// // Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "magnesium_radio_ctrl_impl.hpp" #include "magnesium_constants.hpp" #include "spi_core_3000.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::rfnoc; namespace { enum slave_select_t { SEN_CPLD = 1, SEN_TX_LO = 2, SEN_RX_LO = 4, SEN_PHASE_DAC = 8 }; constexpr double MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_FREQ = 2.5e9; // Hz constexpr double MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH = 100e6; // Hz constexpr char MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_RX_ANTENNA[] = "RX2"; constexpr char MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_TX_ANTENNA[] = "TX/RX"; //! Magnesium gain profile options const std::vector MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS = { "manual", "default" }; } void magnesium_radio_ctrl_impl::_init_defaults() { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing defaults..."); const size_t num_rx_chans = get_output_ports().size(); const size_t num_tx_chans = get_input_ports().size(); UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Num TX chans: " << num_tx_chans << " Num RX chans: " << num_rx_chans); for (size_t chan = 0; chan < num_rx_chans; chan++) { radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_frequency(MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_FREQ, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_gain(0, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_antenna(MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_RX_ANTENNA, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_bandwidth(MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH, chan); } for (size_t chan = 0; chan < num_tx_chans; chan++) { radio_ctrl_impl::set_tx_frequency(MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_FREQ, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_tx_gain(0, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_tx_antenna(MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_TX_ANTENNA, chan); } /** Update default SPP (overwrites the default value from the XML file) **/ const size_t max_bytes_header = uhd::transport::vrt::chdr::max_if_hdr_words64 * sizeof(uint64_t); const size_t default_spp = (_tree->access("mtu/recv").get() - max_bytes_header) / (2 * sizeof(int16_t)); UHD_LOG_DEBUG(unique_id(), "Setting default spp to " << default_spp); _tree->access(get_arg_path("spp") / "value").set(default_spp); } void magnesium_radio_ctrl_impl::_init_peripherals() { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing peripherals..."); fs_path cpld_path = _root_path.branch_path() / str(boost::format("Radio_%d") % ((get_block_id().get_block_count()/2)*2)) / "cpld"; fs_path rx_lo_path = _root_path.branch_path() / str(boost::format("Radio_%d") % ((get_block_id().get_block_count()/2)*2)) / "rx_lo"; fs_path tx_lo_path = _root_path.branch_path() / str(boost::format("Radio_%d") % ((get_block_id().get_block_count()/2)*2)) / "tx_lo"; // TODO: When we move back to 2 chans per RFNoC block, this needs to be // non-conditional, and the else-branch goes away: if (_master) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing SPI core..."); _spi = spi_core_3000::make(_get_ctrl(0), radio_ctrl_impl::regs::sr_addr(radio_ctrl_impl::regs::SPI), radio_ctrl_impl::regs::RB_SPI); } else { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Not a master radio, no SPI core."); } UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing CPLD..."); UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "CPLD path: " << cpld_path); if (not _tree->exists(cpld_path)) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Creating new CPLD object..."); spi_config_t spi_config; spi_config.use_custom_divider = true; spi_config.divider = 125; spi_config.mosi_edge = spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE; spi_config.miso_edge = spi_config_t::EDGE_FALL; UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Making CPLD object..."); _cpld = std::make_shared( [this, spi_config](const uint32_t transaction){ // Write functor this->_spi->write_spi( SEN_CPLD, spi_config, transaction, 24 ); }, [this, spi_config](const uint32_t transaction){ // Read functor return this->_spi->read_spi( SEN_CPLD, spi_config, transaction, 24 ); } ); _update_atr_switches( magnesium_cpld_ctrl::BOTH, DX_DIRECTION, radio_ctrl_impl::get_rx_antenna(0) ); _tree->create(cpld_path).set(_cpld); } else { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Reusing someone else's CPLD object..."); _cpld = _tree->access(cpld_path).get(); } // TODO: Same comment as above applies if (_master) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing TX LO..."); _tx_lo = adf435x_iface::make_adf4351( [this](const std::vector transactions){ for (const uint32_t transaction: transactions) { this->_spi->write_spi( SEN_TX_LO, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE, transaction, 32 ); } } ); UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing RX LO..."); _rx_lo = adf435x_iface::make_adf4351( [this](const std::vector transactions){ for (const uint32_t transaction: transactions) { this->_spi->write_spi( SEN_RX_LO, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE, transaction, 32 ); } } ); } else { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Not a master radio, no LOs."); } _gpio.clear(); // Following the as-if rule, this can get optimized out for (size_t radio_idx = 0; radio_idx < _get_num_radios(); radio_idx++) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing GPIOs for channel " << radio_idx); _gpio.emplace_back( usrp::gpio_atr::gpio_atr_3000::make( _get_ctrl(radio_idx), regs::sr_addr(regs::GPIO), regs::RB_DB_GPIO ) ); // DSA and AD9371 gain bits do *not* toggle on ATR modes. If we ever // connect anything else