// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #ifndef INCLUDED_UHDLIB_TRANSPORT_TRANSPORT_IF_HPP #define INCLUDED_UHDLIB_TRANSPORT_TRANSPORT_IF_HPP #include <uhd/exception.hpp> #include <uhdlib/transport/io_service.hpp> // Must come before the following include to fix an issue with Boost 1.67 #include <boost/next_prior.hpp> /// #include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp> #include <utility> namespace uhd { namespace transport { namespace { constexpr size_t ADDR_OFFSET = 0; constexpr size_t TYPE_OFFSET = 1; /* 0 for data, 1 for FC, 2 for msg */ constexpr size_t SEQNO_OFFSET = 2; /* For FC, this is last seen seqno */ constexpr size_t LEN_OFFSET = 3; constexpr size_t DATA_OFFSET = 4; constexpr size_t MSG_BUFFS = 8; }; // namespace /*! * Mock transport with following packet format: * Data: [dst_addr/src_addr, type, seqno, data_len, data...] * FC: [dst_addr/src_addr, type, ackno] * Msg: [dst_addr/src_addr, type, null, data] * All fields are 32-bit words (dst_addr and src_addr are 16 bits each) */ class mock_send_transport { public: using sptr = std::shared_ptr<mock_send_transport>; mock_send_transport(io_service::sptr io_srv, send_link_if::sptr send_link, recv_link_if::sptr recv_link, uint16_t dst_addr, uint16_t src_addr, uint32_t credits) : _credits(credits), _frame_size(send_link->get_send_frame_size()) { _send_addr = (dst_addr << 16) | (src_addr << 0); _recv_addr = (src_addr << 16) | (dst_addr << 0); /* Make message client for sending side-band messages */ send_io_if::send_callback_t msg_send_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr buff, send_link_if* link) { uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); data[ADDR_OFFSET] = this->_send_addr; data[TYPE_OFFSET] = 2; /* MSG type */ link->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); }; _msg_if = io_srv->make_send_client( send_link, MSG_BUFFS, msg_send_cb, recv_link_if::sptr(), 0, nullptr, nullptr); /* Make client for sending streaming data */ send_io_if::send_callback_t send_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr buff, send_link_if* link) { this->send_buff(std::move(buff), link); }; recv_callback_t recv_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr& buff, recv_link_if* link, send_link_if* /*send_link*/) { return this->recv_buff(buff, link); }; send_io_if::fc_callback_t fc_cb = [this](const size_t bytes) { return this->can_send(bytes); }; /* Pretend get 1 flow control message per sent packet */ _send_if = io_srv->make_send_client( send_link, credits, send_cb, recv_link, credits, recv_cb, fc_cb); } ~mock_send_transport() {} /*! * Get a buffer for creating a non-flow-controlled message */ bool put_msg(uint32_t msg, int32_t timeout_ms) { frame_buff::uptr buff = _msg_if->get_send_buff(timeout_ms); if (!buff) { return false; } uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); data[TYPE_OFFSET] = 2; data[DATA_OFFSET] = msg; buff->set_packet_size((1 + DATA_OFFSET) * sizeof(uint32_t)); _msg_if->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); return true; } /*! * Get an empty frame buffer in which to write packet contents. * * \param timeout_ms a positive timeout value specifies the maximum number of ms to wait, a negative value specifies to block until successful, and a value of 0 specifies no wait. * \return a frame buffer, or null uptr if timeout occurs */ frame_buff::uptr get_data_buff(int32_t timeout_ms) { if (!_send_if->wait_for_dest_ready(_frame_size, timeout_ms)) { return frame_buff::uptr(); } frame_buff::uptr buff = _send_if->get_send_buff(timeout_ms); if (!buff) { return frame_buff::uptr(); } uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); data[TYPE_OFFSET] = 0; return frame_buff::uptr(std::move(buff)); } /*! * Release a frame buffer, allowing the driver to reuse it. * * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link */ void release_data_buff(frame_buff::uptr& buff, size_t len) { if (len == 0) { _send_if->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); return; } uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); data[LEN_OFFSET] = len; buff->set_packet_size((len + DATA_OFFSET) * sizeof(uint32_t)); _send_if->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); } /*! * Callback for sending the packet. Callback is responsible for calling * release_send_buff() if it wants to send the packet. This will require * moving the uptr's reference. If the packet will NOT be sent, the * callback must NOT release the uptr. * * Function should update any internal state needed. For example, flow * control state could be updated here, and the header could be filled out * as well, like the packet's sequence number and/or addresses. * * Callbacks execute on the I/O thread! Be careful about what state is * touched. In addition, this callback should NOT sleep. */ void send_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff, send_link_if* send_link) { uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); data[ADDR_OFFSET] = _send_addr; data[SEQNO_OFFSET] = _seqno; send_link->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); _seqno++; } bool can_send(size_t /* bytes */) { return _seqno < _ackno + _credits; }; /*! * Callback for when packets are received (for processing). * Function should make a determination of whether the packet belongs to it * and return the bool. * * Function may consume and release the buffer internally (if packet was * destined for it). The recv_link_if may be used to release it, and the * provided frame_buff::uptr must relinquish ownership before returning. * If the buffer was not destined for the user of this function, buffer must * NOT be released, and the uptr must remain intact. * * Callbacks execute on the I/O thread! Be careful about what state is * touched. In addition, this callback should NOT sleep. * * \param frame_buff the buffer that was received * \param recv_link_if the link used to retrieve the buffer. Can be used to * release the buffer back to the link, if buffer is consumed internally. * \return true if buffer matched this transport, false otherwise */ bool recv_buff(frame_buff::uptr& buff, recv_link_if* recv_link) { /* Check