// // Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "../rfnoc_graph_mock_nodes.hpp" #include "x4xx_radio_mock.hpp" #include "x4xx_zbx_mpm_mock.hpp" #include <uhd/rfnoc/mock_block.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/math.hpp> #include <uhdlib/rfnoc/graph.hpp> #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <cstddef> #include <iostream> #include <thread> using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::rfnoc; using namespace std::chrono_literals; using namespace uhd::usrp::zbx; using namespace uhd::experts; /****************************************************************************** * RFNoC Graph Test * * This test case ensures that the Radio Block can be added to an RFNoC graph. *****************************************************************************/ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(x400_radio_test_graph, x400_radio_fixture) { detail::graph_t graph{}; detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_port_info0; edge_port_info0.src_port = 0; edge_port_info0.dst_port = 0; edge_port_info0.property_propagation_active = true; edge_port_info0.edge = detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC; detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_port_info1; edge_port_info1.src_port = 1; edge_port_info1.dst_port = 1; edge_port_info1.property_propagation_active = true; edge_port_info1.edge = detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC; mock_radio_node_t mock_radio_block{0}; mock_terminator_t mock_sink_term(2, {}, "MOCK_SINK"); mock_terminator_t mock_source_term(2, {}, "MOCK_SOURCE"); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Priming mock block properties"); node_accessor.init_props(&mock_radio_block); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<std::string>( "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<std::string>( "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1}); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<std::string>( "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<std::string>( "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1}); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Creating graph..."); graph.connect(&mock_source_term, test_radio.get(), edge_port_info0); graph.connect(&mock_source_term, test_radio.get(), edge_port_info1); graph.connect(test_radio.get(), &mock_sink_term, edge_port_info0); graph.connect(test_radio.get(), &mock_sink_term, edge_port_info1); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Committing graph..."); graph.commit(); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Commit complete."); } /****************************************************************************** * RFNoC atomic item size property test * * This test case ensures that the radio block propagates atomic item size correct *****************************************************************************/ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(x400_radio_test_prop_prop, x400_radio_fixture) { detail::graph_t graph{}; detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_port_info0; edge_port_info0.src_port = 0; edge_port_info0.dst_port = 0; edge_port_info0.property_propagation_active = true; edge_port_info0.edge = detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC; detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_port_info1; edge_port_info1.src_port = 1; edge_port_info1.dst_port = 1; edge_port_info1.property_propagation_active = true; edge_port_info1.edge = detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC; mock_terminator_t mock_sink_term(2, {}, "MOCK_SINK"); mock_terminator_t mock_source_term(2, {}, "MOCK_SOURCE"); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Priming mock block properties"); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 1, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 1, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1}); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "mtu", 99, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 999, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 999, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1}); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Creating graph..."); graph.connect(&mock_source_term, test_radio.get(), edge_port_info0); graph.connect(&mock_source_term, test_radio.get(), edge_port_info1); graph.connect(test_radio.get(), &mock_sink_term, edge_port_info0); graph.connect(test_radio.get(), &mock_sink_term, edge_port_info1); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Committing graph..."); graph.commit(); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Testing atomic item size propagation..."); // radio has a sample width of 32 bits (sc16) and spc of 1 by default // this results in a atomic item size of 4 for the radio // because property gets propagated immediately after setting in // the committed graph we can check the result of the propagation // at the mock edges mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 1, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_source_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}), 4); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 4, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_source_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1}), 4); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 9, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_source_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}), 36); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 10, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_source_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1}), 20); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "mtu", 99, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_source_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 25, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_source_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0}), 96); // repeat for sink mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 1, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_sink_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}), 4); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 4, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_sink_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1}), 4); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 7, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_sink_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}), 28); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 22, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_sink_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1}), 44); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "mtu", 179, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}); mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", 47, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mock_sink_term.get_edge_property<size_t>( "atomic_item_size", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0}), 176); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_freq_tx_test, x400_radio_fixture) { const std::string log = "ZBX_API_TX_FREQUENCY_TEST"; const double ep = 10; // TODO: consult step size uhd::freq_range_t zbx_freq(ZBX_MIN_FREQ, ZBX_MAX_FREQ, 100e6); for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: tx" << chan << " FREQ CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing freq: " << iter); const double freq = test_radio->set_tx_frequency(iter, chan); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter - freq) < ep); } UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: tx" << chan << " FREQ CHANGE (SET->GET)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing freq: " << iter); test_radio->set_tx_frequency(iter, chan); const double freq = test_radio->get_tx_frequency(chan); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter - freq) < ep); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_freq_rx_test, x400_radio_fixture) { const std::string log = "ZBX_API_RX_FREQUENCY_TEST"; const double ep = 10; // TODO: consult step size uhd::freq_range_t zbx_freq(ZBX_MIN_FREQ, ZBX_MAX_FREQ, 100e6); for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: rx" << chan << " FREQ CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing freq: " << iter); const double freq = test_radio->set_rx_frequency(iter, chan); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter - freq) < ep); } UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: rx" << chan << " FREQ CHANGE (SET->GET\n"); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing freq: " << iter); test_radio->set_rx_frequency(iter, chan); const double freq = test_radio->get_rx_frequency(chan); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter - freq) < ep); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_frequency_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_FREQUENCY_TEST"; const double ep = 10; // TODO: consult step size uhd::freq_range_t zbx_freq(ZBX_MIN_FREQ, ZBX_MAX_FREQ, 100e6); for (auto fe_path : { fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/1"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/1"), }) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " FREQ CHANGE\n"); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing freq: " << iter); tree->access<double>(fe_path / "freq").set(iter); const double ret_value = tree->access<double>(fe_path / "freq").get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter - ret_value) < ep); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_tx_gain_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX TX GAIN TEST"; uhd::freq_range_t zbx_gain(TX_MIN_GAIN, TX_MAX_GAIN, 1); for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: tx" << chan << " GAIN CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing gain: " << iter); const double ret_gain = test_radio->set_tx_gain(iter, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: tx" << chan << " GAIN CHANGE (SET->GET)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing gain: " << iter); test_radio->set_tx_gain(iter, chan); const double ret_gain = test_radio->get_tx_gain(chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_tx_gain_stage_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX API TX GAIN STAGE TEST"; for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { test_radio->set_tx_gain_profile(ZBX_GAIN_PROFILE_MANUAL, chan); UHD_LOG_INFO( log, "BEGIN TEST: tx" << chan << " GAIN STAGE CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (auto gain_stage : ZBX_TX_GAIN_STAGES) { if (gain_stage == ZBX_GAIN_STAGE_AMP) { for (double amp : {ZBX_TX_LOWBAND_GAIN, ZBX_TX_HIGHBAND_GAIN}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing dsa: " << amp); const double ret_gain = test_radio->set_tx_gain(amp, gain_stage, chan); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "return: " << ret_gain); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(amp, ret_gain); } } else { for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter <= ZBX_TX_DSA_MAX_ATT; iter++) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing dsa: " << iter); const double ret_gain = test_radio->set_tx_gain(iter, gain_stage, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_tx_gain_stage_test_set_get, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX API TX GAIN STAGE TEST"; for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { test_radio->set_tx_gain_profile(ZBX_GAIN_PROFILE_MANUAL, chan); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: tx" << chan << " GAIN STAGE CHANGE (SET->GET)\n"); for (auto gain_stage : ZBX_TX_GAIN_STAGES) { if (gain_stage == ZBX_GAIN_STAGE_AMP) { for (double amp : {/*ZBX_TX_BYPASS_GAIN, currently disabled*/ ZBX_TX_LOWBAND_GAIN, ZBX_TX_HIGHBAND_GAIN}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing amp: " << amp); test_radio->set_tx_gain(amp, gain_stage, chan); const double ret_gain = test_radio->get_tx_gain(gain_stage, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(amp, ret_gain); } } else { for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter <= ZBX_TX_DSA_MAX_ATT; iter++) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing dsa: " << iter); test_radio->set_tx_gain(iter, gain_stage, chan); const double ret_gain = test_radio->get_tx_gain(gain_stage, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_rx_gain_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX RX API GAIN TEST"; uhd::freq_range_t zbx_gain(TX_MIN_GAIN, TX_MAX_GAIN, 1); for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: rx" << chan << " GAIN CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing gain: " << iter); const double ret_gain = test_radio->set_rx_gain(iter, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: rx" << chan << " GAIN CHANGE (SET->GET)\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing gain: " << iter); test_radio->set_rx_gain(iter, chan); const double ret_gain = test_radio->get_rx_gain(chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_rx_gain_stage_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX API RX GAIN STAGE TEST"; for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { test_radio->set_rx_gain_profile(ZBX_GAIN_PROFILE_MANUAL, chan); UHD_LOG_INFO( log, "BEGIN TEST: rx" << chan << " GAIN STAGE CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (auto gain_stage : ZBX_RX_GAIN_STAGES) { for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter <= ZBX_RX_DSA_MAX_ATT; iter++) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing dsa: " << gain_stage << " " << iter); const double ret_gain = test_radio->set_rx_gain(iter, gain_stage, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: rx" << chan << " GAIN STAGE CHANGE (SET->GET)\n"); for (auto gain_stage : ZBX_RX_GAIN_STAGES) { for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter <= ZBX_RX_DSA_MAX_ATT; iter++) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing " << gain_stage << " " << iter); test_radio->set_rx_gain(iter, gain_stage, chan); const double ret_gain = test_radio->get_rx_gain(gain_stage, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_tx_gain_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX GAIN TEST"; uhd::freq_range_t zbx_gain(TX_MIN_GAIN, TX_MAX_GAIN, 1); for (auto fe_path : {fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/1")}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " GAIN CHANGE\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing gain: " << iter); const auto gain_path = fe_path / "gains" / ZBX_GAIN_STAGE_ALL / "value"; tree->access<double>(gain_path).set(iter); const double ret_gain = tree->access<double>(gain_path).get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_rx_gain_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX GAIN TEST"; uhd::freq_range_t zbx_gain(RX_MIN_GAIN, RX_MAX_GAIN, 1); for (auto fe_path : {fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/1")}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " GAIN CHANGE\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing gain: " << iter); const auto gain_path = fe_path / "gains" / ZBX_GAIN_STAGE_ALL / "value"; tree->access<double>(gain_path).set(iter); const double ret_gain = tree->access<double>(gain_path).get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_gain); } } } // Have to be careful about LO testing; it'll throw off the coerced frequency a bunch, // possibly to illegal values like negative frequencies, and could make the gain API // freak out. We use the center frequency to set initial mixer values, then try to test // all LO's in the valid zbx range. // TODO: expand this const std::map<double, std::vector<std::array<double, 2>>> valid_lo_freq_map = { {1e9, {{4.5e9, 4.5e9}, {5e9, 5e9}, {5.5e9, 5.5e9}, {6e9, 6e9}}}, {2e9, {{4.5e9, 4.5e9}, {5e9, 5e9}, {5.5e9, 5.5e9}, {6e9, 6e9}}}}; // TODO: More frequencies_are_equal issues, too much variance BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_tx_lo_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX TX TEST"; const double ep = 10; for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: TX" << chan << " FREQ CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (auto iter = valid_lo_freq_map.begin(); iter != valid_lo_freq_map.end(); iter++) { for (auto iter_lo = iter->second.begin(); iter_lo != iter->second.end(); iter_lo++) { // Just so we're clear about our value mapping const double req_freq = iter->first; const double req_lo1 = iter_lo->at(0); const double req_lo2 = iter_lo->at(1); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing center freq " << req_freq / 1e6 << "MHz, lo1 freq " << req_lo1 / 1e6 << "MHz, lo2 freq " << req_lo2 / 1e6 << "MHz"); // Need to set center frequency first, it'll set all the mixer values test_radio->set_tx_frequency(iter->first, chan); const double lo1_ret = test_radio->set_tx_lo_freq(iter_lo->at(0), ZBX_LO1, chan); const double lo2_ret = test_radio->set_tx_lo_freq(iter_lo->at(1), ZBX_LO2, chan); // No use comparing set_tx_freq, we've already ran that test and // get_tx_frequency would return who knows what at this point BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter_lo->at(0) - lo1_ret) < ep); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter_lo->at(1) - lo2_ret) < ep); } } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_api_rx_lo_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX RX LO TEST"; const double ep = 10; for (size_t chan : {0, 1}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: RX" << chan << " FREQ CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (auto iter = valid_lo_freq_map.begin(); iter != valid_lo_freq_map.end(); iter++) { for (auto iter_lo = iter->second.begin(); iter_lo != iter->second.end(); iter_lo++) { // Just so we're clear about our value mapping const double req_freq = iter->first; const double req_lo1 = iter_lo->at(0); const double req_lo2 = iter_lo->at(1); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing center freq " << req_freq / 1e6 << "MHz, lo1 freq " << req_lo1 / 1e6 << "MHz, lo2 freq " << req_lo2 / 1e6 << "MHz"); // Need to set center frequency first, it'll set all the mixer values test_radio->set_rx_frequency(iter->first, chan); const double lo1_ret = test_radio->set_rx_lo_freq(iter_lo->at(0), ZBX_LO1, chan); const double