// // Copyright 2017 Ettus Research (National Instruments Corp.) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // #include "eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl.hpp" #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/math.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/node_ctrl_base.hpp> #include <uhd/types/ranges.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_io.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::usrp; using namespace uhd::rfnoc; namespace { const size_t SR_ANTENNA_GAIN_BASE = 204; const size_t SR_ANTENNA_SELECT_BASE = 192; // Note: On other dboards, 192 is DB_GPIO address space const size_t RB_CHOOSE_BEAMS = 10; const double EISCAT_TICK_RATE = 208e6; // Hz const double EISCAT_RADIO_RATE = 104e6; // Hz const double EISCAT_CENTER_FREQ = 208e6; // Hz const double EISCAT_DEFAULT_NULL_GAIN = 0.0; // dB. This is not the digital antenna gain, this a fake stub value. const double EISCAT_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH = 104e6; // Hz const char* EISCAT_DEFAULT_ANTENNA = "BF"; const size_t EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS = 16; const size_t EISCAT_NUM_BEAMS = 10; const size_t EISCAT_NUM_PORTS = 5; const size_t EISCAT_GAIN_RANGE = 18; // Bits, *signed*. const int32_t EISCAT_MAX_GAIN = (1<<(EISCAT_GAIN_RANGE-1))-1; const int32_t EISCAT_MIN_GAIN = -(1<<(EISCAT_GAIN_RANGE-1)); const double EISCAT_DEFAULT_NORM_GAIN = 1.0; // Normalized. This is the actual digital gain value. const size_t EISCAT_BITS_PER_TAP = 18; const eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::fir_tap_t EISCAT_MAX_TAP_VALUE = (1<<(EISCAT_BITS_PER_TAP-1))-1; const eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::fir_tap_t EISCAT_MIN_TAP_VALUE = -(1<<(EISCAT_BITS_PER_TAP-1)); const size_t EISCAT_NUM_FIR_TAPS = 10; const size_t EISCAT_NUM_FIR_SETS = 1024; // BRAM must be at least EISCAT_NUM_FIR_TAPS * EISCAT_NUM_FIR_SETS const size_t EISCAT_FIR_INDEX_IMPULSE = 1002; const size_t EISCAT_FIR_INDEX_ZEROS = 1003; const uint32_t EISCAT_CONTRIB_LOWER = 0<<0; const uint32_t EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER = 1<<0; const uint32_t EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS = 1<<1; const uint32_t EISCAT_BYPASS_MATRIX = 1<<2; const uint32_t EISCAT_OUTPUT_COUNTER = 1<<3; }; UHD_RFNOC_RADIO_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(eiscat_radio_ctrl) { UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", "eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::ctor() "); _num_ports = get_output_ports().size(); UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", "Number of channels: " << _num_ports); UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", "Tick rate is " << EISCAT_TICK_RATE/1e6 << " MHz" ); /**** Configure the radio_ctrl itself ***********************************/ // This also sets the command tick rate: radio_ctrl_impl::set_rate(EISCAT_TICK_RATE); for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_ports; chan++) { radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_frequency(EISCAT_CENTER_FREQ, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_gain(EISCAT_DEFAULT_NULL_GAIN, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_antenna(EISCAT_DEFAULT_ANTENNA, chan); radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_bandwidth(EISCAT_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH, chan); } /**** Set up arg-based control API **************************************/ // None of these properties are defined in the XML file. Some of them have // non-Noc-Script-compatible types. _tree->create<bool>(get_arg_path("sysref", 0) / "value") .set(true) .add_coerced_subscriber([this](bool){ try { this->send_sysref(); } catch (const uhd::exception &ex) { UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("EISCAT") << "Failed to send SYSREF: " << ex.what(); throw uhd::runtime_error(str( boost::format("Failed to send SYSREF: %s") % ex.what() )); } }) .set_publisher([](){ return true; }) ; _tree->create<bool>(get_arg_path("assert_adcs_deframers", 0) / "value") .set(true) .set_publisher([this](){ return this->assert_adcs_deframers(); }) ; _tree->create<bool>(get_arg_path("assert_deframer_status", 0) / "value") .set(true) .set_publisher([this](){ return this->assert_adcs_deframers(); }) ; _tree->create<time_spec_t>(get_arg_path("fir_ctrl_time", 0) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this](time_spec_t