// Copyright 2013-2015 Ettus Research LLC
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "x300_clock_ctrl.hpp"
#include "x300_fw_common.h"
#include //mtu
#include "spi_core_3000.hpp"
#include "x300_adc_ctrl.hpp"
#include "x300_dac_ctrl.hpp"
#include "rx_vita_core_3000.hpp"
#include "tx_vita_core_3000.hpp"
#include "time_core_3000.hpp"
#include "rx_dsp_core_3000.hpp"
#include "tx_dsp_core_3000.hpp"
#include "i2c_core_100_wb32.hpp"
#include "radio_ctrl_core_3000.hpp"
#include "rx_frontend_core_200.hpp"
#include "tx_frontend_core_200.hpp"
#include "gpio_core_200.hpp"
#include "recv_packet_demuxer_3000.hpp"
#include "x300_regs.hpp"
static const std::string X300_FW_FILE_NAME = "usrp_x300_fw.bin";
static const double X300_DEFAULT_TICK_RATE = 200e6; //Hz
static const double X300_BUS_CLOCK_RATE = 166.666667e6; //Hz
static const size_t X300_TX_HW_BUFF_SIZE = 520*1024; //512K SRAM buffer + 8K 2Clk FIFO
static const size_t X300_TX_FC_RESPONSE_FREQ = 8; //per flow-control window
static const size_t X300_RX_SW_BUFF_SIZE_ETH = 0x2000000;//32MiB For an ~8k frame size any size >32MiB is just wasted buffer space
static const size_t X300_RX_SW_BUFF_SIZE_ETH_MACOS = 0x100000; //1Mib
static const double X300_RX_SW_BUFF_FULL_FACTOR = 0.90; //Buffer should ideally be 90% full.
static const size_t X300_RX_FC_REQUEST_FREQ = 32; //per flow-control window
//The FIFO closest to the DMA controller is 1023 elements deep for RX and 1029 elements deep for TX
//where an element is 8 bytes. For best throughput ensure that the data frame fits in these buffers.
//Also ensure that the kernel has enough frames to hold buffered TX and RX data
static const size_t X300_PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE = 8184; //bytes
static const size_t X300_PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE = 8192; //bytes
static const size_t X300_PCIE_DATA_NUM_FRAMES = 2048;
static const size_t X300_PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE = 256; //bytes
static const size_t X300_PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES = 64;
static const size_t X300_10GE_DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE = 8000; //bytes
static const size_t X300_1GE_DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE = 1472; //bytes
static const size_t X300_ETH_MSG_FRAME_SIZE = uhd::transport::udp_simple::mtu; //bytes
static const size_t X300_ETH_MSG_NUM_FRAMES = 64;
static const size_t X300_ETH_DATA_NUM_FRAMES = 32;
static const double X300_DEFAULT_SYSREF_RATE = 10e6;
static const size_t X300_TX_MAX_HDR_LEN = // bytes
sizeof(boost::uint32_t) // Header
+ sizeof(uhd::transport::vrt::if_packet_info_t().sid) // SID
+ sizeof(uhd::transport::vrt::if_packet_info_t().tsf); // Timestamp
static const size_t X300_RX_MAX_HDR_LEN = // bytes
sizeof(boost::uint32_t) // Header
+ sizeof(uhd::transport::vrt::if_packet_info_t().sid) // SID
+ sizeof(uhd::transport::vrt::if_packet_info_t().tsf); // Timestamp
static const size_t X300_MAX_RATE_PCIE = 800000000; // bytes/s
static const size_t X300_MAX_RATE_10GIGE = 800000000; // bytes/s
static const size_t X300_MAX_RATE_1GIGE = 100000000; // bytes/s
#define X300_XB_DST_E0 0
#define X300_XB_DST_E1 1
#define X300_XB_DST_R0 2 // Radio 0 -> Slot A
#define X300_XB_DST_R1 3 // Radio 1 -> Slot B
#define X300_XB_DST_CE0 4
#define X300_XB_DST_CE1 5
#define X300_XB_DST_CE2 5
#define X300_XB_DST_PCI 7
#define X300_DEVICE_THERE 2
#define X300_DEVICE_HERE 0
//eeprom addrs for various boards
X300_DB0_RX_EEPROM = 0x5,
X300_DB0_TX_EEPROM = 0x4,
X300_DB0_GDB_EEPROM = 0x1,
X300_DB1_RX_EEPROM = 0x7,
X300_DB1_TX_EEPROM = 0x6,
X300_DB1_GDB_EEPROM = 0x3,
struct x300_dboard_iface_config_t
gpio_core_200::sptr gpio;
spi_core_3000::sptr spi;