lo2_ret = test_radio->set_rx_lo_freq(iter_lo->at(1), ZBX_LO2, chan); // No use comparing set_tx_freq, we've already ran that test and // get_tx_frequency would return who knows what at this point BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter_lo->at(0) - lo1_ret) < ep); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(iter_lo->at(1) - lo2_ret) < ep); } } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_lo_tree_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX LO1 TEST"; const double ep = 10; for (auto fe_path : { fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/1"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/1"), }) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " LO FREQ CHANGE (SET->RETURN)\n"); for (auto iter = valid_lo_freq_map.begin(); iter != valid_lo_freq_map.end(); iter++) { for (auto iter_lo = iter->second.begin(); iter_lo != iter->second.end(); iter_lo++) { // Just so we're clear about our value mapping const double req_freq = iter->first; const double req_lo1 = iter_lo->at(0); const double req_lo2 = iter_lo->at(1); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing lo1 freq " << req_lo1 / 1e6 << "MHz, lo2 freq " << req_lo2 / 1e6 << "MHz at center frequency " << req_freq / 1e6 << "MHz"); tree->access<double>(fe_path / "freq").set(req_freq); const double ret_lo1 = tree->access<double>(fe_path / "los" / ZBX_LO1 / "freq" / "value") .set(req_lo1) .get(); const double ret_lo2 = tree->access<double>(fe_path / "los" / ZBX_LO2 / "freq" / "value") .set(req_lo2) .get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(req_lo1 - ret_lo1) < ep); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(req_lo2 - ret_lo2) < ep); } } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_custom_tx_tune_table_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); constexpr size_t chan = 0; constexpr double ep = 10.0; test_radio->set_tx_frequency(4.4e9, chan); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(test_radio->get_tx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO2, chan) - 5447680000.0) < ep); // Custom TX tune table to try. This table is identical to the normal table, // except it only has one entry (4.03GHz-4.5GHz) and the IF2 frequency for // that band is 10MHz lower (chosen arbitrarily) // Turn clang-formatting off so it doesn't compress these tables into a mess. // clang-format off static const std::vector<tune_map_item_t> alternate_tx_tune_map = { // | min_band_freq | max_band_freq | rf_fir | if1_fir | if2_fir | mix1 m, n | mix2 m, n | if1_freq_min | if1_freq_max | if2_freq_min | if2_freq_max | { 4030e6, 4500e6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1050e6, 1050e6 }, }; // Turn clang-format back on just for posterity // clang-format on tree->access<std::vector<uhd::usrp::zbx::tune_map_item_t>>( "dboard/tx_frontends/0/tune_table") .set(alternate_tx_tune_map); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(test_radio->get_tx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO2, chan) - 5437440000.0) < ep); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_custom_rx_tune_table_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); constexpr size_t chan = 0; constexpr double ep = 10.0; test_radio->set_rx_frequency(4.4e9, chan); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(test_radio->get_rx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO2, chan) - 6236160000.0) < ep); // Custom RX tune table to try. This table is identical to the normal table, // except it only has one entry (4.2GHz-4.5GHz) and the IF2 frequency for // that band is 10MHz lower (chosen arbitrarily) // Turn clang-formatting off so it doesn't compress these tables into a mess. // clang-format off static const std::vector<tune_map_item_t> alternate_rx_tune_map = { // | min_band_freq | max_band_freq | rf_fir | if1_fir | if2_fir | mix1 m, n | mix2 m, n | if1_freq_min | if1_freq_max | if2_freq_min | if2_freq_max | { 4200e6, 4500e6, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1840e6, 1840e6 }, }; // Turn clang-format back on just for posterity // clang-format on tree->access<std::vector<uhd::usrp::zbx::tune_map_item_t>>( "dboard/rx_frontends/0/tune_table") .set(alternate_rx_tune_map); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(test_radio->get_rx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO2, chan) - 6225920000.0) < ep); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_ant_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); std::string log = "ZBX RX ANTENNA TEST"; for (auto fe_path : {fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/1")}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " ANTENNA CHANGE\n"); for (auto iter : RX_ANTENNAS) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing Antenna: " << iter); tree->access<std::string>(fe_path / "antenna/value").set(iter); std::string ret_ant = tree->access<std::string>(fe_path / "antenna/value").get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_ant); } } for (size_t chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++) { for (auto iter : RX_ANTENNAS) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing Antenna: " << iter); test_radio->set_rx_antenna(iter, chan); std::string ret_ant = test_radio->get_rx_antenna(chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_ant); } } log = "ZBX TX ANTENNA TEST"; for (auto fe_path : {fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/1")}) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " ANTENNA CHANGE\n"); for (auto iter : TX_ANTENNAS) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing Antenna: " << iter); tree->access<std::string>(fe_path / "antenna/value").set(iter); std::string ret_ant = tree->access<std::string>(fe_path / "antenna/value").get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_ant); } } for (size_t chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++) { for (auto iter : TX_ANTENNAS) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing Antenna: " << iter); test_radio->set_tx_antenna(iter, chan); std::string ret_ant = test_radio->get_tx_antenna(chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(iter, ret_ant); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_freq_coercion_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_FREQUENCY_COERCION_TEST"; const double ep = 10; for (auto fe_path : { fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/1"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/1"), }) { UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " FREQUENCY COERCION\n"); double ret_value = tree->access<double>(fe_path / "freq").set(ZBX_MIN_FREQ - 1e6).