// Copyright 2010-2012,2014,2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "usrp2_impl.hpp"
#include "fw_common.h"
#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/if_addrs.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/udp_zero_copy.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/ranges.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/byteswap.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/safe_call.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/usrp/common/apply_corrections.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp> //used for htonl and ntohl
#include <boost/asio/ip/address_v4.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <functional>

using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
using namespace uhd::transport;
namespace asio = boost::asio;

// A reasonable number of frames for send/recv and async/sync
static const size_t DEFAULT_NUM_FRAMES = 32;

 * Discovery over the udp transport
device_addrs_t usrp2_find(const device_addr_t& hint_)
    // handle the multi-device discovery
    device_addrs_t hints = separate_device_addr(hint_);
    if (hints.size() > 1) {
        device_addrs_t found_devices;
        std::string error_msg;
        for (const device_addr_t& hint_i : hints) {
            device_addrs_t found_devices_i = usrp2_find(hint_i);
            if (found_devices_i.size() != 1)
                error_msg +=
                            "Could not resolve device hint \"%s\" to a single device.")
                        % hint_i.to_string());
        if (found_devices.empty())
            return device_addrs_t();
        if (not error_msg.empty())
            throw uhd::value_error(error_msg);
        return device_addrs_t(1, combine_device_addrs(found_devices));

    // initialize the hint for a single device case
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(hints.size() <= 1);
    hints.resize(1); // in case it was empty
    device_addr_t hint = hints[0];
    device_addrs_t usrp2_addrs;

    // return an empty list of addresses when type is set to non-usrp2
    if (hint.has_key("type") and hint["type"] != "usrp2")
        return usrp2_addrs;

    // Return an empty list of addresses when a resource is specified,
    // since a resource is intended for a different, non-USB, device.
    if (hint.has_key("resource"))
        return usrp2_addrs;

    // if no address was specified, send a broadcast on each interface
    if (not hint.has_key("addr")) {
        for (const if_addrs_t& if_addrs : get_if_addrs()) {
            // avoid the loopback device
            if (if_addrs.inet == asio::ip::address_v4::loopback().to_string())

            // create a new hint with this broadcast address
            device_addr_t new_hint = hint;
            new_hint["addr"]       = if_addrs.bcast;

            // call discover with the new hint and append results
            device_addrs_t new_usrp2_addrs = usrp2_find(new_hint);
                usrp2_addrs.begin(), new_usrp2_addrs.begin(), new_usrp2_addrs.end());
        return usrp2_addrs;

    // Create a UDP transport to communicate:
    // Some devices will cause a throw when opened for a broadcast address.
    // We print and recover so the caller can loop through all bcast addrs.
    udp_simple::sptr udp_transport;
    try {
        udp_transport = udp_simple::make_broadcast(
            hint["addr"], BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_CTRL_PORT));
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("USRP2") << boost::format("Cannot open UDP transport on %s\n%s")
                                         % hint["addr"] % e.what();
        return usrp2_addrs; // dont throw, but return empty address so caller can insert

    // send a hello control packet
    usrp2_ctrl_data_t ctrl_data_out = usrp2_ctrl_data_t();
    ctrl_data_out.proto_ver         = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM);
    ctrl_data_out.id                = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(USRP2_CTRL_ID_WAZZUP_BRO);
    try {
        udp_transport->send(boost::asio::buffer(&ctrl_data_out, sizeof(ctrl_data_out)));
    } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
        UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("USRP2") << "USRP2 Network discovery error " << ex.what();
    } catch (...) {
        UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("USRP2") << "USRP2 Network discovery unknown error ";

    // loop and recieve until the timeout
    uint8_t usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem[udp_simple::mtu]; // allocate max bytes for recv
    const usrp2_ctrl_data_t* ctrl_data_in =
        reinterpret_cast<const usrp2_ctrl_data_t*>(usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem);
    while (true) {
        size_t len = udp_transport->recv(asio::buffer(usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem));
        if (len > offsetof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t, data)
            and ntohl(ctrl_data_in->id) == USRP2_CTRL_ID_WAZZUP_DUDE) {
            // make a boost asio ipv4 with the raw addr in host byte order
            device_addr_t new_addr;
            new_addr["type"] = "usrp2";
            // We used to get the address from the control packet.
            // Now now uses the socket itself to yield the address.
            // boost::asio::ip::address_v4 ip_addr(ntohl(ctrl_data_in->data.ip_addr));
            // new_addr["addr"] = ip_addr.to_string();
            new_addr["addr"] = udp_transport->get_recv_addr();

