// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "x300_pcie_mgr.hpp" #include "x300_claim.hpp" #include "x300_lvbitx.hpp" #include "x300_mb_eeprom.hpp" #include "x300_mb_eeprom_iface.hpp" #include "x300_mboard_type.hpp" #include "x300_regs.hpp" #include "x310_lvbitx.hpp" #include <uhd/types/device_addr.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/static.hpp> #include <uhdlib/rfnoc/device_id.hpp> #include <uhdlib/transport/inline_io_service.hpp> #include <uhdlib/transport/nirio_link.hpp> #include <uhdlib/usrp/cores/i2c_core_100_wb32.hpp> #include <unordered_map> #include <mutex> using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::transport; using namespace uhd::usrp::x300; using namespace uhd::niusrprio; namespace { // uint32_t extract_sid_from_pkt(void* pkt, size_t) //{ // return uhd::sid_t(uhd::wtohx(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(pkt)[1])).get_dst(); //} constexpr uint32_t RADIO_DEST_PREFIX_TX = 0; // The FIFO closest to the DMA controller is 1023 elements deep for RX and 1029 elements // deep for TX where an element is 8 bytes. The buffers (number of frames * frame size) // must be aligned to the memory page size. For the control, we are getting lucky because // 64 frames * 256 bytes each aligns with the typical page size of 4096 bytes. Since most // page sizes are 4096 bytes or some multiple of that, keep the number of frames * frame // size aligned to it. constexpr size_t PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE = 4096; // bytes constexpr size_t PCIE_RX_DATA_NUM_FRAMES = 4096; constexpr size_t PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE = 4096; // bytes constexpr size_t PCIE_TX_DATA_NUM_FRAMES = 4096; constexpr size_t PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE = 256; // bytes constexpr size_t PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES = 64; constexpr size_t PCIE_MAX_CHANNELS = 6; // constexpr size_t MAX_RATE_PCIE = 800000000; // bytes/s //! Get default send/recv num frames and frame size per link type link_params_t get_default_link_params(const link_type_t link_type) { link_params_t link_params; switch (link_type) { case link_type_t::CTRL: link_params.send_frame_size = PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE; link_params.recv_frame_size = PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE; link_params.num_send_frames = PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES; link_params.num_recv_frames = PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES; break; case link_type_t::TX_DATA: link_params.send_frame_size = PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE; link_params.recv_frame_size = PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE; link_params.num_send_frames = PCIE_TX_DATA_NUM_FRAMES; link_params.num_recv_frames = PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES; break; case link_type_t::RX_DATA: link_params.send_frame_size = PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE; link_params.recv_frame_size = PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE; link_params.num_send_frames = PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES; link_params.num_recv_frames = PCIE_RX_DATA_NUM_FRAMES; break; default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } link_params.recv_buff_size = link_params.num_recv_frames * link_params.recv_frame_size; link_params.send_buff_size = link_params.num_send_frames * link_params.send_frame_size; return link_params; } } // namespace uhd::wb_iface::sptr x300_make_ctrl_iface_pcie( uhd::niusrprio::niriok_proxy::sptr drv_proxy, bool enable_errors = true); // We need a zpu xport registry to ensure synchronization between the static // finder method and the instances of the x300_impl class. typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<uhd::wb_iface>> pcie_zpu_iface_registry_t; UHD_SINGLETON_FCN(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_t, get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry) static std::mutex pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex; /****************************************************************************** * Static methods *****************************************************************************/ x300_mboard_t pcie_manager::get_mb_type_from_pcie( const std::string& resource, const std::string& rpc_port) { // Detect the PCIe product ID to distinguish between X300 and X310 nirio_status status = NiRio_Status_Success; uint32_t pid; niriok_proxy::sptr discovery_proxy = niusrprio_session::create_kernel_proxy(resource, rpc_port); if (discovery_proxy) { nirio_status_chain( discovery_proxy->get_attribute(RIO_PRODUCT_NUMBER, pid), status); discovery_proxy->close(); if (nirio_status_not_fatal(status)) { return map_pid_to_mb_type(pid); } } UHD_LOG_WARNING("X300", "NI-RIO Error -- unable to determine motherboard type!"); return UNKNOWN; } /****************************************************************************** * Find *****************************************************************************/ device_addrs_t pcie_manager::find(const device_addr_t& hint, bool explicit_query) { std::string rpc_port_name(std::to_string(NIUSRPRIO_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT)); if (hint.has_key("niusrpriorpc_port")) { rpc_port_name = hint["niusrpriorpc_port"]; } device_addrs_t addrs; niusrprio_session::device_info_vtr dev_info_vtr; nirio_status status = niusrprio_session::enumerate(rpc_port_name, dev_info_vtr); if (explicit_query) { nirio_status_to_exception( status, "x300::pcie_manager::find: Error enumerating NI-RIO devices."); } for (niusrprio_session::device_info& dev_info : dev_info_vtr) { device_addr_t new_addr; new_addr["type"] = "x300"; new_addr["resource"] = dev_info.resource_name; std::string resource_d(dev_info.resource_name); boost::to_upper(resource_d); const std::string product_name = map_mb_type_to_product_name(get_mb_type_from_pcie(resource_d, rpc_port_name)); if (product_name.empty()) { continue; } else { new_addr["product"] = product_name; } niriok_proxy::sptr kernel_proxy = niriok_proxy::make_and_open(dev_info.interface_path); // Attempt to read the name from the EEPROM and perform filtering. // This operation can throw due to compatibility mismatch. try { // This block could throw an exception if the user is switching to using UHD // after LabVIEW FPGA. In that case, skip reading the name and serial and pick // a default FPGA flavor. During make, a new image will be loaded and // everything will be OK wb_iface::sptr zpu_ctrl; // Hold on to the registry mutex as long as zpu_ctrl is alive // to prevent any use by different threads while enumerating std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex); if (get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().count(resource_d)) { zpu_ctrl = get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry()[resource_d].lock(); if (!zpu_ctrl) { get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().erase(resource_d); } } // if the registry didn't have a key OR that key was an orphaned weak_ptr if (!zpu_ctrl) { zpu_ctrl = x300_make_ctrl_iface_pcie( kernel_proxy, false /* suppress timeout errors */); // We don't put this zpu_ctrl in the registry because we need // a persistent niriok_proxy associated with the object } // Attempt to autodetect the FPGA type if (not hint.has_key("fpga")) { new_addr["fpga"] = get_fpga_option(zpu_ctrl); } i2c_core_100_wb32::sptr zpu_i2c = i2c_core_100_wb32::make(zpu_ctrl, I2C1_BASE); x300_mb_eeprom_iface::sptr eeprom_iface = x300_mb_eeprom_iface::make(zpu_ctrl, zpu_i2c); const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom = get_mb_eeprom(eeprom_iface); if (mb_eeprom.size() == 0 or claim_status(zpu_ctrl) == CLAIMED_BY_OTHER) { // Skip device claimed by another process continue; } new_addr["name"] = mb_eeprom["name"]; new_addr["serial"] = mb_eeprom["serial"]; } catch (const std::exception&) { // set these values as empty string so the device may still be found // and the filter's below can still operate on the discovered device if (not hint.has_key("fpga")) { new_addr["fpga"] = "HG"; } new_addr["name"] = ""; new_addr["serial"] = ""; } // filter the discovered device below by matching optional keys std::string resource_i = hint.has_key("resource") ? hint["resource"] : ""; boost::to_upper(resource_i); if ((not hint.has_key("resource") or resource_i == resource_d) and (not hint.has_key("name") or hint["name"] == new_addr["name"]) and (not hint.has_key("serial") or hint["serial"] == new_addr["serial"]) and (not hint.has_key("product") or hint["product"] == new_addr["product"])) { addrs.push_back(new_addr); } } return addrs; } /****************************************************************************** * Structors *****************************************************************************/ pcie_manager::pcie_manager( const x300_device_args_t& args, uhd::property_tree::sptr, const uhd::fs_path&) : _args(args), _resource(args.get_resource()) { nirio_status status = 0; const std::string rpc_port_name = args.get_niusrprio_rpc_port(); UHD_LOG_INFO( "X300", "Connecting to niusrpriorpc at localhost:" << rpc_port_name << "..."); // Instantiate