// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "../rfnoc_graph_mock_nodes.hpp"
#include <uhd/rfnoc/actions.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/defaults.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/mock_block.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/window_block_control.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/graph.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/node_accessor.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/utils/narrow.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace uhd::rfnoc;

// Redeclare this here, since it's only defined outside of UHD_API
noc_block_base::make_args_t::~make_args_t() = default;

 * This class extends mock_reg_iface_t by adding poke and peek hooks that
 * monitor writes and reads to the registers implemented within the window
 * RFNoC block hardware and emulating the expected behavior of the hardware
 * when those registers are read and written. For instance, writes to the
 * coefficient registers store the coefficients in a vector and track the
 * position of the last write to the REG_WINDOW_LOAD_COEFF_LAST_OFFSET
 * register to allow the unit test to gauge the proper operation of the
 * block controller.
class window_mock_reg_iface_t : public mock_reg_iface_t
    window_mock_reg_iface_t(size_t num_chans, std::vector<size_t> max_num_coeffs)
        : last_coeff_write_pos(num_chans, 0)
        , num_coeffs(num_chans)
        , coeffs(num_chans)
        , _num_chans(num_chans)
        , _max_num_coeffs(max_num_coeffs)

    void _poke_cb(
        uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, uhd::time_spec_t /*time*/, bool /*ack*/) override
        size_t chan   = addr / window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_BLOCK_SIZE;
        size_t offset = addr % window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_BLOCK_SIZE;
        if (chan >= _num_chans) {
            throw uhd::assertion_error("Invalid channel index");

        if (offset == window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_MAX_LEN_OFFSET) {
            throw uhd::assertion_error("Invalid write to read-only register");
        } else if (offset == window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_LOAD_COEFF_OFFSET) {
        } else if (offset == window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_LOAD_COEFF_LAST_OFFSET) {
            last_coeff_write_pos[chan] = coeffs.at(chan).size();
        } else if (offset == window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_LEN_OFFSET) {
            num_coeffs[chan] = uhd::narrow_cast<int16_t>(data);
        } else {
            throw uhd::assertion_error("Invalid write to out of bounds offset");

    void _peek_cb(uint32_t addr, uhd::time_spec_t /*time*/) override
        size_t chan   = addr / window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_BLOCK_SIZE;
        size_t offset = addr % window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_BLOCK_SIZE;
        if (chan >= _num_chans) {
            throw uhd::assertion_error("Invalid channel index");

        if (offset == window_block_control::REG_WINDOW_MAX_LEN_OFFSET) {
            read_memory[addr] = uhd::narrow_cast<int32_t>(_max_num_coeffs.at(chan));
        } else {
            throw uhd::assertion_error("Invalid read from out of bounds address");

    void reset()
        for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_chans; chan++) {
            last_coeff_write_pos[chan] = 0;

    std::vector<size_t> last_coeff_write_pos;
    std::vector<size_t> num_coeffs;
    std::vector<std::vector<int16_t>> coeffs;

    const size_t _num_chans;
    const std::vector<size_t> _max_num_coeffs;

/* window_block_fixture is a class which is instantiated before each test
 * case is run. It sets up the block container, mock register interface,
 * and window_block_control object, all of which are accessible to the test
 * case. The instance of the object is destroyed at the end of each test
 * case.
constexpr size_t DEFAULT_MTU = 8000;
constexpr size_t NUM_CHANS   = 4;
static const std::vector<size_t> MAX_LENS{3000, 2500, 15, 666};

struct window_block_fixture
        : reg_iface(std::make_shared<window_mock_reg_iface_t>(NUM_CHANS, MAX_LENS))
        , block_container(get_mock_block(WINDOW_BLOCK,
        , test_window(block_container.get_block<window_block_control>())

    std::shared_ptr<window_mock_reg_iface_t> reg_iface;
    mock_block_container block_container;
    std::shared_ptr<window_block_control> test_window;
    node_accessor_t node_accessor{};