            // Attempt a simple 2-way communication with a connected socket.
            // Reason: Although the USRP will respond the broadcast above,
            // we may not be able to communicate directly (non-broadcast).
            udp_simple::sptr ctrl_xport = udp_simple::make_connected(
                new_addr["addr"], BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_CTRL_PORT));
            ctrl_xport->send(boost::asio::buffer(&ctrl_data_out, sizeof(ctrl_data_out)));
            size_t len = ctrl_xport->recv(asio::buffer(usrp2_ctrl_data_in_mem));
            if (len > offsetof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t, data)
                and ntohl(ctrl_data_in->id) == USRP2_CTRL_ID_WAZZUP_DUDE) {
                // found the device, open up for communication!
            } else {
                // otherwise we don't find it...

            // Attempt to read the name from the EEPROM and perform filtering.
            // This operation can throw due to compatibility mismatch.
            try {
                usrp2_iface::sptr iface = usrp2_iface::make(ctrl_xport);
                if (iface->is_device_locked())
                    continue; // ignore locked devices
                mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom = iface->mb_eeprom;
                new_addr["name"]          = mb_eeprom["name"];
                new_addr["serial"]        = mb_eeprom["serial"];
            } catch (const std::exception&) {
                // set these values as empty string so the device may still be found
                // and the filter's below can still operate on the discovered device
                new_addr["name"]   = "";
                new_addr["serial"] = "";

            // filter the discovered device below by matching optional keys
            if ((not hint.has_key("name") or hint["name"] == new_addr["name"])
                and (not hint.has_key("serial")
                     or hint["serial"] == new_addr["serial"])) {

            // dont break here, it will exit the while loop
            // just continue on to the next loop iteration
        if (len == 0)
            break; // timeout

    return usrp2_addrs;

 * Make
static device::sptr usrp2_make(const device_addr_t& device_addr)
    return device::sptr(new usrp2_impl(device_addr));

    device::register_device(&usrp2_find, &usrp2_make, device::USRP);

 * MTU Discovery
struct mtu_result_t
    size_t recv_mtu, send_mtu;

static mtu_result_t determine_mtu(const std::string& addr, const mtu_result_t& user_mtu)
    udp_simple::sptr udp_sock =
        udp_simple::make_connected(addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_CTRL_PORT));

    // The FPGA offers 4K buffers, and the user may manually request this.
    // However, multiple simultaneous receives (2DSP slave + 2DSP master),
    // require that buffering to be used internally, and this is a safe setting.
    std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(std::max(user_mtu.recv_mtu, user_mtu.send_mtu));
    usrp2_ctrl_data_t* ctrl_data = reinterpret_cast<usrp2_ctrl_data_t*>(&buffer.front());
    static const double echo_timeout = 0.020; // 20 ms

    // test holler - check if its supported in this fw version
    ctrl_data->id                 = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_HOLLER_AT_ME_BRO);
    ctrl_data->proto_ver          = htonl(USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM);
    ctrl_data->data.echo_args.len = htonl(sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t));
    udp_sock->send(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t)));
    udp_sock->recv(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), echo_timeout);
    if (ntohl(ctrl_data->id) != USRP2_CTRL_ID_HOLLER_BACK_DUDE)
        throw uhd::not_implemented_error("holler protocol not implemented");

    size_t min_recv_mtu = sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t), max_recv_mtu = user_mtu.recv_mtu;
    size_t min_send_mtu = sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t), max_send_mtu = user_mtu.send_mtu;

    while (min_recv_mtu < max_recv_mtu) {
        size_t test_mtu = (max_recv_mtu / 2 + min_recv_mtu / 2 + 3) & ~3;

        ctrl_data->id                 = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_HOLLER_AT_ME_BRO);
        ctrl_data->proto_ver          = htonl(USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM);
        ctrl_data->data.echo_args.len = htonl(test_mtu);
        udp_sock->send(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t)));

        size_t len = udp_sock->recv(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), echo_timeout);

        if (len >= test_mtu)
            min_recv_mtu = test_mtu;
            max_recv_mtu = test_mtu - 4;

    while (min_send_mtu < max_send_mtu) {
        size_t test_mtu = (max_send_mtu / 2 + min_send_mtu / 2 + 3) & ~3;

        ctrl_data->id                 = htonl(USRP2_CTRL_ID_HOLLER_AT_ME_BRO);
        ctrl_data->proto_ver          = htonl(USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM);
        ctrl_data->data.echo_args.len = htonl(sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t));
        udp_sock->send(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, test_mtu));

        size_t len = udp_sock->recv(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), echo_timeout);
        if (len >= sizeof(usrp2_ctrl_data_t))
            len = ntohl(ctrl_data->data.echo_args.len);

        if (len >= test_mtu)
            min_send_mtu = test_mtu;
            max_send_mtu = test_mtu - 4;

    mtu_result_t mtu;
    mtu.recv_mtu = min_recv_mtu;
    mtu.send_mtu = min_send_mtu;
    return mtu;