address and if no match, return false */ uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); if (data[ADDR_OFFSET] != _recv_addr) { return false; } if (data[TYPE_OFFSET] == 1) { /* Flow control message */ _ackno = data[SEQNO_OFFSET]; } if (data[TYPE_OFFSET] != 0) { /* Only data packets go up to user */ recv_link->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } else { /* mock_send_transport does not receive data packets */ return false; } return true; } std::pair<uint32_t*, size_t> buff_to_data(frame_buff* buff) { uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); size_t data_len = buff->packet_size() - DATA_OFFSET * sizeof(uint32_t); return std::pair<uint32_t*, size_t>(&data[DATA_OFFSET], data_len); } private: uint32_t _send_addr; uint32_t _recv_addr; uint32_t _credits; send_io_if::sptr _msg_if; send_io_if::sptr _send_if; uint32_t _seqno = 0; uint32_t _ackno = 0; size_t _frame_size; }; /*! * Mock transport with following packet format: * Data: [dst_addr/src_addr, type, seqno, data_len, data...] * FC: [dst_addr/src_addr, type, ackno] * Msg: [dst_addr/src_addr, type, seqno, data_len, data...] * All fields are 32-bit words (dst_addr and src_addr are 16 bits each) */ class mock_recv_transport { public: using sptr = std::shared_ptr<mock_recv_transport>; mock_recv_transport(io_service::sptr io_srv, recv_link_if::sptr recv_link, send_link_if::sptr send_link, uint16_t dst_addr, uint16_t src_addr, uint32_t credits) { _send_addr = (src_addr << 16) | (dst_addr << 0); _recv_addr = (dst_addr << 16) | (src_addr << 0); /* Make client for sending streaming data */ recv_io_if::fc_callback_t send_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr buff, recv_link_if* recv_link, send_link_if* send_link) { this->handle_flow_ctrl(std::move(buff), recv_link, send_link); }; recv_callback_t recv_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr& buff, recv_link_if* link, send_link_if* /*send_link*/) { return this->recv_buff(buff, link); }; /* Pretend get 1 flow control message per sent packet */ _recv_if = io_srv->make_recv_client( recv_link, credits, recv_cb, send_link, credits, send_cb); } ~mock_recv_transport() {} /*! * Get a buffer for creating a non-flow-controlled message */ bool get_msg(uint32_t& msg) { if (_msg_queue.read_available()) { msg = _msg_queue.front(); _msg_queue.pop(); return true; } return false; } /*! * Get an empty frame buffer in which to write packet contents. * * \param timeout_ms a positive timeout value specifies the maximum number of ms to wait, a negative value specifies to block until successful, and a value of 0 specifies no wait. * \return a frame buffer, or null uptr if timeout occurs */ frame_buff::uptr get_data_buff(int32_t timeout_ms) { return _recv_if->get_recv_buff(timeout_ms); } /*! * Release a frame buffer, allowing the driver to reuse it. * * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link */ void release_data_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff) { _recv_if->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } /*! * Callback for producing a flow control response. * This callback is run whenever a frame_buff is scheduled to be released. * * The callback must release the buffer, but it can update internal state * as well. It can also send a response with the send_link_if, should it * desire to do so. * * Callbacks execute on the I/O thread! Be careful about what state is * touched. In addition, this callback should NOT sleep. */ void handle_flow_ctrl( frame_buff::uptr buff, recv_link_if* recv_link, send_link_if* send_link) { uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); if (data[TYPE_OFFSET] == 0) { frame_buff::uptr fc_buff = send_link->get_send_buff(0); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(fc_buff); uint32_t* fc_data = (uint32_t*)fc_buff->data(); fc_data[SEQNO_OFFSET] = data[SEQNO_OFFSET]; recv_link->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(buff == nullptr); fc_data[TYPE_OFFSET] = 1; /* FC type */ fc_data[ADDR_OFFSET] = _send_addr; fc_buff->set_packet_size(3 * sizeof(uint32_t)); send_link->release_send_buff(std::move(fc_buff)); } else { recv_link->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } } /*! * Callback for when packets are received (for processing). * Function should make a determination of whether the packet belongs to it * and return the bool. * * Function may consume and release the buffer internally (if packet was * destined for it). The recv_link_if may be used to release it, and the * provided frame_buff::uptr must relinquish ownership before returning. * If the buffer was not destined for the user of this function, buffer must * NOT be released, and the uptr must remain intact. * * Callbacks execute on the I/O thread! Be careful about what state is * touched. In addition, this callback should NOT sleep. * * \param frame_buff the buffer that was received * \param recv_link_if the link used to retrieve the buffer. Can be used to * release the buffer back to the link, if buffer is consumed internally. * \return true if buffer matched this transport, false otherwise */ bool recv_buff(frame_buff::uptr& buff, recv_link_if* recv_link) { /* Check address and if no match, return false */ uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); if (data[ADDR_OFFSET] != _recv_addr) { return false; } if (data[TYPE_OFFSET] == 1) { /* No FC for mock_recv_transport */ return false; } if (data[TYPE_OFFSET] == 2) { /* Record message */ _msg_queue.push(data[DATA_OFFSET]); recv_link->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } /* (Data packets will go up to user) */ return true; } std::pair<uint32_t*, size_t> buff_to_data(frame_buff* buff) { uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)buff->data(); size_t data_len = data[LEN_OFFSET]; return std::pair<uint32_t*, size_t>(&data[DATA_OFFSET], data_len); } private: uint32_t _send_addr; uint32_t _recv_addr; recv_io_if::sptr _recv_if; boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<uint32_t, boost::lockfree::capacity<8>> _msg_queue; }; }} // namespace uhd::transport #endif /* INCLUDED_UHDLIB_TRANSPORT_TRANSPORT_IF_HPP */