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(ZBX_MIN_FREQ - ret_value) < ep); ret_value = tree->access<double>(fe_path / "freq").set(ZBX_MAX_FREQ + 1e6).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(abs(ZBX_MAX_FREQ - ret_value) < ep); } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_tx_gain_coercion_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_GAIN_COERCION_TEST"; for (auto fe_path : {fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/tx_frontends/1")}) { uhd::gain_range_t zbx_gain(TX_MIN_GAIN, TX_MAX_GAIN, 0.1); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " TX GAIN COERCION\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { const auto gain_path = fe_path / "gains" / ZBX_GAIN_STAGE_ALL / "value"; const double ret_val = tree->access<double>(gain_path).set(iter).get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret_val, std::round(iter)); } } for (auto fe_path : {fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/0"), fs_path("dboard/rx_frontends/1")}) { uhd::gain_range_t zbx_gain(RX_MIN_GAIN, RX_MAX_GAIN, 0.1); UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "BEGIN TEST: " << fe_path << " RX GAIN COERCION\n"); for (double iter = zbx_gain.start(); iter <= zbx_gain.stop(); iter += zbx_gain.step()) { const auto gain_path = fe_path / "gains" / ZBX_GAIN_STAGE_ALL / "value"; const double ret_val = tree->access<double>(gain_path).set(iter).get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret_val, std::round(iter)); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_phase_sync_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_PHASE_SYNC_TEST"; constexpr uint32_t lo_sync_addr = 0x1024 + 0x80000; constexpr uint32_t nco_sync_addr = 0x88000; constexpr uint32_t gearbox_addr = 0x88004; auto& regs = reg_iface->read_memory; UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Setting 1 GHz defaults..."); // Confirm default test_radio->set_rx_frequency(1e9, 0); test_radio->set_rx_frequency(1e9, 1); test_radio->set_tx_frequency(1e9, 0); test_radio->set_tx_frequency(1e9, 1); // Enable time stamp UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Enabling time stamp chan 0..."); test_radio->set_command_time(uhd::time_spec_t(2.0), 0); // Don't pick the ZBX default frequency here UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Setting RX chan 0 to 2.3 GHz..."); test_radio->set_rx_frequency(2.3e9, 0); // Check we synced RX LOs chan 0 and RX NCO chan 0, and ADC gearboxes BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[lo_sync_addr], 0b11 << 4); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[nco_sync_addr], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[gearbox_addr], 1); // Reset strobes regs[lo_sync_addr] = 0; regs[nco_sync_addr] = 0; regs[gearbox_addr] = 0; UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Enabling time stamp chan 1..."); test_radio->set_command_time(uhd::time_spec_t(2.0), 1); UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Setting RX chan 1 to 2.3 GHz..."); test_radio->set_rx_frequency(2.3e9, 1); // Check we synced RX LOs chan 1 and RX NCO chan 1. ADC gearbox only gets // reset once, and should be left untouched. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[lo_sync_addr], 0b11 << 6); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[nco_sync_addr], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[gearbox_addr], 0); // Reset strobes regs[lo_sync_addr] = 0; regs[nco_sync_addr] = 0; regs[gearbox_addr] = 0; UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Setting TX chan 0 to 2.3 GHz..."); test_radio->set_tx_frequency(2.3e9, 0); // Check we synced TX LOs chan 0 and TX NCO chan 0, and DAC gearboxes BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[lo_sync_addr], 0x3 << 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[nco_sync_addr], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[gearbox_addr], 1 << 1); // Reset strobe regs[lo_sync_addr] = 0; regs[nco_sync_addr] = 0; regs[gearbox_addr] = 0; UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Setting TX chan 1 to 2.3 GHz..."); test_radio->set_tx_frequency(2.3e9, 1); // Check we synced TX LOs chan 1 and TX NCO chan 1. DAC gearbox only gets // reset once, and should be left untouched. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[lo_sync_addr], 0xC << 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[nco_sync_addr], 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[gearbox_addr], 0); // Reset strobe regs[lo_sync_addr] = 0; regs[nco_sync_addr] = 0; regs[gearbox_addr] = 0; } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(can_set_rfdc_test, x400_radio_fixture) { test_radio->set_tx_lo_freq(3.141e9, "rfdc", 1); test_radio->get_tx_lo_freq("rfdc", 1); test_radio->set_rx_lo_freq(2.141e9, "rfdc", 0); test_radio->get_rx_lo_freq("rfdc", 0); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_tx_power_api, x400_radio_fixture) { constexpr double tx_given_gain = 30; constexpr double tx_given_power = -30; auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_TX_POWER_TRACKING_TEST"; auto tx_pwr_mgr = test_radio->get_pwr_mgr(TX_DIRECTION); for (size_t chan = 0; chan < ZBX_NUM_CHANS; chan++) { // Start in gain tracking mode double gain_coerced = test_radio->set_tx_gain(tx_given_gain, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(gain_coerced, tx_given_gain); for (const double freq : {6e+08, 1e+09, 2e+09, 3e+09, 4e+09, 5e+09, 6e+09}) { // Setting a power reference should kick us into power tracking mode test_radio->set_tx_power_reference(tx_given_power, chan); test_radio->set_tx_frequency(freq, chan); // If