// Copyright 2010-2012 Ettus Research LLC
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
// No RX IO Pins Used
// RX IO Functions
#include "max2118_regs.hpp"
using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
using namespace boost::assign;
* The DBSRX constants
static const freq_range_t dbsrx_freq_range(0.8e9, 2.4e9);
//Multiplied by 2.0 for conversion to complex bandpass from lowpass
static const freq_range_t dbsrx_bandwidth_range(2.0*4.0e6, 2.0*33.0e6);
static const freq_range_t dbsrx_pfd_freq_range(0.15e6, 2.01e6);
static const std::vector dbsrx_antennas = list_of("J3");
static const uhd::dict dbsrx_gain_ranges = map_list_of
("GC1", gain_range_t(0, 56, 0.5))
("GC2", gain_range_t(0, 24, 1))
static const double usrp1_gpio_clock_rate_limit = 4e6;
* The DBSRX dboard class
class dbsrx : public rx_dboard_base{
dbsrx(ctor_args_t args);
virtual ~dbsrx(void);
double _lo_freq;
double _bandwidth;
uhd::dict _gains;
max2118_write_regs_t _max2118_write_regs;
max2118_read_regs_t _max2118_read_regs;
uint8_t _max2118_addr(void){
return (this->get_iface()->get_special_props().mangle_i2c_addrs)? 0x65 : 0x67;
double set_lo_freq(double target_freq);
double set_gain(double gain, const std::string &name);
double set_bandwidth(double bandwidth);
void send_reg(uint8_t start_reg, uint8_t stop_reg){
start_reg = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(start_reg), 0x0, 0x5));
stop_reg = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(stop_reg), 0x0, 0x5));
for(uint8_t start_addr=start_reg; start_addr <= stop_reg; start_addr += sizeof(uint32_t) - 1){
int num_bytes = int(stop_reg - start_addr + 1) > int(sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1 ? sizeof(uint32_t) - 1 : stop_reg - start_addr + 1;
//create buffer for register data (+1 for start address)
byte_vector_t regs_vector(num_bytes + 1);
//first byte is the address of first register
regs_vector[0] = start_addr;
//get the register data
for(int i=0; iget_iface()->write_i2c(
_max2118_addr(), regs_vector
void read_reg(uint8_t start_reg, uint8_t stop_reg){
static const uint8_t status_addr = 0x0;
start_reg = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(start_reg), 0x0, 0x1));
stop_reg = uint8_t(uhd::clip(int(stop_reg), 0x0, 0x1));
for(uint8_t start_addr=start_reg; start_addr <= stop_reg; start_addr += sizeof(uint32_t)){
int num_bytes = int(stop_reg - start_addr + 1) > int(sizeof(uint32_t)) ? sizeof(uint32_t) : stop_reg - start_addr + 1;
//create buffer for register data
byte_vector_t regs_vector(num_bytes);
//read from i2c
regs_vector = this->get_iface()->read_i2c(
_max2118_addr(), num_bytes
for(uint8_t i=0; i < num_bytes; i++){
if (i + start_addr >= status_addr){
_max2118_read_regs.set_reg(i + start_addr, regs_vector[i]);
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: read reg 0x%02x, value 0x%04x, start_addr = 0x%04x, num_bytes %d"
) % int(start_addr+i) % int(regs_vector[i]) % int(start_addr) % num_bytes << std::endl;
* Get the lock detect status of the LO.