 * Helpers
static zero_copy_if::sptr make_xport(const std::string& addr,
    const std::string& port,
    const device_addr_t& hints,
    const std::string& filter)
    // only copy hints that contain the filter word
    device_addr_t filtered_hints;
    for (const std::string& key : hints.keys()) {
        if (key.find(filter) == std::string::npos)
        filtered_hints[key] = hints[key];

    zero_copy_xport_params default_buff_args;
    default_buff_args.send_frame_size = transport::udp_simple::mtu;
    default_buff_args.recv_frame_size = transport::udp_simple::mtu;
    default_buff_args.num_send_frames = DEFAULT_NUM_FRAMES;
    default_buff_args.num_recv_frames = DEFAULT_NUM_FRAMES;

    // make the transport object with the filtered hints
    udp_zero_copy::buff_params ignored_params;
    zero_copy_if::sptr xport = udp_zero_copy::make(
        addr, port, default_buff_args, ignored_params, filtered_hints);

    // Send a small data packet so the usrp2 knows the udp source port.
    // This setup must happen before further initialization occurs
    // or the async update packets will cause ICMP destination unreachable.
    static const uint32_t data[2] = {uhd::htonx(uint32_t(0 /* don't care seq num */)),
    transport::managed_send_buffer::sptr send_buff = xport->get_send_buff();
    std::memcpy(send_buff->cast<void*>(), &data, sizeof(data));

    return xport;

 * Structors
usrp2_impl::usrp2_impl(const device_addr_t& _device_addr)
    : device_addr(_device_addr), _pirate_task_exit(false)
    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("USRP2") << "Opening a USRP2/N-Series device...";

    // setup the dsp transport hints (default to a large recv buff)
    if (not device_addr.has_key("recv_buff_size")) {
#if defined(UHD_PLATFORM_MACOS) || defined(UHD_PLATFORM_BSD)
        // limit buffer resize on macos or it will error
        device_addr["recv_buff_size"] = "1e6";
#elif defined(UHD_PLATFORM_LINUX) || defined(UHD_PLATFORM_WIN32)
        // set to half-a-second of buffering at max rate
        device_addr["recv_buff_size"] = "50e6";
    if (not device_addr.has_key("send_buff_size")) {
        // The buffer should be the size of the SRAM on the device,
        // because we will never commit more than the SRAM can hold.
        device_addr["send_buff_size"] = std::to_string(USRP2_SRAM_BYTES);

    device_addrs_t device_args = separate_device_addr(device_addr);

    // extract the user's requested MTU size or default
    mtu_result_t user_mtu;
    user_mtu.recv_mtu =
        size_t(device_addr.cast<double>("recv_frame_size", udp_simple::mtu));
    user_mtu.send_mtu =
        size_t(device_addr.cast<double>("send_frame_size", udp_simple::mtu));

    try {
        // calculate the minimum send and recv mtu of all devices
        mtu_result_t mtu = determine_mtu(device_args[0]["addr"], user_mtu);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < device_args.size(); i++) {
            mtu_result_t mtu_i = determine_mtu(device_args[i]["addr"], user_mtu);
            mtu.recv_mtu       = std::min(mtu.recv_mtu, mtu_i.recv_mtu);
            mtu.send_mtu       = std::min(mtu.send_mtu, mtu_i.send_mtu);

        device_addr["recv_frame_size"] = std::to_string(mtu.recv_mtu);
        device_addr["send_frame_size"] = std::to_string(mtu.send_mtu);

            << boost::format("Current recv frame size: %d bytes") % mtu.recv_mtu;
            << boost::format("Current send frame size: %d bytes") % mtu.send_mtu;
    } catch (const uhd::not_implemented_error&) {
        // just ignore this error, makes older fw work...

    device_args = separate_device_addr(device_addr); // update args for new frame sizes

