// // Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "mpmd_impl.hpp" #include <uhd/utils/safe_call.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/transport/udp_simple.hpp> #include <chrono> #include <thread> namespace { /************************************************************************* * Local constants ************************************************************************/ //! Time between reclaims (ms) constexpr size_t MPMD_RECLAIM_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; //! Default timeout value for the init() RPC call (ms) constexpr size_t MPMD_DEFAULT_INIT_TIMEOUT = 120000; //! Default timeout value for RPC calls (ms) constexpr size_t MPMD_DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT = 2000; //! Short timeout value for RPC calls (ms), used for calls that shouldn't // take long. This value can be used to quickly determine a link status. constexpr size_t MPMD_SHORT_RPC_TIMEOUT = 2000; //! Timeout for pings (seconds). constexpr double MPMD_PING_TIMEOUT = 0.1; //! Default session ID (MPM will recognize a session by this name) const std::string MPMD_DEFAULT_SESSION_ID = "UHD"; //! Key to initialize a ping/measurement latency test const std::string MPMD_MEAS_LATENCY_KEY = "measure_rpc_latency"; //! Duration of a latency measurement test constexpr size_t MPMD_MEAS_LATENCY_DURATION = 1000; using log_buf_t = std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>>; /************************************************************************* * Helper functions ************************************************************************/ /*! Return true if we can MPM ping a device via discovery service. */ bool is_pingable(const std::string& ip_addr, const std::string& udp_port) { auto udp = uhd::transport::udp_simple::make_broadcast( ip_addr, udp_port ); const std::string send_buf( uhd::mpmd::mpmd_impl::MPM_ECHO_CMD + " ping" ); std::vector<uint8_t> recv_buf; recv_buf.resize(send_buf.size(), ' '); udp->send(boost::asio::buffer(send_buf.c_str(), send_buf.size())); const size_t len = udp->recv(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), MPMD_PING_TIMEOUT); if (len == 0) { UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Received no MPM ping, assuming device is unreachable."); return false; } if (len != send_buf.size()) { UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Received bad return packet on MPM ping. Assuming endpoint" " is not a valid MPM device."); return false; } if (std::memcmp( (void *) &recv_buf[0], (void *) &send_buf[0], send_buf.size()) != 0) { UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Received invalid return packet on MPM ping. Assuming endpoint" " is not a valid MPM device."); return false; } return true; } /*! Call init() on an MPM device. */ void init_device( uhd::rpc_client::sptr rpc, const uhd::device_addr_t mb_args ) { auto init_status = rpc->request_with_token<std::vector<std::string>>( "get_init_status"); if (init_status[0] != "true") { throw uhd::runtime_error( std::string("Device is in bad state: ") + init_status[1] ); } // TODO maybe put this somewhere else? const std::set<std::string> key_blacklist{ "serial", "claimed", "type", "rev", "addr" }; std::map<std::string, std::string> mpm_device_args; for (const auto &key : mb_args.keys()) { if (not key_blacklist.count(key)) { mpm_device_args[key] = mb_args[key]; } } if (not rpc->request_with_token<bool>("init", mpm_device_args)) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Failed to initialize device."); } } void measure_rpc_latency( uhd::rpc_client::sptr rpc, const size_t duration_ms=MPMD_MEAS_LATENCY_DURATION ) { const double alpha = 0.99; const std::string payload = "1234567890"; auto measure_once = [payload, rpc](){ const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); rpc->request<std::string>("ping", payload); return (double) std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start ).count(); }; double max_latency = measure_once(); double avg_latency = max_latency; auto end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(duration_ms); size_t ctr = 1; while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < end_time) { const auto duration = measure_once(); max_latency = std::max(max_latency, duration); avg_latency = avg_latency * alpha + (1-alpha) * duration; ctr++; // Light throttle: std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } UHD_LOG_INFO("MPMD", "RPC latency (coarse estimate): Avg = " << avg_latency << " us, " "Max = " << max_latency << ", n = " << ctr); } /*! Forward entries from a list of dictionaries to UHD's native logging * system. */ void forward_logs(log_buf_t&& log_buf) { for (const auto &log_record : log_buf) { if (log_record.count("levelname") == 0 or \ log_record.count("message") == 0) { UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", "Invalid logging structure returned from MPM device!"); continue; } if (log_record.at("levelname") == "TRACE") { UHD_LOG_TRACE( log_record.at("name"), log_record.at("message") ); } else if (log_record.at("levelname") == "DEBUG") { UHD_LOG_DEBUG( log_record.at("name"), log_record.at("message") ); } else if (log_record.at("levelname") == "INFO") { UHD_LOG_INFO( log_record.at("name"), log_record.at("message") ); } else if (log_record.at("levelname") == "WARNING") { UHD_LOG_WARNING( log_record.at("name"), log_record.at("message") ); } else if (log_record.at("levelname") == "ERROR") { UHD_LOG_ERROR( log_record.at("name"), log_record.at("message") ); } else if (log_record.at("levelname") == "CRITICAL") { UHD_LOG_FATAL( log_record.at("name"), log_record.at("message") ); } else { UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", "Invalid log level returned from MPM device: " "`" << log_record.at("levelname") << "'"); } } } /*! Return a new rpc_client with given addr and mb args */ uhd::rpc_client::sptr make_mpm_rpc_client( const std::string& rpc_server_addr, const uhd::device_addr_t& mb_args ){ return uhd::rpc_client::make( rpc_server_addr, mb_args.cast<size_t>( uhd::mpmd::mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_PORT_KEY, uhd::mpmd::mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_PORT ), uhd::mpmd::mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_GET_LAST_ERROR_CMD); } } using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::mpmd; /****************************************************************************** * Static Helpers *****************************************************************************/ boost::optional<device_addr_t> mpmd_mboard_impl::is_device_reachable( const device_addr_t &device_addr ) { UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Checking accessibility of device `" << device_addr.to_string() << "'"); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(device_addr.has_key(xport::MGMT_ADDR_KEY)); const std::string rpc_addr = device_addr.get(xport::MGMT_ADDR_KEY); const size_t rpc_port = device_addr.cast<size_t>( mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_PORT_KEY, mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_PORT ); auto rpcc = uhd::rpc_client::make(rpc_addr, rpc_port); rpcc->set_timeout(MPMD_SHORT_RPC_TIMEOUT); // 1) Read back device info dev_info device_info_dict; try { device_info_dict = rpcc->request<dev_info>("get_device_info"); } catch (const uhd::runtime_error& e) { UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", e.what()); } catch (...) { UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Unexpected exception when trying to query device info. Flagging " "device as unreachable."); return boost::optional<device_addr_t>(); } // 2) Check for local device if (device_info_dict.count("connection") and device_info_dict.at("connection") == "local") { UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Device is local, flagging as reachable."); return boost::optional<device_addr_t>(device_addr); } // 3) Check for network-reachable device // Note: This makes the assumption that devices will always allow RPC // connections on their CHDR addresses. const std::vector<std::string> addr_keys = {"second_addr", "addr"}; for (const auto& addr_key : addr_keys) { if (not device_info_dict.count(addr_key)) { continue; } const std::string chdr_addr = device_info_dict.at(addr_key); UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Checking reachability via network addr " << chdr_addr); try { // First do an MPM ping -- there is some issue with rpclib that can // lead to indefinite timeouts const std::string mpm_discovery_port = device_addr.get( mpmd_impl::MPM_DISCOVERY_PORT_KEY, std::to_string(mpmd_impl::MPM_DISCOVERY_PORT) ); if (!is_pingable(chdr_addr, mpm_discovery_port)) { UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Cannot MPM ping, assuming device is unreachable."); continue; } UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Was able to ping device, trying