// // Copyright 2017-2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "b200_impl.hpp" #include <uhd/usrp/mboard_eeprom.hpp> #include <uhdlib/utils/eeprom_utils.hpp> #include <unordered_map> using namespace uhd; using uhd::usrp::mboard_eeprom_t; namespace { constexpr auto LOG_ID = "B2xx_EEPROM"; struct eeprom_field_t { size_t offset; size_t length; }; // EEPROM map information is duplicated in common_const.h for the // firmware and bootloader code. // EEPROM map information is duplicated in b2xx_fx3_utils.cpp constexpr uint16_t SIGNATURE_ADDR = 0x0000; constexpr size_t SIGNATURE_LENGTH = 4; constexpr auto EXPECTED_MAGIC = "45568"; // 0xB200 constexpr auto EXPECTED_COMPAT = "1"; constexpr uint32_t REV1_SIGNATURE = 0xB01A5943; constexpr uint16_t REV1_BASE_ADDR = 0x7F00; constexpr size_t REV1_LENGTH = 46; const std::unordered_map<std::string, eeprom_field_t> B200_REV1_MAP = { {"magic", {0, 2}}, {"eeprom_revision", {2, 2}}, {"eeprom_compat", {4, 2}}, {"vendor_id", {6, 2}}, {"product_id", {8, 2}}, {"revision", {10, 2}}, {"product", {12, 2}}, {"name", {14, NAME_MAX_LEN}}, {"serial", {14 + NAME_MAX_LEN, SERIAL_LEN}}, // pad of 210 bytes }; constexpr uint32_t REV0_SIGNATURE = 0xB2145943; constexpr uint16_t REV0_BASE_ADDR = 0x04DC; constexpr size_t REV0_LENGTH = 36; const std::unordered_map<std::string, eeprom_field_t> B200_REV0_MAP = { // front pad of 220 bytes {"revision", {0, 2}}, {"product", {2, 2}}, {"name", {4, NAME_MAX_LEN}}, {"serial", {4 + NAME_MAX_LEN, SERIAL_LEN}}, }; constexpr int UNKNOWN_REV = -1; int _get_rev(uhd::i2c_iface::sptr iface) { auto bytes = iface->read_eeprom(SIGNATURE_ADDR >> 8, SIGNATURE_ADDR & 0xFF, SIGNATURE_LENGTH); uint32_t signature = bytes[3] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0]; if (signature == REV0_SIGNATURE) { return 0; } else if (signature == REV1_SIGNATURE) { return 1; } else { UHD_LOG_WARNING(LOG_ID, "Unknown signature! 0x" << std::hex << signature); return UNKNOWN_REV; } } byte_vector_t _get_eeprom(uhd::i2c_iface::sptr iface) { const auto rev = _get_rev(iface); if (rev == UNKNOWN_REV) { return byte_vector_t(); } const uint16_t addr = (rev == 0) ? REV0_BASE_ADDR : REV1_BASE_ADDR; const size_t length = (rev == 0) ? REV0_LENGTH : REV1_LENGTH; return iface->read_eeprom(addr >> 8, addr & 0xFF, length); } } // namespace mboard_eeprom_t b200_impl::get_mb_eeprom(uhd::i2c_iface::sptr iface) { auto rev = _get_rev(iface); auto bytes = _get_eeprom(iface); mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom; if (rev == UNKNOWN_REV or bytes.empty()) { return mb_eeprom; } auto eeprom_map = (rev == 0) ? B200_REV0_MAP : B200_REV1_MAP; for (const auto& element : eeprom_map) { // There is an assumption here that fields of length 2 are uint16's and // lengths other than 2 are strings. Update this code if that // assumption changes. byte_vector_t element_bytes = byte_vector_t(bytes.begin() + element.second.offset, bytes.begin() + element.second.offset + element.second.length); mb_eeprom[element.first] = (element.second.length == 2) ? uint16_bytes_to_string(element_bytes) : bytes_to_string(element_bytes); } if (rev > 0) { if (mb_eeprom["magic"] != EXPECTED_MAGIC) { throw uhd::runtime_error( str(boost::format("EEPROM magic value mismatch. Device returns %s, but " "should have been %s.") % mb_eeprom["magic"] % EXPECTED_MAGIC)); } if (mb_eeprom["eeprom_compat"] != EXPECTED_COMPAT) { throw uhd::runtime_error( str(boost::format("EEPROM compat value mismatch. Device returns %s, but " "should have been %s.") % mb_eeprom["eeprom_compat"] % EXPECTED_COMPAT)); } } return mb_eeprom; } void b200_impl::set_mb_eeprom(const mboard_eeprom_t& mb_eeprom) { const auto rev = _get_rev(_iface); auto eeprom_map = (rev == 0) ? B200_REV0_MAP : B200_REV1_MAP; auto base_addr = (rev == 0) ? REV0_BASE_ADDR : REV1_BASE_ADDR; for (const auto& key : mb_eeprom.keys()) { if (eeprom_map.find(key) == eeprom_map.end()) { UHD_LOG_WARNING( LOG_ID, "Unknown key in mb_eeprom during set_mb_eeprom: " << key); continue; } // There is an assumption here that fields of length 2 are uint16's and // lengths other than 2 are strings. Update this code if that // assumption changes. auto field = eeprom_map.at(key); auto bytes = (field.length == 2) ? string_to_uint16_bytes(mb_eeprom[key]) : string_to_bytes(mb_eeprom[key], field.length); _iface->write_eeprom(base_addr >> 8, (base_addr & 0xFF) + field.offset, bytes); } }