// Copyright 2013-2016 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "x300_impl.hpp"
#include "x300_lvbitx.hpp"
#include "x300_mb_eeprom_iface.hpp"
#include "x310_lvbitx.hpp"
#include <uhd/transport/if_addrs.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/nirio/niusrprio_session.h>
#include <uhd/transport/nirio_zero_copy.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/udp_constants.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/udp_zero_copy.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/zero_copy_recv_offload.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/sid.hpp>
#include <uhd/usrp/subdev_spec.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/math.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/paths.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/platform.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/safe_call.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/usrp/common/apply_corrections.hpp>
#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
#    include <uhdlib/transport/dpdk_zero_copy.hpp>
#    include <uhdlib/transport/dpdk_simple.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>

using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
using namespace uhd::rfnoc;
using namespace uhd::transport;
using namespace uhd::niusrprio;
using namespace uhd::usrp::gpio_atr;
using namespace uhd::usrp::x300;
namespace asio = boost::asio;

 * Helpers
static std::string get_fpga_option(wb_iface::sptr zpu_ctrl)
    // Possible options:
    // 1G  = {0:1G, 1:1G} w/ DRAM, HG  = {0:1G, 1:10G} w/ DRAM, XG  = {0:10G, 1:10G} w/
    // DRAM HA  = {0:1G, 1:Aurora} w/ DRAM, XA  = {0:10G, 1:Aurora} w/ DRAM

    std::string option;
    uint32_t sfp0_type = zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_RB_SFP0_TYPE));
    uint32_t sfp1_type = zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_RB_SFP1_TYPE));

    if (sfp0_type == RB_SFP_1G_ETH and sfp1_type == RB_SFP_1G_ETH) {
        option = "1G";
    } else if (sfp0_type == RB_SFP_1G_ETH and sfp1_type == RB_SFP_10G_ETH) {
        option = "HG";
    } else if (sfp0_type == RB_SFP_10G_ETH and sfp1_type == RB_SFP_10G_ETH) {
        option = "XG";
    } else if (sfp0_type == RB_SFP_1G_ETH and sfp1_type == RB_SFP_AURORA) {
        option = "HA";
    } else if (sfp0_type == RB_SFP_10G_ETH and sfp1_type == RB_SFP_AURORA) {
        option = "XA";
    } else {
        option = "HG"; // Default
    return option;

namespace {

constexpr unsigned int X300_UDP_RESERVED_FRAME_SIZE = 64;

/*! Return the correct motherboard type for a given product ID
 * Note: In previous versions, we had two different mappings for PCIe and
 * Ethernet in case the PIDs would conflict, but they never did and it was
 * thus consolidated into one.
x300_impl::x300_mboard_t map_pid_to_mb_type(const uint32_t pid)
    switch (pid) {
        case X300_USRP_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X300_USRP_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
            return x300_impl::USRP_X300_MB;
        case X310_USRP_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2940R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2940R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2942R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2942R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2943R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2943R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2944R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2950R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2950R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2952R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2952R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2953R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2953R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_2954R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_33:
        case X310_USRP_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2940R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2940R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2942R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2942R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2943R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2943R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2944R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2945R_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2950R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2950R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2952R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2952R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2953R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2953R_120MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2954R_40MHz_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
        case X310_2955R_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
            return x300_impl::USRP_X310_MB;
        case X310_2974_PCIE_SSID_ADC_18:
            return x300_impl::USRP_X310_MB_NI_2974;
            return x300_impl::UNKNOWN;

/*! Map the motherboard type to a product name
std::string map_mb_type_to_product_name(
    const x300_impl::x300_mboard_t mb_type, const std::string& default_name = "")
    switch (mb_type) {
        case x300_impl::USRP_X300_MB:
            return "X300";
        case x300_impl::USRP_X310_MB:
            return "X310";
        case x300_impl::USRP_X310_MB_NI_2974:
            return "NI-2974";
            return default_name;

} // namespace

static x300_impl::udp_simple_factory_t x300_get_udp_factory(
    const device_addr_t& args)
    x300_impl::udp_simple_factory_t udp_make_connected = udp_simple::make_connected;
    if (args.has_key("use_dpdk")) {
#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
        udp_make_connected = [](const std::string& addr, const std::string& port) {
            auto& ctx = uhd::transport::uhd_dpdk_ctx::get();
            return dpdk_simple::make_connected(ctx, addr, port);
            "Detected use_dpdk argument, but DPDK support not built in.");
    return udp_make_connected;

 * Discovery over the udp and pcie transport
//@TODO: Refactor the find functions to collapse common code for ethernet and PCIe
static device_addrs_t x300_find_with_addr(const device_addr_t& hint)
    x300_impl::udp_simple_factory_t udp_make_broadcast = udp_simple::make_broadcast;
    x300_impl::udp_simple_factory_t udp_make_connected =
#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
    if (hint.has_key("use_dpdk")) {
        auto& dpdk_ctx = uhd::transport::uhd_dpdk_ctx::get();
        if (not dpdk_ctx.is_init_done()) {
        udp_make_broadcast = [](const std::string& addr, const std::string& port) {
            auto& ctx = uhd::transport::uhd_dpdk_ctx::get();
            return dpdk_simple::make_broadcast(ctx, addr, port);
    udp_simple::sptr comm =
        udp_make_broadcast(hint["addr"], BOOST_STRINGIZE(X300_FW_COMMS_UDP_PORT));

    // load request struct
    x300_fw_comms_t request = x300_fw_comms_t();
    request.flags           = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(X300_FW_COMMS_FLAGS_ACK);
    request.sequence        = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(std::rand());

    // send request
    comm->send(asio::buffer(&request, sizeof(request)));

    // loop for replies until timeout
    device_addrs_t addrs;
    while (true) {
        char buff[X300_FW_COMMS_MTU] = {};
        const size_t nbytes          = comm->recv(asio::buffer(buff), 0.050);
        if (nbytes == 0)
        const x300_fw_comms_t* reply = (const x300_fw_comms_t*)buff;
        if (request.flags != reply->flags)
        if (request.sequence != reply->sequence)
        device_addr_t new_addr;
        new_addr["type"] = "x300";
        new_addr["addr"] = comm->get_recv_addr();

        // Attempt to read the name from the EEPROM and perform filtering.
        // This operation can throw due to compatibility mismatch.
        try {
            wb_iface::sptr zpu_ctrl = x300_make_ctrl_iface_enet(
                    new_addr["addr"], BOOST_STRINGIZE(X300_FW_COMMS_UDP_PORT)),
                false /* Suppress timeout errors */

            new_addr["fpga"] = get_fpga_option(zpu_ctrl);

            i2c_core_100_wb32::sptr zpu_i2c =
                i2c_core_100_wb32::make(zpu_ctrl, I2C1_BASE);
            x300_mb_eeprom_iface::sptr eeprom_iface =
                x300_mb_eeprom_iface::make(zpu_ctrl, zpu_i2c);
            const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom = x300_impl::get_mb_eeprom(eeprom_iface);
            if (mb_eeprom.size() == 0
                or x300_impl::claim_status(zpu_ctrl) == x300_impl::CLAIMED_BY_OTHER) {
                // Skip device claimed by another process
            new_addr["name"]               = mb_eeprom["name"];
            new_addr["serial"]             = mb_eeprom["serial"];
            const std::string product_name = map_mb_type_to_product_name(
            if (!product_name.empty()) {
                new_addr["product"] = product_name;
        } catch (const std::exception&) {
            // set these values as empty string so the device may still be found
            // and the filter's below can still operate on the discovered device
            new_addr["name"]   = "";
            new_addr["serial"] = "";
        // filter the discovered device below by matching optional keys
        if ((not hint.has_key("name") or hint["name"] == new_addr["name"])
            and (not hint.has_key("serial") or hint["serial"] == new_addr["serial"])
            and (not hint.has_key("product") or hint["product"] == new_addr["product"])) {

    return addrs;

// We need a zpu xport registry to ensure synchronization between the static finder method
// and the instances of the x300_impl class.
typedef uhd::dict<std::string, boost::weak_ptr<wb_iface>> pcie_zpu_iface_registry_t;
UHD_SINGLETON_FCN(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_t, get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry)
static boost::mutex pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex;

static device_addrs_t x300_find_pcie(const device_addr_t& hint, bool explicit_query)
    std::string rpc_port_name(std::to_string(NIUSRPRIO_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT));
    if (hint.has_key("niusrpriorpc_port")) {
        rpc_port_name = hint["niusrpriorpc_port"];

    device_addrs_t addrs;
    niusrprio_session::device_info_vtr dev_info_vtr;
    nirio_status status = niusrprio_session::enumerate(rpc_port_name, dev_info_vtr);
    if (explicit_query)
            status, "x300_find_pcie: Error enumerating NI-RIO devices.");

    for (niusrprio_session::device_info& dev_info : dev_info_vtr) {
        device_addr_t new_addr;
        new_addr["type"]     = "x300";
        new_addr["resource"] = dev_info.resource_name;
        std::string resource_d(dev_info.resource_name);

        const std::string product_name = map_mb_type_to_product_name(
            x300_impl::get_mb_type_from_pcie(resource_d, rpc_port_name));
        if (product_name.empty()) {
        } else {
            new_addr["product"] = product_name;

        niriok_proxy::sptr kernel_proxy =

        // Attempt to read the name from the EEPROM and perform filtering.
        // This operation can throw due to compatibility mismatch.
        try {
            // This block could throw an exception if the user is switching to using UHD
            // after LabVIEW FPGA. In that case, skip reading the name and serial and pick
            // a default FPGA flavor. During make, a new image will be loaded and
            // everything will be OK

            wb_iface::sptr zpu_ctrl;