    // create controller objects and initialize the properties tree
    _tree            = property_tree::make();
    _type            = device::USRP;
    _ignore_cal_file = device_addr.has_key("ignore-cal-file");
    _tree->create<std::string>("/name").set("USRP2 / N-Series Device");

    for (size_t mbi = 0; mbi < device_args.size(); mbi++) {
        const device_addr_t device_args_i = device_args[mbi];
        const std::string mb              = std::to_string(mbi);
        const std::string addr            = device_args_i["addr"];
        const fs_path mb_path             = "/mboards/" + mb;

        // create the iface that controls i2c, spi, uart, and wb
        _mbc[mb].iface = usrp2_iface::make(
            udp_simple::make_connected(addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_CTRL_PORT)));
        _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "name").set(_mbc[mb].iface->get_cname());
        _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "fw_version")

        // check the fpga compatibility number
        const uint32_t fpga_compat_num = _mbc[mb].iface->peek32(U2_REG_COMPAT_NUM_RB);
        uint16_t fpga_major            = fpga_compat_num >> 16,
                 fpga_minor            = fpga_compat_num & 0xffff;
        if (fpga_major == 0) { // old version scheme
            fpga_major = fpga_minor;
            fpga_minor = 0;
        int expected_fpga_compat_num =
            std::min(USRP2_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM, N200_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM);
        switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
            case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV3:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV4:
                expected_fpga_compat_num = USRP2_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM;
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4:
                expected_fpga_compat_num = N200_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM;
                // handle case where the MB EEPROM is not programmed
                if (fpga_major == USRP2_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM
                    or fpga_major == N200_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM) {
                        << "Unable to identify device - assuming USRP2/N-Series device";
                    expected_fpga_compat_num = fpga_major;
        if (fpga_major != expected_fpga_compat_num) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error(
                        "\nPlease update the firmware and FPGA images for your device.\n"
                        "See the application notes for USRP2/N-Series for instructions.\n"
                        "Expected FPGA compatibility number %d, but got %d:\n"
                        "The FPGA build is not compatible with the host code build.\n"
                    % expected_fpga_compat_num % fpga_major
                    % _mbc[mb].iface->images_warn_help_message()));
        _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "fpga_version")
            .set(str(boost::format("%u.%u") % fpga_major % fpga_minor));

        // lock the device/motherboard to this process

        // construct transports for RX and TX DSPs
        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("USRP2") << "Making transport for RX DSP0...";
            addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_RX_DSP0_PORT), device_args_i, "recv"));
        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("USRP2") << "Making transport for RX DSP1...";
            addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_RX_DSP1_PORT), device_args_i, "recv"));
        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("USRP2") << "Making transport for TX DSP0...";
        _mbc[mb].tx_dsp_xport = make_xport(
            addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_TX_DSP0_PORT), device_args_i, "send");
        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("USRP2") << "Making transport for Control...";
        _mbc[mb].fifo_ctrl_xport = make_xport(
            addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_FIFO_CRTL_PORT), device_addr_t(), "");
        // set the filter on the router to take dsp data from this port
            (USRP2_UDP_FIFO_CRTL_PORT << 16) | USRP2_UDP_TX_DSP0_PORT);

        // create the fifo control interface for high speed register access
        _mbc[mb].fifo_ctrl = usrp2_fifo_ctrl::make(_mbc[mb].fifo_ctrl_xport);
        switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4:
                _mbc[mb].wbiface = _mbc[mb].fifo_ctrl;
                _mbc[mb].spiface = _mbc[mb].fifo_ctrl;
                _mbc[mb].wbiface = _mbc[mb].iface;
                _mbc[mb].spiface = _mbc[mb].iface;
        _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "link_max_rate").set(USRP2_LINK_RATE_BPS);

        // setup the mboard eeprom
        _tree->create<mboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "eeprom")
                std::bind(&usrp2_impl::set_mb_eeprom, this, mb, std::placeholders::_1));

        // create clock control objects
        _mbc[mb].clock = usrp2_clock_ctrl::make(_mbc[mb].iface, _mbc[mb].spiface);
        _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
                std::bind(&usrp2_clock_ctrl::get_master_clock_rate, _mbc[mb].clock))
                std::bind(&usrp2_impl::update_tick_rate, this, std::placeholders::_1));

