// Copyright 2015 Ettus Research
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "ad936x_manager.hpp"
using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
* Default values
const double ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_GAIN = 0;
const double ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH = 56e6;
const double ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_TICK_RATE = 16e6;
const double ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_FREQ = 100e6; // Hz
const uint32_t ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_DECIM = 128;
const uint32_t ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_INTERP = 128;
const bool ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_AUTO_DC_OFFSET = true;
const bool ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_AUTO_IQ_BALANCE = true;
const bool ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_AGC_ENABLE = false;
class ad936x_manager_impl : public ad936x_manager
* Structor
const ad9361_ctrl::sptr &codec_ctrl,
const size_t n_frontends
) : _codec_ctrl(codec_ctrl),
if (_n_frontends < 1 or _n_frontends > 2) {
throw uhd::runtime_error(str(
boost::format("AD936x device can only have either 1 or 2 frontends, not %d.")
% _n_frontends
for (size_t i = 1; i <= _n_frontends; i++) {
_rx_frontends.push_back(str(boost::format("RX%d") % i));
_tx_frontends.push_back(str(boost::format("TX%d") % i));
* API Calls
void init_codec()
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &rx_fe, _rx_frontends) {
_codec_ctrl->set_gain(rx_fe, DEFAULT_GAIN);
_codec_ctrl->set_bw_filter(rx_fe, DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH);
_codec_ctrl->tune(rx_fe, DEFAULT_FREQ);
_codec_ctrl->set_dc_offset_auto(rx_fe, DEFAULT_AUTO_DC_OFFSET);
_codec_ctrl->set_iq_balance_auto(rx_fe, DEFAULT_AUTO_IQ_BALANCE);
_codec_ctrl->set_agc(rx_fe, DEFAULT_AGC_ENABLE);
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &tx_fe, _tx_frontends) {
_codec_ctrl->set_gain(tx_fe, DEFAULT_GAIN);
_codec_ctrl->set_bw_filter(tx_fe, DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH);
_codec_ctrl->tune(tx_fe, DEFAULT_FREQ);
// loopback_self_test checks the integrity of the FPGA->AD936x->FPGA sample interface.
// The AD936x is put in loopback mode that sends the TX data unchanged to the RX side.
// A test value is written to the codec_idle register in the TX side of the radio.
// The readback register is then used to capture the values on the TX and RX sides
// simultaneously for comparison. It is a reasonably effective test for AC timing
// since I/Q Ch0/Ch1 alternate over the same wires. Note, however, that it uses
// whatever timing is configured at the time the test is called rather than select
// worst case conditions to stress the interface.
void loopback_self_test(
boost::function poker_functor,
boost::function peeker_functor
) {
// Put AD936x in loopback mode
UHD_MSG(status) << "Performing CODEC loopback test... " << std::flush;
size_t hash = size_t(time(NULL));
// Allow some time for AD936x to enter loopback mode.
// There is no clear statement in the documentation of how long it takes,
// but UG-570 does say to "allow six ADC_CLK/64 clock cycles of flush time"
// when leaving the TX or RX states. That works out to ~75us at the
// minimum clock rate of 5 MHz, which lines up with test results.
// Sleeping 1ms is far more than enough.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
// Create test word
boost::hash_combine(hash, i);
const boost::uint32_t word32 = boost::uint32_t(hash) & 0xfff0fff0;
// Write test word to codec_idle idle register (on TX side)
// Read back values - TX is lower 32-bits and RX is upper 32-bits
const boost::uint64_t rb_word64 = peeker_functor();
const boost::uint32_t rb_tx = boost::uint32_t(rb_word64 >> 32);
const boost::uint32_t rb_rx = boost::uint32_t(rb_word64 & 0xffffffff);
// Compare TX and RX values to test word
bool test_fail = word32 != rb_tx or word32 != rb_rx;
UHD_MSG(status) << "fail" << std::endl;
throw uhd::runtime_error("CODEC loopback test failed.");
UHD_MSG(status) << "pass" << std::endl;
// Zero out the idle data.
// Take AD936x out of loopback mode
double get_auto_tick_rate(
const double lcm_rate,
size_t num_chans
) {
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(num_chans >= 1 and num_chans <= _n_frontends);
const uhd::meta_range_t rate_range = _codec_ctrl->get_clock_rate_range();
const double min_tick_rate = rate_range.start();
const double max_tick_rate = rate_range.stop() / num_chans;
// Check if the requested rate is within available limits:
if (uhd::math::fp_compare::fp_compare_delta(lcm_rate, uhd::math::FREQ_COMPARISON_DELTA_HZ) >
uhd::math::fp_compare::fp_compare_delta(max_tick_rate, uhd::math::FREQ_COMPARISON_DELTA_HZ)) {
throw uhd::value_error(str(
boost::format("[ad936x_manager] Cannot get determine a tick rate if sampling rate exceeds maximum tick rate (%f > %f)")
% lcm_rate % max_tick_rate
// **** Choose the new rate ****
// Rules for choosing the tick rate:
// Choose a rate that is a power of 2 larger than the sampling rate,
// but at least 4. Cannot exceed the max tick rate, of course, but must
// be larger than the minimum tick rate.