            // Hold on to the registry mutex as long as zpu_ctrl is alive
            // to prevent any use by different threads while enumerating
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex);

            if (get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().has_key(resource_d)) {
                zpu_ctrl = get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry()[resource_d].lock();
                if (!zpu_ctrl) {

            // if the registry didn't have a key OR that key was an orphaned weak_ptr
            if (!zpu_ctrl) {
                zpu_ctrl = x300_make_ctrl_iface_pcie(
                    kernel_proxy, false /* suppress timeout errors */);
                // We don't put this zpu_ctrl in the registry because we need
                // a persistent niriok_proxy associated with the object

            // Attempt to autodetect the FPGA type
            if (not hint.has_key("fpga")) {
                new_addr["fpga"] = get_fpga_option(zpu_ctrl);

            i2c_core_100_wb32::sptr zpu_i2c =
                i2c_core_100_wb32::make(zpu_ctrl, I2C1_BASE);
            x300_mb_eeprom_iface::sptr eeprom_iface =
                x300_mb_eeprom_iface::make(zpu_ctrl, zpu_i2c);
            const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom = x300_impl::get_mb_eeprom(eeprom_iface);
            if (mb_eeprom.size() == 0
                or x300_impl::claim_status(zpu_ctrl) == x300_impl::CLAIMED_BY_OTHER) {
                // Skip device claimed by another process
            new_addr["name"]   = mb_eeprom["name"];
            new_addr["serial"] = mb_eeprom["serial"];
        } catch (const std::exception&) {
            // set these values as empty string so the device may still be found
            // and the filter's below can still operate on the discovered device
            if (not hint.has_key("fpga")) {
                new_addr["fpga"] = "HG";
            new_addr["name"]   = "";
            new_addr["serial"] = "";

        // filter the discovered device below by matching optional keys
        std::string resource_i = hint.has_key("resource") ? hint["resource"] : "";

        if ((not hint.has_key("resource") or resource_i == resource_d)
            and (not hint.has_key("name") or hint["name"] == new_addr["name"])
            and (not hint.has_key("serial") or hint["serial"] == new_addr["serial"])
            and (not hint.has_key("product") or hint["product"] == new_addr["product"])) {
    return addrs;

device_addrs_t x300_find(const device_addr_t& hint_)
    // handle the multi-device discovery
    device_addrs_t hints = separate_device_addr(hint_);
    if (hints.size() > 1) {
        device_addrs_t found_devices;
        std::string error_msg;
        for (const device_addr_t& hint_i : hints) {
            device_addrs_t found_devices_i = x300_find(hint_i);
            if (found_devices_i.size() != 1)
                error_msg +=
                            "Could not resolve device hint \"%s\" to a single device.")
                        % hint_i.to_string());
        if (found_devices.empty())
            return device_addrs_t();
        if (not error_msg.empty())
            throw uhd::value_error(error_msg);

        return device_addrs_t(1, combine_device_addrs(found_devices));

    // initialize the hint for a single device case
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(hints.size() <= 1);
    hints.resize(1); // in case it was empty
    device_addr_t hint = hints[0];
    device_addrs_t addrs;
    if (hint.has_key("type") and hint["type"] != "x300")
        return addrs;

    // use the address given
    if (hint.has_key("addr")) {
        device_addrs_t reply_addrs;
        try {
            reply_addrs = x300_find_with_addr(hint);
        } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
            UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("X300") << "X300 Network discovery error " << ex.what();
        } catch (...) {
            UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("X300") << "X300 Network discovery unknown error ";
        return reply_addrs;

    if (!hint.has_key("resource")) {
        // otherwise, no address was specified, send a broadcast on each interface
        for (const if_addrs_t& if_addrs : get_if_addrs()) {
            // avoid the loopback device
            if (if_addrs.inet == asio::ip::address_v4::loopback().to_string())

            // create a new hint with this broadcast address
            device_addr_t new_hint = hint;
            new_hint["addr"]       = if_addrs.bcast;

            // call discover with the new hint and append results
            device_addrs_t new_addrs = x300_find(new_hint);
            // if we are looking for a serial, only add the one device with a matching
            // serial
            if (hint.has_key("serial")) {
                bool found_serial = false; // signal to break out of the interface loop
                for (device_addrs_t::iterator new_addr_it = new_addrs.begin();
                     new_addr_it != new_addrs.end();
                     new_addr_it++) {
                    if ((*new_addr_it)["serial"] == hint["serial"]) {
                        addrs.insert(addrs.begin(), *new_addr_it);
                        found_serial = true;
                if (found_serial)
            } else {
                // Otherwise, add all devices we find
                addrs.insert(addrs.begin(), new_addrs.begin(), new_addrs.end());

    device_addrs_t pcie_addrs = x300_find_pcie(hint, hint.has_key("resource"));
    if (not pcie_addrs.empty())
        addrs.insert(addrs.end(), pcie_addrs.begin(), pcie_addrs.end());

    return addrs;

 * Make
static device::sptr x300_make(const device_addr_t& device_addr)
    return device::sptr(new x300_impl(device_addr));

    device::register_device(&x300_find, &x300_make, device::USRP);

static void x300_load_fw(wb_iface::sptr fw_reg_ctrl, const std::string& file_name)
    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << "Loading firmware " << file_name;

    // load file into memory
    std::ifstream fw_file(file_name.c_str());
    uint32_t fw_file_buff[X300_FW_NUM_BYTES / sizeof(uint32_t)];
    fw_file.read((char*)fw_file_buff, sizeof(fw_file_buff));

    // Poke the fw words into the WB boot loader
    fw_reg_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(BOOT_LDR_BASE, BL_ADDRESS), 0);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < X300_FW_NUM_BYTES; i += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
        //@TODO: FIXME: Since x300_ctrl_iface acks each write and traps exceptions, the
        // first try for the last word
        //              written will print an error because it triggers a FW reload and
        //              fails to reply.
        fw_reg_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(BOOT_LDR_BASE, BL_DATA),
            uhd::byteswap(fw_file_buff[i / sizeof(uint32_t)]));

    // Wait for fimrware to reboot. 3s is an upper bound
    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << "Firmware loaded!";

x300_impl::x300_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t& dev_addr) : device3_impl(), _sid_framer(0)
    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << "X300 initialization sequence...";
    _tree->create<std::string>("/name").set("X-Series Device");

    _x300_make_udp_connected = x300_get_udp_factory(dev_addr);

    const device_addrs_t device_args = separate_device_addr(dev_addr);

    // Serialize the initialization process
    if (dev_addr.has_key("serialize_init") or device_args.size() == 1) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < device_args.size(); i++) {
            this->setup_mb(i, device_args[i]);

    // Initialize groups of USRPs in parallel
    size_t total_usrps = device_args.size();
    size_t num_usrps   = 0;
    while (num_usrps < total_usrps) {
        size_t init_usrps = std::min(total_usrps - num_usrps, x300::MAX_INIT_THREADS);
        boost::thread_group setup_threads;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < init_usrps; i++) {
            const size_t index = num_usrps + i;
            setup_threads.create_thread([this, index, device_args]() {
                this->setup_mb(index, device_args[index]);
        num_usrps += init_usrps;

void x300_impl::mboard_members_t::discover_eth(
    const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom, const std::vector<std::string>& ip_addrs)
    x300_impl::udp_simple_factory_t udp_make_connected =

    // Clear any previous addresses added

    // Index the MB EEPROM addresses
    std::vector<std::string> mb_eeprom_addrs;
    const size_t num_mb_eeprom_addrs = 4;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_mb_eeprom_addrs; i++) {
        const std::string key = "ip-addr" + boost::to_string(i);

        // Show a warning if there exists duplicate addresses in the mboard eeprom
        if (std::find(mb_eeprom_addrs.begin(), mb_eeprom_addrs.end(), mb_eeprom[key])
            != mb_eeprom_addrs.end()) {
            UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("X300") << str(
                    "Duplicate IP address %s found in mboard EEPROM. "
                    "Device may not function properly. View and reprogram the values "
                    "using the usrp_burn_mb_eeprom utility.")
                % mb_eeprom[key]);

    for (const std::string& addr : ip_addrs) {
        x300_eth_conn_t conn_iface;
        conn_iface.addr = addr;
        conn_iface.type = X300_IFACE_NONE;

        // Decide from the mboard eeprom what IP corresponds
        // to an interface
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mb_eeprom_addrs.size(); i++) {
            if (addr == mb_eeprom_addrs[i]) {
                // Choose the interface based on the index parity
                if (i % 2 == 0) {
                    conn_iface.type      = X300_IFACE_ETH0;
                    conn_iface.link_rate = loaded_fpga_image == "HG"
                                               ? x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE
                                               : x300::MAX_RATE_10GIGE;
                } else {
                    conn_iface.type      = X300_IFACE_ETH1;
                    conn_iface.link_rate = x300::MAX_RATE_10GIGE;

