// Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "mpmd_impl.hpp"
#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/component_file.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/eeprom.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/sensors.hpp>
#include <uhd/usrp/mboard_eeprom.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/tasks.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/radio_ctrl_impl.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/rpc_block_ctrl.hpp>
#include <../device3/device3_impl.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <future>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::mpmd;

namespace {
 * Local constants
const size_t MPMD_CROSSBAR_MAX_LADDR = 255;
//! Most pessimistic time for a CHDR query to go to device and back
const double MPMD_CHDR_MAX_RTT = 0.02;
//! MPM Compatibility number
const std::vector<size_t> MPM_COMPAT_NUM = {1, 2};

 * Helper functions
void reset_time_synchronized(uhd::property_tree::sptr tree)
    const size_t n_mboards = tree->list("/mboards").size();
    UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("MPMD") << "Synchronizing " << n_mboards << " timekeepers...";
    auto get_time_last_pps = [tree]() {
        return tree->access<time_spec_t>(fs_path("/mboards/0/time/pps")).get();
    auto end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(1100);
    auto time_last_pps = get_time_last_pps();
    UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Waiting for PPS clock edge...");
    while (time_last_pps == get_time_last_pps()) {
        if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > end_time) {
            throw uhd::runtime_error("Board 0 may not be getting a PPS signal!\n"
                                     "No PPS detected within the time interval.\n"
                                     "See the application notes for your device.\n");
    UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Setting all timekeepers to 0...");
    for (size_t mboard_idx = 0; mboard_idx < n_mboards; mboard_idx++) {
        tree->access<time_spec_t>(fs_path("/mboards") / mboard_idx / "time" / "pps")

    UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Waiting for next PPS edge...");

    UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Verifying all timekeepers are aligned...");
    auto get_time_now = [tree](const size_t mb_index) {
        return tree->access<time_spec_t>(fs_path("/mboards") / mb_index / "time/now")
    for (size_t m = 1; m < n_mboards; m++) {
        time_spec_t time_0 = get_time_now(0);
        time_spec_t time_i = get_time_now(m);
        if (time_i < time_0 or (time_i - time_0) > time_spec_t(MPMD_CHDR_MAX_RTT)) {
                << boost::format("Detected time deviation between board %d and board 0.\n"
                                 "Board 0 time is %f seconds.\n"
                                 "Board %d time is %f seconds.\n")
                       % m % time_0.get_real_secs() % m % time_i.get_real_secs();

/*! Throw an exception if compat numbers don't match.
 * \param component Name of the component for which we're checking the
 *                  compat number (for logging and exceptions strings).
 * \param expected Tuple of 2 integers representing MAJOR.MINOR compat
 *                 number.
 * \param actual Tuple of 2 integers representing MAJOR.MINOR compat
 *                 number.
 * \param advice_on_failure A string that is appended to the error message
 *                          when compat number mismatches have occurred.
void assert_compat_number_throw(const std::string& component,
    const std::vector<size_t>& expected,
    const std::vector<size_t>& actual,
    const std::string& advice_on_failure = "")
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(expected.size() == 2);
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(actual.size() == 2);
    UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("MPMD") << "Checking " << component
                             << " compat number. Expected: " << expected[0] << "."
                             << expected[1] << " Actual: " << actual[0] << "."
                             << actual[1];

    if (actual[0] != expected[0]) {
        const std::string err_msg =
            str(boost::format("%s major compat number mismatch. "
                              "Expected: %i.%i Actual: %i.%i.%s%s")
                % component % expected[0] % expected[1] % actual[0] % actual[1]
                % (advice_on_failure.empty() ? "" : " ") % advice_on_failure);
        UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", err_msg);
        throw uhd::runtime_error(err_msg);
    if (actual[1] < expected[1]) {
        const std::string err_msg =
            str(boost::format("%s minor compat number mismatch. "
                              "Expected: %i.%i Actual: %i.%i.%s%s")
                % component % expected[0] % expected[1] % actual[0] % actual[1]
                % (advice_on_failure.empty() ? "" : " ") % advice_on_failure);
        UHD_LOG_ERROR("MPMD", err_msg);
        throw uhd::runtime_error(err_msg);
    if (actual[1] > expected[1]) {
        const std::string err_msg =
            str(boost::format("%s minor compat number mismatch. "
                              "Expected: %i.%i Actual: %i.%i")
                % component % expected[0] % expected[1] % actual[0] % actual[1]);
        UHD_LOG_WARNING("MPMD", err_msg);
} // namespace