to this core, we might need to set_atr_mode() // to MODE_ATR on those bits. For now, all bits simply do what they're // told, and don't toggle on RX/TX state changes. _gpio.back()->set_atr_mode( usrp::gpio_atr::MODE_GPIO, // Disable ATR mode usrp::gpio_atr::gpio_atr_3000::MASK_SET_ALL ); _gpio.back()->set_gpio_ddr( usrp::gpio_atr::DDR_OUTPUT, // Make all GPIOs outputs usrp::gpio_atr::gpio_atr_3000::MASK_SET_ALL ); } if (get_block_id().get_block_count() == FPGPIO_MASTER_RADIO) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Initializing front-panel GPIO control...") _fp_gpio = usrp::gpio_atr::gpio_atr_3000::make( _get_ctrl(0), regs::sr_addr(regs::FP_GPIO), regs::RB_FP_GPIO); } } void magnesium_radio_ctrl_impl::_init_frontend_subtree( uhd::property_tree::sptr subtree, const size_t chan_idx ) { const fs_path tx_fe_path = fs_path("tx_frontends") / chan_idx; const fs_path rx_fe_path = fs_path("rx_frontends") / chan_idx; UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Adding non-RFNoC block properties for channel " << chan_idx << " to prop tree path " << tx_fe_path << " and " << rx_fe_path); // TX Standard attributes subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "name") .set(str(boost::format("Magnesium"))) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "connection") .set("IQ") ; // RX Standard attributes subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "name") .set(str(boost::format("Magnesium"))) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "connection") .set("IQ") ; // TX Antenna subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "antenna" / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this, chan_idx](const std::string &ant){ this->set_tx_antenna(ant, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_antenna(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create>(tx_fe_path / "antenna" / "options") .set({MAGNESIUM_DEFAULT_TX_ANTENNA}) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const std::vector &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update antenna options!"); }) ; // RX Antenna subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "antenna" / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this, chan_idx](const std::string &ant){ this->set_rx_antenna(ant, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_antenna(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create>(rx_fe_path / "antenna" / "options") .set(MAGNESIUM_RX_ANTENNAS) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const std::vector &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update antenna options!"); }) ; // TX frequency subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "freq" / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double freq){ return this->set_tx_frequency(freq, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_frequency(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "freq" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(MAGNESIUM_MIN_FREQ, MAGNESIUM_MAX_FREQ, 1.0)) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update freq range!"); }) ; // RX frequency subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "freq" / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double freq){ return this->set_rx_frequency(freq, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_frequency(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "freq" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(MAGNESIUM_MIN_FREQ, MAGNESIUM_MAX_FREQ, 1.0)) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update freq range!"); }) ; // TX bandwidth subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "bandwidth" / "value") .set(AD9371_TX_MAX_BANDWIDTH) .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double bw){ return this->set_tx_bandwidth(bw, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_bandwidth(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "bandwidth" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(AD9371_TX_MIN_BANDWIDTH, AD9371_TX_MAX_BANDWIDTH)) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update bandwidth range!"); }) ; // RX bandwidth subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "bandwidth" / "value") .set(AD9371_RX_MAX_BANDWIDTH) .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double bw){ return this->set_rx_bandwidth(bw, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "bandwidth" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(AD9371_RX_MIN_BANDWIDTH, AD9371_RX_MAX_BANDWIDTH)) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update bandwidth range!"); }) ; // TX gains subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / "all" / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain){ return this->set_tx_gain(gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return radio_ctrl_impl::get_tx_gain(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / "all" / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[TX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { return meta_range_t( ALL_TX_MIN_GAIN, ALL_TX_MAX_GAIN, ALL_TX_GAIN_STEP ); } }) ; subtree->create >(tx_fe_path / "gains/all/profile/options") .set(boost::assign::list_of("manual")("default")); subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains/all/profile/value") .set_coercer([this](const std::string& profile){ std::string return_profile = profile; if (std::find(MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS.begin(), MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS.end(), profile ) == MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS.end()) { return_profile = "default"; } _gain_profile[TX_DIRECTION] = return_profile; return return_profile; }) .set_publisher([this](){ return _gain_profile[TX_DIRECTION]; }) ; // RX