        // Check default IP addresses if we couldn't
        // determine the IP from the mboard eeprom
        if (conn_iface.type == X300_IFACE_NONE) {
            UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("X300") << str(
                    "Address %s not found in mboard EEPROM. Address may be wrong or "
                    "the EEPROM may be corrupt. Attempting to continue with default "
                    "IP addresses.")
                % conn_iface.addr);

            if (addr
                == boost::asio::ip::address_v4(uint32_t(X300_DEFAULT_IP_ETH0_1G))
                       .to_string()) {
                conn_iface.type      = X300_IFACE_ETH0;
                conn_iface.link_rate = x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE;
            } else if (addr
                       == boost::asio::ip::address_v4(uint32_t(X300_DEFAULT_IP_ETH1_1G))
                              .to_string()) {
                conn_iface.type      = X300_IFACE_ETH1;
                conn_iface.link_rate = x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE;
            } else if (addr
                       == boost::asio::ip::address_v4(uint32_t(X300_DEFAULT_IP_ETH0_10G))
                              .to_string()) {
                conn_iface.type      = X300_IFACE_ETH0;
                conn_iface.link_rate = x300::MAX_RATE_10GIGE;
            } else if (addr
                       == boost::asio::ip::address_v4(uint32_t(X300_DEFAULT_IP_ETH1_10G))
                              .to_string()) {
                conn_iface.type      = X300_IFACE_ETH1;
                conn_iface.link_rate = x300::MAX_RATE_10GIGE;
            } else {
                throw uhd::assertion_error(
                            "X300 Initialization Error: Failed to match address %s with "
                            "any addresses for the device. Please check the address.")
                        % conn_iface.addr));

        // Save to a vector of connections
        if (conn_iface.type != X300_IFACE_NONE) {
            // Check the address before we add it
            try {
                wb_iface::sptr zpu_ctrl = x300_make_ctrl_iface_enet(
                        conn_iface.addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(X300_FW_COMMS_UDP_PORT)),
                    false /* Suppress timeout errors */

                // Peek the ZPU ctrl to make sure this connection works

            // If the address does not work, throw an error
            catch (std::exception&) {
                throw uhd::io_error(
                    str(boost::format("X300 Initialization Error: Invalid address %s")
                        % conn_iface.addr));

    if (eth_conns.size() == 0)
        throw uhd::assertion_error(
            "X300 Initialization Error: No ethernet interfaces specified.");

void x300_impl::setup_mb(const size_t mb_i, const uhd::device_addr_t& dev_addr)
    const fs_path mb_path  = fs_path("/mboards") / mb_i;
    mboard_members_t& mb   = _mb[mb_i];
    mb.initialization_done = false;

    const std::string thread_id(
    const std::string thread_msg(
        "Thread ID " + thread_id + " for motherboard " + std::to_string(mb_i));


    std::vector<std::string> eth_addrs;
    // Not choosing eth0 based on resource might cause user issues
    std::string eth0_addr = dev_addr.has_key("resource") ? dev_addr["resource"]
                                                         : dev_addr["addr"];

    mb.next_src_addr    = 0; // Host source address for blocks
    mb.next_tx_src_addr = 0;
    mb.next_rx_src_addr = 0;
    if (not mb.args.get_second_addr().empty()) {
        std::string eth1_addr = mb.args.get_second_addr();

        // Ensure we do not have duplicate addresses
        if (eth1_addr != eth0_addr)

    // Initially store the first address provided to setup communication
    // Once we read the eeprom, we use it to map IP to its interface
    x300_eth_conn_t init;
    init.addr = eth_addrs[0];

    mb.xport_path           = dev_addr.has_key("resource") ? "nirio" : "eth";
    mb.if_pkt_is_big_endian = mb.xport_path != "nirio";

    if (mb.xport_path == "nirio") {
        nirio_status status = 0;

        const std::string rpc_port_name = mb.args.get_niusrprio_rpc_port();
            << boost::format("Connecting to niusrpriorpc at localhost:%s...")
                   % rpc_port_name;

        // Instantiate the correct lvbitx object
        nifpga_lvbitx::sptr lvbitx;
        switch (get_mb_type_from_pcie(mb.args.get_resource(), rpc_port_name)) {
            case USRP_X300_MB:
                lvbitx.reset(new x300_lvbitx(dev_addr["fpga"]));
            case USRP_X310_MB:
            case USRP_X310_MB_NI_2974:
                lvbitx.reset(new x310_lvbitx(dev_addr["fpga"]));
                    status, "Motherboard detection error. Please ensure that you \
                    have a valid USRP X3x0, NI USRP-294xR, NI USRP-295xR or NI USRP-2974 device and that all the device \
                    drivers have loaded successfully.");
        // Load the lvbitx onto the device
            << boost::format("Using LVBITX bitfile %s...") % lvbitx->get_bitfile_path();
            new niusrprio_session(dev_addr["resource"], rpc_port_name));
            mb.rio_fpga_interface->open(lvbitx, dev_addr.has_key("download-fpga")),
        nirio_status_to_exception(status, "x300_impl: Could not initialize RIO session.");

        // Tell the quirks object which FIFOs carry TX stream data
        const uint32_t tx_data_fifos[2] = {
            x300::RADIO_DEST_PREFIX_TX, x300::RADIO_DEST_PREFIX_TX + 3};
            tx_data_fifos, 2);

        _tree->create<size_t>(mb_path / "mtu/recv").set(x300::PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE);
        _tree->create<size_t>(mb_path / "mtu/send").set(x300::PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE);
        _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "link_max_rate").set(x300::MAX_RATE_PCIE);

    for (const std::string& key : dev_addr.keys()) {
        if (key.find("recv") != std::string::npos)
            mb.recv_args[key] = dev_addr[key];
        if (key.find("send") != std::string::npos)
            mb.send_args[key] = dev_addr[key];

#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
    if (dev_addr.has_key("use_dpdk")) {
        mb.recv_args["use_dpdk"] = dev_addr["use_dpdk"];
        mb.send_args["use_dpdk"] = dev_addr["use_dpdk"];

    // create basic communication
    UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("X300") << "Setting up basic communication...";
    if (mb.xport_path == "nirio") {
        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex);
        if (get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().has_key(mb.get_pri_eth().addr)) {
            throw uhd::assertion_error(
                "Someone else has a ZPU transport to the device open. Internal error!");
        } else {
            mb.zpu_ctrl =
            get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry()[mb.get_pri_eth().addr] =
    } else {
        mb.zpu_ctrl = x300_make_ctrl_iface_enet(_x300_make_udp_connected(
            mb.get_pri_eth().addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(X300_FW_COMMS_UDP_PORT)));

    // Claim device
    if (not try_to_claim(mb.zpu_ctrl)) {
        throw uhd::runtime_error("Failed to claim device");
    mb.claimer_task = uhd::task::make(
        [this, mb]() { this->claimer_loop(mb.zpu_ctrl); }, "x300_claimer");

    // extract the FW path for the X300
    // and live load fw over ethernet link
    if (mb.args.has_fw_file()) {
        const std::string x300_fw_image = find_image_path(mb.args.get_fw_file());
        x300_load_fw(mb.zpu_ctrl, x300_fw_image);

    // check compat numbers
    // check fpga compat before fw compat because the fw is a subset of the fpga image
    this->check_fpga_compat(mb_path, mb);
    this->check_fw_compat(mb_path, mb);

    mb.fw_regmap = boost::make_shared<fw_regmap_t>();
    mb.fw_regmap->initialize(*mb.zpu_ctrl.get(), true);

    // store which FPGA image is loaded
    mb.loaded_fpga_image = get_fpga_option(mb.zpu_ctrl);

    // low speed perif access
    mb.zpu_spi = spi_core_3000::make(
        mb.zpu_ctrl, SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_SR_SPI), SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_RB_SPI));
    mb.zpu_i2c = i2c_core_100_wb32::make(mb.zpu_ctrl, I2C1_BASE);
    mb.zpu_i2c->set_clock_rate(x300::BUS_CLOCK_RATE / 2);

    // print network routes mapping
    const uint32_t routes_addr = mb.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE,
    X300_FW_SHMEM_ROUTE_MAP_ADDR)); const uint32_t routes_len =
    mb.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_ROUTE_MAP_LEN));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < routes_len; i+=1)
        const uint32_t node_addr = mb.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(routes_addr, i*2+0));
        const uint32_t nbor_addr = mb.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(routes_addr, i*2+1));
        if (node_addr != 0 and nbor_addr != 0)
            UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << boost::format("%u: %s -> %s")
                % i
                % asio::ip::address_v4(node_addr).to_string()
                % asio::ip::address_v4(nbor_addr).to_string();

    // setup the mboard eeprom
    UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("X300") << "Loading values from EEPROM...";
    x300_mb_eeprom_iface::sptr eeprom16 =
        x300_mb_eeprom_iface::make(mb.zpu_ctrl, mb.zpu_i2c);
    if (mb.args.get_blank_eeprom()) {
        UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("X300") << "Obliterating the motherboard EEPROM...";
        eeprom16->write_eeprom(0x50, 0, byte_vector_t(256, 0xff));

    const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom = get_mb_eeprom(eeprom16);
        ->create<mboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "eeprom")
        // Initialize the property with a current copy of the EEPROM contents
        // Whenever this property is written, update the chip
        .add_coerced_subscriber([this, eeprom16](const mboard_eeprom_t& mb_eeprom) {
            this->set_mb_eeprom(eeprom16, mb_eeprom);

    if (mb.args.get_recover_mb_eeprom()) {
            << "UHD is operating in EEPROM Recovery Mode which disables hardware version "
               "checks.\nOperating in this mode may cause hardware damage and unstable "
               "radio performance!";