size_t rx_spi_slaveno;
size_t tx_spi_slaveno;
i2c_core_100_wb32::sptr i2c;
x300_clock_ctrl::sptr clock;
x300_clock_which_t which_rx_clk;
x300_clock_which_t which_tx_clk;
boost::uint8_t dboard_slot;
uhd::timed_wb_iface::sptr cmd_time_ctrl;
uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr x300_make_dboard_iface(const x300_dboard_iface_config_t &);
uhd::uart_iface::sptr x300_make_uart_iface(uhd::wb_iface::sptr iface);
uhd::wb_iface::sptr x300_make_ctrl_iface_enet(uhd::transport::udp_simple::sptr udp);
uhd::wb_iface::sptr x300_make_ctrl_iface_pcie(uhd::niusrprio::niriok_proxy::sptr drv_proxy);
uhd::device_addrs_t x300_find(const uhd::device_addr_t &hint_);
class x300_impl : public uhd::device
typedef uhd::transport::bounded_buffer async_md_type;
x300_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t &);
void setup_mb(const size_t which, const uhd::device_addr_t &);
//the io interface
uhd::rx_streamer::sptr get_rx_stream(const uhd::stream_args_t &);
uhd::tx_streamer::sptr get_tx_stream(const uhd::stream_args_t &);
//support old async call
bool recv_async_msg(uhd::async_metadata_t &, double);
// used by x300_find_with_addr to find X300 devices.
static boost::mutex claimer_mutex; //All claims and checks in this process are serialized
static bool is_claimed(uhd::wb_iface::sptr);
enum x300_mboard_t {
static x300_mboard_t get_mb_type_from_pcie(const std::string& resource, const std::string& rpc_port);
static x300_mboard_t get_mb_type_from_eeprom(const uhd::usrp::mboard_eeprom_t& mb_eeprom);
boost::shared_ptr _async_md;
class radio_misc_outs_reg : public uhd::soft_reg32_wo_t {
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(DAC_ENABLED, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 0); //[0]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(DAC_RESET_N, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 1); //[1]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_RESET, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 2); //[2]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_DATA_DLY_STB, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 3); //[3]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_DATA_DLY_VAL, /*width*/ 5, /*shift*/ 4); //[8:4]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER_ENABLED, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 9); //[9]
radio_misc_outs_reg(): uhd::soft_reg32_wo_t(TOREG(SR_MISC_OUTS)) {
//Initial values
set(DAC_ENABLED, 0);
set(DAC_RESET_N, 0);
set(ADC_RESET, 0);
set(ADC_DATA_DLY_VAL, 16);
class radio_misc_ins_reg : public uhd::soft_reg32_ro_t {
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER0_Q_LOCKED, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 0); //[0]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER0_I_LOCKED, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 1); //[1]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER1_Q_LOCKED, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 2); //[2]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER1_I_LOCKED, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 3); //[3]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER0_Q_ERROR, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 4); //[4]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER0_I_ERROR, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 5); //[5]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER1_Q_ERROR, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 6); //[6]
UHD_DEFINE_SOFT_REG_FIELD(ADC_CHECKER1_I_ERROR, /*width*/ 1, /*shift*/ 7); //[7]
radio_misc_ins_reg(): uhd::soft_reg32_ro_t(RB32_MISC_INS) { }
//perifs in the radio core
struct radio_perifs_t
radio_ctrl_core_3000::sptr ctrl;
spi_core_3000::sptr spi;
