// // Copyright 2012,2015 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "fifo_ctrl_excelsior.hpp" #include <uhd/exception.hpp> #include <uhd/transport/bounded_buffer.hpp> #include <uhd/transport/vrt_if_packet.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/byteswap.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/safe_call.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/tasks.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/thread.hpp> #include <uhdlib/usrp/common/async_packet_handler.hpp> #include <mutex> using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::usrp; using namespace uhd::transport; static const size_t POKE32_CMD = (1 << 8); static const size_t PEEK32_CMD = 0; static const double ACK_TIMEOUT = 0.5; static const double MASSIVE_TIMEOUT = 10.0; // for when we wait on a timed command static const uint32_t MAX_SEQS_OUT = 15; #define SPI_DIV _config.spi_base + 0 #define SPI_CTRL _config.spi_base + 4 #define SPI_DATA _config.spi_base + 8 #define SPI_DIVIDER 4 struct ctrl_result_t { uint32_t msg[2]; }; class fifo_ctrl_excelsior_impl : public fifo_ctrl_excelsior { public: fifo_ctrl_excelsior_impl( zero_copy_if::sptr xport, const fifo_ctrl_excelsior_config& config) : _xport(xport) , _config(config) , _seq_out(0) , _seq_ack(0) , _timeout(ACK_TIMEOUT) , _async_fifo(1000) , _ctrl_fifo(MAX_SEQS_OUT + 1) { while (_xport->get_recv_buff(0.0)) { } // flush this->set_time(uhd::time_spec_t(0.0)); this->set_tick_rate(1.0); // something possible but bogus _msg_task = task::make([this]() { this->handle_msg(); }); this->init_spi(); } ~fifo_ctrl_excelsior_impl(void) { _timeout = ACK_TIMEOUT; // reset timeout to something small UHD_SAFE_CALL( this->peek32(0); // dummy peek with the purpose of ack'ing all packets ) } bool pop_async_msg(async_metadata_t& async_metadata, double timeout) { return _async_fifo.pop_with_timed_wait(async_metadata, timeout); } void handle_msg(void) { managed_recv_buffer::sptr buff = _xport->get_recv_buff(); if (not buff) return; const uint32_t* pkt = buff->cast<const uint32_t*>(); vrt::if_packet_info_t packet_info; packet_info.num_packet_words32 = buff->size() / sizeof(uint32_t); try { vrt::if_hdr_unpack_le(pkt, packet_info); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("UHD") << "FIFO ctrl bad VITA packet: " << ex.what(); } if (packet_info.has_sid and packet_info.sid == _config.ctrl_sid_base) { ctrl_result_t res = ctrl_result_t(); res.msg[0] = uhd::wtohx(pkt[packet_info.num_header_words32 + 0]); res.msg[1] = uhd::wtohx(pkt[packet_info.num_header_words32 + 1]); _ctrl_fifo.push_with_haste(res); } else if (packet_info.has_sid and packet_info.sid >= _config.async_sid_base and packet_info.sid <= _config.async_sid_base + _config.num_async_chan) { async_metadata_t metadata; load_metadata_from_buff(uhd::wtohx<uint32_t>, metadata, packet_info, pkt, _tick_rate, packet_info.sid - _config.async_sid_base); _async_fifo.push_with_pop_on_full(metadata); standard_async_msg_prints(metadata); } else { UHD_LOGGER_ERROR("UHD") << "FIFO ctrl got unknown SID: " << packet_info.sid; } } /******************************************************************* * Peek and poke 32 bit implementation ******************************************************************/ void poke32(const wb_addr_type addr, const uint32_t data) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); this->send_pkt(addr, data, POKE32_CMD); this->wait_for_ack(_seq_out - MAX_SEQS_OUT); } uint32_t peek32(const wb_addr_type addr) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); this->send_pkt(addr, 0, PEEK32_CMD); return this->wait_for_ack(_seq_out); } /******************************************************************* * Peek and poke 16 bit not implemented ******************************************************************/ void poke16(const wb_addr_type, const uint16_t) { throw uhd::not_implemented_error("poke16 not implemented in fifo ctrl module"); } uint16_t peek16(const wb_addr_type) { throw uhd::not_implemented_error("peek16 not implemented in fifo ctrl module"); } /******************************************************************* * FIFO controlled SPI implementation ******************************************************************/ void