// Copyright 2010-2012 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

// No RX IO Pins Used

#include "max2112_regs.hpp"
#include <uhd/types/dict.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/ranges.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/sensors.hpp>
#include <uhd/usrp/dboard_base.hpp>
#include <uhd/usrp/dboard_manager.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/algorithm.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/assert_has.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>

using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
using namespace boost::assign;

 * The DBSRX2 constants
static const freq_range_t dbsrx2_freq_range(0.8e9, 2.3e9);

// Multiplied by 2.0 for conversion to complex bandpass from lowpass
static const freq_range_t dbsrx2_bandwidth_range(2.0 * 4.0e6, 2.0 * 40.0e6);

static const int dbsrx2_ref_divider = 4; // Hitachi HMC426 divider (U7)

static const std::vector<std::string> dbsrx2_antennas = list_of("J3");

static const uhd::dict<std::string, gain_range_t> dbsrx2_gain_ranges =
    map_list_of("GC1", gain_range_t(0, 73, 0.05))("BBG", gain_range_t(0, 15, 1));

 * The DBSRX2 dboard class
class dbsrx2 : public rx_dboard_base
    dbsrx2(ctor_args_t args);
    virtual ~dbsrx2(void);

    double _lo_freq;
    double _bandwidth;
    uhd::dict<std::string, double> _gains;
    max2112_write_regs_t _max2112_write_regs;
    max2112_read_regs_t _max2112_read_regs;
    uint8_t _max2112_addr()
    { // 0x60 or 0x61 depending on which side
        return (this->get_iface()->get_special_props().mangle_i2c_addrs) ? 0x60 : 0x61;

    double set_lo_freq(double target_freq);
    double set_gain(double gain, const std::string& name);
    double set_bandwidth(double bandwidth);

    void send_reg(uint8_t start_reg, uint8_t stop_reg)
        start_reg = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(start_reg), 0x0, 0xB));
        stop_reg  = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(stop_reg), 0x0, 0xB));

        for (uint8_t start_addr = start_reg; start_addr <= stop_reg;
             start_addr += sizeof(uint32_t) - 1) {
            int num_bytes = int(stop_reg - start_addr + 1) > int(sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1
                                ? sizeof(uint32_t) - 1
                                : stop_reg - start_addr + 1;

            // create buffer for register data (+1 for start address)
            byte_vector_t regs_vector(num_bytes + 1);

            // first byte is the address of first register
            regs_vector[0] = start_addr;

            // get the register data
            for (int i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) {
                regs_vector[1 + i] = _max2112_write_regs.get_reg(start_addr + i);
                    << boost::format("DBSRX2: send reg 0x%02x, value 0x%04x, start_addr "
                                     "= 0x%04x, num_bytes %d")
                           % int(start_addr + i) % int(regs_vector[1 + i])
                           % int(start_addr) % num_bytes;

            // send the data
            this->get_iface()->write_i2c(_max2112_addr(), regs_vector);

    void read_reg(uint8_t start_reg, uint8_t stop_reg)
        static const uint8_t status_addr = 0xC;
        start_reg                        = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(start_reg), 0x0, 0xD));
        stop_reg                         = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(stop_reg), 0x0, 0xD));

        for (uint8_t start_addr = start_reg; start_addr <= stop_reg;
             start_addr += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
            int num_bytes = int(stop_reg - start_addr + 1) > int(sizeof(uint32_t))
                                ? sizeof(uint32_t)
                                : stop_reg - start_addr + 1;

            // create address to start reading register data
            byte_vector_t address_vector(1);
            address_vector[0] = start_addr;

            // send the address
            this->get_iface()->write_i2c(_max2112_addr(), address_vector);

            // create buffer for register data
            byte_vector_t regs_vector(num_bytes);

            // read from i2c
            regs_vector = this->get_iface()->read_i2c(_max2112_addr(), num_bytes);