switch_time){ this->set_fir_ctrl_time(switch_time); }) .set(time_spec_t(0.0)) ; for (size_t beam = 0; beam < EISCAT_NUM_BEAMS; beam++) { for (size_t ant = 0; ant < EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS; ant++) { const size_t fir_index = beam * EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS + ant; // These are not in the XML file _tree->create<int>(get_arg_path("fir_select", fir_index) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([beam, ant, this](const size_t ram_idx){ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(ram_idx < EISCAT_NUM_FIR_SETS); this->select_filter( beam, ant, ram_idx, this->get_arg<time_spec_t>("fir_ctrl_time", 0), false ); }) ; } } for (size_t fir_set = 0; fir_set < EISCAT_NUM_FIR_SETS; fir_set++) { _tree->create<std::vector<fir_tap_t>>( get_arg_path("fir_taps", fir_set) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber( [this, fir_set](const std::vector<fir_tap_t> &taps){ this->write_fir_taps(fir_set, taps); } ) ; } /**** Add subscribers for our special properties ************************/ // The difference between this block and the previous that these *are* // defined in the XML file, and can have defaults set there. _tree->access<int>(get_arg_path("choose_beams", 0) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this](int choose_beams){ this->set_beam_selection(choose_beams); }) .update() ; _tree->access<bool>(get_arg_path("enable_firs", 0) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this](int enable){ this->enable_firs(bool(enable)); }) .update() ; _tree->access<bool>(get_arg_path("enable_counter", 0) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this](int enable){ this->enable_counter(bool(enable)); }) .update() ; _tree->access<int>(get_arg_path("configure_beams", 0) / "value") .add_coerced_subscriber([this](int reg_value){ this->configure_beams(uint32_t(reg_value)); }) // No update! This would override the previous settings. .set_publisher([this](){ return this->user_reg_read32(RB_CHOOSE_BEAMS); }) ; /**** Configure the digital gain controls *******************************/ for (size_t i = 0; i < EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS; i++) { _tree->access<double>(get_arg_path("gain", i) / "value") .set_coercer([](double gain){ return std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, gain)); }) .add_coerced_subscriber([this, i](double gain){ this->set_antenna_gain(i, gain); }) .update() ; } /**** Set up legacy compatible properties *******************************/ // For use with multi_usrp APIs etc. // For legacy prop tree init: fs_path fe_path = fs_path("dboards") / "A" / "rx_frontends"; // The EISCAT dboards have 16 frontends total, but they map to 10 beams // each through a matrix of FIR filters and summations, and then only 5 of // those channels go out through the Noc-Shell. // UHD will thus get much less confused if we create 5 fake frontends (i.e., // number of Noc-Block-ports). Since we have no control over the frontends, // nothing is lost here. for (size_t fe_idx = 0; fe_idx < _num_ports; fe_idx++) { _tree->create<std::string>(fe_path / fe_idx / "name") .set(str(boost::format("EISCAT Beam Contributions %d") % fe_idx)) ; _tree->create<std::string>(fe_path / fe_idx / "connection") .set("I") ; _tree->create<double>(fe_path / fe_idx / "freq" / "value") .set_coercer([this](const double freq){ return this->set_rx_frequency(freq, 0); }) .set_publisher([this](){ return this->get_rx_frequency(0); }) ; _tree->create<meta_range_t>(fe_path / fe_idx / "freq" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(EISCAT_CENTER_FREQ, EISCAT_CENTER_FREQ)) ; _tree->create<double>(fe_path / fe_idx / "gains" / "null" / "value") .set_coercer([this](const double gain){ return this->set_rx_gain(gain, 0); }) .set_publisher([this](){ return this->get_rx_gain(0); }) ; _tree->create<meta_range_t>(fe_path / fe_idx / "gains" / "null" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(EISCAT_DEFAULT_NULL_GAIN, EISCAT_DEFAULT_NULL_GAIN)) ; _tree->create<double>(fe_path / fe_idx / "bandwidth" / "value") .set_coercer([this](const double bw){ return this->set_rx_bandwidth(bw, 0); }) .set_publisher([this](){ return this->get_rx_bandwidth(0); }) ; _tree->create<meta_range_t>(fe_path / fe_idx / "bandwidth" / "range") .set(meta_range_t(EISCAT_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH, EISCAT_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH)) ; _tree->create<bool>(fe_path / fe_idx / "use_lo_offset") .set(false) ; } auto antenna_options = std::vector<std::string>{"BF"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS; i++) { antenna_options.push_back(str(boost::format("Rx%d") % i)); antenna_options.push_back(str(boost::format("BF%d") % i)); } antenna_options.push_back("FI0"); antenna_options.push_back("FI250"); antenna_options.push_back("FI500"); antenna_options.push_back("FI750"); for (size_t beam_idx = 0; beam_idx < _num_ports; beam_idx++) { _tree->create<std::string>(fe_path / beam_idx / "antenna" / "value") .set(EISCAT_DEFAULT_ANTENNA) .add_coerced_subscriber([this, beam_idx](const std::string &name){ this->set_rx_antenna(name, beam_idx); }) .set_publisher([this, beam_idx](){ return this->get_rx_antenna(beam_idx); }) ; _tree->create<std::vector<std::string>>( fe_path / beam_idx / "antenna" / "options") .set(antenna_options) ; } // We can actually stream data to an EISCAT board, so it needs some tx // frontends too: fe_path = fs_path("dboards") / "A" / "tx_frontends"; for (size_t fe_idx = 0; fe_idx < _num_ports; fe_idx++) { _tree->create<std::string>(fe_path / fe_idx / "name") .set(str(boost::format("EISCAT Uplink %d") % fe_idx)) ; } // There is only ever one EISCAT radio per mboard, so this should be unset // when we reach this line: UHD_ASSERT_THROW(not _tree->exists("tick_rate")); _tree->create<double>("tick_rate") .set(EISCAT_TICK_RATE) .set_coercer(boost::bind(&eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rate, this, _1)) ; UHD_VAR((_tree->exists(fs_path("time/cmd")))); } eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::~eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl() { UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", "eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::dtor() "); } /**************************************************************************** * Public API calls ***************************************************************************/ void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_tx_antenna(const std::string &, const size_t) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Cannot set Tx antenna on EISCAT daughterboard"); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_antenna( const std::string &ant, const size_t port ) { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(port < EISCAT_NUM_PORTS); if (ant == "BF") { UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", "Setting antenna to 'BF' (which is a no-op)"); return; } if (ant.size() < 3) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("EISCAT: Invalid antenna selection: %s") % ant )); } const std::string ant_mode = ant.substr(0, 2); const size_t antenna_idx = [&ant](){ try { return boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(ant.substr(2)); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("EISCAT: Invalid antenna selection: %s") % ant )); } }(); if (ant_mode == "BF") { int new_choose_beams = get_arg<int>("choose_beams") | EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS; set_arg<int>("choose_beams", new_choose_beams); size_t beam_select_offset = (get_arg<int>("choose_beams") & EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER) ? EISCAT_NUM_PORTS : 0; const size_t beam_index = port + beam_select_offset; uhd::time_spec_t send_now(0.0); UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Setting block port %d to only receive from beam %d " "connected to antenna %d via FIR matrix") % port % beam_index % antenna_idx )); for (size_t i = 0; i < EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS; i++) { select_filter( beam_index, i, (i == antenna_idx) ? EISCAT_FIR_INDEX_IMPULSE : EISCAT_FIR_INDEX_ZEROS, send_now ); } enable_firs(true); } else if (ant_mode == "RX" or ant_mode == "Rx") { int new_choose_beams = get_arg<int>("choose_beams") | EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS; set_arg<int>("choose_beams", new_choose_beams); UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Setting port %d to only receive on antenna %d " "directly, bypassing neighbours and FIR matrix") % port % antenna_idx )); sr_write(SR_ANTENNA_SELECT_BASE + port, antenna_idx); enable_firs(false); } else if (ant_mode == "FI") { size_t beam_select_offset = (get_arg<int>("choose_beams") & EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER) ? EISCAT_NUM_PORTS : 0; const size_t beam_index = port + beam_select_offset; UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Setting port %d to filter index %d on all antennas " "using beam index %d.") % port % antenna_idx % beam_index )); // Note: antenna_idx is not indexing a physical antenna in this scenario. uhd::time_spec_t send_now(0.0); for (size_t i = 0; i < EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS; i++) { select_filter( beam_index, i, antenna_idx, send_now ); } enable_firs(true); } else { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("EISCAT: Invalid antenna selection: %s") % ant )); } } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::get_tx_frequency(const size_t /* chan */) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("EISCAT", "Ignoring attempt to read Tx frequency"); return 0.0; } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_tx_frequency(const double /* freq */, const size_t /* chan */) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Cannot set Tx frequency on EISCAT daughterboard"); } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_frequency(const double freq, const size_t chan) { if (freq != get_rx_frequency(chan)) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("EISCAT", "Ignoring attempt to set Rx frequency"); } return get_rx_frequency(chan); } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_bandwidth(const double bandwidth, const size_t chan) { if (bandwidth != get_rx_bandwidth(chan)) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("EISCAT", "Ignoring attempt to set Rx bandwidth"); } return get_rx_bandwidth(chan); } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_tx_gain(const double /* gain */, const size_t /* chan */) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Cannot set Tx gain on EISCAT daughterboard"); } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rx_gain(const double gain, const size_t chan) { // TODO: Add ability to set digital gain or make it explicit this function is not supported. if (gain != get_rx_gain(chan)) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("EISCAT", "Ignoring attempt to set Rx gain."); } return get_rx_gain(chan); } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rate(double rate) { if (rate != get_rate()) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("EISCAT", "Attempting to set sampling rate to invalid value " << rate); } return get_rate(); } size_t eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::get_chan_from_dboard_fe( const std::string &fe, const uhd::direction_t /* dir */ ) { return boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(fe); } std::string eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::get_dboard_fe_from_chan( const size_t chan, const uhd::direction_t /* dir */ ) { return std::to_string(chan); } double eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::get_output_samp_rate(size_t /* port */) { return EISCAT_RADIO_RATE; } bool eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::check_radio_config() { UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_TRACE() << "x300_radio_ctrl_impl::check_radio_config() " ; const uint32_t config_beams = get_arg<int>("configure_beams"); bool skipping_neighbours = config_beams & EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS; bool upper_contrib = config_beams & EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER; const fs_path rx_fe_path = fs_path("dboards/A/rx_frontends"); uint32_t chan_enables = 0; for (const auto &enb: _rx_streamer_active) { if (enb.second) { chan_enables |= (1<<enb.first); } } if (not skipping_neighbours) { chan_enables = chan_enables | (chan_enables << EISCAT_NUM_PORTS); } else if (upper_contrib) { chan_enables <<= EISCAT_NUM_PORTS; } UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("check_radio_config(): Setting channel enables to 0x%02X" " Using %s beams, %saccepting neighbour contributions") % chan_enables % (upper_contrib ? "upper" : "lower") % (skipping_neighbours ? "not " : "") )); sr_write("SR_RX_STREAM_ENABLE", chan_enables); return true; } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_rpc_client( uhd::rpc_client::sptr rpcc, const uhd::device_addr_t &block_args ) { _rpcc = rpcc; _block_args = block_args; auto dboard_info = _rpcc->request<std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>>>( "get_dboard_info" ); _num_dboards = dboard_info.size(); UHD_LOG_DEBUG("EISCAT", "Using " << _num_dboards << " daughterboards."); if (_num_dboards == 1) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("EISCAT", "Found 1 dboard, expected 2 for optimal operation." ); } else if (_num_dboards > 2) { UHD_LOG_ERROR("EISCAT", "Detected too many dboards: " << _num_dboards); throw uhd::runtime_error("Too many dboards detected."); } UHD_LOG_INFO( "EISCAT", "Finalizing dboard initialization; initializing JESD cores and ADCs." ); if (not assert_jesd_cores_initialized()) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Failed to initialize JESD cores and reset ADCs!"); } send_sysref(); if (not assert_adcs_deframers()) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Failed to initialize ADCs and JESD deframers!"); } send_sysref(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); if (not assert_deframer_status()) { throw uhd::runtime_error("Failed to finalize JESD core setup!"); } } /**************************************************************************** * Internal methods ***************************************************************************/ void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::write_fir_taps( const size_t fir_idx, const std::vector<eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::fir_tap_t> &taps ) { if (taps.size() > EISCAT_NUM_FIR_TAPS) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("Too many FIR taps for EISCAT filters (%d)") % taps.size() )); } for (const auto &tap: taps) { if (tap > EISCAT_MAX_TAP_VALUE or tap < EISCAT_MIN_TAP_VALUE) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("Filter tap for filter_idx %d exceeds dynamic range (%d bits are allowed)") % fir_idx % EISCAT_BITS_PER_TAP )); } } UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Writing %d filter taps for filter index %d") % taps.size() % fir_idx )); for (size_t i = 0; i < EISCAT_NUM_FIR_TAPS; i++) { // Payload: // - bottom 14 bits address, fir_idx * 16 + tap_index // - top 18 bits are value uint32_t reg_value = (fir_idx * 16) + i;; if (taps.size() > i) { reg_value |= (taps[i] & 0x3FFFF) << 14; } sr_write("SR_FIR_BRAM_WRITE_TAPS", reg_value); } } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::select_filter( const size_t beam_index, const size_t antenna_index, const size_t fir_index, const uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, const bool write_time ) { if (antenna_index >= EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("Antenna index %d out of range. There are %d antennas in EISCAT.") % antenna_index % EISCAT_NUM_ANTENNAS )); } if (beam_index >= EISCAT_NUM_BEAMS) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("Beam index %d out of range. " "There are %d beam channels in EISCAT.") % beam_index % EISCAT_NUM_BEAMS )); } UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("EISCAT") << "Selecting filter " << fir_index << " for beam " << beam_index << " and antenna " << antenna_index ; bool send_now = (time_spec == uhd::time_spec_t(0.0)); uint32_t reg_value = 0 | (fir_index * 16) | (antenna_index & 0xF) << 14 | (beam_index & 0xF) << 18 | send_now << 22 ; if (not send_now) { UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Filter selection will be applied at " "time %f (0x%016X == %u). %s") % time_spec.get_full_secs() % time_spec.to_ticks(EISCAT_TICK_RATE) % (write_time ? "Writing time regs now." : "Assuming time regs already up-to-date.") )); if (write_time) { set_fir_ctrl_time(time_spec); } } sr_write("SR_FIR_COMMANDS_RELOAD", reg_value); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_fir_ctrl_time( const uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec ) { const uint64_t cmd_time_ticks = time_spec.to_ticks(EISCAT_TICK_RATE); sr_write( "SR_FIR_COMMANDS_CTRL_TIME_LO", uint32_t(cmd_time_ticks & 0xFFFFFFFF) ); sr_write( "SR_FIR_COMMANDS_CTRL_TIME_HI", uint32_t((cmd_time_ticks >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF) ); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_antenna_gain( const size_t antenna_idx, const double normalized_gain ) { if (normalized_gain < -1.0 or normalized_gain > 1.0) { throw uhd::value_error(str( boost::format("Invalid gain value for antenna %d: %f") % antenna_idx % normalized_gain )); } const auto fixpoint_gain = std::max<int32_t>( EISCAT_MIN_GAIN, std::min( EISCAT_MAX_GAIN, int32_t(normalized_gain * EISCAT_MAX_GAIN) ) ); UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Setting