// Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
namespace po = boost::program_options;
using namespace uhd::convert;
enum buf_init_t {
// Convert `sc16_item32_le' -> `sc16'
// Finds the first _ in format and returns the string
// until then. Returns the entire string if no _ is found.
std::string format_to_type(const std::string &format)
std::string ret_val = "";
for (size_t i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) {
if (format[i] == '_') {
return ret_val;
ret_val.append(1, format[i]);
return ret_val;
void configure_conv(
converter::sptr conv,
const std::string &in_type,
const std::string &out_type
) {
if (in_type == "sc16") {
if (out_type == "fc32") {
std::cout << "Setting scalar to 32767." << std::endl;
if (in_type == "fc32") {
if (out_type == "sc16") {
std::cout << "Setting scalar to 32767." << std::endl;
std::cout << "No configuration required." << std::endl;
void init_random_vector_complex_float(std::vector &buf_ptr, const size_t n_items)
std::complex * const buf = reinterpret_cast * const>(&buf_ptr[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {
buf[i] = std::complex(
T((std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX/2)) - 1),
T((std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX/2)) - 1)
void init_random_vector_complex_int(std::vector &buf_ptr, const size_t n_items)
std::complex * const buf = reinterpret_cast * const>(&buf_ptr[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {
buf[i] = std::complex(T(std::rand()), T(std::rand()));
void init_random_vector_real_int(std::vector &buf_ptr, size_t n_items)
T * const buf = reinterpret_cast(&buf_ptr[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {
buf[i] = T(std::rand());
// Fill a buffer with increasing numbers
void init_inc_vector(std::vector &buf_ptr, size_t n_items)
T * const buf = reinterpret_cast(&buf_ptr[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {
buf[i] = T(i);
void init_buffers(
std::vector< std::vector > &buf,
const std::string &type,
size_t bytes_per_item,
buf_init_t buf_seed_mode
) {
if (buf.empty()) {
size_t n_items = buf[0].size() / bytes_per_item;
/// Fill with incrementing integers
if (buf_seed_mode == INC) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++) {
if (type == "sc8") {
init_inc_vector< std::complex >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "sc16") {
init_inc_vector< std::complex >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "sc32") {
init_inc_vector< std::complex >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "fc32") {
init_inc_vector< std::complex >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "fc64") {
init_inc_vector< std::complex >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "s8") {
init_inc_vector< boost::int8_t >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "s16") {
init_inc_vector< boost::int16_t >(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "item32") {
init_inc_vector< boost::uint32_t >(buf[i], n_items);
init_random_vector_real_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else {
throw uhd::runtime_error(str(
boost::format("Cannot handle data type: %s") % type
assert(buf_seed_mode == RANDOM);
/// Fill with random data
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++) {
if (type == "sc8") {
init_random_vector_complex_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "sc16") {
init_random_vector_complex_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "sc32") {
init_random_vector_complex_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "fc32") {
init_random_vector_complex_float(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "fc64") {
init_random_vector_complex_float(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "s8") {
init_random_vector_real_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "s16") {
init_random_vector_real_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else if (type == "item32") {
init_random_vector_real_int(buf[i], n_items);
} else {
throw uhd::runtime_error(str(
boost::format("Cannot handle data type: %s") % type
// Returns time elapsed
double run_benchmark(
converter::sptr conv,
const std::vector &input_buf_refs,
const std::vector &output_buf_refs,
size_t n_items,
size_t iterations
) {
boost::timer benchmark_timer;
for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
conv->conv(input_buf_refs, output_buf_refs, n_items);
return benchmark_timer.elapsed();
std::string void_ptr_to_hexstring(const void *v_ptr, size_t index)
const T *ptr = reinterpret_cast(v_ptr);
return str(boost::format("%X") % ptr[index]);
std::string item_to_hexstring(
const void *v_ptr,
size_t index,
const std::string &type
) {
if (type == "fc32") {
return void_ptr_to_hexstring(v_ptr, index);
else if (type == "sc16" || type == "item32") {
return void_ptr_to_hexstring(v_ptr, index);
else if (type == "sc8" || type == "s16") {
return void_ptr_to_hexstring(v_ptr, index);
else if (type == "u8") {
return void_ptr_to_hexstring(v_ptr, index);
else {
return str(boost::format("") % type);
std::string item_to_string(
const void *v_ptr,
size_t index,
const std::string &type,
const bool print_hex
) {
if (print_hex) {
return item_to_hexstring(v_ptr, index, type);
if (type == "sc16") {
const std::complex *ptr = reinterpret_cast *>(v_ptr);
return boost::lexical_cast(ptr[index]);
else if (type == "sc8") {
const std::complex *ptr = reinterpret_cast *>(v_ptr);
return boost::lexical_cast(ptr[index]);
else if (type == "fc32") {
const std::complex *ptr = reinterpret_cast *>(v_ptr);
return boost::lexical_cast(ptr[index]);
else if (type == "item32") {
const boost::uint32_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast(v_ptr);
return boost::lexical_cast(ptr[index]);
else if (type == "s16") {
const boost::int16_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast(v_ptr);
return boost::lexical_cast(ptr[index]);
else {
return str(boost::format("") % type);
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[])
std::string in_format, out_format;
std::string priorities;
std::string seed_mode;
priority_type prio = -1, max_prio;
size_t iterations, n_samples;
size_t n_inputs, n_outputs;
buf_init_t buf_seed_mode = RANDOM;
/// Command line arguments
po::options_description desc("Converter benchmark options:");
("help", "help message")
("in", po::value(&in_format), "Input format (e.g. 'sc16')")
("out", po::value(&out_format), "Output format (e.g. 'sc16')")
("samples", po::value(&n_samples)->default_value(1000000), "Number of samples per iteration")
("iterations", po::value(&iterations)->default_value(10000), "Number of iterations per benchmark")
("priorities", po::value(&priorities)->default_value("default"), "Converter priorities. Can be 'default', 'all', or a comma-separated list of priorities.")
