%" << endl;

    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_start=%s") % get_gmtime_string(_dbginfo.start_time)
         << endl;
    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_end=%s") % get_gmtime_string(_dbginfo.end_time)
         << endl;
    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_duration=%d")
                % difftime(_dbginfo.end_time, _dbginfo.start_time)
         << endl;
    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_start_test=%s")
                % get_gmtime_string(_dbginfo.start_time_test)
         << endl;
    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_end_test=%s")
                % get_gmtime_string(_dbginfo.end_time_test)
         << endl;
    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_duration_test=%d")
                % difftime(_dbginfo.end_time_test, _dbginfo.start_time_test)
         << endl;
    logs << boost::format("dbg_time_first_send_timeout=%s")
                % get_gmtime_string(_dbginfo.first_send_timeout)
         << endl;

// convert a time string to desired format
std::string Responder::get_gmtime_string(time_t time)
    tm* ftm;
    ftm = gmtime(&time);
    std::string strtime;
    strtime.append((boost::format("%i") % (ftm->tm_year + 1900)).str());
    strtime.append((boost::format("-%02i") % ftm->tm_mon).str());
    strtime.append((boost::format("-%02i") % ftm->tm_mday).str());
    strtime.append((boost::format("-%02i") % ((ftm->tm_hour))).str());
    strtime.append((boost::format(":%02i") % ftm->tm_min).str());
    strtime.append((boost::format(":%02i") % ftm->tm_sec).str());

    return strtime;

// read hardware info from file if available to include it in log file
std::map<std::string, std::string> Responder::get_hw_info()
    std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
    std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> eths = read_eth_info();
    if (eths.empty()) {
        return result;
    uhd::device_addr_t usrp_info = get_usrp_info();
    std::string uaddr            = get_ip_subnet_addr(usrp_info["addr"]);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eths.size(); i++) {
        if (get_ip_subnet_addr(eths[i]["addr"]) == uaddr) {
            result["type"]      = usrp_info["type"];
            result["usrp_addr"] = usrp_info["addr"];
            result["name"]      = usrp_info["name"];
            result["serial"]    = usrp_info["serial"];
            result["interface"] = eths[i]["interface"];
            result["host_addr"] = eths[i]["addr"];
            result["mac"]       = eths[i]["mac"];
            result["vendor"]    = eths[i]["vendor"];
            result["vendor_id"] = eths[i]["vendor_id"];
            result["device"]    = eths[i]["device"];
            result["device_id"] = eths[i]["device_id"];
            break; // Use first item found. Imitate device discovery.

    return result;

// subnet used to identify used network interface
std::string Responder::get_ip_subnet_addr(std::string ip)
    return ip.substr(0, ip.rfind(".") + 1);

// get network interface info from file (should include all available interfaces)
std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> Responder::read_eth_info()
    const std::string eth_file(_eth_file);

    std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> eths;
    try {
        ifstream eth_info(eth_file.c_str());
        if (!eth_info.is_open()) {
            return eths;
        const int len = 256;
        char cline[len];
        for (; !eth_info.eof();) {
            eth_info.getline(cline, len);
            std::string line(cline);
            if (line.find("## ETH Interface") != std::string::npos) {
                eth_info.getline(cline, len);
                std::string eth(cline);
                //                cout << "interface=" << eth << endl;
                std::map<std::string, std::string> iface;
                iface["interface"] = eth;
            const std::string ipstr("\tip ");
            if (line.find(ipstr) != std::string::npos) {
                std::string ip(
                    line.replace(line.begin(), line.begin() + ipstr.length(), ""));
                //                cout << "ip=" << ip << endl;
                eths.back()["addr"] = ip;
            const std::string macstr("\tmac ");
            if (line.find(macstr) != std::string::npos) {
                std::string mac(
                    line.replace(line.begin(), line.begin() + macstr.length(), ""));
                //                cout << "mac=" << mac << endl;
                eths.back()["mac"] = mac;
            const std::string vstr("\t\tvendor ");
            if (line.find(vstr) != std::string::npos) {
                std::string vendor(
                    line.replace(line.begin(), line.begin() + vstr.length(), ""));
                std::string vid(vendor.substr(0, 6));
                vendor.replace(0, 7, "");
                //                cout << "id=" << vid << endl;
                //                cout << "vendor=" << vendor << endl;
                eths.back()["vendor"]    = vendor;
                eths.back()["vendor_id"] = vid;
            const std::string dstr("\t\tdevice ");
            if (line.find(dstr) != std::string::npos) {
                std::string device(
                    line.replace(line.begin(), line.begin() + dstr.length(), ""));
                std::string did(device.substr(0, 6));
                device.replace(0, 7, "");
                //                cout << "id=" << did << endl;
                //                cout << "device=" << device << endl;
                eths.back()["device"]    = device;
                eths.back()["device_id"] = did;

    } catch (...) {
        // nothing in yet
    return eths;

// get info on used USRP
uhd::device_addr_t Responder::get_usrp_info()
    uhd::device_addrs_t device_addrs = uhd::device::find(_opt.device_args);
    uhd::device_addr_t device_addr   = device_addrs[0];
    return device_addr;

// write statistics of test run to file
void Responder::write_statistics_to_file(StatsMap mapStats)
    try {
        ofstream results(_stats_filename.c_str());

        for (StatsMap::iterator it = mapStats.begin(); it != mapStats.end(); ++it) {
            STATS& stats = it->second;
            double d     = 0.0;
            if (stats.detected > 0)
                d = 1.0 - ((double)stats.missed / (double)stats.detected);
            cout << "\t" << setprecision(6) << stats.delay << "\t\t" << setprecision(6)
                 << d << endl;

            results << (stats.delay * _opt.time_mul) << " " << setprecision(6) << d
                    << endl;
        cout << "Statistics written to: " << _stats_filename << endl;

    } catch (...) {
        cout << "Failed to write statistics to: " << _stats_filename << endl;

// make sure write files is intended
void Responder::safe_write_statistics_to_file(
    StatsMap mapStats, uint64_t max_success, int return_code)
    if ((_opt.test_iterations > 0) && (_stats_filename.empty() == false)
        && (_opt.no_stats_file == false)) {
        if (mapStats.empty()) {
            cout << "No results to output (not writing statistics file)" << endl;
        } else if ((max_success == 0) && (return_code == RETCODE_MANUAL_ABORT)) {
            cout << "Aborted before a single successful timed burst (not writing "
                    "statistics file)"
                 << endl;
        } else {

// destructor, handle proper test shutdown
    if (_pResponse != NULL) {
        delete[] _pResponse;
    // Print final info about test run
    // check conditions and write statistics to file
    safe_write_statistics_to_file(_mapStats, _max_success, _return_code);
    cout << "program exited with code = " << enum2str(_return_code) << endl;

// make test output more helpful
std::string Responder::enum2str(int return_code)
    switch (return_code) {
        case RETCODE_OK:
            return "OK";
        case RETCODE_BAD_ARGS:
            return "BAD_ARGS";
            return "RUNTIME_ERROR";
            return "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION";
            return "RECEIVE_TIMEOUT";
            return "RECEIVE_FAILED";
            return "MANUAL_ABORT";
        case RETCODE_BAD_PACKET:
            return "BAD_PACKET";
        case RETCODE_OVERFLOW:
            return "OVERFLOW";
    return "UNKNOWN";