            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) {
                if (i + start_addr >= status_addr) {
                    _max2112_read_regs.set_reg(i + start_addr, regs_vector[i]);
                    << boost::format("DBSRX2: read reg 0x%02x, value 0x%04x, start_addr "
                                     "= 0x%04x, num_bytes %d")
                           % int(start_addr + i) % int(regs_vector[i]) % int(start_addr)
                           % num_bytes;

     * Get the lock detect status of the LO.
     * \return sensor for locked
    sensor_value_t get_locked(void)
        read_reg(0xC, 0xD);

        // mask and return lock detect
        bool locked =
            (_max2112_read_regs.ld & _max2112_read_regs.vasa & _max2112_read_regs.vase)
            != 0;

        UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("DBSRX") << boost::format("DBSRX2 locked: %d") % locked;

        return sensor_value_t("LO", locked, "locked", "unlocked");

 * Register the DBSRX2 dboard
// FIXME 0x67 is the default i2c address on USRP2
//       need to handle which side for USRP1 with different address
static dboard_base::sptr make_dbsrx2(dboard_base::ctor_args_t args)
    return dboard_base::sptr(new dbsrx2(args));

    // register the factory function for the rx dbid
    dboard_manager::register_dboard(0x0012, &make_dbsrx2, "DBSRX2");

 * Structors
dbsrx2::dbsrx2(ctor_args_t args) : rx_dboard_base(args)
    // send initial register settings
    send_reg(0x0, 0xB);
    // for (uint8_t addr=0; addr<=12; addr++) this->send_reg(addr, addr);

    // Register properties
        .set_publisher(std::bind(&dbsrx2::get_locked, this));
    for (const std::string& name : dbsrx2_gain_ranges.keys()) {
            ->create<double>("gains/" + name + "/value")
            .set_coercer(std::bind(&dbsrx2::set_gain, this, std::placeholders::_1, name))
            ->create<meta_range_t>("gains/" + name + "/range")
        .set_coercer(std::bind(&dbsrx2::set_lo_freq, this, std::placeholders::_1))
    this->get_rx_subtree()->create<bool>("enabled").set(true); // always enabled

    double codec_rate = this->get_iface()->get_codec_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);

        .set_coercer(std::bind(&dbsrx2::set_bandwidth, this, std::placeholders::_1))
             * (0.8 * codec_rate
                   / 2.0)); // bandwidth in lowpass, convert to complex bandpass
                            // default to anti-alias at different codec_rate

    // enable only the clocks we need
    this->get_iface()->set_clock_enabled(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, true);

    // set the gpio directions and atr controls (identically)
    this->get_iface()->set_pin_ctrl(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, 0x0); // All unused in atr
    this->get_iface()->set_gpio_ddr(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, 0x0); // All Inputs


dbsrx2::~dbsrx2(void) {}

 * Tuning
double dbsrx2::set_lo_freq(double target_freq)
    // target_freq = dbsrx2_freq_range.clip(target_freq);

    // variables used in the calculation below
    int scaler      = target_freq >= 1125e6 ? 2 : 4;
    double ref_freq = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
    int R, intdiv, fracdiv, ext_div;
    double N;

    // compute tuning variables
    ext_div = dbsrx2_ref_divider; // 12MHz < ref_freq/ext_divider < 30MHz

    R = 1; // Divide by 1 is the only tested value

    N       = (target_freq * R * ext_div) / (ref_freq); // actual spec range is (19, 251)
    intdiv  = int(std::floor(N)); //  if (intdiv < 19  or intdiv > 251) continue;
    fracdiv = boost::math::iround((N - intdiv) * double(1 << 20));

    // calculate the actual freq from the values above
    N        = double(intdiv) + double(fracdiv) / double(1 << 20);
    _lo_freq = (N * ref_freq) / (R * ext_div);

    // load new counters into registers
    _max2112_write_regs.r_divider = R;
    _max2112_write_regs.d24       = scaler == 4 ? max2112_write_regs_t::D24_DIV4
                                          : max2112_write_regs_t::D24_DIV2;