        // create codec control objects
        const fs_path rx_codec_path = mb_path / "rx_codecs/A";
        const fs_path tx_codec_path = mb_path / "tx_codecs/A";
        _tree->create<int>(rx_codec_path / "gains"); // phony property so this dir exists
        _tree->create<int>(tx_codec_path / "gains"); // phony property so this dir exists
        _mbc[mb].codec = usrp2_codec_ctrl::make(_mbc[mb].iface, _mbc[mb].spiface);
        switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4: {
                _tree->create<std::string>(rx_codec_path / "name").set("ads62p44");
                _tree->create<meta_range_t>(rx_codec_path / "gains/digital/range")
                    .set(meta_range_t(0, 6.0, 0.5));
                _tree->create<double>(rx_codec_path / "gains/digital/value")
                _tree->create<meta_range_t>(rx_codec_path / "gains/fine/range")
                    .set(meta_range_t(0, 0.5, 0.05));
                _tree->create<double>(rx_codec_path / "gains/fine/value")
            } break;

            case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV3:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV4:
                _tree->create<std::string>(rx_codec_path / "name").set("ltc2284");

            case usrp2_iface::USRP_NXXX:
                _tree->create<std::string>(rx_codec_path / "name").set("??????");
        _tree->create<std::string>(tx_codec_path / "name").set("ad9777");

        // Create the GPSDO control
        static const uint32_t dont_look_for_gpsdo = 0x1234abcdul;

        // disable check for internal GPSDO when not the following:
        switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4:
                _mbc[mb].iface->pokefw(U2_FW_REG_HAS_GPSDO, dont_look_for_gpsdo);

        // otherwise if not disabled, look for the internal GPSDO
        if (_mbc[mb].iface->peekfw(U2_FW_REG_HAS_GPSDO) != dont_look_for_gpsdo) {
            UHD_LOGGER_INFO("USRP2") << "Detecting internal GPSDO.... ";
            try {
                _mbc[mb].gps =
                        addr, BOOST_STRINGIZE(USRP2_UDP_UART_GPS_PORT))));
            } catch (std::exception& e) {
                    << "An error occurred making GPSDO control: " << e.what();
            if (_mbc[mb].gps and _mbc[mb].gps->gps_detected()) {
                for (const std::string& name : _mbc[mb].gps->get_sensors()) {
                    _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors" / name)
                            std::bind(&gps_ctrl::get_sensor, _mbc[mb].gps, name));
            } else {
                _mbc[mb].iface->pokefw(U2_FW_REG_HAS_GPSDO, dont_look_for_gpsdo);

        // and do the misc mboard sensors
        _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors/mimo_locked")
            .set_publisher(std::bind(&usrp2_impl::get_mimo_locked, this, mb));
        _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors/ref_locked")
            .set_publisher(std::bind(&usrp2_impl::get_ref_locked, this, mb));

        // create frontend control objects
        _mbc[mb].rx_fe =
            rx_frontend_core_200::make(_mbc[mb].wbiface, U2_REG_SR_ADDR(SR_RX_FRONT));
        _mbc[mb].tx_fe =
            tx_frontend_core_200::make(_mbc[mb].wbiface, U2_REG_SR_ADDR(SR_TX_FRONT));

        _tree->create<subdev_spec_t>(mb_path / "rx_subdev_spec")
                &usrp2_impl::update_rx_subdev_spec, this, mb, std::placeholders::_1));
        _tree->create<subdev_spec_t>(mb_path / "tx_subdev_spec")
                &usrp2_impl::update_tx_subdev_spec, this, mb, std::placeholders::_1));

        const fs_path rx_fe_path = mb_path / "rx_frontends" / "A";
        const fs_path tx_fe_path = mb_path / "tx_frontends" / "A";

        _tree->create<std::complex<double>>(rx_fe_path / "dc_offset" / "value")
            .set(std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));
        _tree->create<bool>(rx_fe_path / "dc_offset" / "enable")
        _tree->create<std::complex<double>>(rx_fe_path / "iq_balance" / "value")
            .set(std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));
        _tree->create<std::complex<double>>(tx_fe_path / "dc_offset" / "value")
            .set(std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));
        _tree->create<std::complex<double>>(tx_fe_path / "iq_balance" / "value")
            .set(std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));

