#ifndef INCLUDED_UHD_USRP_UBLOX_CONTROL_IMPL_HPP #define INCLUDED_UHD_USRP_UBLOX_CONTROL_IMPL_HPP #include <boost/cstdint.hpp> #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <uhd/config.hpp> #include <uhd/usrp/gps_ctrl.hpp> #include <uhd/types/sensors.hpp> #include "e300_async_serial.hpp" namespace uhd { namespace usrp { namespace gps { namespace ublox { namespace ubx { // ublox binary sync words static const boost::uint8_t SYNC1 = 0xB5; static const boost::uint8_t SYNC2 = 0x62; // message classes static const boost::uint8_t CLASS_NAV = 0x01; static const boost::uint8_t CLASS_ACK = 0x05; static const boost::uint8_t CLASS_CFG = 0x06; static const boost::uint8_t CLASS_MON = 0x0a; static const boost::uint8_t CLASS_NMEA = 0xf0; // Message IDs static const boost::uint8_t ID_NAV_POSLLH = 0x02; static const boost::uint8_t ID_NAV_SOL = 0x06; static const boost::uint8_t ID_NAV_PVT = 0x07; static const boost::uint8_t ID_NAV_VELNED = 0x12; static const boost::uint8_t ID_NAV_TIMEUTC = 0x21; static const boost::uint8_t ID_NAV_SVINFO = 0x30; static const boost::uint8_t ID_ACK_NAK = 0x00; static const boost::uint8_t ID_ACK_ACK = 0x01; static const boost::uint8_t ID_CFG_PRT = 0x00; static const boost::uint8_t ID_CFG_ANT = 0x13; static const boost::uint8_t ID_CFG_TP = 0x07; static const boost::uint8_t ID_CFG_MSG = 0x01; static const boost::uint8_t ID_CFG_RATE = 0x08; static const boost::uint8_t ID_CFG_NAV5 = 0x24; static const boost::uint8_t ID_MON_VER = 0x04; static const boost::uint8_t ID_MON_HW = 0x09; static const boost::uint8_t ID_GGA = 0x00; static const boost::uint8_t ID_GLL = 0x01; static const boost::uint8_t ID_GSA = 0x02; static const boost::uint8_t ID_GSV = 0x03; static const boost::uint8_t ID_RMC = 0x04; static const boost::uint8_t ID_VTG = 0x05; static const boost::uint8_t ID_GST = 0x07; // Message Classes & IDs // static const boost::uint16_t MSG_NAV_POSLLH = CLASS_NAV | (ID_NAV_POSLLH << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_NAV_SOL = CLASS_NAV | (ID_NAV_SOL << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_NAV_PVT = CLASS_NAV | (ID_NAV_PVT << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_NAV_VELNED = CLASS_NAV | (ID_NAV_VELNED << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_NAV_TIMEUTC = CLASS_NAV | (ID_NAV_TIMEUTC << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_NAV_SVINFO = CLASS_NAV | (ID_NAV_SVINFO << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_ACK_NAK = CLASS_ACK | (ID_ACK_NAK << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_ACK_ACK = CLASS_ACK | (ID_ACK_ACK << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_CFG_PRT = CLASS_CFG | (ID_CFG_PRT << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_CFG_ANT = CLASS_CFG | (ID_CFG_ANT << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_CFG_TP = CLASS_CFG | (ID_CFG_TP << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_CFG_MSG = CLASS_CFG | (ID_CFG_MSG << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_CFG_RATE = CLASS_CFG | (ID_CFG_RATE << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_CFG_NAV5 = CLASS_CFG | (ID_CFG_NAV5 << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_MON_HW = CLASS_MON | (ID_MON_HW << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_MON_VER = CLASS_MON | (ID_MON_VER << 8); // NMEA ones static const boost::uint16_t MSG_GGA = CLASS_NMEA | (ID_GGA << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_GLL = CLASS_NMEA | (ID_GLL << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_GSA = CLASS_NMEA | (ID_GSA << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_GSV = CLASS_NMEA | (ID_GSV << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_RMC = CLASS_NMEA | (ID_RMC << 8); static const boost::uint16_t MSG_VTG = CLASS_NMEA | (ID_VTG << 8); // header struct header_t { boost::uint8_t sync1; boost::uint8_t sync2; boost::uint16_t msg; boost::uint16_t length; }; // checksum struct checksum_t { boost::uint8_t ck_a; boost::uint8_t ck_b; }; // rx rx mon-hw (ubx6) struct payload_rx_mon_hw_t { boost::uint32_t pin_sel; boost::uint32_t pin_bank; boost::uint32_t pin_dir; boost::uint32_t pin_val; boost::uint16_t noise_per_ms; boost::uint16_t agc_cnt; boost::uint8_t a_status; boost::uint8_t a_power; boost::uint8_t flags; boost::uint8_t reserved1; boost::uint32_t used_mask; boost::uint8_t vp[25]; boost::uint8_t jam_ind; boost::uint16_t reserved3; boost::uint32_t pin_irq; boost::uint32_t pullh; boost::uint32_t pulll; }; // rx mon-ver struct payload_rx_mon_ver_part1_t { char sw_version[30]; char hw_version[10]; }; struct payload_rx_mon_ver_part2_t { boost::uint8_t extension[30]; }; // rx ack-ack typedef union { boost::uint16_t msg; struct { boost::uint8_t cls_id; boost::uint8_t msg_id; }; } payload_rx_ack_ack_t; // rx ack-nak typedef union { boost::uint16_t msg; struct { boost::uint8_t cls_id; boost::uint8_t msg_id; }; } payload_rx_ack_nak_t; // tx cfg-prt (uart) struct payload_tx_cfg_prt_t { boost::uint8_t port_id; boost::uint8_t reserved0; boost::uint16_t tx_ready; boost::uint32_t mode; boost::uint32_t baud_rate; boost::uint16_t in_proto_mask; boost::uint16_t out_proto_mask; boost::uint16_t flags; boost::uint16_t reserved5; }; // tx cfg-rate struct payload_tx_cfg_rate_t { boost::uint16_t meas_rate; boost::uint16_t nav_rate; boost::uint16_t time_ref; }; // tx cfg-msg struct payload_tx_cfg_msg_t { boost::uint16_t msg; boost::uint8_t rate[6]; }; // tx cfg-ant struct payload_tx_cfg_ant_t { boost::uint16_t flags; boost::uint16_t pins; }; // tx cfg-tp struct payload_tx_cfg_tp_t { boost::uint32_t interval; boost::uint32_t length; boost::int8_t status; boost::uint8_t time_ref; boost::uint8_t flags; boost::uint8_t reserved1; boost::int16_t antenna_delay; boost::int16_t rf_group_delay; boost::int32_t user_delay; }; struct payload_rx_nav_sol_t { boost::uint32_t i_tow; boost::int32_t f_tow; boost::int16_t week; boost::uint8_t gps_fix; boost::uint8_t flags; boost::int32_t ecef_x; boost::int32_t ecef_y; boost::int32_t ecef_z; boost::uint32_t p_acc; boost::int32_t ecef_vx; boost::int32_t ecef_vy; boost::int32_t ecef_vz; boost::uint32_t s_acc; boost::uint16_t p_dop; boost::uint8_t reserved1; boost::uint8_t num_sv; boost::uint32_t reserved2; }; struct payload_rx_nav_timeutc_t { boost::uint32_t i_tow; boost::uint32_t t_acc; boost::int32_t nano; boost::uint16_t year; boost::uint8_t month; boost::uint8_t day; boost::uint8_t hour; boost::uint8_t min; boost::uint8_t sec; boost::uint8_t valid; }; typedef union { payload_rx_mon_hw_t payload_rx_mon_hw; payload_rx_mon_ver_part1_t payload_rx_mon_ver_part1; payload_rx_mon_ver_part2_t payload_rx_mon_ver_part2; payload_rx_ack_ack_t payload_rx_ack_ack; payload_rx_ack_nak_t payload_rx_ack_nak; payload_tx_cfg_prt_t payload_tx_cfg_prt; payload_tx_cfg_ant_t payload_tx_cfg_ant; payload_tx_cfg_rate_t payload_tx_cfg_rate; payload_tx_cfg_msg_t