    // parse the product number
    const std::string product_name =
        map_mb_type_to_product_name(get_mb_type_from_eeprom(mb_eeprom), "X300?");
    if (product_name == "X300?") {
        if (not mb.args.get_recover_mb_eeprom()) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error(
                "Unrecognized product type.\n"
                "Either the software does not support this device in which "
                "case please update your driver software to the latest version "
                "and retry OR\n"
                "The product code in the EEPROM is corrupt and may require "
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "name").set(product_name);
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "codename").set("Yetti");

    // discover ethernet interfaces, frame sizes, and link rates
    if (mb.xport_path == "eth") {
        double link_max_rate = 0.0;

        // Discover ethernet interfaces
        mb.discover_eth(mb_eeprom, eth_addrs);

        /* This is an ETH connection. Figure out what the maximum supported frame
         * size is for the transport in the up and down directions. The frame size
         * depends on the host PC's NIC's MTU settings. To determine the frame size,
         * we test for support up to an expected "ceiling". If the user
         * specified a frame size, we use that frame size as the ceiling. If no
         * frame size was specified, we use the maximum UHD frame size.
         * To optimize performance, the frame size should be greater than or equal
         * to the frame size that UHD uses so that frames don't get split across
         * multiple transmission units - this is why the limits passed into the
         * 'determine_max_frame_size' function are actually frame sizes. */
        frame_size_t req_max_frame_size;
        req_max_frame_size.recv_frame_size =
                ? boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(mb.recv_args["recv_frame_size"])
                : x300::DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE;
        req_max_frame_size.send_frame_size =
                ? boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(mb.send_args["send_frame_size"])
                : x300::DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE;

        const std::string mtu_tool("ip link");
#elif defined UHD_PLATFORM_WIN32
        const std::string mtu_tool("netsh");
        const std::string mtu_tool("ifconfig");

        // Detect the frame size on the path to the USRP
        try {
            frame_size_t pri_frame_sizes =
                determine_max_frame_size(eth_addrs.at(0), req_max_frame_size);

            _max_frame_sizes = pri_frame_sizes;
            if (eth_addrs.size() > 1) {
                frame_size_t sec_frame_sizes =
                    determine_max_frame_size(eth_addrs.at(1), req_max_frame_size);

                // Choose the minimum of the max frame sizes
                // to ensure we don't exceed any one of the links' MTU
                _max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size = std::min(
                    pri_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size, sec_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size);

                _max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size = std::min(
                    pri_frame_sizes.send_frame_size, sec_frame_sizes.send_frame_size);
        } catch (std::exception& e) {
            UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("X300") << e.what();

        if ((mb.recv_args.has_key("recv_frame_size"))
            && (req_max_frame_size.recv_frame_size > _max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size)) {
                << boost::format("You requested a receive frame size of (%lu) but your "
                                 "NIC's max frame size is (%lu).")
                       % req_max_frame_size.recv_frame_size
                       % _max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size
                << boost::format("Please verify your NIC's MTU setting using '%s' or set "
                                 "the recv_frame_size argument appropriately.")
                       % mtu_tool
                << "UHD will use the auto-detected max frame size for this connection.";

        if ((mb.send_args.has_key("send_frame_size"))
            && (req_max_frame_size.send_frame_size > _max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size)) {
                << boost::format("You requested a send frame size of (%lu) but your "
                                 "NIC's max frame size is (%lu).")
                       % req_max_frame_size.send_frame_size
                       % _max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size
                << boost::format("Please verify your NIC's MTU setting using '%s' or set "
                                 "the send_frame_size argument appropriately.")
                       % mtu_tool
                << "UHD will use the auto-detected max frame size for this connection.";

        // Check frame sizes
        for (auto conn : mb.eth_conns) {
            link_max_rate += conn.link_rate;

            size_t rec_send_frame_size = conn.link_rate == x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE
                                             ? x300::GE_DATA_FRAME_SEND_SIZE
                                             : x300::XGE_DATA_FRAME_SEND_SIZE;
            size_t rec_recv_frame_size = conn.link_rate == x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE
                                             ? x300::GE_DATA_FRAME_RECV_SIZE
                                             : x300::XGE_DATA_FRAME_RECV_SIZE;

            if (_max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size < rec_send_frame_size) {
                    << boost::format("For the %s connection, UHD recommends a send frame "
                                     "size of at least %lu for best\nperformance, but "
                                     "your configuration will only allow %lu.")
                           % conn.addr % rec_send_frame_size
                           % _max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size
                    << "This may negatively impact your maximum achievable sample "
                       "rate.\nCheck the MTU on the interface and/or the send_frame_size "

            if (_max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size < rec_recv_frame_size) {
                    << boost::format("For the %s connection, UHD recommends a receive "
                                     "frame size of at least %lu for best\nperformance, "
                                     "but your configuration will only allow %lu.")
                           % conn.addr % rec_recv_frame_size
                           % _max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size
                    << "This may negatively impact your maximum achievable sample "
                       "rate.\nCheck the MTU on the interface and/or the recv_frame_size "

        _tree->create<size_t>(mb_path / "mtu/recv").set(_max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size);
        _tree->create<size_t>(mb_path / "mtu/send").set(_max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size);
        _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "link_max_rate").set(link_max_rate);

    // read hardware revision and compatibility number
    mb.hw_rev = 0;
    if (mb_eeprom.has_key("revision") and not mb_eeprom["revision"].empty()) {
        try {
            mb.hw_rev = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(mb_eeprom["revision"]);
        } catch (...) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error(
                "Revision in EEPROM is invalid! Please reprogram your EEPROM.");
    } else {
        throw uhd::runtime_error("No revision detected. MB EEPROM must be reprogrammed!");

    size_t hw_rev_compat = 0;
    if (mb.hw_rev >= 7) { // Revision compat was added with revision 7
        if (mb_eeprom.has_key("revision_compat")
            and not mb_eeprom["revision_compat"].empty()) {
            try {
                hw_rev_compat = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(mb_eeprom["revision_compat"]);
            } catch (...) {
                throw uhd::runtime_error("Revision compat in EEPROM is invalid! Please "
                                         "reprogram your EEPROM.");
        } else {
            throw uhd::runtime_error(
                "No revision compat detected. MB EEPROM must be reprogrammed!");
    } else {
        // For older HW just assume that revision_compat = revision
        hw_rev_compat = mb.hw_rev;

    if (hw_rev_compat > X300_REVISION_COMPAT) {
        throw uhd::runtime_error(
            str(boost::format("Hardware is too new for this software. Please upgrade to "
                              "a driver that supports hardware revision %d.")
                % mb.hw_rev));
    } else if (mb.hw_rev < X300_REVISION_MIN) { // Compare min against the revision (and
                                                // not compat) to give us more leeway for
                                                // partial support for a compat
        throw uhd::runtime_error(
            str(boost::format("Software is too new for this hardware. Please downgrade "
                              "to a driver that supports hardware revision %d.")
                % mb.hw_rev));

    // create clock control objects
    UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("X300") << "Setting up RF frontend clocking...";

    // Initialize clock control registers. NOTE: This does not configure the LMK yet.
    mb.clock = x300_clock_ctrl::make(mb.zpu_spi,
        1 /*slaveno*/,
        fw_regmap_t::ref_freq_reg_t::REF_FREQ, uint32_t(mb.args.get_system_ref_rate()));

    // Initialize clock source to use internal reference and generate
    // a valid radio clock. This may change after configuration is done.
    // This will configure the LMK and wait for lock
    update_clock_source(mb, mb.args.get_clock_source());

    // create clock properties
    _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "master_clock_rate").set_publisher([mb]() {
        return mb.clock->get_master_clock_rate();

    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << "Radio 1x clock: "
                            << (mb.clock->get_master_clock_rate() / 1e6) << " MHz";

    // Create the GPSDO control
    static const uint32_t dont_look_for_gpsdo = 0x1234abcdul;

    // otherwise if not disabled, look for the internal GPSDO
    if (mb.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_GPSDO_STATUS))
        != dont_look_for_gpsdo) {
        UHD_LOG_DEBUG("X300", "Detecting internal GPSDO....");
        try {
            // gps_ctrl will print its own log statements if a GPSDO was found
            mb.gps = gps_ctrl::make(x300_make_uart_iface(mb.zpu_ctrl));
        } catch (std::exception& e) {
                << "An error occurred making GPSDO control: " << e.what();
        if (mb.gps and mb.gps->gps_detected()) {
            for (const std::string& name : mb.gps->get_sensors()) {
                _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors" / name)
                    .set_publisher([&mb, name]() { return mb.gps->get_sensor(name); });
        } else {
            mb.zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_GPSDO_STATUS),

    // setup time sources and properties
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "time_source" / "value")
        .add_coerced_subscriber([this, &mb](const std::string& time_source) {
            this->update_time_source(mb, time_source);
    static const std::vector<std::string> time_sources = {
        "internal", "external", "gpsdo"};
    _tree->create<std::vector<std::string>>(mb_path / "time_source" / "options")

    // setup the time output, default to ON
    _tree->create<bool>(mb_path / "time_source" / "output")
        .add_coerced_subscriber([this, &mb](const bool time_output) {
            this->set_time_source_out(mb, time_output);