digital gain value for antenna %d to %f (%d)") % antenna_idx % normalized_gain % fixpoint_gain )); sr_write(SR_ANTENNA_GAIN_BASE + antenna_idx, fixpoint_gain); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::configure_beams(uint32_t reg_value) { UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("EISCAT") << "Selecting " << ((reg_value & EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER) ? "upper" : "lower") << " beams."; UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("EISCAT") << ((reg_value & EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS) ? "Disabling" : "Enabling") << " neighbour contributions."; UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("EISCAT") << ((reg_value & EISCAT_BYPASS_MATRIX) ? "Disabling" : "Enabling") << " FIR matrix."; UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("EISCAT") << ((reg_value & EISCAT_OUTPUT_COUNTER) ? "Enabling" : "Disabling") << " counter."; UHD_LOG_TRACE("EISCAT", str( boost::format("Setting SR_BEAMS_TO_NEIGHBOR to 0x%08X.") % reg_value )); sr_write("SR_BEAMS_TO_NEIGHBOR", reg_value); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::set_beam_selection(int beam_selection) { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(beam_selection < 4 and beam_selection >= 0); const uint32_t old_value = user_reg_read32(RB_CHOOSE_BEAMS); const uint32_t new_value = (old_value & (~uint32_t(EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER|EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS))) | (uint32_t(beam_selection) & uint32_t(EISCAT_CONTRIB_UPPER|EISCAT_SKIP_NEIGHBOURS)) ; configure_beams(new_value); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::enable_firs(bool enable) { const uint32_t old_value = user_reg_read32(RB_CHOOSE_BEAMS); const uint32_t new_value = enable ? (old_value & ~EISCAT_BYPASS_MATRIX) : old_value | EISCAT_BYPASS_MATRIX ; configure_beams(new_value); } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::send_sysref() { if (_block_args.has_key("use_mpm_sysref")) { _rpcc->notify_with_token("db_0_send_sysref"); } else { // This value needs to be big enough that we actually hit it between // reading back the time, and applying the command: const int CMD_DELAY_MS = 100; auto sysref_time = get_time_now() + uhd::time_spec_t(double(CMD_DELAY_MS * 1000)); uint64_t sysref_time_ticks = sysref_time.to_ticks(EISCAT_TICK_RATE); // The tick value must be even, or we'd still have the 180 degree phase // ambiguity! The actual value doesn't matter. sysref_time_ticks += sysref_time_ticks % 2; set_command_time(uhd::time_spec_t::from_ticks( sysref_time_ticks, EISCAT_TICK_RATE )); this->sr_write("SR_SYSREF", 1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(CMD_DELAY_MS)); } } void eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::enable_counter(bool enable) { const uint32_t old_value = user_reg_read32(RB_CHOOSE_BEAMS); const uint32_t new_value = enable ? old_value | EISCAT_OUTPUT_COUNTER : (old_value & ~EISCAT_OUTPUT_COUNTER) ; configure_beams(new_value); } bool eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::assert_jesd_cores_initialized() { if (_num_dboards == 1) { return _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_0_init_jesd_core_reset_adcs"); } return _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_0_init_jesd_core_reset_adcs") and _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_1_init_jesd_core_reset_adcs"); } bool eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::assert_adcs_deframers() { if (_num_dboards == 1) { return _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_0_init_adcs_and_deframers"); } return _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_0_init_adcs_and_deframers") and _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_1_init_adcs_and_deframers"); } bool eiscat_radio_ctrl_impl::assert_deframer_status() { if (_num_dboards == 1) { return _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_0_check_deframer_status"); } return _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_0_check_deframer_status") and _rpcc->request_with_token<bool>("db_1_check_deframer_status"); } /**************************************************************************** * Registry ***************************************************************************/ UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_REGISTER(eiscat_radio_ctrl, "EISCATRadio");