x300_adc_ctrl::sptr adc;
x300_dac_ctrl::sptr dac;
time_core_3000::sptr time64;
rx_vita_core_3000::sptr framer;
rx_dsp_core_3000::sptr ddc;
tx_vita_core_3000::sptr deframer;
tx_dsp_core_3000::sptr duc;
gpio_core_200_32wo::sptr leds;
rx_frontend_core_200::sptr rx_fe;
tx_frontend_core_200::sptr tx_fe;
radio_misc_outs_reg::sptr misc_outs;
radio_misc_ins_reg::sptr misc_ins;
//overflow recovery impl
void handle_overflow(radio_perifs_t &perif, boost::weak_ptr streamer);
//vector of member objects per motherboard
struct mboard_members_t
uhd::dict > rx_streamers;
uhd::dict > tx_streamers;
bool initialization_done;
uhd::task::sptr claimer_task;
std::string addr;
std::string xport_path;
int router_dst_here;
uhd::device_addr_t send_args;
uhd::device_addr_t recv_args;
bool if_pkt_is_big_endian;
uhd::niusrprio::niusrprio_session::sptr rio_fpga_interface;
//perifs in the zpu
uhd::wb_iface::sptr zpu_ctrl;
spi_core_3000::sptr zpu_spi;
i2c_core_100_wb32::sptr zpu_i2c;
//perifs in each radio
static const size_t NUM_RADIOS = 2;
radio_perifs_t radio_perifs[NUM_RADIOS]; //!< This is hardcoded s.t. radio_perifs[0] points to slot A and [1] to B
uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t db_eeproms[8];
//! Return the index of a radio component, given a slot name. This means DSPs, radio_perifs
size_t get_radio_index(const std::string &slot_name) {
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(slot_name == "A" or slot_name == "B");
return slot_name == "A" ? 0 : 1;
//other perifs on mboard
x300_clock_ctrl::sptr clock;
uhd::gps_ctrl::sptr gps;
gpio_core_200::sptr fp_gpio;
//clock control register bits
int clock_control_regs_clock_source;
int clock_control_regs_pps_select;
int clock_control_regs_pps_out_enb;
int clock_control_regs_tcxo_enb;
int clock_control_regs_gpsdo_pwr;
//which FPGA image is loaded
std::string loaded_fpga_image;
size_t hw_rev;
std::string current_refclk_src;
std::vector _mb;
//task for periodically reclaiming the device from others
void claimer_loop(uhd::wb_iface::sptr);
boost::mutex _transport_setup_mutex;
void register_loopback_self_test(uhd::wb_iface::sptr iface);
/*! \brief Initialize the radio component on a given slot.
* Call this function once per slot (A and B) and motherboard to initialize all the radio components.
* This will:
* - Reset and init DACs and ADCs
* - Setup controls for DAC, ADC, SPI and LEDs
* - Self test ADC
* - Sync DACs (for MIMO)
* - Initialize the property tree for control objects etc. (gain, rate...)
* \param mb_i Motherboard index
* \param slot_name Slot name (A or B).
void setup_radio(const size_t, const std::string &slot_name, const uhd::device_addr_t &dev_addr);
size_t _sid_framer;
struct sid_config_t
boost::uint8_t router_addr_there;
boost::uint8_t dst_prefix; //2bits
boost::uint8_t router_dst_there;
boost::uint8_t router_dst_here;
boost::uint32_t allocate_sid(mboard_members_t &mb, const sid_config_t &config);
struct both_xports_t
uhd::transport::zero_copy_if::sptr recv;
uhd::transport::zero_copy_if::sptr send;
size_t recv_buff_size;
size_t send_buff_size;
both_xports_t make_transport(
const size_t mb_index,
const boost::uint8_t& destination,
const boost::uint8_t& prefix,
const uhd::device_addr_t& args,
boost::uint32_t& sid);
struct frame_size_t
size_t recv_frame_size;
size_t send_frame_size;
frame_size_t _max_frame_sizes;
* Automatically determine the maximum frame size available by sending a UDP packet
* to the device and see which packet sizes actually work. This way, we can take
* switches etc. into account which might live between the device and the host.
frame_size_t determine_max_frame_size(const std::string &addr, const frame_size_t &user_mtu);
//Caching for transport interface re-use -- like sharing a DMA.