    // setup clock sources and properties
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "clock_source" / "value")
        .add_coerced_subscriber([this, &mb](const std::string& clock_source) {
            this->update_clock_source(mb, clock_source);
    static const std::vector<std::string> clock_source_options = {
        "internal", "external", "gpsdo"};
    _tree->create<std::vector<std::string>>(mb_path / "clock_source" / "options")

    // setup external reference options. default to 10 MHz input reference
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "clock_source" / "external");
            mb_path / "clock_source" / "external" / "freq" / "options")
    _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "clock_source" / "external" / "value")
    // FIXME the external clock source settings need to be more robust

    // setup the clock output, default to ON
    _tree->create<bool>(mb_path / "clock_source" / "output")
            [&mb](const bool clock_output) { mb.clock->set_ref_out(clock_output); });

    // Initialize tick rate (must be done before setting time)
    // Note: The master tick rate can't be changed at runtime!
    const double master_clock_rate = mb.clock->get_master_clock_rate();
    _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
        .set_coercer([master_clock_rate](const double rate) {
            // The contract of multi_usrp::set_master_clock_rate() is to coerce
            // and not throw, so we'll follow that behaviour here.
            if (!uhd::math::frequencies_are_equal(rate, master_clock_rate)) {
                    << "Cannot update master clock rate! X300 Series does not "
                       "allow changing the clock rate during runtime.";
            return master_clock_rate;
            [this](const double rate) { this->update_tx_streamers(rate); })
            [this](const double rate) { this->update_rx_streamers(rate); })

    // and do the misc mboard sensors
    _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors" / "ref_locked")
        .set_publisher([this, &mb]() { return this->get_ref_locked(mb); });

    //////////////// RFNOC /////////////////
    const size_t n_rfnoc_blocks = mb.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_RB_NUM_CE));
        x300::XB_DST_PCI + 1, /* base port */
        uhd::sid_t(x300::SRC_ADDR0, 0, x300::DST_ADDR + mb_i, 0),
    //////////////// RFNOC /////////////////

    // If we have a radio, we must configure its codec control:
    const std::string radio_blockid_hint = str(boost::format("%d/Radio") % mb_i);
    std::vector<rfnoc::block_id_t> radio_ids =
    if (not radio_ids.empty()) {
        if (radio_ids.size() > 2) {
                << "Too many Radio Blocks found. Using only the first two.";

        for (const rfnoc::block_id_t& id : radio_ids) {
            rfnoc::x300_radio_ctrl_impl::sptr radio(

        // ADC test and cal
        if (mb.args.get_self_cal_adc_delay()) {
                [this, &mb](const double timeout) {
                    return this->wait_for_clk_locked(
                        mb, fw_regmap_t::clk_status_reg_t::LMK_LOCK, timeout);
                true /* Apply ADC delay */);
        if (mb.args.get_ext_adc_self_test()) {
                mb.radios, mb.args.get_ext_adc_self_test_duration());
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < mb.radios.size(); i++) {

        // Synchronize times (dboard initialization can desynchronize them)
        if (radio_ids.size() == 2) {
            this->sync_times(mb, mb.radios[0]->get_time_now());

    } else {
        UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << "No Radio Block found. Assuming radio-less operation.";
    } /* end of radio block(s) initialization */

    mb.initialization_done = true;

    try {
        for (mboard_members_t& mb : _mb) {
            // kill the claimer task and unclaim the device
            { // Critical section
                boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(pcie_zpu_iface_registry_mutex);
                // If the process is killed, the entire registry will disappear so we
                // don't need to worry about unclean shutdowns here.
                if (get_pcie_zpu_iface_registry().has_key(mb.get_pri_eth().addr)) {
    } catch (...) {

uint32_t x300_impl::mboard_members_t::allocate_pcie_dma_chan(
    const uhd::sid_t& tx_sid, const xport_type_t xport_type)
    static const uint32_t CTRL_CHANNEL       = 0;
    static const uint32_t ASYNC_MSG_CHANNEL  = 1;
    static const uint32_t FIRST_DATA_CHANNEL = 2;
    if (xport_type == CTRL) {
        return CTRL_CHANNEL;
    } else if (xport_type == ASYNC_MSG) {
        return ASYNC_MSG_CHANNEL;
    } else {
        // sid_t has no comparison defined, so we need to convert it uint32_t
        uint32_t raw_sid = tx_sid.get();

        if (_dma_chan_pool.count(raw_sid) == 0) {
            size_t channel = _dma_chan_pool.size() + FIRST_DATA_CHANNEL;
            if (channel > x300::PCIE_MAX_CHANNELS) {
                throw uhd::runtime_error(
                    "Trying to allocate more DMA channels than are available");
            _dma_chan_pool[raw_sid] = channel;
                << "Assigning PCIe DMA channel " << _dma_chan_pool[raw_sid] << " to SID "
                << tx_sid.to_pp_string_hex();

        return _dma_chan_pool[raw_sid];

static uint32_t extract_sid_from_pkt(void* pkt, size_t)
    return uhd::sid_t(uhd::wtohx(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(pkt)[1])).get_dst();

static uhd::transport::muxed_zero_copy_if::sptr make_muxed_pcie_msg_xport(
    uhd::niusrprio::niusrprio_session::sptr rio_fpga_interface,
    uint32_t dma_channel_num,
    size_t max_muxed_ports)
    zero_copy_xport_params buff_args;
    buff_args.send_frame_size = x300::PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE;
    buff_args.recv_frame_size = x300::PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE;
    buff_args.num_send_frames = x300::PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES;
    buff_args.num_recv_frames = x300::PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES;

    zero_copy_if::sptr base_xport = nirio_zero_copy::make(
        rio_fpga_interface, dma_channel_num, buff_args, uhd::device_addr_t());
    return muxed_zero_copy_if::make(base_xport, extract_sid_from_pkt, max_muxed_ports);

uhd::both_xports_t x300_impl::make_transport(const uhd::sid_t& address,
    const xport_type_t xport_type,
    const uhd::device_addr_t& args)
    const size_t mb_index                = address.get_dst_addr() - x300::DST_ADDR;
    mboard_members_t& mb                 = _mb[mb_index];
    const uhd::device_addr_t& xport_args = (xport_type == CTRL) ? uhd::device_addr_t()
                                                                : args;
    zero_copy_xport_params default_buff_args;

    both_xports_t xports;
    xports.endianness = mb.if_pkt_is_big_endian ? ENDIANNESS_BIG : ENDIANNESS_LITTLE;
    if (mb.xport_path == "nirio") {
        xports.lossless = true;
        xports.send_sid =
            this->allocate_sid(mb, address, x300::SRC_ADDR0, x300::XB_DST_PCI);
        xports.recv_sid = xports.send_sid.reversed();

        uint32_t dma_channel_num = mb.allocate_pcie_dma_chan(xports.send_sid, xport_type);
        if (xport_type == CTRL) {
            // Transport for control stream
            if (not mb.ctrl_dma_xport) {
                // One underlying DMA channel will handle
                // all control traffic
                mb.ctrl_dma_xport = make_muxed_pcie_msg_xport(mb.rio_fpga_interface,
            // Create a virtual control transport
            xports.recv = mb.ctrl_dma_xport->make_stream(xports.recv_sid.get_dst());
        } else if (xport_type == ASYNC_MSG) {
            // Transport for async message stream
            if (not mb.async_msg_dma_xport) {
                // One underlying DMA channel will handle
                // all async message traffic
                mb.async_msg_dma_xport = make_muxed_pcie_msg_xport(mb.rio_fpga_interface,
            // Create a virtual async message transport
            xports.recv = mb.async_msg_dma_xport->make_stream(xports.recv_sid.get_dst());
        } else {
            // Transport for data stream
            default_buff_args.send_frame_size = (xport_type == TX_DATA)
                                                    ? x300::PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE
                                                    : x300::PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE;

            default_buff_args.recv_frame_size = (xport_type == RX_DATA)
                                                    ? x300::PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE
                                                    : x300::PCIE_MSG_FRAME_SIZE;

            default_buff_args.num_send_frames = (xport_type == TX_DATA)
                                                    ? x300::PCIE_TX_DATA_NUM_FRAMES
                                                    : x300::PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES;

            default_buff_args.num_recv_frames = (xport_type == RX_DATA)
                                                    ? x300::PCIE_RX_DATA_NUM_FRAMES
                                                    : x300::PCIE_MSG_NUM_FRAMES;

            xports.recv = nirio_zero_copy::make(
                mb.rio_fpga_interface, dma_channel_num, default_buff_args, xport_args);

        xports.send = xports.recv;

        // Router config word is:
        // - Upper 16 bits: Destination address (e.g. 0.0)
        // - Lower 16 bits: DMA channel
        uint32_t router_config_word = (xports.recv_sid.get_dst() << 16) | dma_channel_num;
            PCIE_ROUTER_REG(0), router_config_word);

        // For the nirio transport, buffer size is depends on the frame size and num
        // frames
        xports.recv_buff_size =
            xports.recv->get_num_recv_frames() * xports.recv->get_recv_frame_size();
        xports.send_buff_size =
            xports.send->get_num_send_frames() * xports.send->get_send_frame_size();