 * Static class attributes
const std::string mpmd_impl::MPM_FINDALL_KEY            = "find_all";
const size_t mpmd_impl::MPM_DISCOVERY_PORT              = 49600;
const std::string mpmd_impl::MPM_DISCOVERY_PORT_KEY     = "discovery_port";
const size_t mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_PORT                    = 49601;
const std::string mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_PORT_KEY           = "rpc_port";
const std::string mpmd_impl::MPM_RPC_GET_LAST_ERROR_CMD = "get_last_error";
const std::string mpmd_impl::MPM_DISCOVERY_CMD          = "MPM-DISC";
const std::string mpmd_impl::MPM_ECHO_CMD               = "MPM-ECHO";

 * Structors
mpmd_impl::mpmd_impl(const device_addr_t& device_args)
    : usrp::device3_impl(), _device_args(device_args)
    const device_addrs_t mb_args = separate_device_addr(device_args);
    const size_t num_mboards     = mb_args.size();
    const bool serialize_init = device_args.has_key("serialize_init");
    const bool skip_init      = device_args.has_key("skip_init");
    UHD_LOGGER_INFO("MPMD") << "Initializing " << num_mboards << " device(s) "
                            << (serialize_init ? "serially " : "in parallel ")
                            << "with args: " << device_args.to_string();

    // First, claim all the devices (so we own them and no one else can claim
    // them).
    // This can be parallelized as long as uptrs are stored in the right spot;
    // they need to be correctly indexed.
    for (size_t mb_i = 0; mb_i < num_mboards; ++mb_i) {
        UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Claiming mboard " << mb_i);

    // Next figure out the number of base xport addresses. This way, we
    // can run _mb[*]->init() in parallel on all the _mb.
    // This can *not* be parallelized.
    std::vector<size_t> base_xport_addr(num_mboards, 2); // Starts at 2 [sic]
    for (size_t mb_i = 0; mb_i < num_mboards - 1; ++mb_i) {
        base_xport_addr[mb_i + 1] = base_xport_addr[mb_i] + _mb[mb_i]->num_xbars;

    if (not skip_init) {
        // Run the actual device initialization. This can run in parallel.
        for (size_t mb_i = 0; mb_i < num_mboards; ++mb_i) {
            // Note: This is the only place we do compat number checks. They're
            // effectively disabled for skip_init=1
            setup_mb(_mb[mb_i].get(), mb_i, base_xport_addr[mb_i]);
    } else {
        UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Claimed device, but skipped init.");

    // Init the prop tree before the blocks get set up -- they might need access
    // to some of the properties. This also means that the prop tree is pristine
    // at this point in time.
    // This might be parallelized, need to verify the prop tree can handle the
    // concurrent accesses. Would shave of milliseconds per device -- probably
    // not worth it.
    for (size_t mb_i = 0; mb_i < mb_args.size(); ++mb_i) {
        init_property_tree(_tree, fs_path("/mboards") / mb_i, _mb[mb_i].get());

    if (not skip_init) {
        // This can be parallelized, because the blocks of individual mboards
        // live on different subtrees.
        for (size_t mb_i = 0; mb_i < mb_args.size(); ++mb_i) {
            setup_rfnoc_blocks(_mb[mb_i].get(), mb_i, mb_args[mb_i]);

        // FIXME this section only makes sense for when the time source is external.
        // So, check for that, or something similar.
        // This section of code assumes that the prop tree is set and we have access
        // to the timekeepers. So don't move it anywhere else.
        if (device_args.has_key("sync_time")) {

        auto filtered_block_args = device_args; // TODO actually filter
        // Blocks will finalize their own setup in this function. They have
        // (and might need) full access to the prop tree, the timekeepers, etc.
        // This is already internally parallelized.
        setup_rpc_blocks(filtered_block_args, serialize_init);
    } else {
        UHD_LOG_INFO("MPMD", "Claimed device without full initialization.");