* \return sensor for locked
sensor_value_t get_locked(void){
read_reg(0x0, 0x0);
//mask and return lock detect
bool locked = 5 >= _max2118_read_regs.adc and _max2118_read_regs.adc >= 2;
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: locked %d"
) % locked << std::endl;
return sensor_value_t("LO", locked, "locked", "unlocked");
* Register the DBSRX dboard
static dboard_base::sptr make_dbsrx(dboard_base::ctor_args_t args){
return dboard_base::sptr(new dbsrx(args));
//register the factory function for the rx dbid (others version)
dboard_manager::register_dboard(0x000D, &make_dbsrx, "DBSRX");
//register the factory function for the rx dbid (USRP1 version)
dboard_manager::register_dboard(0x0002, &make_dbsrx, "DBSRX");
* Structors
dbsrx::dbsrx(ctor_args_t args) : rx_dboard_base(args){
//warn user about incorrect DBID on USRP1, requires R193 populated
if (this->get_iface()->get_special_props().soft_clock_divider and this->get_rx_id() == 0x000D)
UHD_MSG(warning) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: incorrect dbid\n"
"Expected dbid 0x0002 and R193\n"
"found dbid == %d\n"
"Please see the daughterboard app notes"
) % this->get_rx_id().to_pp_string();
//warn user about incorrect DBID on non-USRP1, requires R194 populated
if (not this->get_iface()->get_special_props().soft_clock_divider and this->get_rx_id() == 0x0002)
UHD_MSG(warning) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: incorrect dbid\n"
"Expected dbid 0x000D and R194\n"
"found dbid == %d\n"
"Please see the daughterboard app notes"
) % this->get_rx_id().to_pp_string();
//send initial register settings
this->send_reg(0x0, 0x5);
//set defaults for LO, gains, and filter bandwidth
double codec_rate = this->get_iface()->get_codec_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
_bandwidth = 0.8*codec_rate/2.0; // default to anti-alias at different codec_rate
// Register properties
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&dbsrx::get_locked, this));
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, dbsrx_gain_ranges.keys()){
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&dbsrx::set_gain, this, _1, name))
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&dbsrx::set_lo_freq, this, _1));
this->get_rx_subtree()->create >("antenna/options")
.set(true); //always enabled
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&dbsrx::set_bandwidth, this, _1));
//enable only the clocks we need
this->get_iface()->set_clock_enabled(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, true);
//set the gpio directions and atr controls (identically)
this->get_iface()->set_pin_ctrl(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, 0x0); // All unused in atr
if (this->get_iface()->get_special_props().soft_clock_divider){
this->get_iface()->set_gpio_ddr(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, 0x1); // GPIO0 is clock when on USRP1
this->get_iface()->set_gpio_ddr(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, 0x0); // All Inputs
//now its safe to set inital freq and bw
.set(2.0*_bandwidth); //_bandwidth in lowpass, convert to complex bandpass
* Tuning
double dbsrx::set_lo_freq(double target_freq){
target_freq = dbsrx_freq_range.clip(target_freq);
double actual_freq=0.0, pfd_freq=0.0, ref_clock=0.0;
int R=0, N=0, r=0, m=0;
bool update_filter_settings = false;
//choose refclock
std::vector clock_rates = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rates(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
const double max_clock_rate = uhd::sorted(clock_rates).back();
BOOST_FOREACH(ref_clock, uhd::reversed(uhd::sorted(clock_rates))){
//USRP1 feeds the DBSRX clock from a FPGA GPIO line.
//make sure that this clock does not exceed rate limit.
if (this->get_iface()->get_special_props().soft_clock_divider){
if (ref_clock > usrp1_gpio_clock_rate_limit) continue;
if (ref_clock > 27.0e6) continue;
if (size_t(max_clock_rate/ref_clock)%2 == 1) continue; //reject asymmetric clocks (odd divisors)
//choose m_divider such that filter tuning constraint is met
m = 31;
while ((ref_clock/m < 1e6 or ref_clock/m > 2.5e6) and m > 0){ m--; }
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: trying ref_clock %f and m_divider %d"
) % (ref_clock) % m << std::endl;
if (m >= 32) continue;
//choose R
for(r = 0; r <= 6; r += 1) {
//compute divider from setting
R = 1 << (r+1);
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format("DBSRX R:%d\n") % R << std::endl;
//compute PFD compare frequency = ref_clock/R
pfd_freq = ref_clock / R;
//constrain the PFD frequency to specified range
if ((pfd_freq < dbsrx_pfd_freq_range.start()) or (pfd_freq > dbsrx_pfd_freq_range.stop())) continue;
//compute N
N = int(std::floor(target_freq/pfd_freq));
//constrain N to specified range
if ((N < 256) or (N > 32768)) continue;
goto done_loop;
//Assert because we failed to find a suitable combination of ref_clock, R and N
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(ref_clock <= 27.0e6 and ref_clock >= 0.0);
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(m and ref_clock/m >= 1e6 and ref_clock/m <= 2.5e6);
UHD_ASSERT_THROW((pfd_freq >= dbsrx_pfd_freq_range.start()) and (pfd_freq <= dbsrx_pfd_freq_range.stop()));
UHD_ASSERT_THROW((N >= 256) and (N <= 32768));