#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
    } else if (mb.xport_path == "eth" and mb.recv_args.has_key("use_dpdk")) {
        auto& dpdk_ctx = uhd::transport::uhd_dpdk_ctx::get();
        // Decide on the IP/Interface pair based on the endpoint index
        size_t& next_src_addr = xport_type == TX_DATA
                                    ? mb.next_tx_src_addr
                                    : xport_type == RX_DATA ? mb.next_rx_src_addr
                                                            : mb.next_src_addr;
        x300_eth_conn_t conn         = mb.eth_conns[next_src_addr];
        const uint32_t xbar_src_addr = next_src_addr == 0 ? x300::SRC_ADDR0
                                                          : x300::SRC_ADDR1;
        const uint32_t xbar_src_dst = conn.type == X300_IFACE_ETH0 ? x300::XB_DST_E0
                                                                   : x300::XB_DST_E1;

        // Do not increment src addr for tx_data by default, using dual ethernet
        // with the DMA FIFO causes sequence errors to DMA FIFO bandwidth
        // limitations.
        if (xport_type != TX_DATA || mb.args.get_enable_tx_dual_eth()) {
            next_src_addr = (next_src_addr + 1) % mb.eth_conns.size();

        xports.send_sid = this->allocate_sid(mb, address, xbar_src_addr, xbar_src_dst);
        xports.recv_sid = xports.send_sid.reversed();

        // Set size and number of frames
        size_t system_max_send_frame_size = (size_t)_max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size;
        size_t system_max_recv_frame_size = (size_t)_max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size;
        default_buff_args.send_frame_size = xport_args.cast<size_t>("send_frame_size",
            std::min(system_max_send_frame_size, x300::ETH_MSG_FRAME_SIZE));
        default_buff_args.recv_frame_size = xport_args.cast<size_t>("recv_frame_size",
            std::min(system_max_recv_frame_size, x300::ETH_MSG_FRAME_SIZE));
        default_buff_args.num_recv_frames =
            xport_args.cast<size_t>("num_recv_frames", x300::ETH_MSG_NUM_FRAMES);
        default_buff_args.num_send_frames =
            xport_args.cast<size_t>("num_send_frames", x300::ETH_MSG_NUM_FRAMES);
        if (xport_type == CTRL) {
            // Increasing number of recv frames here because ctrl_iface uses it
            // to determine how many control packets can be in flight before it
            // must wait for an ACK
            default_buff_args.num_recv_frames =
                uhd::rfnoc::CMD_FIFO_SIZE / uhd::rfnoc::MAX_CMD_PKT_SIZE;

        int dpdk_port_id = dpdk_ctx.get_route(conn.addr);
        if (dpdk_port_id < 0) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error("Could not find a DPDK port with route to " +
        auto recv = transport::dpdk_zero_copy::make(
            (const unsigned int) dpdk_port_id,

        xports.recv = recv; // Note: This is a type cast!
        xports.send = xports.recv;
        xports.recv_buff_size = (default_buff_args.recv_frame_size-X300_UDP_RESERVED_FRAME_SIZE)*default_buff_args.num_recv_frames;
        xports.send_buff_size = (default_buff_args.send_frame_size-X300_UDP_RESERVED_FRAME_SIZE)*default_buff_args.num_send_frames;
        UHD_LOG_TRACE("BUFF", "num_recv_frames=" << default_buff_args.num_recv_frames
                         << ", num_send_frames=" << default_buff_args.num_send_frames
                         << ", recv_frame_size=" << default_buff_args.recv_frame_size
                         << ", send_frame_size=" << default_buff_args.send_frame_size);
        // send a mini packet with SID into the ZPU
        // ZPU will reprogram the ethernet framer
        UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("X300") << "programming packet for new xport on " << conn.addr
                                 << " sid " << xports.send_sid;
        // YES, get a __send__ buffer from the __recv__ socket
        //-- this is the only way to program the framer for recv:
        managed_send_buffer::sptr buff = xports.recv->get_send_buff();
        buff->cast<uint32_t*>()[0]     = 0; // eth dispatch looks for != 0
        buff->cast<uint32_t*>()[1]     = uhd::htonx(xports.send_sid.get());

        // reprogram the ethernet dispatcher's udp port (should be safe to always set)
        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("X300") << "reprogram the ethernet dispatcher's udp port";
            SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, (ZPU_SR_ETHINT0 + 8 + 3)), X300_VITA_UDP_PORT);
            SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, (ZPU_SR_ETHINT1 + 8 + 3)), X300_VITA_UDP_PORT);

        // Do a peek to an arbitrary address to guarantee that the
        // ethernet framer has been programmed before we return.
    } else if (mb.xport_path == "eth") {
        // Decide on the IP/Interface pair based on the endpoint index
        size_t& next_src_addr = xport_type == TX_DATA
                                    ? mb.next_tx_src_addr
                                    : xport_type == RX_DATA ? mb.next_rx_src_addr
                                                            : mb.next_src_addr;
        x300_eth_conn_t conn         = mb.eth_conns[next_src_addr];
        const uint32_t xbar_src_addr = next_src_addr == 0 ? x300::SRC_ADDR0
                                                          : x300::SRC_ADDR1;
        const uint32_t xbar_src_dst = conn.type == X300_IFACE_ETH0 ? x300::XB_DST_E0
                                                                   : x300::XB_DST_E1;

        // Do not increment src addr for tx_data by default, using dual ethernet
        // with the DMA FIFO causes sequence errors to DMA FIFO bandwidth
        // limitations.
        if (xport_type != TX_DATA || mb.args.get_enable_tx_dual_eth()) {
            next_src_addr = (next_src_addr + 1) % mb.eth_conns.size();

        xports.send_sid = this->allocate_sid(mb, address, xbar_src_addr, xbar_src_dst);
        xports.recv_sid = xports.send_sid.reversed();

        // Set size and number of frames
        size_t system_max_send_frame_size = (size_t)_max_frame_sizes.send_frame_size;
        size_t system_max_recv_frame_size = (size_t)_max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size;
        default_buff_args.send_frame_size =
            std::min(system_max_send_frame_size, x300::ETH_MSG_FRAME_SIZE);
        default_buff_args.recv_frame_size =
            std::min(system_max_recv_frame_size, x300::ETH_MSG_FRAME_SIZE);
        // Buffering is done in the socket buffers, so size them relative to
        // the link rate
        default_buff_args.send_buff_size = conn.link_rate / 50; // 20ms
        default_buff_args.recv_buff_size = std::max(conn.link_rate / 50,
                * x300::ETH_MSG_FRAME_SIZE); // enough to hold greater of 20ms or number
                                             // of msg frames
        // There is no need for more than 1 send and recv frame since the
        // buffering is done in the socket buffers
        default_buff_args.num_send_frames = 1;
        default_buff_args.num_recv_frames = 1;
        if (xport_type == CTRL) {
            // Increasing number of recv frames here because ctrl_iface uses it
            // to determine how many control packets can be in flight before it
            // must wait for an ACK
            default_buff_args.num_recv_frames =
                uhd::rfnoc::CMD_FIFO_SIZE / uhd::rfnoc::MAX_CMD_PKT_SIZE;
        } else if (xport_type == TX_DATA) {
            size_t default_frame_size = conn.link_rate == x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE
                                            ? x300::GE_DATA_FRAME_SEND_SIZE
                                            : x300::XGE_DATA_FRAME_SEND_SIZE;
            default_buff_args.send_frame_size = args.cast<size_t>("send_frame_size",
                std::min(default_frame_size, system_max_send_frame_size));
            if (default_buff_args.send_frame_size > system_max_send_frame_size) {
                    << boost::format("Requested send_frame_size of %d exceeds the "
                                     "maximum allowed on the %s connection.  Using %d.")
                           % default_buff_args.send_frame_size % conn.addr
                           % system_max_send_frame_size;
                default_buff_args.send_frame_size = system_max_send_frame_size;
        } else if (xport_type == RX_DATA) {
            size_t default_frame_size = conn.link_rate == x300::MAX_RATE_1GIGE
                                            ? x300::GE_DATA_FRAME_RECV_SIZE
                                            : x300::XGE_DATA_FRAME_RECV_SIZE;
            default_buff_args.recv_frame_size = args.cast<size_t>("recv_frame_size",
                std::min(default_frame_size, system_max_recv_frame_size));
            if (default_buff_args.recv_frame_size > system_max_recv_frame_size) {
                    << boost::format("Requested recv_frame_size of %d exceeds the "
                                     "maximum allowed on the %s connection.  Using %d.")
                           % default_buff_args.recv_frame_size % conn.addr
                           % system_max_recv_frame_size;
                default_buff_args.recv_frame_size = system_max_recv_frame_size;
            default_buff_args.num_recv_frames =
                2; // set some buffers so the offload thread actually offloads the socket
                   // I/O

        // make a new transport - fpga has no idea how to talk to us on this yet
        udp_zero_copy::buff_params buff_params;
        xports.recv = udp_zero_copy::make(conn.addr,

        // Create a threaded transport for the receive chain only
        // Note that this shouldn't affect PCIe
        if (xport_type == RX_DATA) {
            xports.recv = zero_copy_recv_offload::make(
                xports.recv, x300::RECV_OFFLOAD_BUFFER_TIMEOUT);
        xports.send = xports.recv;

        // For the UDP transport the buffer size is the size of the socket buffer
        // in the kernel
        xports.recv_buff_size = buff_params.recv_buff_size;
        xports.send_buff_size = buff_params.send_buff_size;

        // clear the ethernet dispatcher's udp port
        // NOT clearing this, the dispatcher is now intelligent
        //_zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, (ZPU_SR_ETHINT0+8+3)), 0);