        // create rx dsp control objects
            USRP2_RX_SID_BASE + 0,
            USRP2_RX_SID_BASE + 1,
        for (size_t dspno = 0; dspno < _mbc[mb].rx_dsps.size(); dspno++) {
            _tree->access<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
            fs_path rx_dsp_path = mb_path / str(boost::format("rx_dsps/%u") % dspno);
            _tree->create<meta_range_t>(rx_dsp_path / "rate/range")
                    std::bind(&rx_dsp_core_200::get_host_rates, _mbc[mb].rx_dsps[dspno]));
            _tree->create<double>(rx_dsp_path / "rate/value")
                .set(1e6) // some default
            _tree->create<double>(rx_dsp_path / "freq/value")
            _tree->create<meta_range_t>(rx_dsp_path / "freq/range")
                    std::bind(&rx_dsp_core_200::get_freq_range, _mbc[mb].rx_dsps[dspno]));
            _tree->create<stream_cmd_t>(rx_dsp_path / "stream_cmd")

        // create tx dsp control objects
        _mbc[mb].tx_dsp = tx_dsp_core_200::make(_mbc[mb].wbiface,
        { // This scope can be removed once we're able to do named captures
            auto this_tx_dsp = _mbc[mb].tx_dsp; // This can then also go away
            _tree->access<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
                .add_coerced_subscriber([this_tx_dsp](const double rate) {
            _tree->create<meta_range_t>(mb_path / "tx_dsps/0/rate/range")
                .set_publisher([this_tx_dsp]() { return this_tx_dsp->get_host_rates(); });
            _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "tx_dsps/0/rate/value")
                .set(1e6) // some default
                .set_coercer([this_tx_dsp](const double rate) {
                    return this_tx_dsp->set_host_rate(rate);
                .add_coerced_subscriber([this, mb](const double rate) {
                    this->update_tx_samp_rate(mb, 0, rate);
        } // End of non-C++14 scope (to release reference to this_tx_dsp)
        _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "tx_dsps/0/freq/value")
            .set_coercer([this, mb](const double rate) {
                return this->set_tx_dsp_freq(mb, rate);
        _tree->create<meta_range_t>(mb_path / "tx_dsps/0/freq/range")
            .set_publisher([this, mb]() { return this->get_tx_dsp_freq_range(mb); });

        // setup dsp flow control
        const double ups_per_sec     = device_args_i.cast<double>("ups_per_sec", 20);
        const size_t send_frame_size = _mbc[mb].tx_dsp_xport->get_send_frame_size();
        const double ups_per_fifo    = device_args_i.cast<double>("ups_per_fifo", 8.0);
            (ups_per_sec > 0.0) ? size_t(100e6 /*approx tick rate*/ / ups_per_sec) : 0,
            (ups_per_fifo > 0.0)
                ? size_t(USRP2_SRAM_BYTES / ups_per_fifo / send_frame_size)
                : 0);

        // create time control objects
        time64_core_200::readback_bases_type time64_rb_bases;
        time64_rb_bases.rb_hi_now = U2_REG_TIME64_HI_RB_IMM;
        time64_rb_bases.rb_lo_now = U2_REG_TIME64_LO_RB_IMM;
        time64_rb_bases.rb_hi_pps = U2_REG_TIME64_HI_RB_PPS;
        time64_rb_bases.rb_lo_pps = U2_REG_TIME64_LO_RB_PPS;
        _mbc[mb].time64           = time64_core_200::make(_mbc[mb].wbiface,
        _tree->access<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
                &time64_core_200::set_tick_rate, _mbc[mb].time64, std::placeholders::_1));
        _tree->create<time_spec_t>(mb_path / "time/now")
            .set_publisher(std::bind(&time64_core_200::get_time_now, _mbc[mb].time64))
                &time64_core_200::set_time_now, _mbc[mb].time64, std::placeholders::_1));
        _tree->create<time_spec_t>(mb_path / "time/pps")
                std::bind(&time64_core_200::get_time_last_pps, _mbc[mb].time64))
        // setup time source props
        _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "time_source/value")
        _tree->create<std::vector<std::string>>(mb_path / "time_source/options")
                std::bind(&time64_core_200::get_time_sources, _mbc[mb].time64));
        // setup reference source props
        _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "clock_source/value")
                &usrp2_impl::update_clock_source, this, mb, std::placeholders::_1))
        std::vector<std::string> clock_sources{"internal", "external", "mimo"};
        if (_mbc[mb].gps and _mbc[mb].gps->gps_detected()) {
        _tree->create<std::vector<std::string>>(mb_path / "clock_source/options")
        // plug timed commands into tree here
        switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4:
                _tree->create<time_spec_t>(mb_path / "time/cmd")
                break; // otherwise, do not register
        _tree->access<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")