init_spi(void) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); this->send_pkt(SPI_DIV, SPI_DIVIDER, POKE32_CMD); this->wait_for_ack(_seq_out - MAX_SEQS_OUT); _ctrl_word_cache = 0; // force update first time around } uint32_t transact_spi(int which_slave, const spi_config_t& config, uint32_t data, size_t num_bits, bool readback) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); // load control word uint32_t ctrl_word = 0; ctrl_word |= ((which_slave & 0xffffff) << 0); ctrl_word |= ((num_bits & 0x3ff) << 24); if (config.mosi_edge == spi_config_t::EDGE_FALL) ctrl_word |= (1 << 31); if (config.miso_edge == spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE) ctrl_word |= (1 << 30); // load data word (must be in upper bits) const uint32_t data_out = data << (32 - num_bits); // conditionally send control word if (_ctrl_word_cache != ctrl_word) { this->send_pkt(SPI_CTRL, ctrl_word, POKE32_CMD); this->wait_for_ack(_seq_out - MAX_SEQS_OUT); _ctrl_word_cache = ctrl_word; } // send data word this->send_pkt(SPI_DATA, data_out, POKE32_CMD); this->wait_for_ack(_seq_out - MAX_SEQS_OUT); // conditional readback if (readback) { this->send_pkt(_config.spi_rb, 0, PEEK32_CMD); return this->wait_for_ack(_seq_out); } return 0; } /******************************************************************* * Update methods for time ******************************************************************/ void set_time(const uhd::time_spec_t& time) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); _time = time; _use_time = _time != uhd::time_spec_t(0.0); if (_use_time) _timeout = MASSIVE_TIMEOUT; // permanently sets larger timeout } uhd::time_spec_t get_time(void) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); return _time; } void set_tick_rate(const double rate) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); _tick_rate = rate; } private: /******************************************************************* * Primary control and interaction private methods ******************************************************************/ UHD_INLINE void send_pkt(wb_addr_type addr, uint32_t data, int cmd) { managed_send_buffer::sptr buff = _xport->get_send_buff(); if (not buff) { throw uhd::runtime_error("fifo ctrl timed out getting a send buffer"); } uint32_t* pkt = buff->cast<uint32_t*>(); // load packet info vrt::if_packet_info_t packet_info; packet_info.packet_type = vrt::if_packet_info_t::PACKET_TYPE_CONTEXT; packet_info.num_payload_words32 = 2; packet_info.num_payload_bytes = packet_info.num_payload_words32 * sizeof(uint32_t); packet_info.packet_count = ++_seq_out; packet_info.tsf = _time.to_ticks(_tick_rate); packet_info.sob = false; packet_info.eob = false; packet_info.has_sid = false; packet_info.has_cid = false; packet_info.has_tsi = false; packet_info.has_tsf = _use_time; packet_info.has_tlr = false; // load header vrt::if_hdr_pack_le(pkt, packet_info); // load payload const uint32_t ctrl_word = (addr / 4 & 0xff) | cmd | (_seq_out << 16); pkt[packet_info.num_header_words32 + 0] = uhd::htowx(ctrl_word); pkt[packet_info.num_header_words32 + 1] = uhd::htowx(data); // send the buffer over the interface buff->commit(sizeof(uint32_t) * (packet_info.num_packet_words32)); } UHD_INLINE bool wraparound_lt16(const int16_t i0, const int16_t i1) { if (((i0 ^ i1) & 0x8000) == 0) // same sign bits return uint16_t(i0) < uint16_t(i1); return int16_t(i1 - i0) > 0; } UHD_INLINE uint32_t wait_for_ack(const uint16_t seq_to_ack) { while (wraparound_lt16(_seq_ack, seq_to_ack)) { ctrl_result_t res = ctrl_result_t(); if (not _ctrl_fifo.pop_with_timed_wait(res, _timeout)) { throw uhd::runtime_error("fifo ctrl timed out looking for acks"); } _seq_ack = res.msg[0] >> 16; if (_seq_ack == seq_to_ack) return res.msg[1]; } return 0; } zero_copy_if::sptr _xport; const fifo_ctrl_excelsior_config _config; std::mutex _mutex; uint16_t _seq_out; uint16_t _seq_ack; uhd::time_spec_t _time; bool _use_time; double _tick_rate; double _timeout; uint32_t _ctrl_word_cache; bounded_buffer<async_metadata_t> _async_fifo; bounded_buffer<ctrl_result_t> _ctrl_fifo; task::sptr _msg_task; }; fifo_ctrl_excelsior::sptr fifo_ctrl_excelsior::make( zero_copy_if::sptr xport, const fifo_ctrl_excelsior_config& config) { return sptr(new fifo_ctrl_excelsior_impl(xport, config)); }