//The cache is optionally used by make_transport by use-case.
//The cache maps an ID string to a transport-ish object.
//The ID string identifies a purpose for the transport.
//For recv, there is a demux cache, which maps a ID string
//to a recv demux object. When a demux is used, the underlying transport
//must never be used outside of the demux. Use demux->make_proxy(sid).
uhd::dict _demux_cache;
//For send, there is a shared send xport, which maps an ID string
//to a transport capable of sending buffers. Send transports
//can be shared amongst multiple callers, unlike recv.
uhd::dict _send_cache;
uhd::dict _dboard_managers;
uhd::dict _dboard_ifaces;
void set_rx_fe_corrections(const uhd::fs_path &mb_path, const std::string &fe_name, const double lo_freq);
void set_tx_fe_corrections(const uhd::fs_path &mb_path, const std::string &fe_name, const double lo_freq);
bool _ignore_cal_file;
/*! Update the IQ MUX settings for the radio peripheral according to given subdev spec.
* Also checks if the given subdev is valid for this device and updates the channel to DSP mapping.
* \param tx_rx "tx" or "rx", depending where you're setting the subdev spec
* \param mb_i Mainboard index number.
* \param spec Subdev spec
void update_subdev_spec(const std::string &tx_rx, const size_t mb_i, const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t &spec);
void set_tick_rate(mboard_members_t &, const double);
void update_tick_rate(mboard_members_t &, const double);
void update_rx_samp_rate(mboard_members_t&, const size_t, const double);
void update_tx_samp_rate(mboard_members_t&, const size_t, const double);
void update_clock_control(mboard_members_t&);
void initialize_clock_control(mboard_members_t &mb);
void set_time_source_out(mboard_members_t&, const bool);
void update_clock_source(mboard_members_t&, const std::string &);
void update_time_source(mboard_members_t&, const std::string &);
void reset_radios(mboard_members_t&);
uhd::sensor_value_t get_ref_locked(uhd::wb_iface::sptr);
bool wait_for_ref_locked(uhd::wb_iface::sptr, double timeout = 0.0);
bool is_pps_present(uhd::wb_iface::sptr);
void set_db_eeprom(uhd::i2c_iface::sptr i2c, const size_t, const uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t &);
void set_mb_eeprom(uhd::i2c_iface::sptr i2c, const uhd::usrp::mboard_eeprom_t &);
void check_fw_compat(const uhd::fs_path &mb_path, uhd::wb_iface::sptr iface);
void check_fpga_compat(const uhd::fs_path &mb_path, const mboard_members_t &members);
void update_atr_leds(gpio_core_200_32wo::sptr, const std::string &ant);
boost::uint32_t get_fp_gpio(gpio_core_200::sptr);
void set_fp_gpio(gpio_core_200::sptr, const gpio_attr_t, const boost::uint32_t);
void self_cal_adc_capture_delay(mboard_members_t& mb, const size_t radio_i, bool print_status = false);
double self_cal_adc_xfer_delay(mboard_members_t& mb, bool apply_delay = false);
void self_test_adcs(mboard_members_t& mb, boost::uint32_t ramp_time_ms = 100);
void extended_adc_test(mboard_members_t& mb, double duration_s);
//This function assumes that all the VITA times in "radios" are synchronized
//to a common reference. Currently, this function is called in get_tx_stream
//which also has the same precondition.
static void synchronize_dacs(const std::vector& mboards);
#endif /* INCLUDED_X300_IMPL_HPP */