("max-prio", po::value(&max_prio)->default_value(4), "Largest available priority (advanced feature)")
("n-inputs", po::value(&n_inputs)->default_value(1), "Number of input vectors")
("n-outputs", po::value(&n_outputs)->default_value(1), "Number of output vectors")
("debug-converter", "Skip benchmark and print conversion results. Implies iterations==1 and will only run on a single converter.")
("seed-mode", po::value(&seed_mode)->default_value("random"), "How to initialize the data: random, incremental")
("hex", "When using debug mode, dump memory in hex")
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
//print the help message
if (vm.count("help")){
std::cout << boost::format("UHD Converter Benchmark Tool %s") % desc << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << " Use this to benchmark or debug converters." << std::endl
<< " When using as a benchmark tool, it will output the execution time\n"
" for every conversion run in CSV format to stdout. Every line between\n"
" the output delimiters {{{ }}} is of the format: ,\n"
" When using for converter debugging, every line is formatted as\n"
" ,\n" << std::endl;
// Parse more arguments
if (seed_mode == "incremental") {
buf_seed_mode = INC;
} else if (seed_mode == "random") {
buf_seed_mode = RANDOM;
} else {
std::cout << "Invalid argument: --seed-mode must be either 'incremental' or 'random'." << std::endl;
bool debug_mode = bool(vm.count("debug-converter"));
if (debug_mode) {
iterations = 1;
/// Create the converter(s) //////////////////////////////////////////////
id_type converter_id;
converter_id.input_format = in_format;
converter_id.output_format = out_format;
converter_id.num_inputs = n_inputs;
converter_id.num_outputs = n_outputs;
std::cout << "Requested converter format: " << converter_id.to_string()
<< std::endl;
uhd::dict conv_list;
if (priorities == "default" or priorities.empty()) {
try {
conv_list[prio] = get_converter(converter_id, prio)(); // Can throw a uhd::key_error
} catch(const uhd::key_error &e) {
std::cout << "No converters found." << std::endl;
} else if (priorities == "all") {
for (priority_type i = 0; i < max_prio; i++) {
try {
// get_converter() returns a factory function, execute that immediately:
converter::sptr conv_for_prio = get_converter(converter_id, i)(); // Can throw a uhd::key_error
conv_list[i] = conv_for_prio;
} catch (...) {
} else { // Assume that priorities contains a list of prios (e.g. 0,2,3)
std::vector prios_in_list;
boost::is_any_of(","), // Split at ,
boost::token_compress_on // Avoid empty results
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &this_prio, prios_in_list) {
size_t prio_index = boost::lexical_cast(this_prio);
converter::sptr conv_for_prio = get_converter(converter_id, prio_index)(); // Can throw a uhd::key_error
conv_list[prio_index] = conv_for_prio;
std::cout << "Found " << conv_list.size() << " converter(s)." << std::endl;
/// Create input and output buffers ///////////////////////////////////////
// First, convert the types to plain types (e.g. sc16_item32_le -> sc16)
const std::string in_type = format_to_type(in_format);
const std::string out_type = format_to_type(out_format);
const size_t in_size = get_bytes_per_item(in_type);
const size_t out_size = get_bytes_per_item(out_type);
// Create the buffers and fill them with random data & zeros, respectively
std::vector< std::vector > input_buffers(n_inputs, std::vector(in_size * n_samples, 0));
std::vector< std::vector > output_buffers(n_outputs, std::vector(out_size * n_samples, 0));
init_buffers(input_buffers, in_type, in_size, buf_seed_mode);
// Create ref vectors for the converter:
std::vector input_buf_refs(n_inputs);
std::vector output_buf_refs(n_outputs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_inputs; i++) {
input_buf_refs[i] = reinterpret_cast(&input_buffers[i][0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
output_buf_refs[i] = reinterpret_cast(&output_buffers[i][0]);
/// Final configurations to the converter:
std::cout << "Configuring converters:" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(priority_type prio_i, conv_list.keys()) {
std::cout << "* [" << prio_i << "]: ";
configure_conv(conv_list[prio_i], in_type, out_type);
/// Run the benchmark for every converter ////////////////////////////////
std::cout << "{{{" << std::endl;
if (not debug_mode) {
std::cout << "prio,duration_ms,avg_duration_ms,n_samples,iterations" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(priority_type prio_i, conv_list.keys()) {
double duration = run_benchmark(
std::cout << boost::format("%i,%d,%d,%d,%d")
% prio_i
% (duration * 1000)
% (duration * 1000.0 / iterations)
% n_samples
% iterations
<< std::endl;
/// Or run debug mode, which runs one conversion and prints the results ////
if (debug_mode) {
// Only run on the first converter:
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
std::cout << item_to_string(input_buf_refs[0], i, in_type, vm.count("hex"))
<< ";"
<< item_to_string(reinterpret_cast< const void * >(output_buf_refs[0]), i, out_type, vm.count("hex"))
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "}}}" << std::endl;