 * Private methods
mpmd_mboard_impl::uptr mpmd_impl::claim_and_make(const uhd::device_addr_t& device_args)
    const std::string rpc_addr = device_args.get(xport::MGMT_ADDR_KEY);
    UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("MPMD") << "Device args: `" << device_args.to_string()
                             << "'. RPC address: " << rpc_addr;

    if (rpc_addr.empty()) {
            "Could not determine RPC address from device args: "
                << device_args.to_string());
        throw uhd::runtime_error("Could not determine device RPC address.");
    return mpmd_mboard_impl::make(device_args, rpc_addr);

void mpmd_impl::setup_mb(
    mpmd_mboard_impl* mb, const size_t mb_index, const size_t base_xport_addr)
        "Please update the version of MPM on your USRP device.");

    UHD_LOG_DEBUG("MPMD", "Initializing mboard " << mb_index);
    for (size_t xbar_index = 0; xbar_index < mb->num_xbars; xbar_index++) {
        mb->set_xbar_local_addr(xbar_index, base_xport_addr + xbar_index);

void mpmd_impl::setup_rfnoc_blocks(mpmd_mboard_impl* mb,
    const size_t mb_index,
    const uhd::device_addr_t& ctrl_xport_args)
        "MPMD", "Mboard " << mb_index << " reports " << mb->num_xbars << " crossbar(s).");
    // TODO: The args apply to all xbars, which may or may not be true
    for (size_t xbar_index = 0; xbar_index < mb->num_xbars; xbar_index++) {
        // Pull the number of blocks and base port from the args, if available.
        // Otherwise, get the values from MPM.
        const size_t num_blocks =
                ? ctrl_xport_args.cast<size_t>("rfnoc_num_blocks", 0)
                : mb->rpc->request<size_t>("get_num_blocks", xbar_index);
        const size_t base_port =
                ? ctrl_xport_args.cast<size_t>("rfnoc_base_port", 0)
                : mb->rpc->request<size_t>("get_base_port", xbar_index);
        const size_t local_addr = mb->get_xbar_local_addr(xbar_index);
            << "Enumerating RFNoC blocks for xbar " << xbar_index
            << ". Total blocks: " << num_blocks << " Base port: " << base_port
            << " Local address: " << local_addr;
        if (ctrl_xport_args.has_key("rfnoc_num_blocks")
            or ctrl_xport_args.has_key("rfnoc_base_port")) {
            // TODO: Remove this warning once we're confident this is
            //       (relatively) safe and useful. Also add documentation to
            //       usrp_n3xx.dox
                << "Overriding default RFNoC configuration. You are using an "
                << "experimental development feature, which may go away in "
                << "future versions.";

        try {
                uhd::sid_t(0, 0, local_addr, 0),
        } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
            UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("MPMD") << "Failure during block enumeration: " << ex.what();
            throw uhd::runtime_error("Failed to run enumerate_rfnoc_blocks()");

void mpmd_impl::setup_rpc_blocks(
    const device_addr_t& block_args, const bool serialize_init)
    std::vector<std::future<void>> task_list;
    // If we don't force async, most compilers, at least now, will default to
    // deferred.
    const auto launch_policy = serialize_init ? std::launch::deferred
                                              : std::launch::async;

    // Preload all the tasks (they might start running on emplace_back)
    for (const auto& block_ctrl : _rfnoc_block_ctrl) {
        auto rpc_block_id = block_ctrl->get_block_id();
        if (has_block<uhd::rfnoc::rpc_block_ctrl>(rpc_block_id)) {
            const size_t mboard_idx = rpc_block_id.get_device_no();
            auto rpc_block_ctrl =
            auto rpc_sptr = _mb[mboard_idx]->rpc;
                launch_policy, [rpc_block_id, rpc_block_ctrl, &block_args, rpc_sptr]() {
                        << "Adding RPC access to block: " << rpc_block_id
                        << " Block args: " << block_args.to_string();
                    rpc_block_ctrl->set_rpc_client(rpc_sptr, block_args);

    // Execute all the calls to set_rpc_client(), either concurrently, or
    // serially
    for (auto& task : task_list) {

size_t mpmd_impl::get_mtu(const size_t mb_index, const uhd::direction_t dir) {
    return _mb[mb_index]->get_mtu(dir);

 * Factory & Registry
static device::sptr mpmd_make(const device_addr_t& device_args)
    return device::sptr(boost::make_shared<mpmd_impl>(device_args));

    device::register_device(&mpmd_find, &mpmd_make, device::USRP);
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