gains subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / "all" / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain){ return this->set_rx_gain(gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return radio_ctrl_impl::get_rx_gain(chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / "all" / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[RX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { return meta_range_t( ALL_RX_MIN_GAIN, ALL_RX_MAX_GAIN, ALL_RX_GAIN_STEP ); } }) ; subtree->create >(rx_fe_path / "gains/all/profile/options") .set(MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS); subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains/all/profile/value") .set_coercer([this](const std::string& profile){ std::string return_profile = profile; if (std::find(MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS.begin(), MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS.end(), profile ) == MAGNESIUM_GP_OPTIONS.end()) { return_profile = "default"; } _gain_profile[RX_DIRECTION] = return_profile; return return_profile; }) .set_publisher([this](){ return _gain_profile[RX_DIRECTION]; }) ; // TX mykonos attenuation subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN1 / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain){ return _set_tx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN1, gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->_get_tx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN1 / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[TX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t( AD9371_MIN_TX_GAIN, AD9371_MAX_TX_GAIN, AD9371_TX_GAIN_STEP ); } else { return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }) ; // TX DSA subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN2 / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain){ return this->_set_tx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN2, gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->_get_tx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN2 / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[TX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t(DSA_MIN_GAIN, DSA_MAX_GAIN, DSA_GAIN_STEP); }else{ return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }) ; //TX amp subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_AMP / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain) { return this->_set_tx_gain(MAGNESIUM_AMP, gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx]() { return this->_get_tx_gain(MAGNESIUM_AMP, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_AMP / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[TX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t(AMP_MIN_GAIN, AMP_MAX_GAIN, AMP_GAIN_STEP); }else{ return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }) ; // RX mykonos attenuation subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN1 / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain){ UHD_VAR(gain); return this->_set_rx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN1, gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx](){ return this->_get_rx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN1 / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[RX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t( AD9371_MIN_RX_GAIN, AD9371_MAX_RX_GAIN, AD9371_RX_GAIN_STEP ); } else { return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }) ; //RX DSA subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN2 / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain) { UHD_VAR(gain); return this->_set_rx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN2, gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx]() { return this->_get_rx_gain(MAGNESIUM_GAIN2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_GAIN2 / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[RX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t(DSA_MIN_GAIN, DSA_MAX_GAIN, DSA_MAX_GAIN); }else{ return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }) ; //RX amp subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_AMP / "value") .set_coercer([this, chan_idx](const double gain) { return this->_set_rx_gain(MAGNESIUM_AMP, gain, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, chan_idx]() { return this->_get_rx_gain(MAGNESIUM_AMP, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "gains" / MAGNESIUM_AMP / "range") .add_coerced_subscriber([](const meta_range_t &) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to update gain range!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ if (_gain_profile[RX_DIRECTION] == "manual") { return meta_range_t(AMP_MIN_GAIN, AMP_MAX_GAIN, AMP_GAIN_STEP); }else{ return meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }) ; // TX LO lock sensor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: The lowband and AD9371 LO lock sensors are generated // programmatically in set_rpc_client(). The actual lo_locked publisher is // also set there. subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "sensors" / "lo_locked") .set(sensor_value_t("all_los", false, "locked", "unlocked")) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const sensor_value_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to write to sensor!