        // send a mini packet with SID into the ZPU
        // ZPU will reprogram the ethernet framer
        UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("X300") << "programming packet for new xport on " << conn.addr
                                 << " sid " << xports.send_sid;
        // YES, get a __send__ buffer from the __recv__ socket
        //-- this is the only way to program the framer for recv:
        managed_send_buffer::sptr buff = xports.recv->get_send_buff();
        buff->cast<uint32_t*>()[0]     = 0; // eth dispatch looks for != 0
        buff->cast<uint32_t*>()[1]     = uhd::htonx(xports.send_sid.get());

        // reprogram the ethernet dispatcher's udp port (should be safe to always set)
        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("X300") << "reprogram the ethernet dispatcher's udp port";
            SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, (ZPU_SR_ETHINT0 + 8 + 3)), X300_VITA_UDP_PORT);
            SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, (ZPU_SR_ETHINT1 + 8 + 3)), X300_VITA_UDP_PORT);

        // Do a peek to an arbitrary address to guarantee that the
        // ethernet framer has been programmed before we return.
    return xports;

uhd::sid_t x300_impl::allocate_sid(mboard_members_t& mb,
    const uhd::sid_t& address,
    const uint32_t src_addr,
    const uint32_t src_dst)
    uhd::sid_t sid = address;
    sid.set_src_endpoint(_sid_framer++); // increment for next setup

    // TODO Move all of this setup_mb()
    // Program the X300 to recognise it's own local address.
    mb.zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_SR_XB_LOCAL), address.get_dst_addr());
    // Program CAM entry for outgoing packets matching a X300 resource (for example a
    // Radio) This type of packet matches the XB_LOCAL address and is looked up in the
    // upper half of the CAM
    mb.zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(SETXB_BASE, 256 + address.get_dst_endpoint()),
    // Program CAM entry for returning packets to us (for example GR host via Eth0)
    // This type of packet does not match the XB_LOCAL address and is looked up in the
    // lower half of the CAM
    mb.zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(SETXB_BASE, 0 + src_addr), src_dst);

    UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("X300") << "done router config for sid " << sid;

    return sid;

 * clock and time control logic
void x300_impl::set_time_source_out(mboard_members_t& mb, const bool enb)
        fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::PPS_OUT_EN, enb ? 1 : 0);

void x300_impl::update_clock_source(mboard_members_t& mb, const std::string& source)
    // Optimize for the case when the current source is internal and we are trying
    // to set it to internal. This is the only case where we are guaranteed that
    // the clock has not gone away so we can skip setting the MUX and reseting the LMK.
    const bool reconfigure_clks = (mb.current_refclk_src != "internal")
                                  or (source != "internal");
    if (reconfigure_clks) {
        // Update the clock MUX on the motherboard to select the requested source
        if (source == "internal") {
            mb.fw_regmap->clock_ctrl_reg.set(fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::TCXO_EN, 1);
        } else if (source == "external") {
            mb.fw_regmap->clock_ctrl_reg.set(fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::TCXO_EN, 0);
        } else if (source == "gpsdo") {
            mb.fw_regmap->clock_ctrl_reg.set(fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::TCXO_EN, 0);
        } else {
            throw uhd::key_error("update_clock_source: unknown source: " + source);

        // Reset the LMK to make sure it re-locks to the new reference

    // Wait for the LMK to lock (always, as a sanity check that the clock is useable)
    //* Currently the LMK can take as long as 30 seconds to lock to a reference but we
    // don't
    //* want to wait that long during initialization.
    // TODO: Need to verify timeout and settings to make sure lock can be achieved in
    // < 1.0 seconds
    double timeout = mb.initialization_done ? 30.0 : 1.0;

    // The programming code in x300_clock_ctrl is not compatible with revs <= 4 and may
    // lead to locking issues. So, disable the ref-locked check for older (unsupported)
    // boards.
    if (mb.hw_rev > 4) {
        if (not wait_for_clk_locked(
                mb, fw_regmap_t::clk_status_reg_t::LMK_LOCK, timeout)) {
            // failed to lock on reference
            if (mb.initialization_done) {
                throw uhd::runtime_error(
                    (boost::format("Reference Clock PLL failed to lock to %s source.")
                        % source)
            } else {
                // TODO: Re-enable this warning when we figure out a reliable lock time
                // UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("X300") << "Reference clock failed to lock to " +
                // source + " during device initialization.  " <<
                //    "Check for the lock before operation or ignore this warning if using
                //    another clock source." ;

    if (reconfigure_clks) {
        // Reset the radio clock PLL in the FPGA
        mb.zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_SR_SW_RST), 0);

        // Wait for radio clock PLL to lock
        if (not wait_for_clk_locked(
                mb, fw_regmap_t::clk_status_reg_t::RADIO_CLK_LOCK, 0.01)) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error(
                (boost::format("Reference Clock PLL in FPGA failed to lock to %s source.")
                    % source)

        // Reset the IDELAYCTRL used to calibrate the data interface delays
        mb.zpu_ctrl->poke32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_SR_SW_RST), 0);

        // Wait for the ADC IDELAYCTRL to be ready
        if (not wait_for_clk_locked(
                mb, fw_regmap_t::clk_status_reg_t::IDELAYCTRL_LOCK, 0.01)) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error(
                     "ADC Calibration Clock in FPGA failed to lock to %s source.")
                    % source)

        // Reset ADCs and DACs
        for (rfnoc::x300_radio_ctrl_impl::sptr r : mb.radios) {

    // Update cache value
    mb.current_refclk_src = source;

void x300_impl::update_time_source(mboard_members_t& mb, const std::string& source)
    if (source == "internal") {
    } else if (source == "external") {
    } else if (source == "gpsdo") {
    } else {
        throw uhd::key_error("update_time_source: unknown source: " + source);

    /* TODO - Implement intelligent PPS detection
    //check for valid pps
    if (!is_pps_present(mb)) {
        throw uhd::runtime_error((boost::format("The %d PPS was not detected.  Please
    check the PPS source and try again.") % source).str());

void x300_impl::sync_times(mboard_members_t& mb, const uhd::time_spec_t& t)
    std::vector<rfnoc::block_id_t> radio_ids =
    for (const rfnoc::block_id_t& id : radio_ids) {

    mb.fw_regmap->clock_ctrl_reg.write(fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::TIME_SYNC, 0);
    mb.fw_regmap->clock_ctrl_reg.write(fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::TIME_SYNC, 1);
    mb.fw_regmap->clock_ctrl_reg.write(fw_regmap_t::clk_ctrl_reg_t::TIME_SYNC, 0);

bool x300_impl::wait_for_clk_locked(mboard_members_t& mb, uint32_t which, double timeout)
    const auto timeout_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()
                              + std::chrono::milliseconds(int64_t(timeout * 1000));
    do {
        if (mb.fw_regmap->clock_status_reg.read(which) == 1) {
            return true;
    } while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < timeout_time);

    // Check one last time
    return (mb.fw_regmap->clock_status_reg.read(which) == 1);

sensor_value_t x300_impl::get_ref_locked(mboard_members_t& mb)
    const bool lock =
        (mb.fw_regmap->clock_status_reg.get(fw_regmap_t::clk_status_reg_t::LMK_LOCK) == 1)
        && (mb.fw_regmap->clock_status_reg.get(
               == 1)
        && (mb.fw_regmap->clock_status_reg.get(
               == 1);
    return sensor_value_t("Ref", lock, "locked", "unlocked");

bool x300_impl::is_pps_present(mboard_members_t& mb)
    // The ZPU_RB_CLK_STATUS_PPS_DETECT bit toggles with each rising edge of the PPS.
    // We monitor it for up to 1.5 seconds looking for it to toggle.
    uint32_t pps_detect =
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        if (pps_detect
            != mb.fw_regmap->clock_status_reg.read(
            return true;
    return false;

 * claimer logic

void x300_impl::claimer_loop(wb_iface::sptr iface)

x300_impl::claim_status_t x300_impl::claim_status(wb_iface::sptr iface)
    claim_status_t claim_status = CLAIMED_BY_OTHER; // Default to most restrictive
    auto timeout_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(1);
    while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < timeout_time) {
        // If timed out, then device is definitely unclaimed
        if (iface->peek32(X300_FW_SHMEM_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_CLAIM_STATUS)) == 0) {
            claim_status = UNCLAIMED;

        // otherwise check claim src to determine if another thread with the same src has
        // claimed the device
        uint32_t hash = iface->peek32(X300_FW_SHMEM_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_CLAIM_SRC));
        if (hash == 0) {
            // A non-zero claim status and an empty hash means the claim might
            // be in the process of being released.  This is possible because
            // older firmware takes a long time to update the status.  Wait and
            // check status again.
        claim_status = (hash == get_process_hash() ? CLAIMED_BY_US : CLAIMED_BY_OTHER);
    return claim_status;

void x300_impl::claim(wb_iface::sptr iface)
    iface->poke32(X300_FW_SHMEM_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_CLAIM_TIME), uint32_t(time(NULL)));
    iface->poke32(X300_FW_SHMEM_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_CLAIM_SRC), get_process_hash());

bool x300_impl::try_to_claim(wb_iface::sptr iface, long timeout_ms)
    const auto timeout_time =
        std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout_ms);
    while (1) {
        claim_status_t status = claim_status(iface);
        if (status == UNCLAIMED) {
            // It takes the claimer 10ms to update status, so wait 20ms before verifying
            // claim
        if (status == CLAIMED_BY_US) {
        if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > timeout_time) {
            // Another process owns the device - give up
            return false;
    return true;

void x300_impl::release(wb_iface::sptr iface)
    iface->poke32(X300_FW_SHMEM_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_CLAIM_TIME), 0);
    iface->poke32(X300_FW_SHMEM_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_CLAIM_SRC), 0);