the correct lvbitx object nifpga_lvbitx::sptr lvbitx; switch (get_mb_type_from_pcie(args.get_resource(), rpc_port_name)) { case USRP_X300_MB: lvbitx.reset(new x300_lvbitx(args.get_fpga_option())); break; case USRP_X310_MB: case USRP_X310_MB_NI_2974: lvbitx.reset(new x310_lvbitx(args.get_fpga_option())); break; default: nirio_status_to_exception( status, "Motherboard detection error. Please ensure that you \ have a valid USRP X3x0, NI USRP-294xR, NI USRP-295xR or NI USRP-2974 device and that all the device \ drivers have loaded successfully."); } // Load the lvbitx onto the device UHD_LOG_INFO("X300", "Using LVBITX bitfile " << lvbitx->get_bitfile_path()); _rio_fpga_interface.reset(new niusrprio_session(args.get_resource(), rpc_port_name)); nirio_status_chain( _rio_fpga_interface->open(lvbitx, args.get_download_fpga()), status); nirio_status_to_exception(status, "x300_impl: Could not initialize RIO session."); // Tell the quirks object which FIFOs carry TX stream data const uint32_t tx_data_fifos[2] = {RADIO_DEST_PREFIX_TX, RADIO_DEST_PREFIX_TX + 3}; _rio_fpga_interface->get_kernel_proxy()->get_rio_quirks().register_tx_streams( tx_data_fifos, 2); _local_device_id = rfnoc::allocate_device_id(); } /****************************************************************************** * API *****************************************************************************/ wb_iface::sptr pcie_manager::get_ctrl_iface() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex); if (get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().count(_resource)) { throw uhd::assertion_error( "Someone else has a ZPU transport to the device open. Internal error!"); } auto zpu_ctrl = x300_make_ctrl_iface_pcie(_rio_fpga_interface->get_kernel_proxy()); get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry()[_resource] = std::weak_ptr<wb_iface>(zpu_ctrl); return zpu_ctrl; } void pcie_manager::init_link() {} size_t pcie_manager::get_mtu(uhd::direction_t dir) { return dir == uhd::RX_DIRECTION ? PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE : PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE; } void pcie_manager::release_ctrl_iface(std::function<void(void)>&& release_fn) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex); release_fn(); // If the process is killed, the entire registry will disappear so we // don't need to worry about unclean shutdowns here. if (get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().count(_resource)) { get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().erase(_resource); } } uint32_t pcie_manager::allocate_pcie_dma_chan( const rfnoc::sep_id_t& remote_epid, const link_type_t link_type) { constexpr uint32_t CTRL_CHANNEL = 0; constexpr uint32_t FIRST_DATA_CHANNEL = 1; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_dma_chan_mutex); uint32_t dma_chan = CTRL_CHANNEL; if (link_type == link_type_t::CTRL) { if (_dma_chan_pool.count(CTRL_CHANNEL)) { throw uhd::runtime_error("[X300] Cannot reallocate PCIe control channel!"); } } else { dma_chan = FIRST_DATA_CHANNEL; while (_dma_chan_pool.count(dma_chan)) { dma_chan++; } if (dma_chan >= PCIE_MAX_CHANNELS) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "Trying to allocate more DMA channels than are available"); } } _dma_chan_pool[dma_chan] = remote_epid; UHD_LOG_DEBUG("X300", "Assigning DMA channel " << dma_chan << " to remote EPID " << remote_epid); return dma_chan; } both_links_t pcie_manager::get_links(link_type_t link_type, const rfnoc::device_id_t local_device_id, const rfnoc::sep_id_t& /*local_epid*/, const rfnoc::sep_id_t& remote_epid, const device_addr_t& link_args) { if (local_device_id != _local_device_id) { throw uhd::runtime_error( std::string("[X300] Cannot create NI-RIO link through local device ID ") + std::to_string(local_device_id) + ", no such device associated with this motherboard!"); } const bool enable_fc = not link_args.has_key("enable_fc") || uhd::cast::from_str<bool>(link_args.get("enable_fc")); const uint32_t dma_channel_num = allocate_pcie_dma_chan(remote_epid, link_type); // Note: The nirio_link object's factory has a lot of code for sanity // checking the link params, and merging the link_args with the default // link_params, so we use that. link_params_t link_params = get_default_link_params(link_type); // PCIe: Lossless, and little endian size_t recv_buff_size, send_buff_size; auto link = nirio_link::make(_rio_fpga_interface, dma_channel_num, link_params, link_args, recv_buff_size, send_buff_size); return std::make_tuple(link, send_buff_size, link, recv_buff_size, false /*not lossy*/, false, enable_fc); }