the tracking mode is properly set, we should not deviate much // regarding power const double pow_diff = std::abs(tx_given_power - test_radio->get_tx_power_reference(chan)); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( pow_diff < 3.0, "power differential is too large: " << pow_diff); // Back to gain mode gain_coerced = test_radio->set_tx_gain(tx_given_gain, chan); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(gain_coerced, tx_given_gain); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_rx_power_api, x400_radio_fixture) { constexpr double rx_given_gain = 30; constexpr double rx_given_power = -30; auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_RX_POWER_TRACKING_TEST"; auto rx_pwr_mgr = test_radio->get_pwr_mgr(RX_DIRECTION); for (size_t chan = 0; chan < ZBX_NUM_CHANS; chan++) { // Start in gain tracking mode double gain_coerced = test_radio->set_rx_gain(rx_given_gain, chan); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(gain_coerced, rx_given_gain); for (const double freq : {1e+09, 2e+09, 3e+09, 4e+09, 5e+09, 6e+09}) { // Setting a power reference should kick us into power tracking mode test_radio->set_rx_power_reference(rx_given_power, chan); // Now go tune test_radio->set_rx_frequency(freq, chan); // If the tracking mode is properly set, we should match our expected criteria // for power reference levels const double actual_power = test_radio->get_rx_power_reference(chan); const double pow_diff = std::abs(rx_given_power - actual_power); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(pow_diff < 3.0, "power differential is too large (" << pow_diff << "): Expected close to: " << rx_given_power << " Actual: " << actual_power << " Frequency: " << (freq / 1e6)); gain_coerced = test_radio->set_rx_gain(rx_given_gain, chan); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(gain_coerced, rx_given_gain); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_tx_lo_injection_locking, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); // As of right now, we don't have a way to directly get the DB prc rate, this is the // value of the prc map per DEFAULT_MCR, in the mock RPC server:db_0_get_db_prc_rate() constexpr double db_prc_rate = 61.44e6; constexpr double lo_step_size = db_prc_rate / ZBX_RELATIVE_LO_STEP_SIZE; uhd::freq_range_t zbx_freq(ZBX_MIN_FREQ, ZBX_MAX_FREQ, 100e6); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { for (const size_t chan : {0, 1}) { test_radio->set_tx_frequency(iter, chan); // The step alignment only applies to the desired LO frequency, the actual // returned frequency may vary slightly const double lo1_freq = std::round(test_radio->get_tx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO1, chan)); const double lo2_freq = std::round(test_radio->get_tx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO2, chan)); const double lo1_div = lo1_freq / lo_step_size; const double lo2_div = lo2_freq / lo_step_size; // Test whether our tuned frequencies align with the lo step size BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(std::floor(lo1_div), lo1_div); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(std::floor(lo2_div), lo2_div); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_rx_lo_injection_locking, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); // As of right now, we don't have a way to directly get the DB prc rate, this is the // value of the prc map per DEFAULT_MCR, in the mock RPC server:db_0_get_db_prc_rate() constexpr double db_prc_rate = 61.44e6; constexpr double lo_step_size = db_prc_rate / ZBX_RELATIVE_LO_STEP_SIZE; uhd::freq_range_t zbx_freq(ZBX_MIN_FREQ, ZBX_MAX_FREQ, 100e6); for (double iter = zbx_freq.start(); iter <= zbx_freq.stop(); iter += zbx_freq.step()) { for (const size_t chan : {0, 1}) { test_radio->set_rx_frequency(iter, chan); // The step alignment only applies to the desired LO frequency, the actual // returned frequency may vary slightly const double lo1_freq = std::round(test_radio->get_rx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO1, chan)); const double lo2_freq = std::round(test_radio->get_rx_lo_freq(ZBX_LO2, chan)); const double lo1_div = lo1_freq / lo_step_size; const double lo2_div = lo2_freq / lo_step_size; // Test whether our tuned frequencies align with the lo step size BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(std::floor(lo1_div), lo1_div); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(std::floor(lo2_div), lo2_div); } } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_rx_gain_profile_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_GAIN_PROFILE_TEST"; auto& regs = reg_iface->read_memory; constexpr uint32_t current_config = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x1000; constexpr uint32_t rf_option = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x1004; constexpr uint32_t sw_config = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x1008; constexpr uint32_t rx0_dsa = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x3800; constexpr uint32_t rx0_table = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x5800; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(0), "default"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(0), "default"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(1), "default"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(1), "default"); // Everything should be classic_atr BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[0x81004], 0x01010101); // Can't set gain stages in this profile BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_rx_gain(10, "DSA1", 0), uhd::key_error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_tx_gain(10, "DSA1", 0), uhd::key_error); //** manual gain profile ** test_radio->set_rx_gain_profile("manual", 0); // Must provide valid gain name in this profile BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_rx_gain(23, 0), uhd::runtime_error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_rx_gain(10, "banana", 0), uhd::key_error); // Now manually set the DSAs BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(5, test_radio->set_rx_gain(5, "DSA1", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(5, test_radio->set_rx_gain(5, "DSA2", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(5, test_radio->set_rx_gain(5, "DSA3A", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(5, test_radio->set_rx_gain(5, "DSA3B", 0)); // Check the registers were written to correctly (gain 5 == att 10) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rx0_dsa + 1 * 4], 0xAAAA); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rx0_dsa + 3 * 4], 0xAAAA); // Check the getters: BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA1", 0), 5); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA2", 0), 5); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA3A", 0), 5); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA3B", 0), 5); // Even in 'manual', we can load from the table. Let's create a table entry: regs[rx0_table + 5 * 4] = 0x7777; // Now, let it be loaded into RX and XX: BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(5, test_radio->set_rx_gain(5, "TABLE", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rx0_dsa + 1 * 4], 0x7777); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rx0_dsa + 3 * 4], 0x7777); // Note: If we read back the DSAs via get_rx_gain() now, they will still say // 5. We might want to change that, but it will require extra peeks. The // only good way to do that is to amend set_?x_gain() to do that peek when // updating gains via table. // Test DSA coercion BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(15, test_radio->set_rx_gain(39, "DSA1", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, test_radio->set_rx_gain(-17, "DSA1", 0)); // If we go back to 'default', we also reset the DSAs. That's because the // desired, previously loaded default value will trigger the previous DSA // values again. UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "resetting to default"); test_radio->set_rx_gain_profile("default", 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA1", 0)); //** table_noatr profile : ** UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "setting to table_noatr"); test_radio->set_rx_gain_profile("table_noatr", 0); // This will set DSA config for chan 0 to 0 == SW_DEFINED BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rf_option], 0x01000101); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(0), "table_noatr"); // Yup, this will also change TX gain profile; they're coupled. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(0), "table_noatr"); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_rx_gain(10, "all", 0), uhd::key_error); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(8.0, test_radio->set_rx_gain(8, "TABLE", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[sw_config], 0x80000); // Returns the current config. Note the asymmetry to the previous API call. // We can't, however, know which entry from the TABLE we used, so we just // return the current config (which is the entry from the DSA table, not the // TABLE it writes to). BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("TABLE", 0)); // Let's pretend we're using config 7 regs[current_config] = 0x70000; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(7, test_radio->get_rx_gain("TABLE", 0)); // And back regs[current_config] = 0x00000; // Now we fake an FPGA-gain-change transaction that UHD is unaware of. We // keep the current config of 0, and update RX0_DSA*[0]. regs[rx0_dsa + 0 * 4] = 0x4444; // Turn it up to attenuation 4 == gain 11 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(11.0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA1", 0)); //** table profile ** test_radio->set_rx_gain_profile("table", 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rf_option], 0x01010101); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(0), "table"); // Yup, this will also change TX gain profile; they're coupled. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(0), "table"); // Create another table entry regs[rx0_table + 23 * 4] = 0xBBBB; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(23.0, test_radio->set_rx_gain(23, "TABLE", 0)); // get_rx_gain() for "TABLE" returns the current DSA table index, not actual gain BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0.0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("TABLE", 0)); // This will update RX and XX registers (that's the difference to table_noatr) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rx0_dsa + 1 * 4], 0xBBBB); // att 0xB == gain 4.0 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rx0_dsa + 3 * 4], 0xBBBB); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4.0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA1", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4.0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA2", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4.0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA3A", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4.0, test_radio->get_rx_gain("DSA3B", 0)); // Test table coercion UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing TABLE coercion"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0.0, test_radio->set_rx_gain(-17, "TABLE", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(255.0, test_radio->set_rx_gain(1e9, "TABLE", 0)); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(zbx_tx_gain_profile_test, x400_radio_fixture) { auto tree = test_radio->get_tree(); const std::string log = "ZBX_GAIN_PROFILE_TEST"; auto& regs = reg_iface->read_memory; constexpr uint32_t current_config = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x1000; constexpr uint32_t rf_option = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x1004; constexpr uint32_t sw_config = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x1008; constexpr uint32_t tx0_dsa = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x3000; constexpr uint32_t tx0_table = radio_control_impl::regmap::PERIPH_BASE + 