 * Frame size detection
x300_impl::frame_size_t x300_impl::determine_max_frame_size(
    const std::string& addr, const frame_size_t& user_frame_size)
    udp_simple::sptr udp =
        _x300_make_udp_connected(addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(X300_MTU_DETECT_UDP_PORT));

    std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(
        std::max(user_frame_size.recv_frame_size, user_frame_size.send_frame_size));
    x300_mtu_t* request              = reinterpret_cast<x300_mtu_t*>(&buffer.front());
    static const double echo_timeout = 0.020; // 20 ms

    // test holler - check if its supported in this fw version
    request->flags = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(X300_MTU_DETECT_ECHO_REQUEST);
    request->size  = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(sizeof(x300_mtu_t));
    udp->send(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, sizeof(x300_mtu_t)));
    udp->recv(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), echo_timeout);
    if (!(uhd::ntohx<uint32_t>(request->flags) & X300_MTU_DETECT_ECHO_REPLY))
        throw uhd::not_implemented_error("Holler protocol not implemented");

    // Reducing range of (min,max) by setting max value to 10gig max_frame_size as larger
    // sizes are not supported
    size_t min_recv_frame_size = sizeof(x300_mtu_t);
    size_t max_recv_frame_size =
        std::min(user_frame_size.recv_frame_size, x300::DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE) & size_t(~3);
    size_t min_send_frame_size = sizeof(x300_mtu_t);
    size_t max_send_frame_size =
        std::min(user_frame_size.send_frame_size, x300::DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE) & size_t(~3);

    UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("X300") << "Determining maximum frame size... ";
    while (min_recv_frame_size < max_recv_frame_size) {
        size_t test_frame_size = (max_recv_frame_size / 2 + min_recv_frame_size / 2 + 3)
                                 & ~3;

        request->flags = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(X300_MTU_DETECT_ECHO_REQUEST);
        request->size  = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(test_frame_size);
        udp->send(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, sizeof(x300_mtu_t)));

        size_t len = udp->recv(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), echo_timeout);

        if (len >= test_frame_size)
            min_recv_frame_size = test_frame_size;
            max_recv_frame_size = test_frame_size - 4;

    if (min_recv_frame_size < IP_PROTOCOL_MIN_MTU_SIZE - IP_PROTOCOL_UDP_PLUS_IP_HEADER) {
        throw uhd::runtime_error("System receive MTU size is less than the minimum "
                                 "required by the IP protocol.");

    while (min_send_frame_size < max_send_frame_size) {
        size_t test_frame_size = (max_send_frame_size / 2 + min_send_frame_size / 2 + 3)
                                 & ~3;

        request->flags = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(X300_MTU_DETECT_ECHO_REQUEST);
        request->size  = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(sizeof(x300_mtu_t));
        udp->send(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, test_frame_size));

        size_t len = udp->recv(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), echo_timeout);
        if (len >= sizeof(x300_mtu_t))
            len = uhd::ntohx<uint32_t>(request->size);

        if (len >= test_frame_size)
            min_send_frame_size = test_frame_size;
            max_send_frame_size = test_frame_size - 4;

    if (min_send_frame_size < IP_PROTOCOL_MIN_MTU_SIZE - IP_PROTOCOL_UDP_PLUS_IP_HEADER) {
        throw uhd::runtime_error(
            "System send MTU size is less than the minimum required by the IP protocol.");

    frame_size_t frame_size;
    // There are cases when NICs accept oversized packets, in which case we'd falsely
    // detect a larger-than-possible frame size. A safe and sensible value is the minimum
    // of the recv and send frame sizes.
    frame_size.recv_frame_size = std::min(min_recv_frame_size, min_send_frame_size);
    frame_size.send_frame_size = std::min(min_recv_frame_size, min_send_frame_size);
    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("X300") << "Maximum frame size: " << frame_size.send_frame_size
                            << " bytes.";
    return frame_size;

size_t x300_impl::get_mtu(const size_t mb_index, const uhd::direction_t dir) {
    if (_mb[mb_index].xport_path == "nirio") {
        return (dir == RX_DIRECTION ? x300::PCIE_RX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE : x300::PCIE_TX_DATA_FRAME_SIZE);
    return (dir == RX_DIRECTION) ? _max_frame_sizes.recv_frame_size :

 * compat checks

void x300_impl::check_fw_compat(const fs_path& mb_path, const mboard_members_t& members)
    auto iface = members.zpu_ctrl;
    const uint32_t compat_num =
        iface->peek32(SR_ADDR(X300_FW_SHMEM_BASE, X300_FW_SHMEM_COMPAT_NUM));
    const uint32_t compat_major = (compat_num >> 16);
    const uint32_t compat_minor = (compat_num & 0xffff);

    if (compat_major != X300_FW_COMPAT_MAJOR) {
        const std::string image_loader_path =
            (fs::path(uhd::get_pkg_path()) / "bin" / "uhd_image_loader").string();
        const std::string image_loader_cmd =
            str(boost::format("\"%s\" --args=\"type=x300,%s=%s\"") % image_loader_path
                % (members.xport_path == "eth" ? "addr" : "resource")
                % members.get_pri_eth().addr);

        throw uhd::runtime_error(
                    "Expected firmware compatibility number %d, but got %d:\n"
                    "The FPGA/firmware image on your device is not compatible with this "
                    "host code build.\n"
                    "Download the appropriate FPGA images for this version of UHD.\n"
                    "Then burn a new image to the on-board flash storage of your\n"
                    "USRP X3xx device using the image loader utility. "
                    "Use this command:\n\n%s\n\n"
                    "For more information, refer to the UHD manual:\n\n"
                    " http://files.ettus.com/manual/page_usrp_x3x0.html#x3x0_flash")
                % int(X300_FW_COMPAT_MAJOR) % compat_major
                % print_utility_error("uhd_images_downloader.py") % image_loader_cmd));
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "fw_version")
        .set(str(boost::format("%u.%u") % compat_major % compat_minor));

void x300_impl::check_fpga_compat(const fs_path& mb_path, const mboard_members_t& members)
    uint32_t compat_num = members.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_RB_COMPAT_NUM));
    uint32_t compat_major = (compat_num >> 16);
    uint32_t compat_minor = (compat_num & 0xffff);

    if (compat_major != X300_FPGA_COMPAT_MAJOR) {
        std::string image_loader_path =
            (fs::path(uhd::get_pkg_path()) / "bin" / "uhd_image_loader").string();
        std::string image_loader_cmd =
            str(boost::format("\"%s\" --args=\"type=x300,%s=%s\"") % image_loader_path
                % (members.xport_path == "eth" ? "addr" : "resource")
                % members.get_pri_eth().addr);

        throw uhd::runtime_error(
                    "Expected FPGA compatibility number %d, but got %d:\n"
                    "The FPGA image on your device is not compatible with this host code "
                    "Download the appropriate FPGA images for this version of UHD.\n"
                    "Then burn a new image to the on-board flash storage of your\n"
                    "USRP X3xx device using the image loader utility. Use this "
                    "For more information, refer to the UHD manual:\n\n"
                    " http://files.ettus.com/manual/page_usrp_x3x0.html#x3x0_flash")
                % int(X300_FPGA_COMPAT_MAJOR) % compat_major
                % print_utility_error("uhd_images_downloader.py") % image_loader_cmd));
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "fpga_version")
        .set(str(boost::format("%u.%u") % compat_major % compat_minor));

    const uint32_t git_hash =
        members.zpu_ctrl->peek32(SR_ADDR(SET0_BASE, ZPU_RB_GIT_HASH));
    const std::string git_hash_str = str(boost::format("%07x%s") % (git_hash & 0x0FFFFFFF)
                                         % ((git_hash & 0xF0000000) ? "-dirty" : ""));
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "fpga_version_hash").set(git_hash_str);
        "Using FPGA version: " << compat_major << "." << compat_minor
                               << " git hash: " << git_hash_str);

x300_impl::x300_mboard_t x300_impl::get_mb_type_from_pcie(
    const std::string& resource, const std::string& rpc_port)
    // Detect the PCIe product ID to distinguish between X300 and X310
    nirio_status status = NiRio_Status_Success;
    uint32_t pid;
    niriok_proxy::sptr discovery_proxy =
        niusrprio_session::create_kernel_proxy(resource, rpc_port);
    if (discovery_proxy) {
            discovery_proxy->get_attribute(RIO_PRODUCT_NUMBER, pid), status);
        if (nirio_status_not_fatal(status)) {
            return map_pid_to_mb_type(pid);

    UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("X300") << "NI-RIO Error -- unable to determine motherboard type!";
    return UNKNOWN;

x300_impl::x300_mboard_t x300_impl::get_mb_type_from_eeprom(
    const uhd::usrp::mboard_eeprom_t& mb_eeprom)
    if (not mb_eeprom["product"].empty()) {
        uint16_t product_num = 0;
        try {
            product_num = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(mb_eeprom["product"]);
        } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) {
            product_num = 0;

        return map_pid_to_mb_type(product_num);

    UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("X300") << "Unable to read product ID from EEPROM!";
    return UNKNOWN;