payload_tx_cfg_msg; payload_rx_nav_timeutc_t payload_rx_nav_timeutc; payload_rx_nav_sol_t payload_rx_nav_sol; boost::uint8_t raw[]; } buf_t; template <typename T> class sensor_entry { public: sensor_entry() : _seen(false) { } void update(const T &val) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(_mutex); _value = val; _seen = false; l.unlock(); _cond.notify_one(); } bool seen() const { boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(_mutex); return _seen; } bool try_and_see(T &val) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(_mutex); if (_seen) return false; val = _value; _seen = true; return true; } void wait_and_see(T &val) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(_mutex); while(_seen) { _cond.wait(l); //std::cout << "Already seen ... " << std::endl; } val = _value; _seen = true; } private: // members T _value; boost::mutex _mutex; boost::condition_variable _cond; bool _seen; }; class control_impl : public control { public: control_impl(const std::string &node, const size_t baud_rate); virtual ~control_impl(void); void configure_message_rate( const boost::uint16_t msg, const boost::uint8_t rate); void configure_antenna( const boost::uint16_t flags, const boost::uint16_t pins); void configure_pps( const boost::uint32_t interval, const boost::uint32_t length, const boost::int8_t status, const boost::uint8_t time_ref, const boost::uint8_t flags, const boost::int16_t antenna_delay, const boost::int16_t rf_group_delay, const boost::int32_t user_delay); void configure_rates( boost::uint16_t meas_rate, boost::uint16_t nav_rate, boost::uint16_t time_ref); // gps_ctrl interface bool gps_detected(void); std::vector<std::string> get_sensors(void); uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(std::string key); private: // types enum decoder_state_t { DECODE_SYNC1 = 0, DECODE_SYNC2, DECODE_CLASS, DECODE_ID, DECODE_LENGTH1, DECODE_LENGTH2, DECODE_PAYLOAD, DECODE_CHKSUM1, DECODE_CHKSUM2, }; enum rxmsg_state_t { RXMSG_IGNORE = 0, RXMSG_HANDLE, RXMSG_DISABLE, RXMSG_ERROR_LENGTH }; enum ack_state_t { ACK_IDLE = 0, ACK_WAITING, ACK_GOT_ACK, ACK_GOT_NAK }; private: // methods std::time_t _get_epoch_time(void); void _decode_init(void); void _add_byte_to_checksum(const boost::uint8_t b); void _detect(void); void _send_message( const boost::uint16_t msg, const boost::uint8_t *payload, const boost::uint16_t len); int _wait_for_ack( const boost::uint16_t msg, const double timeout); void _calc_checksum( const boost::uint8_t *buffer, const boost::uint16_t length, checksum_t &checksum); void _rx_callback(const char *data, unsigned len); void _parse_char(const boost::uint8_t b); int _payload_rx_init(void); int _payload_rx_add(const boost::uint8_t b); int _payload_rx_done(void); private: // members // gps_ctrl stuff bool _detected; std::vector<std::string> _sensors; sensor_entry<bool> _locked; sensor_entry<boost::posix_time::ptime> _ptime; // decoder state decoder_state_t _decode_state; rxmsg_state_t _rxmsg_state; ack_state_t _ack_state; boost::uint16_t _ack_waiting_msg; boost::uint8_t _rx_ck_a; boost::uint8_t _rx_ck_b; boost::uint16_t _rx_payload_length; size_t _rx_payload_index; boost::uint16_t _rx_msg; rxmsg_state_t _rx_state; boost::shared_ptr<async_serial> _serial; // this has to be at the end of the // class to be valid C++ buf_t _buf; }; }} // namespace ublox::ubx }}} // namespace #endif // INCLUDED_UHD_USRP_UBLOX_CONTROL_IMPL_HPP