0x5000; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(0), "default"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(0), "default"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(1), "default"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(1), "default"); const double default_dsa1 = test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA1", 0); // Everything should be classic_atr BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[0x81004], 0x01010101); // Can't set gain stages in this profile BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_rx_gain(10, "DSA1", 0), uhd::key_error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_tx_gain(10, "DSA1", 0), uhd::key_error); //** manual gain profile ** test_radio->set_tx_gain_profile("manual", 0); // Must provide valid gain name in this profile BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_tx_gain(23, 0), uhd::runtime_error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_tx_gain(23, "all", 0), uhd::key_error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_tx_gain(10, "banana", 0), uhd::key_error); // Now manually set the DSAs BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(21, test_radio->set_tx_gain(21, "DSA1", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(21, test_radio->set_tx_gain(21, "DSA2", 0)); // Check the registers were written to correctly (gain 5 == att 10) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[tx0_dsa + 2 * 4], 0x0A0A); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[tx0_dsa + 3 * 4], 0x0A0A); // Check the getters: BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA1", 0), 21); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA2", 0), 21); // Even in 'manual', we can load from the table. Let's create a table entry: regs[tx0_table + 5 * 4] = 0x0707; // Now, let it be loaded into RX and XX: BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(5, test_radio->set_tx_gain(5, "TABLE", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[tx0_dsa + 2 * 4], 0x0707); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[tx0_dsa + 3 * 4], 0x0707); // Note: If we read back the DSAs via get_tx_gain() now, they will still say // 5. We might want to change that, but it will require extra peeks. The // only good way to do that is to amend set_?x_gain() to do that peek when // updating gains via table. // Test DSA coercion BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(31, test_radio->set_tx_gain(39, "DSA1", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, test_radio->set_tx_gain(-17, "DSA1", 0)); // If we go back to 'default', we also reset the DSAs. That's because the // desired, previously loaded default value will trigger the previous DSA // values again. UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "resetting to default"); test_radio->set_tx_gain_profile("default", 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(default_dsa1, test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA1", 0)); //** table_noatr profile : ** UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "setting to table_noatr"); test_radio->set_tx_gain_profile("table_noatr", 0); // This will set DSA config for chan 0 to 0 == SW_DEFINED BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rf_option], 0x01000101); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(0), "table_noatr"); // Yup, this will also change RX gain profile; they're coupled. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(0), "table_noatr"); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(test_radio->set_tx_gain(10, "all", 0), uhd::key_error); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(8.0, test_radio->set_tx_gain(8, "TABLE", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[sw_config], 0x80000); // Returns the current config. Note the asymmetry to the previous API call. // We can't, however, know which entry from the TABLE we used, so we just // return the current config (which is the entry from the DSA table, not the // TABLE it writes to). BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, test_radio->get_tx_gain("TABLE", 0)); // Let's pretend we're using config 7 regs[current_config] = 0x70000; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(7, test_radio->get_tx_gain("TABLE", 0)); // And back regs[current_config] = 0x00000; // Now we fake an FPGA-gain-change transaction that UHD is unaware of. We // keep the current config of 0, and update TX0_DSA*[0]. regs[tx0_dsa + 0 * 4] = 0x0404; // Turn it up to attenuation 4 == gain 27 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(27.0, test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA1", 0)); //** table profile ** test_radio->set_tx_gain_profile("table", 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[rf_option], 0x01010101); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_tx_gain_profile(0), "table"); // Yup, this will also change RX gain profile; they're coupled. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_radio->get_rx_gain_profile(0), "table"); // Create another table entry regs[tx0_table + 23 * 4] = 0x0B0B; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(23.0, test_radio->set_tx_gain(23, "TABLE", 0)); // get_tx_gain() for "TABLE" returns the current DSA table index, not actual gain BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0.0, test_radio->get_tx_gain("TABLE", 0)); // This will update RX and XX registers (that's the difference to table_noatr) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[tx0_dsa + 2 * 4], 0x0B0B); // att 0xB == gain 20.0 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(regs[tx0_dsa + 3 * 4], 0x0B0B); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(20.0, test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA1", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(20.0, test_radio->get_tx_gain("DSA2", 0)); // Test table coercion UHD_LOG_INFO(log, "Testing TABLE coercion"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0.0, test_radio->set_tx_gain(-17, "TABLE", 0)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(255.0, test_radio->set_tx_gain(1e9, "TABLE", 0)); } // TODO: // - concurrent/consecutive configuration // - Threading tests // - Error cases