 * This test case ensures that the hardware is programmed correctly with
 * defaults when the window block is constructed.
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(window_test_construction, window_block_fixture)
    for (size_t chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANS; chan++) {
        // Check that the number of coefficients is expected
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg_iface->coeffs.at(chan).size(), MAX_LENS.at(chan));
        // Check that all coefficients are the maximum positive int16_t
        // value (rectangular window)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < reg_iface->coeffs.at(chan).size(); i++) {
                reg_iface->coeffs.at(chan).at(i), std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max());
        // Check that the LOAD_COEFF_LAST register was written at the right
        // time (i.e. with the last value)
            reg_iface->last_coeff_write_pos.at(chan), MAX_LENS.at(chan) - 1);

 * This test case exercises the get_max_num_coefficients() API.
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(window_test_max_num_coeffs, window_block_fixture)
    for (size_t chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANS; chan++) {
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_window->get_max_num_coefficients(chan), MAX_LENS.at(chan));

 * This test case exercises the set_coefficients() API and get_coefficients()
 * APIs and ensures that the hardware registers are programmed appropriately
 * when new coefficients are specified.
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(window_test_set_get_coefficients, window_block_fixture)
    // Reset state of mock window register interface

    for (size_t chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANS; chan++) {
        // Generate some dummy data that is half the maximum length allowed by
        // the channel
        const size_t num_coeffs_chan = test_window->get_max_num_coefficients(chan) / 2;
        std::vector<int16_t> coeffs(num_coeffs_chan, chan);
        test_window->set_coefficients(coeffs, chan);

        // Check that all coefficients were written
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg_iface->coeffs.at(chan).size(), num_coeffs_chan);

        // Check correct window length was written
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg_iface->num_coeffs.at(chan), num_coeffs_chan);

        // Check correctness of coefficients
        for (size_t i = 0; i < coeffs.size(); i++) {
            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg_iface->coeffs.at(chan).at(i), chan);
        // Check that the LOAD_COEFF_LAST register was written at the right
        // time (i.e. with the last value)
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg_iface->last_coeff_write_pos.at(chan), num_coeffs_chan - 1);

        // Verify that get_coefficients() returns what we expect
        std::vector<int16_t> received_coeffs = test_window->get_coefficients(chan);

        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(received_coeffs.size(), num_coeffs_chan);

        // Check correctness of returned coefficients
        for (size_t i = 0; i < coeffs.size(); i++) {
            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(received_coeffs.at(i), coeffs.at(i));

 * This test case exercises the coefficient length checking of
 * set_coefficients().
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(window_test_length_error, window_block_fixture)
    for (size_t chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANS; chan++) {
        size_t num_coeffs = test_window->get_max_num_coefficients(chan);
        std::vector<int16_t> coeffs(num_coeffs * 2);
        BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_window->set_coefficients(coeffs, chan), uhd::value_error);

 * This test case ensures that the window block can be added to
 * an RFNoC graph.
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(window_test_graph, window_block_fixture)
    detail::graph_t graph{};
    detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_port_info;
    edge_port_info.src_port                    = 0;
    edge_port_info.dst_port                    = 0;
    edge_port_info.property_propagation_active = true;
    edge_port_info.edge                        = detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC;

    mock_radio_node_t mock_radio_block{0};
    mock_ddc_node_t mock_ddc_block{};
    mock_terminator_t mock_sink_term(1, {}, "MOCK_SINK");

    UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Priming mock block properties");
        "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0});
        "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1});

    UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Creating graph...");
    graph.connect(&mock_radio_block, &mock_ddc_block, edge_port_info);
    graph.connect(&mock_ddc_block, test_window.get(), edge_port_info);
    graph.connect(test_window.get(), &mock_sink_term, edge_port_info);
    UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Committing graph...");
    UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Commit complete.");