// An equation that does all that is:
// f_auto = r * 2^floor(log2(f_max/r))
// = lcm_rate * multiplier
// where r is the base rate and f_max is the maximum tick rate. The case
// where floor() yields 1 must be caught.
// We use shifts here instead of 2^x because exp2() is not available in all compilers,
// also this guarantees no rounding issues. The type cast to int32_t serves as floor():
int32_t multiplier = (1 << int32_t(uhd::math::log2(max_tick_rate / lcm_rate)));
if (multiplier == 2 and lcm_rate >= min_tick_rate) {
// Don't bother (see above)
multiplier = 1;
const double new_rate = lcm_rate * multiplier;
uhd::math::fp_compare::fp_compare_delta(new_rate, uhd::math::FREQ_COMPARISON_DELTA_HZ) >=
uhd::math::fp_compare::fp_compare_delta(min_tick_rate, uhd::math::FREQ_COMPARISON_DELTA_HZ)
uhd::math::fp_compare::fp_compare_delta(new_rate, uhd::math::FREQ_COMPARISON_DELTA_HZ) <=
uhd::math::fp_compare::fp_compare_delta(max_tick_rate, uhd::math::FREQ_COMPARISON_DELTA_HZ)
return new_rate;
bool check_bandwidth(double rate, const std::string dir)
if (rate > _codec_ctrl->get_bw_filter_range(dir).stop()) {
<< "Selected " << dir << " bandwidth (" << (rate/1e6) << " MHz) exceeds\n"
<< "analog frontend filter bandwidth (" << (_codec_ctrl->get_bw_filter_range(dir).stop()/1e6) << " MHz)."
<< std::endl;
return false;
return true;
void populate_frontend_subtree(uhd::property_tree::sptr subtree, const std::string &key, uhd::direction_t dir)
// Sensors
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::get_temperature, _codec_ctrl))
if (dir == RX_DIRECTION) {
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::get_rssi, _codec_ctrl, key))
// Gains
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, ad9361_ctrl::get_gain_names(key))
subtree->create(uhd::fs_path("gains") / name / "range")
subtree->create(uhd::fs_path("gains") / name / "value")
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::set_gain, _codec_ctrl, key, _1))
// FE Settings
// Analog Bandwidths
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::set_bw_filter, _codec_ctrl, key, _1))
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::get_bw_filter_range, key))
// LO Tuning
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::get_freq, _codec_ctrl, key))
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::tune, _codec_ctrl, key, _1))
// Frontend corrections
if(dir == RX_DIRECTION)
subtree->create("dc_offset/enable" )
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::set_dc_offset_auto, _codec_ctrl, key, _1))
subtree->create("iq_balance/enable" )
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::set_iq_balance_auto, _codec_ctrl, key, _1))
// AGC setup
const std::list mode_strings = boost::assign::list_of("slow")("fast");
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind((&ad9361_ctrl::set_agc), _codec_ctrl, key, _1))
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind((&ad9361_ctrl::set_agc_mode), _codec_ctrl, key, _1)).set(mode_strings.front())
subtree->create< std::list >("gain/agc/mode/options")
// Frontend filters
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &filter_name, _codec_ctrl->get_filter_names(key)) {
subtree->create(uhd::fs_path("filters") / filter_name / "value" )
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::get_filter, _codec_ctrl, key, filter_name))
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&ad9361_ctrl::set_filter, _codec_ctrl, key, filter_name, _1));
//! Store a pointer to an actual AD936x control object
ad9361_ctrl::sptr _codec_ctrl;
//! Do we have 1 or 2 frontends?
const size_t _n_frontends;
//! List of valid RX frontend names (RX1, RX2)
std::vector _rx_frontends;
//! List of valid TX frontend names (TX1, TX2)
std::vector _tx_frontends;
}; /* class ad936x_manager_impl */
ad936x_manager::sptr ad936x_manager::make(
const ad9361_ctrl::sptr &codec_ctrl,
const size_t n_frontends
) {
return sptr(
new ad936x_manager_impl(codec_ctrl, n_frontends)