RPC connection."); auto chdr_rpcc = uhd::rpc_client::make(chdr_addr, rpc_port); chdr_rpcc->set_timeout(MPMD_SHORT_RPC_TIMEOUT); auto dev_info_chdr = chdr_rpcc->request<dev_info>("get_device_info"); if (dev_info_chdr["serial"] != device_info_dict["serial"]) { UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", boost::format( "Connected to CHDR interface, but got wrong device. " "Tried to reach serial %s, got %s") % device_info_dict["serial"] % dev_info_chdr["serial"]); return boost::optional<device_addr_t>(); } else { UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", boost::format( "Reachable device matches expected device (serial=%s)") % device_info_dict["serial"] ); } device_addr_t device_addr_copy = device_addr; device_addr_copy["addr"] = chdr_addr; return boost::optional<device_addr_t>(device_addr_copy); } catch (...) { UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Failed to reach device on network addr " << chdr_addr << "."); } } // If everything fails, we probably can't talk to this chap. UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "All reachability checks failed -- assuming device is not reachable."); return boost::optional<device_addr_t>(); } /***************************************************************************** * Structors ****************************************************************************/ mpmd_mboard_impl::mpmd_mboard_impl( const device_addr_t &mb_args_, const std::string& rpc_server_addr ) : mb_args(mb_args_) , rpc(make_mpm_rpc_client(rpc_server_addr, mb_args_)) , num_xbars(rpc->request<size_t>("get_num_xbars")) , _claim_rpc(make_mpm_rpc_client(rpc_server_addr, mb_args_)) // xbar_local_addrs is not yet valid after this! , xbar_local_addrs(num_xbars, 0xFF) , _xport_mgr(xport::mpmd_xport_mgr::make(mb_args)) { UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("MPMD") << "Initializing mboard, connecting to RPC server address: " << rpc_server_addr << " mboard args: " << mb_args.to_string() << " number of crossbars: " << num_xbars ; _claimer_task = claim_device_and_make_task(); if (mb_args_.has_key(MPMD_MEAS_LATENCY_KEY)) { measure_rpc_latency(rpc, MPMD_MEAS_LATENCY_DURATION); } /// Get device info const auto device_info_dict = rpc->request<dev_info>("get_device_info"); for (const auto &info_pair : device_info_dict) { device_info[info_pair.first] = info_pair.second; } UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("MPMD") << "MPM reports device info: " << device_info.to_string(); /// Get dboard info const auto dboards_info = rpc->request<std::vector<dev_info>>("get_dboard_info"); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(this->dboard_info.size() == 0); for (const auto &dboard_info_dict : dboards_info) { uhd::device_addr_t this_db_info; for (const auto &info_pair : dboard_info_dict) { this_db_info[info_pair.first] = info_pair.second; } UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("MPMD") << "MPM reports dboard info for slot " << this->dboard_info.size() << ": " << this_db_info.to_string(); this->dboard_info.push_back(this_db_info); } } mpmd_mboard_impl::~mpmd_mboard_impl() { try { dump_logs(); } catch (...) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("MPMD", "Could not flush log queue on exit!"); } UHD_SAFE_CALL( if (not rpc->request_with_token<bool>("unclaim")) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("MPMD", "Failure to ack unclaim!"); } ); } /***************************************************************************** * Init ****************************************************************************/ void mpmd_mboard_impl::init() { this->set_rpcc_timeout(mb_args.cast<size_t>( "init_timeout", MPMD_DEFAULT_INIT_TIMEOUT )); init_device(rpc, mb_args); this->set_rpcc_timeout(mb_args.cast<size_t>( "rpc_timeout", MPMD_DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT )); // RFNoC block clocks are now on. Noc-IDs can be read back. } /***************************************************************************** * API ****************************************************************************/ void mpmd_mboard_impl::set_xbar_local_addr( const size_t xbar_index, const size_t local_addr ) { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(rpc->request_with_token<bool>("set_xbar_local_addr", xbar_index, local_addr)); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(xbar_index < xbar_local_addrs.size()); xbar_local_addrs.at(xbar_index) = local_addr; } uhd::both_xports_t