        // create user-defined control objects
        _mbc[mb].user =
            user_settings_core_200::make(_mbc[mb].wbiface, U2_REG_SR_ADDR(SR_USER_REGS));
        _tree->create<user_settings_core_200::user_reg_t>(mb_path / "user/regs")
                &user_settings_core_200::set_reg, _mbc[mb].user, std::placeholders::_1));

        // create dboard control objects

        // read the dboard eeprom to extract the dboard ids
        dboard_eeprom_t rx_db_eeprom, tx_db_eeprom, gdb_eeprom;
        rx_db_eeprom.load(*_mbc[mb].iface, USRP2_I2C_ADDR_RX_DB);
        tx_db_eeprom.load(*_mbc[mb].iface, USRP2_I2C_ADDR_TX_DB);
        gdb_eeprom.load(*_mbc[mb].iface, USRP2_I2C_ADDR_TX_DB ^ 5);

        // disable rx dc offset if LFRX
        if (rx_db_eeprom.id == 0x000f)
            _tree->access<bool>(rx_fe_path / "dc_offset" / "enable").set(false);

        // create the properties and register subscribers
        _tree->create<dboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "dboards/A/rx_eeprom")
                &usrp2_impl::set_db_eeprom, this, mb, "rx", std::placeholders::_1));
        _tree->create<dboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "dboards/A/tx_eeprom")
                &usrp2_impl::set_db_eeprom, this, mb, "tx", std::placeholders::_1));
        _tree->create<dboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "dboards/A/gdb_eeprom")
                &usrp2_impl::set_db_eeprom, this, mb, "gdb", std::placeholders::_1));

        // create a new dboard interface and manager
        _mbc[mb].dboard_manager = dboard_manager::make(rx_db_eeprom,
                _mbc[mb].iface /*i2c*/,
            _tree->subtree(mb_path / "dboards/A"));

        // bind frontend corrections to the dboard freq props
        const fs_path db_tx_fe_path = mb_path / "dboards" / "A" / "tx_frontends";
        for (const std::string& name : _tree->list(db_tx_fe_path)) {
            _tree->access<double>(db_tx_fe_path / name / "freq" / "value")
                    &usrp2_impl::set_tx_fe_corrections, this, mb, std::placeholders::_1));
        const fs_path db_rx_fe_path = mb_path / "dboards" / "A" / "rx_frontends";
        for (const std::string& name : _tree->list(db_rx_fe_path)) {
            _tree->access<double>(db_rx_fe_path / name / "freq" / "value")
                    &usrp2_impl::set_rx_fe_corrections, this, mb, std::placeholders::_1));

    // initialize io handling

    // do some post-init tasks
    for (const std::string& mb : _mbc.keys()) {
        fs_path root = "/mboards/" + mb;

        // reset cordic rates and their properties to zero
        for (const std::string& name : _tree->list(root / "rx_dsps")) {
            _tree->access<double>(root / "rx_dsps" / name / "freq" / "value").set(0.0);
        for (const std::string& name : _tree->list(root / "tx_dsps")) {
            _tree->access<double>(root / "tx_dsps" / name / "freq" / "value").set(0.0);

        _tree->access<subdev_spec_t>(root / "rx_subdev_spec")
                subdev_spec_t("A:" + _tree->list(root / "dboards/A/rx_frontends").at(0)));
        _tree->access<subdev_spec_t>(root / "tx_subdev_spec")
                subdev_spec_t("A:" + _tree->list(root / "dboards/A/tx_frontends").at(0)));
        _tree->access<std::string>(root / "clock_source/value").set("internal");
        _tree->access<std::string>(root / "time_source/value").set("none");

        // GPS installed: use external ref, time, and init time spec
        if (_mbc[mb].gps and _mbc[mb].gps->gps_detected()) {
            UHD_LOGGER_INFO("USRP2") << "Setting references to the internal GPSDO";
            _tree->access<std::string>(root / "time_source/value").set("gpsdo");
            _tree->access<std::string>(root / "clock_source/value").set("gpsdo");

