// Copyright 2014-2015 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "b200_iface.hpp"
#include "b200_impl.hpp"
#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
#include <uhd/image_loader.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/dict.hpp>
#include <uhd/usrp/mboard_eeprom.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/paths.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <boost/assign.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
using namespace uhd::transport;

namespace uhd {

static b200_iface::sptr get_b200_iface(
    const image_loader::image_loader_args_t& image_loader_args,
    mboard_eeprom_t& mb_eeprom,
    usb_device_handle::sptr& handle,
    bool user_specified)
    std::vector<usb_device_handle::sptr> dev_handles =
    std::vector<usb_device_handle::sptr> applicable_dev_handles;
    b200_iface::sptr iface;
    mboard_eeprom_t eeprom; // Internal use

    if (dev_handles.size() > 0) {
        for (usb_device_handle::sptr dev_handle : dev_handles) {
            if (dev_handle->firmware_loaded()) {
                iface  = b200_iface::make(usb_control::make(dev_handle, 0));
                eeprom = b200_impl::get_mb_eeprom(iface);
                if (user_specified) {
                    if (image_loader_args.args.has_key("serial")
                        and eeprom.get("serial")
                                != image_loader_args.args.get("serial")) {
                    if (image_loader_args.args.has_key("name")
                        and eeprom.get("name") != image_loader_args.args.get("name")) {
                } else

        // At this point, we should have a single B2XX
        if (applicable_dev_handles.size() == 1) {
            mb_eeprom = eeprom;
            handle    = applicable_dev_handles[0];
            return iface;
        } else if (applicable_dev_handles.size() > 1) {
            std::string err_msg =
                "Could not resolve given args to a single B2XX device.\n"
                "Applicable devices:\n";

            for (usb_device_handle::sptr dev_handle : applicable_dev_handles) {
                eeprom = b200_impl::get_mb_eeprom(
                    b200_iface::make(usb_control::make(dev_handle, 0)));
                err_msg += str(
                    boost::format(" * %s (serial=%s)\n")
                    % B2XX_STR_NAMES.get(get_b200_product(dev_handle, mb_eeprom), "B2XX")
                    % mb_eeprom.get("serial"));

            err_msg += "\nSpecify one of these devices with the given args to load an "
                       "image onto it.";

            throw uhd::runtime_error(err_msg);

    // No applicable devices found, return empty sptr so we can exit
    mb_eeprom = eeprom;
    return iface;

static bool b200_image_loader(const image_loader::image_loader_args_t& image_loader_args)
    if (!image_loader_args.load_fpga)
        return false;

    bool user_specified = (image_loader_args.args.has_key("serial")
                           or image_loader_args.args.has_key("name"));

    // See if a B2x0 with the given args is found
    mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom;
    usb_device_handle::sptr handle;
    b200_iface::sptr iface =
        get_b200_iface(image_loader_args, mb_eeprom, handle, user_specified);
    if (!iface)
        return false; // No initialized B2x0 found

    std::string fpga_path;
    if (image_loader_args.fpga_path == "") {
         * Normally, we can auto-generate the FPGA filename from what's in the EEPROM,
         * but if the applicable value is not in the EEPROM, the user must give a specific
         * filename for us to use.
        std::string product = mb_eeprom.get("product");
        if (not B2XX_PRODUCT_ID.has_key(boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(product))) {
            if (user_specified) {
                // The user specified a bad device but expects us to know what it is
                throw uhd::runtime_error("Could not determine model. You must manually "
                                         "specify an FPGA image filename.");
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            fpga_path = find_image_path(
                B2XX_FPGA_FILE_NAME.get(get_b200_product(handle, mb_eeprom)));
    } else
        fpga_path = image_loader_args.fpga_path;

    std::cout << boost::format("Unit: USRP %s (%s)")
                     % B2XX_STR_NAMES.get(get_b200_product(handle, mb_eeprom), "B2XX")
                     % mb_eeprom.get("serial")
              << std::endl;

    iface->load_fpga(fpga_path, true);

    return true;

    std::string recovery_instructions =
        "This device is likely in an unusable state. Power-cycle the\n"
        "device, and the firmware/FPGA will be reloaded the next time\n"
        "UHD uses the device.";

    image_loader::register_image_loader("b200", b200_image_loader, recovery_instructions);

} /* namespace uhd */