mpmd_mboard_impl::make_transport( const sid_t& sid, usrp::device3_impl::xport_type_t xport_type, const uhd::device_addr_t& xport_args ) { const std::string xport_type_str = [xport_type](){ switch (xport_type) { case mpmd_impl::CTRL: return "CTRL"; case mpmd_impl::ASYNC_MSG: return "ASYNC_MSG"; case mpmd_impl::RX_DATA: return "RX_DATA"; case mpmd_impl::TX_DATA: return "TX_DATA"; default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); }; }(); UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("MPMD") << __func__ << "(): Creating new transport of type: " << xport_type_str ; using namespace uhd::mpmd::xport; const auto xport_info_list = rpc->request_with_token<mpmd_xport_mgr::xport_info_list_t>( "request_xport", sid.get_dst(), sid.get_src(), xport_type_str ); UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("MPMD") << __func__ << "(): request_xport() gave us " << xport_info_list.size() << " option(s)." ; if (xport_info_list.empty()) { UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", "No viable transport path found!"); throw uhd::runtime_error("No viable transport path found!"); } xport::mpmd_xport_mgr::xport_info_t xport_info_out; auto xports = _xport_mgr->make_transport( xport_info_list, xport_type, xport_args, xport_info_out ); if (not rpc->request_with_token<bool>( "commit_xport", xport_info_out)) { UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", "Failed to create UDP transport!"); throw uhd::runtime_error("commit_xport() failed!"); } return xports; } size_t mpmd_mboard_impl::get_mtu(const uhd::direction_t dir) const { return _xport_mgr->get_mtu(dir); } uhd::device_addr_t mpmd_mboard_impl::get_rx_hints() const { // TODO: See if we need to do anything here. get_rx_stream() might care. device_addr_t rx_hints; return rx_hints; } uhd::device_addr_t mpmd_mboard_impl::get_tx_hints() const { // TODO: See if we need to do anything here. get_tx_stream() might care. device_addr_t tx_hints; return tx_hints; } void mpmd_mboard_impl::set_timeout_default() { this->set_rpcc_timeout(mb_args.cast<size_t>( "rpc_timeout", MPMD_DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT )); } void mpmd_mboard_impl::set_timeout_init() { this->set_rpcc_timeout(mb_args.cast<size_t>( "init_timeout", MPMD_DEFAULT_INIT_TIMEOUT )); } /***************************************************************************** * Private methods ****************************************************************************/ bool mpmd_mboard_impl::claim() { try { return _claim_rpc->request_with_token<bool>("reclaim"); } catch (...) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("MPMD", "Reclaim failed. Exiting claimer loop."); return false; } } void mpmd_mboard_impl::set_rpcc_timeout(const uint64_t timeout_ms){ rpc->set_timeout(timeout_ms); //FIXME: remove this when we know why rpc client didn't reset timer // while other rpc client not yet return. _claim_rpc->set_timeout(timeout_ms); } uhd::task::sptr mpmd_mboard_impl::claim_device_and_make_task( ) { auto rpc_token = _claim_rpc->request<std::string>("claim", mb_args.get("session_id", MPMD_DEFAULT_SESSION_ID) ); if (rpc_token.empty()) { throw uhd::value_error("mpmd device claiming failed!"); } UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD", "Received claim token " << rpc_token); // Save token for both RPC clients _claim_rpc->set_token(rpc_token); rpc->set_token(rpc_token); return uhd::task::make([this] { auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (not this->claim()) { throw uhd::value_error("mpmd device reclaiming loop failed!"); }; this->dump_logs(); std::this_thread::sleep_until( now + std::chrono::milliseconds(MPMD_RECLAIM_INTERVAL_MS) ); }); } void mpmd_mboard_impl::dump_logs(const bool dump_to_null) { // We need to use _claim_rpc instead of rpc because this currently only // gets called in the claimer loop. if (dump_to_null) { _claim_rpc->request_with_token<log_buf_t>("get_log_buf"); } else { forward_logs(_claim_rpc->request_with_token<log_buf_t>("get_log_buf")); } } /***************************************************************************** * Factory ****************************************************************************/ mpmd_mboard_impl::uptr mpmd_mboard_impl::make( const uhd::device_addr_t &mb_args, const std::string& addr ) { mpmd_mboard_impl::uptr mb = mpmd_mboard_impl::uptr(new mpmd_mboard_impl(mb_args, addr)); // implicit move return mb; }