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ return sensor_value_t( "all_los", this->get_lo_lock_status(TX_DIRECTION), "locked", "unlocked" ); }) ; // RX LO lock sensor (see not on TX LO lock sensor) subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "sensors" / "lo_locked") .set(sensor_value_t("all_los", false, "locked", "unlocked")) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const sensor_value_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to write to sensor!"); }) .set_publisher([this](){ return sensor_value_t( "all_los", this->get_lo_lock_status(RX_DIRECTION), "locked", "unlocked" ); }) ; //LO Specific //RX LO subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"freq/range") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_freq_range(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create>(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"source/options") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_sources(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"source/value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this,chan_idx](std::string src){ this->set_rx_lo_source(src, MAGNESIUM_LO1,chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_source(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"freq/value") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_freq(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) .set_coercer([this,chan_idx](const double freq){ return this->set_rx_lo_freq(freq, MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"freq/range") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_freq_range(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create>(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"source/options") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_sources(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"source/value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this,chan_idx](std::string src){ this->set_rx_lo_source(src, MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_source(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(rx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"freq/value") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_freq(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) .set_coercer([this,chan_idx](double freq){ return this->set_rx_lo_freq(freq, MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }); //TX LO subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"freq/range") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_rx_lo_freq_range(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create>(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"source/options") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_sources(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"source/value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this,chan_idx](std::string src){ this->set_tx_lo_source(src, MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_source(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO1/"freq/value ") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_freq(MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) .set_coercer([this,chan_idx](double freq){ return this->set_tx_lo_freq(freq, MAGNESIUM_LO1, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"freq/range") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_freq_range(MAGNESIUM_LO2,chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create>(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"source/options") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_sources(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"source/value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this,chan_idx](std::string src){ this->set_tx_lo_source(src, MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_source(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) ; subtree->create(tx_fe_path / "los"/MAGNESIUM_LO2/"freq/value") .set_publisher([this,chan_idx](){ return this->get_tx_lo_freq(MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }) .set_coercer([this,chan_idx](double freq){ return this->set_tx_lo_freq(freq, MAGNESIUM_LO2, chan_idx); }); } void magnesium_radio_ctrl_impl::_init_prop_tree() { const fs_path fe_base = fs_path("dboards") / _radio_slot; this->_init_frontend_subtree(_tree->subtree(fe_base), 0); // TODO: When we go to one radio per dboard, the above if statement goes // away, and instead we have something like this: /* *for (chan_idx = 0; chan_idx < MAGNESIUM_NUM_CHANS; chan_idx++) { * this->_init_frontend_subtree( * _tree->get_subtree(fe_base), chan_idx); *} */ // EEPROM paths subject to change FIXME _tree->create(_root_path / "eeprom") .set(eeprom_map_t()); // TODO change codec names _tree->create("rx_codecs" / _radio_slot / "gains"); _tree->create("tx_codecs" / _radio_slot / "gains"); _tree->create("rx_codecs" / _radio_slot / "name").set("AD9371 Dual ADC"); _tree->create("tx_codecs" / _radio_slot / "name").set("AD9371 Dual DAC"); // TODO remove this dirty hack if (not _tree->exists("tick_rate")) { _tree->create("tick_rate") .set_publisher([this](){ return this->get_rate(); }) ; } } void magnesium_radio_ctrl_impl::_init_mpm_sensors( const direction_t dir, const size_t chan_idx ) { const std::string trx = (dir == RX_DIRECTION) ? "RX" : "TX"; const fs_path fe_path = fs_path("dboards") / _radio_slot / (dir == RX_DIRECTION ? "rx_frontends" : "tx_frontends") / chan_idx; auto sensor_list = _rpcc->request_with_token>( this->_rpc_prefix + "get_sensors", trx); UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Chan " << chan_idx << ": Found " << sensor_list.size() << " " << trx << " sensors."); for (const auto &sensor_name : sensor_list) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "Adding " << trx << " sensor " << sensor_name); _tree->create(fe_path / "sensors" / sensor_name) .add_coerced_subscriber([](const sensor_value_t &){ throw uhd::runtime_error( "Attempting to write to sensor!"); }) .set_publisher([this, trx, sensor_name, chan_idx](){ return sensor_value_t( this->_rpcc->request_with_token( this->_rpc_prefix + "get_sensor", trx, sensor_name, chan_idx) ); }) ; } }