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: choose ref_clock (current: %f, new: %f) and m_divider %d"
) % (this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) % ref_clock % m << std::endl;
//if ref_clock or m divider changed, we need to update the filter settings
if (ref_clock != this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX) or m != _max2118_write_regs.m_divider) update_filter_settings = true;
//compute resulting output frequency
actual_freq = pfd_freq * N;
//apply ref_clock, R, and N settings
this->get_iface()->set_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, ref_clock);
ref_clock = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
_max2118_write_regs.m_divider = m;
_max2118_write_regs.r_divider = (max2118_write_regs_t::r_divider_t) r;
_max2118_write_regs.ade_vco_ade_read = max2118_write_regs_t::ADE_VCO_ADE_READ_ENABLED;
//compute prescaler variables
int scaler = actual_freq > 1125e6 ? 2 : 4;
_max2118_write_regs.div2 = scaler == 4 ? max2118_write_regs_t::DIV2_DIV4 : max2118_write_regs_t::DIV2_DIV2;
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: scaler %d, actual_freq %f MHz, register bit: %d"
) % scaler % (actual_freq/1e6) % int(_max2118_write_regs.div2) << std::endl;
//compute vco frequency and select vco
double vco_freq = actual_freq * scaler;
if (vco_freq < 2433e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 0;
else if (vco_freq < 2711e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 1;
else if (vco_freq < 3025e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 2;
else if (vco_freq < 3341e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 3;
else if (vco_freq < 3727e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 4;
else if (vco_freq < 4143e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 5;
else if (vco_freq < 4493e6)
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 6;
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band = 7;
//send settings over i2c
send_reg(0x0, 0x4);
//check vtune for lock condition
read_reg(0x0, 0x0);
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: initial guess for vco %d, vtune adc %d"
) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % int(_max2118_read_regs.adc) << std::endl;
//if we are out of lock for chosen vco, change vco
while ((_max2118_read_regs.adc == 0) or (_max2118_read_regs.adc == 7)){
//vtune is too low, try lower frequency vco
if (_max2118_read_regs.adc == 0){
if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band == 0){
UHD_MSG(warning) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: Tuning exceeded vco range, _max2118_write_regs.osc_band == %d\n"
) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band);
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_max2118_read_regs.adc != 0); //just to cause a throw
if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band <= 0) break;
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band -= 1;
//vtune is too high, try higher frequency vco
if (_max2118_read_regs.adc == 7){
if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band == 7){
UHD_MSG(warning) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: Tuning exceeded vco range, _max2118_write_regs.osc_band == %d\n"
) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band);
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_max2118_read_regs.adc != 7); //just to cause a throw
if (_max2118_write_regs.osc_band >= 7) break;
_max2118_write_regs.osc_band += 1;
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: trying vco %d, vtune adc %d"
) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % int(_max2118_read_regs.adc) << std::endl;
//update vco selection and check vtune
send_reg(0x2, 0x2);
read_reg(0x0, 0x0);
//allow for setup time before checking condition again
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX: final vco %d, vtune adc %d"
) % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % int(_max2118_read_regs.adc) << std::endl;
//select charge pump bias current
if (_max2118_read_regs.adc <= 2) _max2118_write_regs.cp_current = max2118_write_regs_t::CP_CURRENT_I_CP_100UA;
else if (_max2118_read_regs.adc >= 5) _max2118_write_regs.cp_current = max2118_write_regs_t::CP_CURRENT_I_CP_400UA;
else _max2118_write_regs.cp_current = max2118_write_regs_t::CP_CURRENT_I_CP_200UA;
//update charge pump bias current setting
send_reg(0x2, 0x2);
//compute actual tuned frequency
_lo_freq = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX) / std::pow(2.0,(1 + _max2118_write_regs.r_divider)) * _max2118_write_regs.get_n_divider();
//debug output of calculated variables
<< boost::format("DBSRX tune:\n")
<< boost::format(" VCO=%d, CP=%d, PFD Freq=%fMHz\n") % int(_max2118_write_regs.osc_band) % _max2118_write_regs.cp_current % (pfd_freq/1e6)
<< boost::format(" R=%d, N=%f, scaler=%d, div2=%d\n") % R % N % scaler % int(_max2118_write_regs.div2)
<< boost::format(" Ref Freq=%fMHz\n") % (ref_clock/1e6)
<< boost::format(" Target Freq=%fMHz\n") % (target_freq/1e6)
<< boost::format(" Actual Freq=%fMHz\n") % (_lo_freq/1e6)
<< boost::format(" VCO Freq=%fMHz\n") % (vco_freq/1e6)
<< std::endl;
if (update_filter_settings) set_bandwidth(_bandwidth);
return _lo_freq;
* Gain Handling
* Convert a requested gain for the GC2 vga into the integer register value.
