// Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "mpmd_xport_mgr.hpp"
#include "mpmd_impl.hpp"
#include "mpmd_xport_ctrl_base.hpp"
#include "mpmd_xport_ctrl_udp.hpp"
#    include "mpmd_xport_ctrl_liberio.hpp"
#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
#    include "mpmd_xport_ctrl_dpdk_udp.hpp"

uhd::dict<std::string, std::string> uhd::mpmd::xport::filter_args(
    const uhd::device_addr_t& args, const std::string& prefix)
    uhd::dict<std::string, std::string> filtered_args;
    for (const std::string& key : args.keys()) {
        if (key.find(prefix) != std::string::npos) {
            filtered_args[key] = args[key];

    return filtered_args;

using namespace uhd::mpmd::xport;

class mpmd_xport_mgr_impl : public mpmd_xport_mgr
    mpmd_xport_mgr_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t& mb_args) : _mb_args(mb_args)
        // nop

     * API (see mpmd_xport_mgr.hpp)
    uhd::both_xports_t make_transport(const xport_info_list_t& xport_info_list,
        const uhd::usrp::device3_impl::xport_type_t xport_type,
        const uhd::device_addr_t& xport_args,
        xport_info_t& xport_info_out)
        for (const auto& xport_info : xport_info_list) {

        // Run our incredibly smart selection algorithm
        xport_info_out                 = select_xport_option(xport_info_list);
        const std::string xport_medium = xport_info_out.at("type");
        UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", __func__ << "(): xport medium is " << xport_medium);

        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_xport_ctrls.count(xport_medium) > 0);
        // When we've picked our preferred option, pass it to the transport
        // implementation for execution:
        return _xport_ctrls.at(xport_medium)
            ->make_transport(xport_info_out, xport_type, xport_args);

    size_t get_mtu(const uhd::direction_t dir) const
        if (_xport_ctrls.empty()) {
                "Cannot determine MTU, no transport controls have been "
            return 0;

        size_t mtu = ~size_t(0);
        for (const auto& xport_ctrl_pair : _xport_ctrls) {
            mtu = std::min(mtu, xport_ctrl_pair.second->get_mtu(dir));

        return mtu;

     * Private methods / helpers
    /*! Picks a transport option based on available data
     * \param xport_info_list List of available options, they all need to be
     *                        valid choices.
     * \returns One element of \p xport_info_list based on a selection
     *          algorithm.
    xport_info_t select_xport_option(const xport_info_list_t& xport_info_list) const
        for (const auto& xport_info : xport_info_list) {
            const std::string xport_medium = xport_info.at("type");
            if (_xport_ctrls.count(xport_medium) != 0 and _xport_ctrls.at(xport_medium)
                and _xport_ctrls.at(xport_medium)->is_valid(xport_info)) {
                return xport_info;

        throw uhd::runtime_error(
            "Could not select a transport option! "
            "Either a transport hint was not specified or the specified "
            "hint does not support communication with RFNoC blocks.");

    //! Create an instance of an xport manager implementation
    // \param xport_medium "UDP" or "liberio"
    // \param mb_args Device args
    mpmd_xport_ctrl_base::uptr make_mgr_impl(
        const std::string& xport_medium, const uhd::device_addr_t& mb_args) const
        if (xport_medium == "UDP") {
#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
            if (mb_args.has_key("use_dpdk")) {
                return mpmd_xport_ctrl_base::uptr(new mpmd_xport_ctrl_dpdk_udp(mb_args));
            return mpmd_xport_ctrl_base::uptr(new mpmd_xport_ctrl_udp(mb_args));
        } else if (xport_medium == "liberio") {
            return mpmd_xport_ctrl_base::uptr(new mpmd_xport_ctrl_liberio(mb_args));
        } else {
                "MPMD", "Cannot instantiate transport medium " << xport_medium);
            return nullptr;

    //! This will try to make _xport_ctrls contain a valid transport manager
    // for \p xport_medium
    // When this function returns, it will be possible to access
    // this->_xport_ctrls[xport_medium].
    // \param xport_medium Type of transport, e.g. "UDP", "liberio", ...
    // \throws uhd::key_error if \p xport_medium is not known or registered
    void require_xport_mgr(const std::string& xport_medium)
        if (_xport_ctrls.count(xport_medium) == 0) {
                "MPMD", "Instantiating transport manager `" << xport_medium << "'");
            auto mgr_impl = make_mgr_impl(xport_medium, _mb_args);
            if (mgr_impl) {
                _xport_ctrls[xport_medium] = std::move(mgr_impl);

     * Private attributes
    //! Cache available xport manager implementations
    // Should only every be populated by require_xport_mgr()
    std::unordered_map<std::string, mpmd_xport_ctrl_base::uptr> _xport_ctrls;

    //! Motherboard args, can contain things like 'recv_buff_size'
    const uhd::device_addr_t _mb_args;

mpmd_xport_mgr::uptr mpmd_xport_mgr::make(const uhd::device_addr_t& mb_args)
    return mpmd_xport_mgr::uptr(new mpmd_xport_mgr_impl(mb_args));