    // debug output of calculated variables
        << boost::format("DBSRX2 tune:\n")
        << boost::format("    R=%d, N=%f, scaler=%d, ext_div=%d\n") % R % N % scaler
               % ext_div
        << boost::format("    int=%d, frac=%d, d24=%d\n") % intdiv % fracdiv
               % int(_max2112_write_regs.d24)
        << boost::format("    Ref    Freq=%fMHz\n") % (ref_freq / 1e6)
        << boost::format("    Target Freq=%fMHz\n") % (target_freq / 1e6)
        << boost::format("    Actual Freq=%fMHz\n") % (_lo_freq / 1e6);

    // send the registers 0x0 through 0x7
    // writing register 0x4 (F divider LSB) starts the VCO auto seletion so it must be
    // written last
    send_reg(0x5, 0x7);
    send_reg(0x0, 0x4);

    // FIXME: probably unnecessary to call get_locked here
    // get_locked();

    return _lo_freq;

 * Gain Handling
 * Convert a requested gain for the BBG vga into the integer register value.
 * The gain passed into the function will be set to the actual value.
 * \param gain the requested gain in dB
 * \return 4 bit the register value
static int gain_to_bbg_vga_reg(double& gain)
    int reg = boost::math::iround(dbsrx2_gain_ranges["BBG"].clip(gain));

    gain = double(reg);

    UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("DBSRX") << boost::format("DBSRX2 BBG Gain:\n")
                              << boost::format("    %f dB, bbg: %d") % gain % reg;

    return reg;

 * Convert a requested gain for the GC1 rf vga into the dac_volts value.
 * The gain passed into the function will be set to the actual value.
 * \param gain the requested gain in dB
 * \return dac voltage value
static double gain_to_gc1_rfvga_dac(double& gain)
    // clip the input
    gain = dbsrx2_gain_ranges["GC1"].clip(gain);

    // voltage level constants
    static const double max_volts = 0.5, min_volts = 2.7;
    static const double slope =
        (max_volts - min_volts) / dbsrx2_gain_ranges["GC1"].stop();

    // calculate the voltage for the aux dac
    double dac_volts = gain * slope + min_volts;

    UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("DBSRX") << boost::format("DBSRX2 GC1 Gain:\n")
                              << boost::format("    %f dB, dac_volts: %f V") % gain
                                     % dac_volts;

    // the actual gain setting
    gain = (dac_volts - min_volts) / slope;

    return dac_volts;

double dbsrx2::set_gain(double gain, const std::string& name)
    assert_has(dbsrx2_gain_ranges.keys(), name, "dbsrx2 gain name");
    if (name == "BBG") {
        _max2112_write_regs.bbg = gain_to_bbg_vga_reg(gain);
        send_reg(0x9, 0x9);
    } else if (name == "GC1") {
        // write the new voltage to the aux dac
            dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, dboard_iface::AUX_DAC_A, gain_to_gc1_rfvga_dac(gain));
    } else
    _gains[name] = gain;

    return gain;

 * Bandwidth Handling
double dbsrx2::set_bandwidth(double bandwidth)
    // clip the input
    bandwidth = dbsrx2_bandwidth_range.clip(bandwidth);

    // convert complex bandpass to lowpass bandwidth
    bandwidth = bandwidth / 2.0;

    _max2112_write_regs.lp = int((bandwidth / 1e6 - 4) / 0.29 + 12);
    _bandwidth             = double(4 + (_max2112_write_regs.lp - 12) * 0.29) * 1e6;

    UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("DBSRX") << boost::format("DBSRX2 Bandwidth:\n")
                              << boost::format("    %f MHz, lp: %f V")
                                     % (_bandwidth / 1e6) % int(_max2112_write_regs.lp);

    this->send_reg(0x8, 0x8);

    // convert lowpass back to complex bandpass bandwidth
    return 2.0 * _bandwidth;