* The gain passed into the function will be set to the actual value.
* \param gain the requested gain in dB
* \return 5 bit the register value
static int gain_to_gc2_vga_reg(double &gain){
int reg = 0;
gain = dbsrx_gain_ranges["GC2"].clip(gain);
// Half dB steps from 0-5dB, 1dB steps from 5-24dB
if (gain < 5) {
reg = boost::math::iround(31.0 - gain/0.5);
gain = double(boost::math::iround(gain) * 0.5);
} else {
reg = boost::math::iround(22.0 - (gain - 4.0));
gain = double(boost::math::iround(gain));
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX GC2 Gain: %f dB, reg: %d"
) % gain % reg << std::endl;
return reg;
* Convert a requested gain for the GC1 rf vga into the dac_volts value.
* The gain passed into the function will be set to the actual value.
* \param gain the requested gain in dB
* \return dac voltage value
static double gain_to_gc1_rfvga_dac(double &gain){
//clip the input
gain = dbsrx_gain_ranges["GC1"].clip(gain);
//voltage level constants
static const double max_volts = 1.2, min_volts = 2.7;
static const double slope = (max_volts-min_volts)/dbsrx_gain_ranges["GC1"].stop();
//calculate the voltage for the aux dac
double dac_volts = gain*slope + min_volts;
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX GC1 Gain: %f dB, dac_volts: %f V"
) % gain % dac_volts << std::endl;
//the actual gain setting
gain = (dac_volts - min_volts)/slope;
return dac_volts;
double dbsrx::set_gain(double gain, const std::string &name){
assert_has(dbsrx_gain_ranges.keys(), name, "dbsrx gain name");
if (name == "GC2"){
_max2118_write_regs.gc2 = gain_to_gc2_vga_reg(gain);
send_reg(0x5, 0x5);
else if(name == "GC1"){
//write the new voltage to the aux dac
this->get_iface()->write_aux_dac(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX, dboard_iface::AUX_DAC_A, gain_to_gc1_rfvga_dac(gain));
_gains[name] = gain;
return gain;
* Bandwidth Handling
double dbsrx::set_bandwidth(double bandwidth){
//convert complex bandpass to lowpass bandwidth
bandwidth = bandwidth/2.0;
//clip the input
bandwidth = dbsrx_bandwidth_range.clip(bandwidth);
double ref_clock = this->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX);
//NOTE: _max2118_write_regs.m_divider set in set_lo_freq
//compute f_dac setting
_max2118_write_regs.f_dac = uhd::clip(int((((bandwidth*_max2118_write_regs.m_divider)/ref_clock) - 4)/0.145),0,127);
//determine actual bandwidth
_bandwidth = double((ref_clock/(_max2118_write_regs.m_divider))*(4+0.145*_max2118_write_regs.f_dac));
UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
"DBSRX Filter Bandwidth: %f MHz, m: %d, f_dac: %d\n"
) % (_bandwidth/1e6) % int(_max2118_write_regs.m_divider) % int(_max2118_write_regs.f_dac) << std::endl;
this->send_reg(0x3, 0x4);
//convert lowpass back to complex bandpass bandwidth
return 2.0*_bandwidth;