    UHD_SAFE_CALL(_pirate_task_exit = true;
                  for (const std::string& mb
                       : _mbc.keys()) { _mbc[mb].tx_dsp->set_updates(0, 0); })

void usrp2_impl::set_db_eeprom(const std::string& mb,
    const std::string& type,
    const uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t& db_eeprom)
    if (type == "rx")
        db_eeprom.store(*_mbc[mb].iface, USRP2_I2C_ADDR_RX_DB);
    if (type == "tx")
        db_eeprom.store(*_mbc[mb].iface, USRP2_I2C_ADDR_TX_DB);
    if (type == "gdb")
        db_eeprom.store(*_mbc[mb].iface, USRP2_I2C_ADDR_TX_DB ^ 5);

sensor_value_t usrp2_impl::get_mimo_locked(const std::string& mb)
    const bool lock = (_mbc[mb].wbiface->peek32(U2_REG_IRQ_RB) & (1 << 10)) != 0;
    return sensor_value_t("MIMO", lock, "locked", "unlocked");

sensor_value_t usrp2_impl::get_ref_locked(const std::string& mb)
    const bool lock = (_mbc[mb].wbiface->peek32(U2_REG_IRQ_RB) & (1 << 11)) != 0;
    return sensor_value_t("Ref", lock, "locked", "unlocked");

void usrp2_impl::set_rx_fe_corrections(const std::string& mb, const double lo_freq)
    if (not _ignore_cal_file) {
            this->get_tree()->subtree("/mboards/" + mb), "A", lo_freq);

void usrp2_impl::set_tx_fe_corrections(const std::string& mb, const double lo_freq)
    if (not _ignore_cal_file) {
            this->get_tree()->subtree("/mboards/" + mb), "A", lo_freq);

double usrp2_impl::set_tx_dsp_freq(const std::string& mb, const double freq_)
    double new_freq        = freq_;
    const double tick_rate = _tree->access<double>("/mboards/" + mb + "/tick_rate").get();

    // calculate the DAC shift (multiples of rate)
    const int sign         = boost::math::sign(new_freq);
    const int zone         = std::min(boost::math::iround(new_freq / tick_rate), 2);
    const double dac_shift = sign * zone * tick_rate;
    new_freq -= dac_shift; // update FPGA DSP target freq
        "DSP Tuning: Requested " + std::to_string(freq_ / 1e6)
            + " MHz, Using "
              "Nyquist zone "
            + std::to_string(sign * zone)
            + ", leftover DSP tuning: " + std::to_string(new_freq / 1e6) + " MHz.");

    // set the DAC shift (modulation mode)
    if (zone == 0) {
        _mbc[mb].codec->set_tx_mod_mode(0); // no shift
    } else {
        _mbc[mb].codec->set_tx_mod_mode(sign * 4 / zone); // DAC interp = 4

    return _mbc[mb].tx_dsp->set_freq(new_freq) + dac_shift; // actual freq

meta_range_t usrp2_impl::get_tx_dsp_freq_range(const std::string& mb)
    const double dac_rate = _tree->access<double>("/mboards/" + mb + "/tick_rate").get()
                            * _mbc[mb].codec->get_tx_interpolation();
    const auto dsp_range_step = _mbc[mb].tx_dsp->get_freq_range().step();
    // The DSP tuning rate is the entire range of the DAC clock rate. The step
    // size is determined by the FPGA IP, however.
    return meta_range_t(-dac_rate / 2, +dac_rate / 2, dsp_range_step);

#include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/sign.hpp>

void usrp2_impl::update_clock_source(const std::string& mb, const std::string& source)
    // NOTICE: U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK is on the wb clock, and cannot be set from fifo_ctrl
    // clock source ref 10mhz
    switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
        case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
        case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
        case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
        case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4:
            if (source == "internal")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x12);
            else if (source == "external")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x1C);
            else if (source == "gpsdo")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x1C);
            else if (source == "mimo")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x15);
                throw uhd::value_error(
                    "unhandled clock configuration reference source: " + source);
            _mbc[mb].clock->enable_external_ref(true); // USRP2P has an internal 10MHz
                                                       // TCXO

        case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV3:
        case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV4:
            if (source == "internal")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x10);
            else if (source == "external")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x1C);
            else if (source == "mimo")
                _mbc[mb].iface->poke32(U2_REG_MISC_CTRL_CLOCK, 0x15);
                throw uhd::value_error(
                    "unhandled clock configuration reference source: " + source);
            _mbc[mb].clock->enable_external_ref(source != "internal");

        case usrp2_iface::USRP_NXXX:

    // always drive the clock over serdes if not locking to it
    _mbc[mb].clock->enable_mimo_clock_out(source != "mimo");

    // set the mimo clock delay over the serdes
    if (source != "mimo") {
        switch (_mbc[mb].iface->get_rev()) {
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N200_R4:
            case usrp2_iface::USRP_N210_R4:

            case usrp2_iface::USRP2_REV4:

                break; // not handled